
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 10: Mortification

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


Twilight was enjoying an afternoon book up in her room when she heard the front door open. She got up from her desk and walked to the stairs to greet her visitor.

"Hi there, Pinkie. What brings you here?"

"Hey Twilight. I have the lunch shift off, so I wanted to come by and run an idea by you."

Twilight came down the stairs, and quick ran into the kitchen to grab a tea kettle and a pair of cups, inviting Pinkie over to the table on the ground floor.

"Sure, tell me what's on your mind."

Pinkie took a sip of the tea after Twilight levitated her cup over to her.

"I remembered that Rainbow's birthday is coming up next week, and I know we've been really busy with helping renovate Fluttershy's cottage, so I thought we could have a nice night just relaxing together. I was wondering, perhaps, if we could have a small surprise party for her birthday."

Twilight had to be honest with herself, Rainbow's birthday had slipped her mind. This time last year, they were chest-deep in the investigation and the search for her. Not having any parties for well over a year, she stopped keeping dates and birthdays on her calendar. She didn't even celebrate her own birthday last year, it had been during that period where she passed out drunk almost on a nightly basis.

They had spent the last two weeks fixing up Fluttershy's cottage, making it a livable area again, and it had felt great going somewhere else other than the farm and the library. She knew that Rainbow expected them to be there helping if they weren't at work, so it had kept them very busy.

"That's certainly an idea, Pinkie. A bit short notice, do you think we can get everything ready in time?"

"Yeah. I think we can. Especially since I don't want it to be as nuts as my parties used to be. Just a relaxing night celebrating her, with some cake, ice cream, punch, games, and...well, any idea what we could do for a present or two?"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin, wondering what meaningful gift they could get her on just a week's notice.

"I think I may have an idea, but we'll have to pool our bits to get it shipped here in time. I'll get a letter written to see if we can make it happen."

"Thanks, Twilight. You're the best. And...thanks. For undoing the damage that we did to her. Well, I mean, the physical damage at least... If you hadn't put a stop to it..."

Twilight merely gave a silent nod, accepting the gratitude.

"Do you have any idea what games we could play? Pin the tail on the pony doesn't seem quite appropriate."

Pinkie Pie thought of the games she had back at home.

"I could bring Monopony, I guess."

"Pinkie, I'm pretty sure she's here to try and heal our friendships, not destroy them beyond recognition."

This wisecrack got a half-hearted giggle out of Pinkie.

"I'll think of something. Don't worry. I've got to go find a cake recipe!"

With that, Pinkie was out the door, and Twilight immediately set to writing her aforementioned letter.

Twilight made a mental note that Fluttershy's cottage would be an excellent place to have the party, with the Pegasus' permission of course. It would also minimize the chances of spoiling the surprise. They'd gather up a bit of party supplies, then get them there when Dash was on weather duty.

For now, she had an inquiry to write and get through the mail as fast as possible.

Pinkie came in through the back door of Sugarcube Corner back into the kitchen, and immediately started to flip through various cake recipes. She knew this would be one of the most important parties she would ever put together. She also knew it would be one of the least lively. An upbeat party was all well and good, but she didn't want to have a few hours of loud music and activities, just to return to the somber day-to-day that had been their previous three weeks.

No, this party would be a little more down-to-earth. Spending time together relaxing, and honoring their friend for what she was trying to accomplish.

Pinkie hoped that Twilight indeed knew what to get as a perfect gift, because she sure didn't. To her, there was no possible gift that could amount to what Dash was helping them through. She knew Rainbow had said they would be helping her too; however they were doing that, Pinkie couldn't see, but still, this was a second chance that they did not at all deserve.

It only took her 15 minutes of flipping through cookbooks to know the perfect spread for her party. She made a note of all the ingredients she'd need, and informed Mr. and Mrs. Cake of their plan, so they scheduled her off for the day of the party, so she could get all the baking ready.

Rainbow gave one last kick, and the last everfree cloud in the area dissipated with a puff.

"Alright, Thunderlane. Great work today. Same time tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, boss. See you then!"

With that, the two head weather directors went their separate ways. Rainbow checked the Ponyville clock tower, and figured her friends were at Fluttershy's continuing the work they had began a couple weeks ago. Part of her wanted to grab a quick bite to eat and maybe a piece of cake before heading over there, but she thought better of it. She had demanded a lot of them the last couple weeks in getting the cottage habitable again, and she didn't want to slack off when they were working hard. Besides, if she got there first, they could call it a day early, then go out together.

She flew over central Ponyville as the sun began it's final descent towards the horizon. Before she knew it, she was approaching Fluttershy's home. The appearance was night and day compared to what she had walked up to two weeks ago. The lawn had been mowed, the fence and exterior repainted. The gardens lining the house had brand new soil, with fresh seeds planted. She came down with a soft landing just in front of the bridge and came up the walk to the front door. She gave a short knock, and opened the door.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw the table in the center of the room, with her four friends on both sides.

