
Facility 0013

by DismantledAccount

Chapter 10: Ten: Side Effects

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You pick up the sparkly blue liquid titled “Mixture 4”. Virtually unstoppable sounds much better than all of the other side effects. You peer at the liquid through the crystal clear glass. The sparkles float around in the liquid in a strangely consistent pattern.

You take the lid off of the small bottle and are immediately met with a light scent of roses. For some reason that sends a chill through your spine. You wonder if it has something to do with your memories.

The Gigglers, as you have now decided to call them, are banging on the door with all their might. You can hear the door creaking and groaning as the beasts continue to pummel it.

You close your eyes and tilt your head back. You pour the liquid down your throat.

It burns like fire. It feels like you just poured acid down your throat. You struggle to gag and cough, but the liquid oozes its way down your throat and into your stomach, burning the entire way down.

You clutch your forehooves to your stomach and collapse to the ground. You scream in agony as you feel the searing pain spread throughout your body.

You can’t even scream anymore, the pain has reached every part of your body, and it hurts so badly that your jaw is permanently locked shut. You are biting down on nothing hard enough that you can feel your teeth cracking.

You dimly hear the sound of the heavy, metal door falling off its hinges. You look towards the door and see the Gigglers. Their bloody, skinless bodies begin the slow, sliding limp toward you and Wisp. Their mindless giggling fills the air.

You look behind you to see Wisp backed into the corner of the room. She locks her panic-filled eyes on you and whimpers softly.

You look back to the advancing Gigglers. There are at least fifteen of them now.

I must protect Wisp, that was the whole reason I drank the Mixture in the first place, you think, trying to move your burning limbs.

You groan in pain as you place one forehoof flat on the ground. You follow it with another painful forehoof.

The Gigglers are almost upon you, their frenzied laughter increases in pace as they lessen the distance between you.

You scream through your clenched teeth as you put your back legs into position. The burning hasn’t eased in the slightest, and it is only getting worse.

You stand up.

That single motion causes you unbelievable pain. Joints crack, ligaments tear, and your teeth shatter because you bite down so hard. You start sobbing and a tortured scream echoes out of your throat.

The Gigglers are mere feet in front of you, but your vision is slightly blurry from your tears, so you can’t tell for sure.

You blindly grope around with your magic for something. You latch onto an object and yank it in front of you. There is a tearing sound, and you see—what appears to be—a pony’s dismembered leg appear in front of you.

You swing the leg like a club.

It bounces off of the lead monster and falls to the ground. The Giggler doesn’t even look in your direction.

You collapse to your knees as the Gigglers reach you. Looking up at the Gigglers, you see them flow around you like a river around a rock. You lash out at a leg and scream in pain. The fiery agony coursing through your body triples in pain.

You hear a scream. A scream that is calling out to you. A long wail filled with so much, yet unable to communicate.

You weakly turn your head around to that the Gigglers have reached Wisp. “No…” you whisper weakly.

The four closest Gigglers grab onto Wisp’s legs, one for each. Their sharpened teeth give them the grip they need as they begin to pull her apart.

Slowly they pull, ever so slowly. Her normally cute face twists into an expression of pain. She squeezes her eyes shut and screams continually. You can hear Wisp’s cries changing in pitch as the Gigglers pull harder and harder.

You begin crawling towards her. You will never make it in time, but you have to try.

You hear a horrible ripping sound as the first of her legs is torn from her shoulder. The blood flows freely out of her open wound, and you can see the muscle spasming weakly as she tries to move a limb that is no longer there.

“I coming Wisp…” you wheeze, locking your eyes on her tightly shut ones.

Two more Gigglers pull in unison, ripping off her second foreleg and one of her hind legs. She dangles from the mouth of the last Giggler like a broken toy, blood leaking off of her ruined body.

Her screaming has finally stopped, you can only guess that she fainted from the pain.

The Giggler that is holding her slowly turns its head to face you. Its featureless, blue eyes bore into your gaze. It begins limping over to you, Wisp swinging limply from its jaws.

It stops in front of you and unceremoniously drops Wisp on the ground with a wet sounding thump. Then, to your astonishment, it speaks. “Kill,” it laughs, a sticky, wet sounding laugh that shouldn’t be able to form words—yet somehow does.

“What?” you ask.

“Kill,” it repeats.

You feel the burning, immobilizing pain quickly beginning to fade. The intense fiery agony is completely gone. All that remains is a dull, throbbing pain that courses underneath your skin. Soon even that is gone, all you feel is blissful peace.

You feel a pleasant sensation wash over your skin. It almost feels like water running down your body. It starts at the tip of your horn and works its way down to the bottoms of your hooves.

You heave a relaxing sigh. You begin to stand up slowly. As you do, you hear the sound of something soft hitting the ground. Many, small somethings. Almost like a rain of whatever is falling. You look at your side and see a wall of bleeding muscle where there used to be skin. Looking down at the ground, you see where all your skin went. It has disintegrated into small thin flakes, and it now litters the floor around you.

You let out a short giggle from the absurdity of it all, blood spraying from your mouth as you do. But now you can’t stop.

You look back at the Giggler. “Kill,” it laughs. It continues quietly with its mindless laughter as you regard the body in front of you.

The small piece of flesh looks up at you. It stares into your eyes and whimpers.

You smile and feel the blood leak out of your mouth. You giggle softly as you inhale the scent of the meat.

“Kill,” you laugh.

You lunge forward and bite the piece of meat in the throat. You tear out a chunk of its windpipe and crunch it between your newly discovered pointed teeth.

You latch onto the side of its face and bite through its skull, sending bits of fractured skull everywhere. You taste the soft consistency of the eye as you chew through it. The flesh sprays its blood over your face as you take a deeper bite out of the brain matter seated behind the missing eye.

The dying meat gurgles weakly, making a sound eerily similar to the word “help”.

What have I done?

You remember no more.

You are dead.

Try again?

>The swirling, translucent, black liquid titled Mixture 1

>The thick, syrupy, green liquid titled Mixture 2

>The bubbly, yellow liquid titled Mixture 3

Voting is now closed.

Author's Notes:

Really sorry about the long update. I started working on a small project that turned into a larger one that actually got featured. (Insert victorious fist pump) Then Life happened and I got busy. However, I should be back to my more normal levels of writing time. Should.

Next Chapter: Eleven: Brutal Estimated time remaining: 48 Minutes
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