
Lonely Mountains

by TadStone

Chapter 6: A Message From the Past

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A Message From the Past

“So... you are telling me Rainbow had left me a letter?” Scootaloo looked down at her long-gone cold soup, deciding once again that she wasn’t hungry despite her rumbling stomach. She had eaten two hot spoons of her favourite meal, much to Twilight’s delight, but afterwards, it hadn’t felt right anymore to move at all.

“She did. We all prepared for this case.” Twilight moved a little closer to the filly, pushing an ornamented antique box and a sealed letter next to the barely touched food in front of the filly.

“Then why did she have to leave? Didn’t she love me?” Thick liquid splashed over the table as an orange head sunk to the table, or rather, what was blocking its path. Scootaloo didn’t mind. So what if she was covered in soup? Why should it even matter? Nothing mattered to her anymore. Not the food. Not the mulberry hoof caressing her mane right now. Not even her own existence.

“Don’t even think something like that. Rainbow loved you more than anything else in this world.” Twilight tried to wipe away the tears that had again befallen the filly, but her hoof stopped midair, Scootaloo roughly hitting her outstretched leg.

“Then why did she leave me!? Why didn’t you stop her!?” Scootaloo didn’t even seem angry as she screamed, only tired and sad. The soup and tears dripping to the ground only added to the image her body language tried to convey. Not a single muscle had tensed up to improve upon her facial expression. For Twilight, it was the most heart-wrenching sight of her life, piercing right through her and forcing out emotions she had tried to keep in check for too long.

“Scootaloo, we didn’t know. It was just... We didn’t think... I should have...” Twilight leaned forward, embracing the filly as best as she could. All words had left her. She tried to speak, but she couldn’t. She had opened her mouth, but no sounds left her.

For a moment, they just stood there, both of them relishing the feeling of the other pony pressed against them but not actually realising the soothing properties of the embrace. Eternity passed, or so it seemed. Uneven breathings returned to regular intakes of oxygen, only slightly increasing in pace for the grown mare to match the filly’s speed.

“Can you read the letter to me?” It was Scootaloo who broke the silence at last but not letting go an inch of her protector.

“Are you sure? I imaging it is very private. After all, Rainbow really did love you with all of her heart. She made the trip to keep Equestria out of war. She agreed to do the trip only because she thought it was the only way to keep us all safe and most importantly, you. Don’t you ever forget that!”

“I know, Twilight.” If only for a few seconds, the two ponies shared a sad smile. “Please read it to me. I don’t think I have the energy to read it alone.”

“Then I will gladly do so.” A purple aura levitated the light-brown envelope over to them. Hesitating for a moment, Twilight broke the bright-red wax showing the dead mare’s cutie mark. Reaching inside, she found a single sheet of paper, written on both sides in the most awful mouthwriting Twilight had ever known. The paper was stained, ink blurred by small drops of liquid that had dried out many weeks ago.

Using her softest voice and holding up the paper in a way that both of them could look at it at the same time, Twilight began to read.

Dear Scootaloo,

When you read these lines, the unthinkable has happened, and I am very sorry I had to leave you this early on. If not, please put back the letter to where you found it, and I might reconsider grounding you for life.

Twilight paused for moment, exchanging a smile with the filly next to her before continuing in her task. Only Rainbow would think in these lines. She missed her so much. Her anti-egghead friend.

Scootaloo, I don’t really know how to start this. I don’t want to write this, but I know I have to do this as a responsible parent. I had so many surprises ready for you. I wanted you to be happy by my side. Now... Please try to be happy without me. This is my last wish.

Scootaloo, I am not good with words, so please just let me say it bluntly. I am not sure if my friends already told you, but I have passed away as your mother. I adopted you shortly before writing these lines. You are now officially a part of the Dash family, and I couldn’t be prouder of this than I am right now. As is tradition in Equestria, you are allowed to change your name for this event. I would be more than happy if you took “Dash” as your last name. There needs to be at least one awesome pony with the name Dash in this world at all times. But this decision is yours alone to make. I am sure Twilight will be more than happy to assist you with every wish.

As my official daughter, you are my only heir. I leave you my house, my money, and most importantly, my Wonderbolt souvenirs and action figures. Please take good care of them. As for your future, I made sure you will have no problems. I’ve got a few bits stacked up on my bank account, and you will receive an orphan’s pension from Princess Celestia each month. For now, I have appointed Twilight to administrate your money. She will go over all buying decisions with you. I hope this is okay for you.

As for where you will live, this is for you to decide. For now, you can stay in our flat. My friends and Aegis will take care of you there. However, sometime in the near future, I would like you to move in with one of my friends.

Of course, Fluttershy has offered her home. She said she would love having you around, and we both know that this is more than true.

Applejack is offering her home as well. Apple bucking would be a good supplement training for you, and Apple Bloom surely would like having you around all the time, so you should really consider this offer.

You are also welcome at Rarity’s, though we both know she doesn’t even have much time for Sweetie, and, let’s face it, you two aren’t really made for each other.