Part of her was expecting them to yell 'Surprise!', but they stood there, smiling at her, as she took in the scene.

A 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' banner had been hung on the ceiling above the table. She didn't have to look around for long, because the decoration was relatively lite. The focus was the table. She came up to them with a smile.

"You didn't forget."

"To be more precise, Pinkie didn't forget. She put all this together," Twilight amended.

Rainbow took in the table. There was sherbet ice cream, her favorite of all of Pinkie's punches, green lime, and the centerpiece was a two-layer cake, which Pinkie was currently lighting candles on. There was blue icing spread expertly over it, with a ring of rainbow frosting on the upper outer edge; a replica of a sonic rainboom.

They all gathered around Rainbow as she looked at the flames dancing above the cake, then blew them out. Twilight removed the candles, then quickly began slicing the cake into pieces. As she served it onto plates, Rainbow saw the funfetti within the cake. Pinkie really had thought of everything. When everyone was served, they ate heartily.

"I can't even begin to thank you girls for how amazing this place looks. We've all done an incredible job."

"What are friends for?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

Everypony had their fill after two helpings of everything, which was Twilight's cue to come forward with their gift.

"This is from all of us." she said, levitating a small, paper-wrapped box tied with twine.

"It was her idea." Applejack said.

"But without help from all of you, it would have never gotten here on time."

Rainbow accepted the gift from Twilight's magical grasp, and undid the twine with her teeth, then ripped off the wrapping. Lifting the lid of the plain white box, she let out a small gasp when she saw what was inside.

She lifted the book out of the box, a look of disbelief on her face. The title read:

1st Edition

There was a lone brown pegasus feather slipped underneath the front cover. Rainbow slowly opened the cover, and her eyes widened, and she couldn't keep her mouth closed as she saw the inside of the cover.

It takes a truly daring and loyal pony to attempt the journey you've chosen. Your friends' greatest treasure is you. Happy birthday, Rainbow Dash.
- A.K. Yearling

Rainbow swallowed hard, she bit her lip as tears pricked her eyes.

"We hope you don't mind that we told her about what you're trying to do here." Twilight said.

Rainbow merely shook her head, as she managed to keep it together.

"Thank you so much." she said, her voice quivering, giving them a group hug.

"Alright girls, who's got their hooves all limbered up?" Pinkie asked. She rolled out a plastic mat with rows of colored dots on them.


It was a game of physical skill. The mat contained rows of colored circles, and depending on where the spinner landed, you had to place one of your hooves on a circle, whichever hoof or color the spinner specified. It got tricky with three or four, where you had to navigate around each other and not fall.

So the game began. After Pinkie promptly won the first three games, she decided to sit out and use the spinner.

"Alright Rainbow, you need..." Pinkie began, giving the arrow a good, fast spin. It whirled around for a good seven seconds, before finally settling on...

"Back left, blue!" Pinkie announced.

Dash looked down at the mat. The only blue circle within reach was on the other side of Twilight, who was positioned next to her on her left. She tried to reach without making contact, but sure enough, in order to reach the circle, Rainbow had to lean, and her backside brushed against Twilight's lower belly, and the alicorn let out a soft gasp.

"Sorry." Rainbow uttered, while Twilight ruffled her wings.

"It's alright." she replied, blushing lightly, concentrating on keeping her wings down.

However, Twilight's next move caused her to trip, and both she and Rainbow toppled to the mat, leaving Applejack as the winner for the fourth and final game. Everypony had one last dish of ice cream, finishing it off, and by then, it was 10:00 pm, and everypony was yawning, signaling that it was time to call it a night. They took the dishes into the kitchen, and quickly got everything cleaned up and put away.

Rainbow tucked her present safely into her saddlebag, and turned to Pinkie, who was about to leave out of the front door.

"Hey, Pinkie?" she asked.

"Yeah?" the earth pony replied, turning back to Rainbow, who walked up to her.

She put her front hooves around the baker, and pulled her into a hug.

"Thanks for tonight."

Pinkie's eyes widened as she returned the hug. She began to quiver.

"Pinkie...?" Rainbow asked, concerned.

Pinkie Pie drew in a deep breath, and exploded into an uncontrollable sob, immediately drawing the attention of the other three.

"Do you even know what a sex slave is, Mistress?"
“Sure I do! It’s a pony that’ll fuck me anytime I ask! I’ve always wondered what you taste like, Dash, can I have a taste?”

“Alright, my little slave, time to do Pinkie! Get to it!”

“Yep! It sure was a lot of fun. Hey, do you think I could go cut a notch out of Dash’s ear?"

“Aww, I just wanna cut a little piece off Dashie! She’s so cute I could gobble her up!”

