
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 2: Expulsion

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


Twilight was a wreck. She had barely eaten or slept. She knew her life as she knew it was about to collapse around her, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

She stepped off the train onto the Canterlot station, and made her way into the city. She kept her pace slow but steady, not wanting to be late. The scroll that summoned her here was neatly rolled up and tucked in her saddle bag.

It was an immense building, probably second only to the castle itself, which wasn't too far away. She showed the summons scroll to the guard at the main gate, was allowed in, and went down the main path to the school. There were two spiral stairways that led up to the entrance balcony, with a stone statue of Starswirl the Bearded directly beneath in the center. Taking the left set, she slowly walked up, and went through the archway double doors.

The main hall was magnificent and massive. On the front wall, there were two giant portraits. The one on the left was of Princess Celestia, the one on the right, Starswirl the Bearded. There was always light activity between classes, with a handful of students going to and from destinations.

While she didn't want to waste any time, she was a bit early, so her pace through the hall was a slow one. She recalled her first years of studying here, before being sent down to Ponyville. After her rather unique entrance exam, it didn't take long to get the ball rolling on getting properly enrolled. What had impressed her the most was despite her royal obligations, Princess Celestia had tried her best to take an active role in the school, especially aiding Twilight in giving her the best education possible. To that end, Twilight hadn't stayed with the other students in the regular dormitories. She had gotten the private dorm towers. She wasted no time in stocking it with the most essential books including many of her favorites.

Once she had been moved to Ponyville, she rarely came to the school. But when she did, her dorm was always there, just as she'd left it. Her most recent visits had been to take a "test" right before being sent up to the Crystal Empire, and then of course, for her coronation.

She walked through the hallways until she came to A501, one of the school's smaller auditoriums. It was here where many of the less formal meetings and magical demonstrations were held, or in cases like these, where some semblance of privacy was desired. She opened the doors, and descended the dimly lit main aisle to the front of the stage, where a single table and seat were waiting for her. She quietly used her magic to scoot the chair out from under the table and take her seat.

As of now, she was alone, in front of the stage, which contained a table with three empty seats. But they were not empty for long, as three unicorns filed out onto the main stage, noticed that Twilight was already present, and took their seats at the table. Twilight recognized them as members of the school board.

"This hearing has now come to order, the purpose of which is to determine if the conduct by you, Twilight Sparkle, is grounds for expulsion."

Twilight's stomach knotted. Reading it in her summons wasn't enough. She had to hear it.

"The conduct in question is your assault on the unicorn Rarity in Golden Oaks Library three days ago. While criminal charges have yet to be formally brought against you, you should expect those very soon from Ponyville authorities. What we'd like to know is why you would do such a thing."

Twilight glanced at each of the three board members.

"Wh-where's Princess Celestia?"

"Regardless of your prestige within the school, Princess Celestia has chosen to not be present. The decision lies with us. While normally conduct this far outside of school would only involve local authorities, you were classified as studying abroad, so this is still considered conduct involving the school. So once again, why did this happen?"

Twilight shuddered in her seat, her gaze falling from the stage down to the floor in front of her.

"I..." she began, her voice shaking. She couldn't yet bring the words to her mouth.

“Miss Sparkle, I don't believe you realize how serious this is, nor how much trouble you could be in, not just with the school, but with the law as well. The pony you attacked is in the hospital in a score 3 coma, where the doctors are saying it is unlikely she'll ever wake up. You need to explain your actions right here, right now. The longer you conceal your reasoning for this attack, the worse things are going to get for you. Expulsion will be the least of your problems.”

Twilight visibly shivered, not looking up yet. With Dash missing, not to mention what she had just done to Rarity, there was no possible way they were going to be able to hide this. Her shoulders heaved, and she looked up at them with tears in her eyes.

"I participated in a kidnapping one week ago. Me and my friends captured Rainbow Dash with the intention of showing her how selfish and distracted she had become over the past several months. We...we mentally broke her down, and tried to...tried to condition her to be our...s-sex slave. Our intention was to build her into a better mare. The idea and effort was spearheaded by Rarity, and I'm disgusted that I was involved in it in the slightest. Three nights ago, I realized how far out of control everything had gotten, and I took her and Fluttershy out of the basement and got them to the library, to heal what we had done. It took so much energy that I couldn't stay awake to keep an eye on them, and Rainbow left the library when she woke up, and Rarity came into the library a few hours later that morning, demanding Fluttershy back."

