
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

by MyHobby

Chapter 38: Awake, O Sleeper

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Blueblood felt the world shift beneath his hooves. Soon after, the world around him exploded.

Lightning coursed through the ground, slid up the walls, and licked at the ceiling. A great groan rose from the hallways, like a giant that got the wind knocked out of its lungs. The clank of chains mingled with the shriek of monsters as the Nightmares sent up a cheer.

Blueblood looked at Bluebones. Bluebones clutched at his chest and fell to the side. Blueblood sighed.

“Oh, dash it all.”

A black wave overtook them as the Nightmares flowed out of their cells and into the central chamber. Blueblood fired a quick, weak blast from his horn and clipped a Bête Noire in the ear. The Nightmare continued to rush for the exit.

A face flashed in Blueblood’s mind’s eye. His father’s face, disapproving of his every action. He shook his head and the image disappeared.

Bluebones dragged himself to the wall, away from the center of the room. His horn lit as he tried to speak. “Blueblood! Get yourself to the edge, boy!”

Blueblood stood atop the compass star embedded into the floor. He kicked at a nearby Night Terror. A feeling of loneliness gripped his heart and was gone in an instant. “What? Why?”

“Because they’re loose!” Bluebones broke into a coughing fit. He steadied himself by pressing his legs against the wall. “The oath is broken!”

Blueblood frowned. He fought against his adrenaline as he searched his memories for the exact wording. “Thou rotten beast, restrained for now—Who battles won and heroes cowed—Who led the Nightmares in their war—Be ye restrained forevermore.”

Blueblood fired a blast at a Phantasm. A flicker of a memory, where he hid behind a cake-splattered Rarity, shot through his veins. He bit back a shout. “It’s talking about… Scorpan.”

“And what happens when the Nightmares are freed, boy!?”

“As long as life flows through my bones—This Sleeping Mountain shall be your home.” Blueblood swallowed as bile rose from his stomach. “As long as Nightmares in iron lie—Shackles hold back every sigh.”

The ground shook again. The sound of metal straining came from beneath. “Chained to make all ponies free…”

Blueblood looked down as cracks appeared across the compass rose. “The prisoners here: You and me.”

Bluebones slumped to the ground as heat burst through the cracks.

The stones on the ground splintered and cracked as a mighty forced shoved them aside. Bat-like wings flapped as the rubble tumbled down into the depths of Tartarus. A jagged horn glowed as it ripped the rose apart. Manic, wrong eyes searched for something to hurt.

Scorpan wagged a leg as his chains tumbled down into the pit. “You are both idiots. To cast a spell that linked the Nightmares’ imprisonment to mine? Foolhardy!”

The entire mountain trembled. Scorpan looked down and laughed. “Even now, the Sleeping Mountain awakens! The Nightmares and we are not the only prisoners here!”

“Bluebones!” Charity ran into the chamber, her wings flapping as she ran. “There was a sound and the doors opened— No!”

Scorpan smiled as brightly as he could. His enlarged canine teeth made it loop right back around to wicked. “My dearest Charity! Thank you. Without you, none of this would be possible.”

Charity dropped to her belly and covered her face with her wings. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

Bluebones clawed his way across the misshapen floor. “Without you, none of this would ’ave ’appened, Scorpan!”

Scorpan pursed his lips into a tight smile. “Too true. And without you, none of us would be here.”

Bluebones struggled to his hooves. “You get down off your high horse and face me pony to pony, you mongrel!”

Scorpan dipped his head in a bow. His horn lit up blood red. “No.”

Two boulders shot across the room and smashed together, with Bluebones in the middle.

“Grandfather!” Blueblood jumped into the air and fired a blast at Scorpan. The Wrong Alicorn dodged easily. He grasped the young alicorn in a strong bloody glow and flung him towards where Bluebones lay. The freed prisoner wailed with laughter.

Blueblood shook his mane free of dust. He blinked until his doubled vision cleared up.

Bluebones lay in a crumpled heap before him. The skeletal unicorn’s head lay cradled in Charity’s forelegs. His horn glowed a weak blue as he tried to speak. “Buh— Buh—”

“Congratulations, Bluebones,” Scorpan laughed. “You are free from the curse! Enjoy the last thirty seconds of your life!”

Blueblood rushed up to his great grandfather’s side. “What does he mean? What does he—?”

