
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 4: Gratification

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


Stretching just a little further over to the left on the library ladder, Twilight finally managed to slide the last book in her current trip home on the shelf. Done with her current load, she descended the ladder, and went back for the last stack of ten books that had yet to be put away for this re-shelving day. She glanced at the clock.

8:27 pm

Not bad, that was close to a new record. She hadn't gotten it done this quickly in months. But dropping the stack of books from the top of the ladder on the 14th trip had cost her precious minutes. But there was always next time. She did this every two weeks, after all.

She had decided to take Celestia's advice that had been given to her nearly six months before. First and foremost, she had decided to clean up and get sober. To aid in that, she declared that since she used her magic to send her down that spiraling path to drinking her problems away, that she would try her very best to not use her magic at all.

'No magic or flying in any daily chores or routines' turned out to be a phenomenal coping mechanism. Things that had taken almost no time or thought now took considerably more planning, time, and energy, especially in the case of Re-shelving Day. What used to take just over an hour now took all day, and the use of the library ladder, which she had never used before. At first, she had to employ the use of what was known in the magical arts as a 'sap cap' or a small enchanted piece of rubber placed on the tip of the horn to prevent magic use. But now, she was disciplined enough to go about her day without almost no magic at all.

Regardless of whether or not she used magic, things had still not been easy. She was still, without any doubt, the town pariah. Ponies rarely visited the library, and if they did, they almost always scheduled their visit during one of her trips down to Sweet Apple Acres. Mayor Mare had announced multiple times her displeasure of Twilight's choice to remain in Ponyville, and told the alicorn that the only reason she didn't force her out was because of Princess Celestia's counsel.

But that's the way things were. A mix of good and bad. Even tonight. With how good she felt on getting this close to her record, a somber feeling came over her as she glanced at her calendar, and saw that tomorrow would be the one-year anniversary of this whole mess...the day they kidnapped Rainbow...

It amazed her that all this time had passed already. It was all too easy to lose track of time when she spent most of her time alone. There hadn't been any hint of Rainbow, and Celestia didn't stop to visit again.

Before she could get the last stack of books to put away, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Right on schedule." Twilight said to herself, glancing at the clock as she went to open the door. There stood Big Macintosh, behind him was a cart with a single bucket of apples.

"Evenin', Twilight," he greeted.

"Hey there, Big Mac. Right over in the usual place." she replied with a smile. Nodding, Big Mac went to the cart, expertly balanced the bucket of apples on his back, and brought it inside to the kitchen. He came back out to the main library, where Twilight slid the very last book into place.

"Thanks again, Big Mac."

"So how have you been?" the farmer asked.

"Well, I'll be honest...something's been bugging me. Why are you helping me like this?" Twilight asked. It was hard to get a read on Big Mac's expression, but he did seem the slightest bit bewildered at the question.

"Well, I'm not sure why you call delivering your payment for your work on the farm 'help', but it's because you've been a big help to us down at the farm. With Applejack moved down to Dodge Junction, it hasn't been easy. And it's because you're a friend."

Twilight was surprised by his answer.

"After everything that happened, you still consider me a friend?"

"Twilight, while Rarity may be a different story, I doubt the four of you instantly became sadistic just so you could torture a friend into changing her ways. It was a situation that you lost control of. That's it, and with the way things are now, there ain't much you can do to correct it. Everypony made their choices on how to try to deal with this. Applejack made hers. You've made yours. You've done your best to move on. No reasonable pony can ask anything more."

"Doesn't feel like I've moved very far." Twilight commented.

"While these may be dark times for you, Twilight, you have to know that you cleaned up, and that eventually, there's a light at the end of the tunnel."

"Thanks." Twilight said appreciatively.

"Twilight, I want you to know...I talked to Granny Smith and...well, there's a place for ya down at the farm if ya want it. It'll keep you from bein' lonely all the time, I'm sure that gets to ya."

"Thanks once again, but, I deal with the loneliness the best ways I can."

"If I may ask...why do you stay? Not too many ponies want you in town anymore."

"...I want to be here if she ever comes back."


"Mac, please. I've heard it before. But my family, my friends, my crown, everything I was working towards...after everything I've lost, I need something to hold on to, something to look forward to, to hope for...something to believe in."

"I 'spose I can understand that. Well, that offer's open if you ever want to take it. I'd best be heading home. Have a good night."

"Yep, you too."

With that, Big Mac exited the library, hooked back up to the cart, and was on his way. Twilight closed the door and went back inside to check her schedule, which was rather open. She was going to have to find some way to really occupy her mind tomorrow, it was going to be the only way she'd make it through the next day without breaking down.