Twilight stood up from her seat.

"I protected Fluttershy from that psycho, and made her pay for what she had done. I'm ready to face the consequences for my actions, because I don't regret what I did to Rarity. Not in the slightest."

Clearly, this was not what the hearing panel was expecting. They quietly whispered among themselves for several minutes, while Twilight barely found the strength to remain standing, but felt if she sat back down, that she would keel over.

"What does Fluttershy have to do with this?" the right board member asked.

"She was in a...relationship with Rarity, and was going through just as much abuse as Rainbow was."

Again, they deliberated for nearly a full minute, before turning back to her.

"Miss Sparkle, the loss of control and magical overload you experienced during the attack was due to an acute emotional high. Very few unicorns experience something like this because it takes an immense amount of power for this phenomenon to even trigger. The only other time on record that this has happened to you was during your entrance exam. While it is debatable whether you would have been able to stop yourself, the fact that the overload occurred suggests that there were very high tensions between you and Rarity, which unfortunately leads us to believe that there is truth behind what would otherwise be considered preposterous reasoning. So the decision is unanimous, we cannot let such disgusting conduct by a student abroad go academically unpunished. Expulsion procedures will begin at once. You are to be escorted off the premises immediately. As this is a private school, there is no requirement that we provide you with alternate educational opportunities, although you may pursue those yourself if you wish. Though if I were you. I would begin preparing for the judicial repercussions."

As the board members got up to file out, she saw the one on the left glance toward the back corner of the auditorium. Glancing back, she saw a wavy, sparkling multicolored tail exit the far door. Twilight galloped across the front aisle and ran up the walkway to the back left door. Her hooves clacked on the marble tile as she turned the corner from the auditorium entrance and caught up to her teacher.

"P-Princess! Please! I'm...I'm so sorry...please listen!" she pleaded in tears.

Celestia stopped in her tracks, and barely turned her head to look at her former student, as a pair of guards came up to her left and right sides.

“What could you possibly have to say to me that would justify what you just said in there? I strongly advise you to not say anything to incriminate yourself further than you already have. I have never been more disappointed in any other pony than I am with you right now. I am ordering a full investigation into what happened. You will immediately forfeit your crown, return to Golden Oaks Library and stay there until further notice. None of you are to leave Ponyville."

She turned to one of the guards.

"Get her out of my school."

With that, Celestia continued down the hall, not looking back. The guard on her right put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and ushered her to turn around.

"Please come with us, Miss Sparkle," he said. Twilight, in tears, relented. As they retraced their route in, Twilight somberly looked around at the school that she was in, now for the last time, trying to get herself under control. Three minutes later, she was outside, and her guard escorts left her at the front gates. She managed to get herself composed again by the time she got to the railroad station and boarded the first train back down to Ponyville. She sat the farthest away that she could from the other passengers, seething in bitter silence, her lips quivering.

"If you die in your coma, my only regret will be that I couldn't finish the job..." she angrily whispered to herself.

It was an hour ride back. When the train arrived in Ponyville, she disembarked, and was immediately greeted by two law enforcement officers, a unicorn and pegasus.

"Miss Sparkle, we're here to place you under house arrest. Please follow us back to Golden Oaks Library."

Twilight silently obliged. When they arrived back at the library, the unicorn officer placed a spell on her that would keep her within a 50-foot radius of the tree.

"Please don't attempt to break the spell. It's monitored." He warned Twilight.

She came through the front door, and saw Spike in the middle of the room, with his stick-and-bindle at his feet, and a small stack of unrolled parchment in his quivering claws.

"Spike...?" Twilight said uneasily, her heart dropping into her stomach, fearing the worst over what he was holding. He turned around, tears pouring from his eyes. He held up the parchment, as he took in a shuddering breath.

“She...sh-she did th-these...h-horrible things......and you...you sat there taking notes...” he said disbelievingly, his voice cracking.

Unable to say anything else through his tears, he dropped the pile of notes, picked up his bindle, and walked past the shamed unicorn, exiting the library without another word.

Twilight stood where she was for several minutes, fighting off the intense nausea. Feeling incredibly sick to her stomach, and finding it increasingly difficult to stay on her hooves, Twilight barely made it upstairs to her bed, before collapsing, and crying herself to sleep.

Author's Notes:


Reading by The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan.

Next Chapter: Degradation Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 43 Minutes
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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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