“It literally—” Bluebones’ horn flickered, briefly cutting off his speech. “It literally says that oi can’t die.”

Charity shut her eyes tight and recited.

“Neither life nor death
Shall victory bring
Neither love nor friendship
Shall hold relief
A prisoner here
As long as time
Dead to the world”

She sniffed. “He can’t die, because death would be a relief. Don’t die, Bluebones! You can’t!”

Bluebones lifted a fractured leg. He ran his hoof across Charity’s cheek. “Oi can’t help it.”


Blueblood lifted his head at the sound of his name. Twilight Sparkle ran into the room, a grin on her face. “I’m so glad you’re alright!”

Discord followed close behind her. He was changed; he wore heavy armor, and his eyes burned with hatred and triumph. He lifted his arms. “To freedom, my Nightmares! The world awaits pure terror!” He slithered through the air towards Scorpan’s rapid flaps.

A wave of fear flowed towards the front door.

Scorpan smirked as he eyed Nightmare Entropy. “Shadowfright, I presume.”

“Prince Scorpan,” Nightmare Entropy said. “It is an honor to finally meet.”

“And the plan?” Scorpan watched Twilight run towards Blueblood out of the corner of his eye. “It will proceed like we agreed?”

“To the letter.” Nightmare Entropy chuckled. “Even the princesses will be here. Both of them.”

“Excellent!” Scorpan tilted his horn at Twilight. “And the girl?”

“Well, you know how it is…” Nightmare Entropy snorted. “Now that she’s finished her job, she can play the part of scapegoat.”

Scorpan giggled. His giggles rose to guffaws. His reddish-green eyes twitched. “Then let’s get the party started, shall we?”

“Indeed,” Nightmare Entropy said as he vanished in a flash.

Twilight nearly tackled Blueblood to the ground with her strong embrace. “I was so afraid this wouldn’t work! I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you!”

“Twilight!” Blueblood pushed her away. He stumbled back as his eyes ran across her midnight coat, her dark mane, and her reptilian eyes. “You didn’t do this! You didn’t! Tell me you didn’t!”

Twilight Sparkle tilted her head. She looked at Blueblood as though he was mad. “What do you mean? Of course I did! I told you I’d get you free!”

“You just unleashed a horde of Nightmares on the world!” Blueblood pointed to Scorpan. “You freed an insane alicorn warlord!” He stomped a hoof. “Our friends are all in danger, Twilight!”

“Blueblood!” Bluebones gasped. He scraped a hoof against his ribs as his marrow burned. “Blueblood!”

Blueblood rushed past a silent Twilight. He bent down, bringing his head level with his grandfather’s. “Hold on. Don’t try to—”

“Don’t… you dare… say ‘don’t try to talk’!” Bluebones prodded his grandson’s chest. “Oi’m… havin’ moi say!”

Bluebones wheezed. “Wot… ever happens… Stand, boy. Stand! No matter what!”

Blueblood took Bluebones’ hoof in his. “Of course I will. Of course!”

“Stand for the ponies!” Bluebones’ voice cracked. “Stand for what’s right!”

He rolled into a ball as a jolt of pain ran through his body. “Stand where oi fell...”

Bluebones screamed. As he screamed, his body changed. First, his bones were covered with pink. White hair grew all across his legs and torso. His head grew a long, blond mane. Blue eyes looked into Blueblood’s. A strong hoof gripped the prince’s own. Bluebones wheezed.

A tear rolled down Bluebones’ fleshy cheek.

“The curse…” Charity sobbed. “The curse is broken!”

Bluebones gasped as air filled his lungs for the first time in four-hundred years. “Blueblood!”

The reborn unicorn stallion wept. Bursts of pain tore at his legs, his chest, and his head. He coughed as liquid filled his lungs. “Oi don’t—” He choked. “Oi don’t wanna die! Oi don’t wanna die!”

His legs whipped around, battering Charity and Blueblood. “Oi won’t die! Oi won’t!”

His eyes met Charity’s. He sniffed. “Oi don’t wanna leave.”

Charity bent down and pressed her lips against his. She drew back and wiped her nose. “We can dream, Bluebones. We can dream one more time.”

Tears dripped from Bluebones’ chin. “Oi want to.”

Charity gazed up at Blueblood. “Please, just watch us for a moment? Please, just guard our dream. Just for a minute?”

