
Facility 0013

by DismantledAccount

Chapter 3: Three: Finish the Swim

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Brighter light usually means closer. Probably, you think to yourself as you begin swimming up the shaft. You swim as fast as you can against the current and slowly start to make progress. The square shaft that you are in is small enough to give you a claustrophobic feel, but not small enough to where you could just place your legs on opposite sides and walk up the shaft.

You can feel your numb body working against you as you fight with the current. It is doing its best to push you downward towards the dimmer light, but that's not where you want to be. You clench your teeth together and fight the soon to be overwhelming urge to inhale.

The completely clear water provides you with good view of the edge of the shaft not far above you. With renewed vigor, you increase your swimming pace. Your adrenaline fueled muscles push you faster and faster upwards as you begin to feel your lungs begging for air.

You reach the edge of the shaft and grab on to the rim with your hooves. You feel the hard metal dig into your skin through the complete numbness you feel. You hoist yourself out of the shaft and find yourself in a cylindrical tank made out of a shiny metal. You push off the bottom of the tank and head for a single light you can see directly above the water.

You break the surface of the water and grab onto the edge of the tank, breathing heavily. The current is still tugging at you but it is easy to resist by holding on to the tank. Before you have time to examine your surroundings all the light in the entire room sputters and goes out, plunging the room into complete darkness. Unicorns can make their horns glow, right? you think to yourself, still floating in the deep water. You close your eyes and try to imagine a bright white light on the tip of your horn. You see a little light seep through your eyelids so you open your eyes, satisfied that you have accomplished your goal.

You immediately freeze in horror. Barely three inches away from your face is the face of another pony. Except it's not really a face at all. Completely maroon eyes with black pulsing veins running across the featureless surface cry blood onto a hideously scarred white face. The pony's ears are vein covered, fleshy spikes that wiggle and throb with every passing second. The entire lower half of the pony's muzzle has been stripped of all its skin and all that remains is a bony jaw that flaps loosely with every wheezing breath that crawls its way out of the monster's throat. The stench of the beast reaches your nose a second later. It smells like an entire graveyard of dead bodies and rotting flesh.

"Welcome to the light, Brother," it hisses out through its teeth in a deep, raspy voice that sounds akin to a dog chewing on a bone.

You stay that way for what feels like hours, completely motionless, absolutely terrified. And although it feels like hours it is probably closer to seconds. You lose your concentration and the light coming from your horn quickly fades out, leaving you in complete darkness with whatever that is. You struggle to relight your horn but it is too hard to focus on a light while worrying about what that thing might do to you in the darkness.

Without warning the light above your head and many more like it come on, exposing a much larger room than you originally thought. You quickly look around, searching for whatever that thing is. There is no sign it was ever there. It might never have been there. You nervously peer over the side of the tank and see a rusty metal platform below you, and below that nothing but darkness. You decide to risk the platform being able to hold your weight and heave yourself out of the water. You fall about a pony length before landing on your numb hooves, the platform creaking dangerously underneath you. There are twenty tanks in the large room with a light above each one, ten on either side of the long, rickety platform that you are standing on.

To one side of the rectangular room is what looks like a control station for the water tanks and several ways out of the room. You head towards that end of the room after seeing the other side of the platform ending in a wall, each of your hoof steps causing the platform to groan and quake.

Fortunately, you reach solid ground without incident. You wipe the nervous sweat from your brow that has been dripping into your eyes. You carefully inspect the control station, it is the perfect height for you to reach all the buttons without moving from the middle of the large rectangle. You look at all of the unlabeled buttons, knobs, levers, and lights in confusion. I had better leave that alone, there is no telling what it could do, you think to yourself, leaving the unknown equipment alone and moving towards the exits you saw earlier. You feel you teeth start to chatter with what is probably the beginnings of hypothermia.

Upon closer inspection you realize that there are three ways to leave the room. The first is a well lit hallway that has a trail of bright, fresh blood on the floor; it is labeled with the words "Medical Room Ten". The second is a dimly lit hallway labeled with the words "Emergency Exit". The final hallway is a nondescript hallway labeled "Testing Area One".

"The Medical Room should have have what I need, but the blood is disturbing," you mutter. "A Testing Area could have all kinds of things, first aid kits included. And as for the Emergency Exit, I don't like the look of the hallway but if I could get out of here then I would be able to find other ponies to help me..." You start to shiver and another warning bell goes off in your head. "T-that can't be good," you chatter. "I b-better figure out w-w-what I'm going to do sooner than l-later."

>Take the bloody hallway to the Medical Room.

>Take the dimly lit hallway to the Emergency Exit.

>Take the normal looking hallway to the Testing Area.

Voting is now closed while I tally the votes and begin writing.

Author's Notes:

I don't really have much to say here. I'm just kind of surprised this has been so well accepted.

Next Chapter: Four: The Medical Room Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 21 Minutes
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