After turning all of the lights off save for her bedroom, she went upstairs and climbed into bed with a good book. Once 9:00 rolled around, she put the book on the night stand and shut off the light. Five minutes later, she was nearly asleep when there was a knock on the front door.

"Now who could that be at this time of night?" she asked herself. Perhaps Big Mac had forgotten something. She walked downstairs, and almost used her magic to open the door, before checking herself. She opened the door, and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest and she gasped when she saw who her late night visitor was.

Rainbow Dash stood on the library welcome mat, expressionless and emotionless.

"R-R-Rainbow...?" Twilight said, taking a few steps back, eyes tearing up, trying to get her wits about her, not to mention catching her breath.

They never came, and the last thing she remembered was dropping to her knees as she promptly fainted.

Twilight awoke with a start, instantly sitting up.

"Rainbow?" she asked instantly, looking around the main floor of the library. She glanced at the clock.

9:24. She had been out for nearly 20 minutes.

Initially afraid that she had hallucinated again, she looked to the door and noticed it was closed. She definitely remembered opening it. But there was no one but her in the main library. She got up, and checked the kitchen. No one, but someone had used a knife and cutting board, apparently to cut bread, judging from the crumbs. She ran upstairs to check her bedroom-

...and saw Rainbow sitting outside on the balcony.

She walked through her bedroom to the balcony door. She opened it gently, and it slowly opened with a creak, announcing her presence. But Rainbow never turned to look. Next to her was a glass of apple juice and a plate with a half-eaten sandwich on it.

Twilight's emotions churned inside her. Part of her wanted to run up and embrace Rainbow. Another part of her wanted to just get her to talk. So far Rainbow hadn't even acknowledged her arrival on the balcony. She just sat there, staring out at the horizon, almost glowing in the moonlight. Twilight noted that her primaries had grown back. Her face was expressionless, but there was an undeniable sadness in her eyes. They almost seemed faded, or perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her, making her see Rainbow as broken as she thought she had been when she left just under a year ago.

She decided to sit down where she was, about eight feet from the pegasus, also sitting, obviously content just to stare out at the night. But barely a minute had passed before the silence started to drive Twilight mad.

“I-I'm sorry, Rainbow. For everything.”

Whether or not she heard, Twilight couldn't tell. She kept staring straight out at the horizon, taking the final bite of her sandwich. Twilight risked moving a few centimeters closer. Then, she noticed the cutie mark earring on her left ear.

“I...I thought I had gotten all of those. Here, just let me-”

“If you or any of your magic touches that, I'll break your neck.” Rainbow finally said to her just above a whisper, not even turning or looking at her in the slightest.

Twilight took the threat seriously, as she paused in her advance to remove the piercing, and returned to sitting.

“You did get everything. I had it re-pierced. So I would never forget.”

“Rainbow, I'm so sorry.”

“You said that already.”

“Is...is there anything I can do? Anything at all?”

“That time spell might be useful. Make it so I never met you.”

Twilight lowered her head, as guilty as she already felt, the comment still stung. But she didn't want to give up. Rainbow was here. She didn't have the slightest clue as to why yet, but what mattered is that she was here.

“I see Spike didn't stick around.” Rainbow continued, not even glancing at the unicorn yet.

“...no. He...he left right before the investigation began, right after he saw my...my notes. It's been...it's been hard not having him here.”

“Well, good to know he's got a conscience.”

Another twenty seconds passed in silence as Twilight strained to keep her composure.

“I've missed you.” she finally said, trying to gently penetrate this barrier of cold detachment that Dash surrounded herself with. No luck, as she offered no reaction to it.

“Please...please talk to me. What do you want to hear from me? I know what we did was wrong. More than wrong...that's why I got you out of there.”

“Three days too late.”

“Yes, I know. How can I make it up to you? How can I fix this?”

Finally, at last, Rainbow turned her head to her.

“You actually think you can fix this?” she asked in sarcastic disbelief.

“I don't know! But I have to try. I'll do anything, Rainbow. Anything you want.” Twilight offered, taking another few steps towards her.

“What makes you think I want anything from you?”

Twilight used her left hoof to draw attention to where they were, gesturing to the balcony.

“If not, then why come back?”

Either Rainbow didn't have an answer, or she didn't want to reveal it. But at least her eyes were on her. Twilight continued closing the gap. There were now only 6 inches between them.

“I got you out of there because I love you. What do I need to do to prove that to you? You want to make me yours? I'll let you. Gladly. Willingly.”

This offer caused Rainbow to violently shove Twilight away.