“Wait, can I still play with Dash if we’re gonna be meaner?”

“Pinkie, fasten the straps on my pet nice and tight.”

“Pinkie, ya were only supposed to give her one,”
“Where’s the fun in that? Besides, I don’t wanna pick just one earring for her. Look, Rarity got a ton! Now she can wear all six!"


Pinkie quietly descended the stairs to the basement. She saw Rainbow and Fluttershy in the center of the room, strapped and bound together, both of them not moving. Checking her watch, she saw it was 3:45 am. Her watch would be up in about 15 minutes. She just wanted to make a quick check of Dashie's new piercings, to make sure they weren't getting infected. She walked around Fluttershy and knelt down and gently laid a hoof on the 3 earrings in each ear. They each looked healthy.

She was about to leave when her gaze drifted towards Rainbow's face. Her currently closed eyelids were puffy and swollen, and a line of dried, crusted fur went down her cheeks. She had been crying all night. Her inspection drifted down to her chest. The straps were starting to cut into her skin. Her wings weren't bound, not folded, but laying limp on the concrete floor, from being aroused all night, but no longer had the proper blood flow to stay erect. Lastly, her tail was soaked in her own sweat and arousal. Pinkie's ears now registered the muffled buzzing of the vibrators on full speed.

A hint of concern began to creep into her mind as she walked around to the other side and made a second inspection, this one to Fluttershy. Pinkie's heart began to beat harder when she noticed injuries on Fluttershy that she or her friends had not inflicted today. There were scars, cuts, and plucked feathers, ones that had not been clipped earlier today.

What had she and Rarity been doing?

Right then, something inside her snapped. This was not right. This was not the way to go about this. Rarity was wrong. There had to be a better way than this.

She knelt down, and tried to figure out how to unlock the straps that were keeping the vibrators in.

But just as she found the latch, fear gripped her heart.

Rarity was just upstairs. What if she was caught? She was just an earth pony. She'd be defenseless against her. She could be right down here next to them if anything went wrong. And the chances of something going wrong were high. Judging by both of their marehoods, the vibrators had been relentless. They weren't going to be able to walk out of here quietly, and that was if they could walk at all...

She couldn't just leave them here...

...could she?

What could she do?

Pinkie's lips began to tremble as her throat went dry, and her mane lost all life, and silently deflated and fell down around her neck.

She had never felt this helpless, or been this scared in her entire life, and it was that fear kept her from laying a single quivering hoof on their restraints. As tears started rolling down her cheeks, she turned towards the stairs, ran up to the small improvised observation room, and threw her Mare Do Well costume next to the others right before running out of the boutique as fast as she could, mortified that she had just abandoned her friends, and her conscience.

Pinkie's shoulders quaked as she clung to Rainbow, sobbing.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." she whimpered, guilt washing over her.

Rainbow continued holding Pinkie, relieved that another one of her friends had reached the breaking point, and was now confronting past events.

"I...I was there...d-during that punishment with Fluttershy...I just came down to see if your piercings were alright, and not g-getting inf-fected. I saw how much you had been crying...how hurt Fluttershy was...things that we didn't do to her...and I left the two of you d-down th-there. I... I..."

Pinkie was crying so hard that her words broke down into babbles and choked hiccups, and she had to pause for a several moments to catch her breath. Her shoulders heaved, and Rainbow merely closed her eyes and continued hugging her.

"I-I was so sc-sc-scared...scared of what Rarity would do to me if sh-she caught me h-helping you...oh Celestia I'm so sorry Dash..."

Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy gathered around at Rainbow's beckoning, and they formed a group hug around the grieving party host. After five minutes, Pinkie had calmed down, having cried herself dry. Rainbow gently rubbed her back, and finally broke the embrace.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

Pinkie sniffled, and nodded. Together, the two of them walked out of the cottage into the night. It was a slow walk back into town, and not many ponies were out at this time of night. Most of the walk was in silence, until Pinkie broke it when they were nearly back to Sugarcube Corner.

"I still have nightmares all the time... How could we have ever considered going along with that? We were out of our minds..."

"Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment."

Pinkie Pie shook her head, still in disbelief.

"I have no idea how you're going to make this work, Dashie."

The two of them were now standing in front of the entrance to Sugarcube Corner, now closed for the evening.

"I'm hoping it's as easy as process of elimination. Nothing else helped in the year that I was gone. Where there's a will there's a way, Pink. I don't know the way, but the will is there."

Pinkie sniffled again, tears pricking her eyes.

"Hey, I had fun tonight. Remember that."

Pinkie nodded. "Thanks, Dashie."

"I have some free time tomorrow. I'll come over and you can show me how to bake cupcakes."

Pinkie gave a small smile.

"Sounds like a plan."

Next Chapter: Intoxication Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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