Pinkie is very sorry that she can’t take you in. After all, she doesn’t own a house and only has one room in Sugarcube Corner. Still, she offered you a lifetime of free party planning to make up for it.

And then, of course, there is Twilight. She has a spare room in the library ready and waiting for you. So if you ever wanted to live in a house full of books organized by a baby dragon and the second most awesome mare in Equestria, behind you, this is your best chance.

Rainbow thinks I am awesome? Twilight couldn’t help but pause again. She wanted to perform a back-flip in celebration, but at the same time, she wanted to cry out in pain. If only...

The little filly saved her from those thoughts, tugging at her hoof in the most adorable way.

“You really would take me in?” Scootaloo looked up at the mare on her side, for a moment, feeling comfortable enough to create direct eye contact before averting her gaze to the ground again.

“We all want you to be happy and not just because Rainbow asked us to. So yes... Of course... You’re always welcome.” Twilight snuggled closer to the orange pegasus, offering her shoulder as a comfortable resting place for her. “Shall I continue?”


Twilight smiled mildly, searching for the right paragraph.

Scootaloo, I have one last gift for you before passing on to the next realm. I know, right now, to fly isn’t your biggest wish anymore. Yet this is the only thing I can grant you. I have never told you that I know the reason you can’t fly. I wanted this to be a wonderful surprise for you. I wanted the day I returned to be the best day of your life, mother and daughter soaring through the sky, side by side.

Life isn’t fair. You know that much already, and I am so sorry you do.

Scootaloo, you have been diagnosed with a very rare disease that cannot be cured. Your body does not produce enough pegasus magic. This is the reason you can’t fly.

In the box that came with this letter, you will find a necklace. You probably remember it. I have worn it for a few months, filling it up to the brim with my own magic. Whenever you wear it, you will be able fly, drawing the energy that your body can’t produce out of the crystal. Whenever you wish to, a part of me will come and help you in the air.

Absentmindedly, Scootaloo opened the box in front of her with a soft click, staring at the intense cyan, lightning-shaped crystal that was revealed to her. Slowly, she took out the necklace, feeling the cold of the golden, ornamented titanium against her hoof while her ears and brain tried to comprehend what had just been revealed to her.

A long time ago, this very necklace was owned by Commander Hurricane’s daughter. A spell had been written into the delicate metalwork that will keep you safe. The inscription reads: “Take this part of me as you are mine to protect beyond death.” I wished I hadn’t taken this as literal as Hurricane who had also passed away at a very young age.

Gentle orange hooves moved over the inscription, trying to complete what she could see with haptic perception.

More than anything else in the world, I wanted to fly by your side and hear your laughter as you spin through the air. Now, I can’t do that anymore, but a part of me will always be with you as long as there is a cyan spark left within the necklace. With use, my magic will slowly fade away, leaving the crystal dark-blue or filled with whatever colour your own magic will paint it.

Used right, it might keep you in the sky for a lifetime. You won’t do any stunts, but you WILL fly.

I exchanged a few letters with the Equestrian Skating and Scooting Association. You can even wear it during competitions. It is registered to your name as a legitimate prosthesis. You’re of course still not allowed to take off during competitions, but maybe it will help you gain the extra speed you need for some of the tricks you couldn’t master until now. I wish I could see them.

There is so much I am going to miss out on. You’re gonna be great. I know it. All of Equestria will cheer your name one day. Please just promise me one thing: don’t chase any dreams but your very own. Don’t live for me. Live for yourself. Don’t spend your life trying to replace me. I fear that won’t be possible.

Scootaloo, I want you to be as happy as possible, and one can’t be happy chasing shadows. You will live up to your mother. I am so proud of you. Words can’t convey what I feel for you.

I am waiting in the next world for you. Please make it a long wait.

The room was silent again. The letter had come to an end, but Scootaloo hadn’t noticed. All she could do was to stare at the necklace. A part of her mother that she was just told to use up. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to fly anymore. Not like this... Life was cruel.

Sensing the little one’s inner turmoil, Twilight picked up the golden metalwork chain by hooves and not by magic. A soft clicking noise spread through the air as the unicorn undid the clasp, feeling the protective spell discontinue together with the eternal circle the gold represented. Softly nuzzling Scootaloo in the progress, she silently slid the necklace around the filly’s neck, closing it and renewing the magical continuity.

“I think I know what you are thinking,” Twilight carefully addressed the small pegasus. “You don’t want the last piece of her to go away.”

A small nod proved her right, small orange hooves clutching the loose hanging jewel on her chest.

“Remember what I told you yesterday? You are what reminds me the most of her. As long as you live, a part of her is in this world. She is within you, magic crystal or not. Just look at her signature.”

The letter, that was laid aside, floated back before their eyes. Together they read the last lines, holding onto each other for comfort once again.

Fly high, scoot fast. You are my legacy. Godspeed.

Eternally Yours,


Author's Notes:

Two more days...

Next Chapter: Talking to Mum Estimated time remaining: 39 Minutes
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