"You say it was so wrong, and yet you want me to do it? You honestly think I want to do that, Twilight? Do to you what you all did to me? Sink to your level for a few weeks, then everything's all better? Fuck you."

"Then tell me what to do, please! I have been so desperate to make things right. I drowned myself in booze for six months because I couldn't live with myself sober, knowing what we did to you." Twilight said, once again walking towards her ex marefriend.

"And you think I know what to do? If I had all the fucking answers, why the fuck do you think I would come back?!"

“Rainbow...I just want to help you...please...” she said, daring to place her right hoof on Rainbow's shoulder.

Without warning, Rainbow bolted at Twilight, slamming into her and tackling her, smashing both of them through the wood and glass patio door, and slammed them onto the floor of Twilight's bedroom, with Rainbow's front hooves on her throat.

“Like you helped me a year ago?” she whispered, her words dripping with malice.

“I hate all of you with every fiber of my being. But you know what I hate more? The fact that I've thought about you every single fucking night since I left. My heart and mind want to gut you all for what you did, but instead my body aches for you, and I don't know why.”

Twilight wheezed as Rainbow's hooves strained her air supply. Her eyes were wide with fear. After several silent seconds, Rainbow let up, and Twilight gasped for oxygen as Rainbow placed her forelegs on both sides of her head on the floor.

“So I no longer care why...I'm just going to give my body what it wants.”

Rainbow's head descended, and her lips met Twilight's in a fiery lust. Her tongue invaded Twilight's mouth, probing her gums as the pegasus took her breath away. The kiss didn't last long, as Rainbow made her way down to her neck, and first kissed, then sucked, then bit, hard, causing Twilight to gasp. That wasn't a loving nip, but still, Twilight wanted more. Her breathing quickened, as Rainbow bit the other side of her neck, causing Twilight to let out a short whine. Wrapping their back legs together, and placing her front hooves under her neck, Rainbow expertly rolled them as one, until Twilight was on top, then not wasting any time, bent her back legs in, and bucked them against Twilight's chest, sending her into the air, and throwing her over to the bed.

Before Twilight had time to react, Rainbow pounced on the bed, and was back on top of her. Twilight saw that she was already dripping. The cyan mare used her back knees to spread Twilight's, revealing her swelling snatch, and Rainbow lowered her own onto it, and started angrily grinding against her.

"Oh..."Twilight gasped. "Oh, Rainbow..." she moaned, her wings spreading to their full length.

"Shut up..." Rainbow commanded, also a bit short of breath, as she proceeded to bite her ear, and keep it between her front teeth, as she continued to pound the unicorn into the bed.

Twilight took in the fact that she was being mentally and sexually assaulted...and she loved it. The way she was being taken right now was all lust, but not one part of her cared right now. She continued gasping and moaning as her breathing would allow, but she obeyed Rainbow and didn't say anything further. She laid there in bliss as she let Rainbow have complete control, who wasn't as nearly as vocal as the unicorn had been. It wasn't too long before Rainbow's pent up anger was beginning to demand release, and she picked up the pace shortly before suddenly descending into long, hard grinds, giving out a long grunt as she hit her climax. She rubbed hard against Twilight, dripping down between the unicorn's thighs. Twilight was nearly there herself, as Rainbow clipped against her clit with every pass, getting closer...closer...

And the build-up melted away as Rainbow finished, releasing her ear and rolled off onto the right side of the bed, her back to the purple-coated mare. Frustration built up in Twilight, as she reached a hoof down to try and finish the job, but trying to push herself over the edge now was nothing compared to Rainbow's soaked, swollen pussy. She rubbed faster and faster, desperate for release while the image of what just took place was fresh in her mind.

"Thank you, mistress." Rainbow said.

Twilight's heart sank, and all of her sexual tension collapsed in an instant.

'Oh no...oh gods...what did I do? She had complete control...she...what if...what if I just sent her into a dangerous relapse? What if she can't have any intimate contact with anypony without-'

This train of panicked thought came to a crashing halt as she heard Rainbow let out an emotionless chuckle.

"Just fuckin' with ya, Twi."

Rainbow said nothing else. The mood had died completely. Twilight wouldn't be getting off tonight. Part of her wanted to hit Rainbow, and chastise her for such a sick joke...but honestly, she didn't care. Rainbow was here. She was angry, bitter, distant, and just committed what could be considered borderline rape...if Twilight didn't want it so badly herself...but she was here.

And right now, that's all that mattered.

Author's Notes:


Just something quick and silly for my awesome readers.

Next Chapter: Retribution Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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