

by totallynotabrony

Chapter 2

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“Land ho!”

Shining glanced up from studying a map of Port Talon. One of the ship’s crew popped his head into Shining’s office. “We’ll be there in about an hour, Captain Armor.”

Getting up, Shining stretched. The trip had been longer than he would have liked, but at least it was at an end and they could soon get started on finding Hookbeak.

Leaving the office, he passed by the ship’s gym where Rough Ride and Cyrus were busy pumping iron. Other than their love of fitness, the two were almost nothing alike.

Rough was perhaps the bulkiest unicorn Shining had ever seen. He was a very competent squad manager, but was happy with his current position and had no aspirations to higher leadership. Initially he was reluctant to partake in the expedition, concerned about his ailing mother, but she must have convinced him to go. He was now with the team and committed to the job.

Cyrus had joined the Guard soon after the Crystal Empire reappeared. Obviously, his manner was a bit old fashioned and he wasn’t very good with technology. He was very good at weapons handling, although his manner was more like a big teddy bear and he had no qualms about hugging. Despite his size, he was a bit of a picky eater and protested the sailor chow they had been served during the trip.

Walking further, Shining passed through the quarters where Hound Dog, Pikop Andropov, and Ace were lounging.

Hound Dog, called “Puppy” because of his canine cutie mark, was a brown on brown earth pony with a knack for working with animals. He was generally easygoing and playful like his name. Puppy was shooting the breeze with Pikop about their destination.

“Port Talon isn’t a terrible city,” Pikop was saying, “although not my choice for vacation in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Pikop had done a lot of free-spirited traveling before joining the guard, where his excellent sense of direction had come in handy. His cutie mark featured both kinds of compass - the one for finding heading and the one for drawing a circle. His coat was burgundy and his mane was yellow with a single black streak through it.

Ace appeared disinterested in the conversation, turning away to run a hoof through his black and green mane and preen a few green feathers. Shining had observed that he wasn’t an easy pony to get along with, but not a troublemaker. His cutie mark was a martial arts belt, and he had received top marks for unarmed combat.

In the intelligence office, Shining found the staff setting up their equipment. Magnifier , Dim Sun, and Soft Touch were getting prepared to start their jobs immediately upon arriving.

As Mag quietly hung maps and organized paperwork, Dim was arranging a chemistry set that looked a lot like her test tube cutie mark. Shining had heard she joined the Guard after tracking down her mother’s killer. Her work was certainly good enough to have matched evidence to a perpetrator.

Soft had some papers to review, including those on griffon psychological notes. She was well practiced at emotions and empathy. She sometimes seemed disconnected, but was always able to find something in common with others, hence her Venn diagram cutie mark.

Dim and Soft were both grey unicorn mares, although Soft’s mane was white while Dim’s mane was mauve and she wore glasses.

Shining headed up to the deck. There was a nice breeze and he could see the coast drawing closer.

Overhead, Skydancer was instructing Flash Sentry on a few flight intricacies. Shining could hear her barking Manehattan accent, the volume and tone left over from her days as a drill instructor. She’d also been a Wonderbolt, and sometimes Shining wondered what she was doing in the Royal Guard.

The first time Shining had met Flash, the junior Guard made an embarrassment of the organization’s standards by forgetting his uniformity spell right as Shining’s sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was visiting. While everypony else was cloaked in a modest white or grey, Flash had drawn attention like a Las Pegasus neon sign with his bright orange coat. At least his shield cutie mark indicated that perhaps he wasn’t totally incompetent. Skydancer had requested that he be brought along for more training. Shining had decided that it was a good idea so he could keep a closer eye on Flash.

Standing on deck, Airborne watched the aerial exercises with a bit of concern on his face. He was a bit concerned about everything, it seemed, but especially health. Airborne read medical journals cover to cover, usually learning about some new disease to keep him up at night. Because of this, however, he was a very fine medic. He even looked a bit like a bandage, being colored khaki with a white mane and white cross cutie mark.

Shining turned to look towards the city again. He could make out individual buildings now, especially a tall lighthouse. Port Talon was built at the mouth of the Talon River. There was sheltered berthing a short distance up the river, and that was where the ship was headed.

A pair of griffons appeared above the skyline, headed in the direction of the ship. Shining watched as they drew closer. One was female and svelte, colored mostly white. The other was grizzled and sturdy, charcoal grey with white feathers around his head.

The young female made to land on the ship, but the other griffon put out a foreleg to stop her. He called, “Request permission to come aboard.”