Blueblood cast a quick look around the room. The Nightmares had left, Discord was missing, Scorpan had flown back into the pit, and Twilight stared into nothingness. “I have to… help. I have to help my friends.”

He swallowed hard. “And… I suppose that includes you, Grandfather.”

Bluebones cried. Tears fell unabashedly from his eyes. His shoulders shook. “Oi’m… proud of you… Son.”

Bluebones and Charity fell asleep. Blueblood stood still for a moment, his mouth hanging open. A lump stuck firmly in his throat.

He turned to Twilight.

Bluebones sat in a field. He felt Charity’s side move against his as she breathed. The pain was gone. He felt life in his limbs. He felt the breeze in his mane.

He watched snowflakes fall.

“I never meant for this,” Charity said. “I wanted the curse broken so that you could be free, too.”

“It was moi own stupid idea to go it alone.” Bluebones blinked back the tears that welled up in his eyes. “Moi own stupid idea to take all the responsibility moiself. And moi whole family paid.”

Her forelegs wrapped around his. “And now Blueblood’s got to clean it up,” Bluebones said.

She nuzzled the bottom of his chin. “I’m sorry.”

“Oi am, too.” Bluebones sucked in a breath that turned into a sob half-way down. “Oi’m sorry for the part oi paid in tearin’ everything apart. Oi’m sorry for not bein’ honest.”

He lowered his head to the ground. “Oi’m sorry for how bad it got.”

Charity looked at his body. He had grown paler, dimmer. “Let’s not talk about that.”

“Then wot we gonna talk about?”

“What we’ll do while we dream.”

Bluebones laughed. He ran his hoof across his eyes. “First, oi wanna build a snowpony.”

Charity giggled. She could see through Bluebones. A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye. “A unicorn with a carrot for a horn?”

“Naw.” Bluebones nuzzled behind her ear. “A bat pony. For you.”

“I’m flattered,” she managed to gasp. “I… then what?”

“Snowcones.” He tapped a clear hoof against a single blade of grass that rose above the snow cover. “Raspberry flavor for me. You have a favorite?”

“Lemon.” Charity strained to make sure his fading eyes were still linked with her own. “I… love the way it makes my mouth pucker.”

“Lemon.” He nodded, his wispy, ethereal mane shaking behind him. “Lemon for moi Charity.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss hot cocoa.” Charity’s left ear dipped down. “With marshmallows?”

“Mini marshmallows,” he chuckled. “They melt faster, and leave a noice bit of foam. And then the chocolate is so creamy…”

“Don’t burn your tongue, though. It’ll be numb all day.”

“That wouldn’t be very good for kissin’, would it?”

“No.” Charity blew a breath through her lips. “No it wouldn’t.”

“But we almost missed the best part.”

“What’s that?”

His voice faded. “Sittin’ together by the fire. Watchin’ the flames flicker and dance. Listenin’ to the crackle of the logs. Smellin’ the spicy ash scent. Lettin’ it dry out coats and warm out hearts. Layin’ together while we talk about the day. Talk about the fun we had together. Together.”

He shut his eyes. “And just bein’ warm while the winter blows all ’round us.”

He leaned towards her. Their lips met.

“I love you.”

Charity sat alone in a field.

Blueblood spared the sleeping ponies a glance. He turned back to Twilight and squared his shoulders. “Twilight?”

She met his eyes with a quick movement. “Blueblood! You’re alright!”

“No, I’m not!” He gritted his teeth and tried again, quieter. “No, I’m not.”

Twilight shook her head. “You have to be. I followed the plan. I freed the Nightmares. They’ll find their new home, and you won’t have to guard Tartarus anymore.”

“Their new home is going to be all of Equestria, Twilight.” Blueblood placed a hoof on her shoulder and gripped firmly. “You have to see that this is wrong. Ponies are going to get hurt, Twilight!”

“Ponies were already hurt!” Twilight snapped. “You were hurt most of all!”

“All the work the princesses have done to keep us safe,” Blueblood said, “all the soldiers who gave their lives to free Equestria—”

“It’s worth it to see you freed!” Twilight lunged at him and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. “It’s worth it to say this.”

She kissed him. Blueblood felt his stomach churn. He tried to pull away, but her grasp was too strong. She broke it off herself and spoke in a breathless whisper, “I love you, Blueblood. I love you so much.”

“Stop this right this instant!” he shouted.