Shining waved them in. “Come on.”

Both visitors touched down on the deck and the white griffon offered a shake and a smile. “Hello, I am Báistí, representative of the Port Talon city council. If there’s anything I can do to help while you’re staying with us, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Shining finished shaking with her and engaged the other griffon. Up close, he saw that this one wore a badge. The griffon said, “My name is Stormfeather. I’m the Port Talon Police liaison working this case.”

“If you don’t mind me saying, you look like you’ve seen a lot more than just police work,” Shining observed.

Stormfeather looked mildly surprised. “Yes, actually. I was an Admiral of the Griffon Empire airship service before I retired and became a cop. It keeps me busy, even with the drop in rank.”

“Well sir, I’ll call you Admiral if you like. It’s good to meet you.” Shining turned to Báistí. “I wasn’t expecting someone from the city council.”

“I’m not here in an official capacity,” she explained. “I don’t have any duties to perform. Mostly I’d just like to see things go smoothly.”

“I appreciate it.” Shining nodded. “Why don’t the two of you come with me and meet our team?”

He led them on a tour of the spaces aboard the ship, introducing Guards along the way. Shining made sure to highlight the things he thought would impress Stormfeather, but politely answered any questions Báistí had. To make the job easier, it was important not to ruffle any figurative feathers among their hosts.

“Where did you get this ship?” Stormfeather asked. “It looks military.”

“It’s ex-Navy,” Shining replied.

Stormfeather considered it and then shrugged. “I suppose it won’t draw a lot of attention. Surplus vessels are put into service all the time. However, you may want to add a little decoration just to make sure no one gets suspicious.”

Shining nodded. He heard the sailors calling back and forth as the ship entered the river and headed for a berthing. He turned back to the two griffons. “Now that we’re here, do you have any leads for us to begin with?”

“A very good one, actually,” said Stormfeather as the ship docked and tied up. “A few days ago, we located a small utility boat that we believe belongs to Hookbeak’s outfit. You can have a look aboard. It’s moored just down the line from here.”

“Is that it?” Shining asked, a slight touch of annoyance in his voice.

Stormfeather caught the tone and replied in kind. “If you’ll recall, the Griffon Kingdom has no reason to be investigating Hookbeak. This boat is only in police custody because it was found abandoned, not because it’s a crime scene. I didn’t have to mention it at all.”

Shining held up a hoof. “All right, thank you. We’ll look into it.”

He stuck his head into the intelligence spaces. “We’ve got a boat to investigate. Stormfeather here knows more.”

Mag nodded in reply. “I’ll have Dim get on it.”

Stormfeather waited until Dim had packed her forensic kit and went with her down to the boat. Báistí stayed behind, and while Shining waited for results from searching the boat, he engaged her in conversation.

“So what’s Port Talon like?” Shining asked.

“Well, it’s not perfect, but no city is. When I heard we might have pirates hiding among us, I could hardly believe it.” Báistí seemed emphatic. “I’ve lived here all my life. I know the city by heart, as well as many of the residents. I just want to help everyone. It’s a shame that our government doesn’t want to do anything about the pirates.”

“Well, from what I understand, they aren’t causing trouble here.” Shining shrugged. “Maybe your government could get them for money laundering or tax evasion or something?”

“Hmm, I’ll mention that to Stormfeather,” Báistí decided. “He’s the one with the badge; the only one who can actually do something about that. He also told me that he has arrest authority, but you and your team don’t because you’re foreign.”

Shining knew that. The Equestrian Royal Guard had come to Port Talon as guests and had no jurisdiction there. That’s why they needed a liaison like Stormfeather—to actually make the arrests. It was very inconvenient. For example, if the Guard were to conduct a raid on a suspected pirate, Stormfeather had to be there.

Dim came back from investigating the pirate boat a short while later with all the evidence she had gathered. Apparently, it was a small boat. Shining called the team together and Dim gave a presentation on what she had found.

Consulting a small list she had made, Dim began. “The boat had a neat hole drilled in the bottom as if it were supposed to sink. A concerned citizen discovered it half underwater and brought it back to safe harbor. The description of the boat was a possible match to a vessel used in a pirate hijacking, which is why Admiral Stormfeather brought it to our attention.

“Aboard, I found a waterlogged scrap of paper. I’ve got some spells working on restoring the printing on it. There was a broken radio used for two-way communication. Also, there were some Nougat Yummies candy wrappers scattered around. If there was anything else that could be considered evidence, it was either removed before the attempted sinking or too waterlogged for me to use.”

Shining frowned. That was not a lot of evidence to consider. He looked around the room. “Opinions?”

“Based on the fact that someone reported a boat matching that description engaging in piracy, and the fact that the boat was intentionally scuttled, I’d say it’s very likely that it is indeed a pirate boat,” Stormfeather put forward. “Why they decided to sink it remains a mystery, but perhaps because they knew it had been spotted. If that’s the case, I would say it’s likely that nothing left aboard is of any use because they didn’t want anyone to find evidence that could be traced to them.”

“It’s something to keep in mind,” Shining agreed, “but I’ll wait for the evidence to pan out before deciding its value. They may have taken everything they thought was incriminating, but maybe we’ll get lucky. Criminals often don’t get where they are by thinking.

Stormfeather shrugged. He’d given his opinion and didn’t appear to care if Shining took it to heart.

“What can you tell us about the radio?” asked Pikop.

“It was a pretty new one,” Dim replied, “so I don’t think it was broken a long time before the boat was abandoned. I would say that the pirates probably used it for talking to each other.”

“Can we track something like that?” asked Rough.

Dim frowned. “Well, maybe. We know the frequencies that the radio could operate on, but that’s a pretty wide range. If we knew what specific channels they used, we might be able to listen in.”

“The air team could do collections,” Skydancer put in. “We have gear capable of direction finding. A couple of us working together might be able to triangulate a location.”

“Where did the candy come from?” Cyrus asked.

“The wrappers said ‘Silver’s Sweets,’” Dim told him.

“That’s a candy shop in town run by a griffon named Silver,” Báistí said. “I know where it is.”

There was a small ding from a timer Dim had set. She turned around and gently lifted a wrinkled piece of paper. “It looks like I managed to restore the document.”

She squinted at it and adjusted her glasses. “It’s a shipping manifest. Someone named Mr. Thrift received fifty bushels.”

For a moment, the room fell into silence. Ace broke it. “Fifty bushels of what?”

“It doesn’t say.” Dim turned to Báistí. “Do you know anyone named Mr. Thrift?”

“If he has a business, I can look him up in the town registry,” Báistí replied. She quickly left.

The rest of the group continued to talk over the evidence for the next hour. Mag had been keeping notes and summarized it all. “We have clues that point to Silver and someone named Mr. Thrift. Perhaps through interrogating them we could find out more. We also have an indication that the pirates are using radios to communicate. If we learn their channels, we can overhear and possibly find them.”

Just then, Báistí returned. “I found Mr. Thrift. He runs a farm store located on Princess Avian Avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets.”

Mag added the location to his notes and updated the city map. He also penciled in Silver’s Sweets, which Báistí said was on the other side of the city, at the corner of Beaked Boulevard and C Street. Mag paused to consider the overall picture and then turned to Shining. “How would you like to proceed, Captain?”

Shining mulled over the evidence for a moment. “What's your opinion, Mag?”

“I would think it wise to talk to both Silver and Mr. Thrift,” Mag replied. “Soft is our best interrogator, but she can’t be in two places at once. We can either send her to one place today and the other tomorrow, or send her to one place now and get somepony less qualified to conduct a simultaneous interrogation. Of course, if you decide that one griffon or the other isn’t important we could just skip them.”

Shining nodded. “Does anyone else have something to add?”

“I, and the rest of the police, can’t be everywhere at once,” Stormfeather cautioned. “If you decide to arrest someone, call me first. You can’t legally detain anyone until I arrive. Also, I would recommend that you don’t send any of your ponies out alone. No telling how hostile these pirates might be if they figure out who you are.”

Báistí spoke up. “When I was at the courthouse looking up records, the mayor asked me to invite you, Captain, as well as three of your associates to dinner. I think he intended to meet your Lieutenant and two Sergeants. Showing up would be a sign of good faith and may make the mayor more agreeable to providing support.”

“Don’t forget the air and ground teams,” Skydancer added. “I know we can’t do anything targeted until we have more evidence, but surely we can do something. Going around the city and getting familiar, at the very least.”

Shining nodded, taking it all in. Allocating resources to everything simultaneously would be difficult. While they might want to leave somepony at the ship for just-in-case purposes, the sailors should be fine being left alone by themselves. He remembered what Stormfeather had said about perhaps camouflaging the ship.

The weight of leadership bore down on Shining. “All right everypony, here’s what we’re going to do.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 29 Minutes
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