She jumped back with flared wings. He flared his right back. “This is not you, Twilight! I know you! You care for others! You spend your whole life helping, and teaching, and building! Look, deep inside yourself! Look at what you’re doing!”

Twilight’s eyes darted around Tartarus, hopelessly lost. “But… but I freed you. I love you.”

“Think beyond yourself!” Blueblood wiped his mouth. “Don’t you see these Nightmares have taken what you wanted for good and twisted it? Don’t you see how they’ve steered you down a wrong path?”

Twilight’s mouth moved without sound.

“Can’t you see,” Blueblood said, “that you have allowed pride to steal your heart? Like it had mine, so many years ago. You have to let go of this path, Twilight. It’s destroying all that’s good in you.”

“It can’t,” Twilight pleaded. “Because I love you.”

“I love you, too, Twilight.” Tears ran down Blueblood’s cheeks. “You are, and always will be, my friend.”

Twilight stared into space again. Her eyes grew hard. Her pupils focused on something over Blueblood’s shoulder. “A friend. Just a friend!?”

She snapped her teeth in front of his nose. “How dare you!? How dare you!?”

She shoved him to the side. As he spun, he spotted what she had focused on: Spike, Redheart, and Flash Sentry stood at the door, looking on in horror.

Twilight hissed at them. “It’s that Redheart, isn’t it? She wanted you, and now she’s got you.” A flash of red leaked into the whites of her eyes. “Well, that’s fixable.”

Twilight’s horn glowed. Redheart’s eyes bulged. The nurse brought her hooves to her neck as she was lifted into the air.

“Put her down, now!” Blueblood screamed. “Twilight, don’t you dare!”

Twilight’s horn blazed pure white. Her eyes burned to match.

Blueblood flapped his wings and flew between Twilight and Redheart. “Stop!”

The magic struck him dead-center. He dropped like a stone down into the pit.

Twilight froze, her mouth gaping. She ran for the hole and slacked her grip on Redheart. “Blueblood! No!”

She pounded her hooves into the lip of the hole. “No! No! No! No!”

Redheart ran up behind her and leaped into the hole without a second thought. Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight’s neck.

“Please come back, Twilight,” he said. “Please come back.”

“No!” Twilight screamed until her throat was sore. “No. No. What have I done?”

Flash Sentry stood at the halfway point between the door and Twilight. His broken wing hung limp at his side. His breath came in quick spurts.

“Twilight,” Spike said, “please come back. I miss you so much.”

Black smoke leaked off of Twilight’s body. She howled as her body seemed to double for a moment, and then returned to its usual shape. It happened again, almost quicker than a blink. With a final croak from her throat, the doubled form split.

Chastity, sister of Charity, tumbled away from Twilight, her mane trailing black smoke. She sobbed, drawing her legs to her belly and wrapping her wings tight around herself. She rocked back and forth where she sat. “I can’t be her anymore! I can’t take it! I can’t stand it! What have I done?”

Twilight coughed up phlegm as her coat and mane returned to their original purple shades. She looked over at the bat pony with a shiver. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be good.”

Twilight stared into the pit as Spike rubbed her back. “What have I done?”

Flash took a hesitant step forward. His lips trembled. “Twi.”

Twilight lifted her head. Her ears drooped. “Flash.”

She hid her face from him. “I’ll never be able to apologize for this.”

Flash Sentry’s jaw clenched. Tears stung his eyes. “You don’t have to.”

Flash turned towards the door. He looked over his shoulder. “I’ll be here. When you’re ready to talk.”

He galloped out the doorway.

Charity woke up sobbing. Chastity lifted her head out from under her wings. “Sister?”

Charity rested her head on Bluebones’ body. “He’s dead, Chastity! And it’s all my fault!”

Chastity said nothing. She crawled over to her sister, sat behind her, and draped her arms around the other’s shoulders. They sat there quietly, waiting, as the prison rumbled around them.

Mere meters away, Twilight and Spike did the same. “They’re never going to forgive me, Spike. I betrayed everypony. I betrayed the princesses, I betrayed my friends, I betrayed you…”

“You can try to leave me all you want,” Spike said. “But I ain’t leaving you. None of us are. That’s why we’re here.”

He took her chin in the palm of his hand and turned her face towards his. Her ears perked up and faced forward, to catch what he was about to say.

“We love you, Twilight, like Blueblood said.” Spike rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. “And we’re gonna help you make this right.”

Next Chapter: Dream's Deep Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes
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