
64 vs. Equestria

by Jman9877

Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

3rd Person POV

What happens when someone get everything they ever asked for? Will they finally be happy that they have what they’ve always wanted? Or will they realize that once you have everything you want, you have nothing else to strive for?

What about when someone tries to get everything they’ve ever asked for, yet no matter what they do, something will always throw a wrench in their plan? They may try to overcome their problem and eventually come to fulfillment, but what happens if that never happens? What if no matter how many times they try, no matter how many different plans or paths they take in their journey for fulfillment, they will always fail? And when the day comes where this person or pony finally comes to the end of their journey without victory, will they feel glad that they no longer have to fight? Or will they feel anger and regret towards never reaching their goal?

Sometimes it all depends what you are trying to do? If a cancer patient finally succumbs to their disease, will they feel relief for no longer having to suffer day to day, wondering if each day is their last? Or will they feel pain of no longer getting to be with their families and friends anymore? In this situation, they will probably feel both.

But in another, let’s say a journey to get revenge on the pony that has caused you so much pain and agony, has killed mercilessly, and has used others for their own personal gain and agendas. If one day in your path for revenge you succumb to something as small as a stray bolt of magic, or a rock falling from a cliff and caving your skull in, you would feel anger and frustration from your untimely end. But if you were killed in combat against the person you sought out to get revenge on, you would probably feel solace in knowing that in your last moments of life you never gave up to achieve your goal, that your spirit wouldn’t be crushed no matter what.

These incredibly crazy thoughts were what was flying through 64’s head as he saw an incredibly bright flash of light shine through Twilight Sparkles library about 30 seconds after he saw her send the letter through her little pet dragon. When the light settled, he saw through his make shift Spyglass that Princess Celestia was standing there in all her glory, along with Captain Shining Armor, and Advisor Dr. Silent Knight.

64 POV

Well this was certainly going to be a change of events. While looking through the Scope I saw that Celestia had a face of calm determination, yet I could tell on the inside that she was ready to explode in a rage which yet hasn’t been seen since the time I beat Vi in three moves of Chess. I could see Celestia was talking to Twilight, who was slightly cowering at the tone of voice Celestia was probably using.

“Vi, can you reach that far to get any audio tracking? I need to know what they are saying.” I said, still looking through my makeshift Spyglass.

“I think I can get within 10 yards of their location before her Alicorn magic can detect me attempting to spy on them. Let me try.”

This was the part of Vi’s magic which I loved. Using her magic in things such as espionage I got a HUD which showed me captions of any dialogue I wanted, along with a visual picture of the person speaking if I wasn’t able to identify them.
I heard the fuzz of feedback kick in, before coherent words started to form. Celestia voice was the first to come through.

“My faithful student, you need to realize that this is a very serious matter. The creature in question is very dangerous and harmful, so it is all our best interests that he is apprehended and brought in for his crimes.” Celestia’s voice rang seriously.

“But I don’t understand, what was he? It looked as if he was some kind of hairless ape, what could he possibly do?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

Knight’s voice came next, “He has stolen a certain type of artifact which in the wrong hands can level towns in mere minutes. We have reason to believe that he will try and destroy Canterlot very soon, starting with the assassination of Princess Celestia and her associates, including you.”

“Twily, we need to know as much as we can from your confrontation with him so we could arrest him and stop what he is planning. I don’t want to see my little sister in danger.” Shining Armor said.

The little cogs in my head started to spin after he said that sentence. Twilight was Shining Armor’s sister? So she was the one organizing the Summers Sun Celebration, and she was the reason Shining was so adamant about me being near Ponyville that night! I know for a fact it was probably Knight feeding these lies to him, that fucking conniving, manipulating bastard would stop at nothing to get me strapped back onto a table and slowly sliced open.

“I… I remember he was asking a lot of questions, like how my foalhood was, and what my relationship with Princess Celestia was like. I answered the question about my foalhood, but I tried to kick him out when he asked about Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, looking a bit glum at not being able to answer any more questions.

“And when you saw him you didn’t immediately question what species he was?” Knight asked.

“No, he was wearing a large Brown Cloak, and when he was crawling and all fours with it, it looked as if he was a just a large stallion. I tried looking for the Cloak somehow but I seemed to have misplaced it.”

Knight looked suspicious, but shrugged it off as he seemed to start searching for the Cloak, but would have no luck since I had it with me. I wondered for a bit why Princess Luna wasn’t to be found, but figured they needed somepony to run things back in Canterlot.

“When he didn’t listen to my request to leave, I pulled the coat off of him, revealing what he really was. He had some sort of black bar in my hand that looked like some sort of pipe or something, was that the device you were talking about Knight?” Twilight asked, pulling Knight out of his deep thought and returned to the small group.

“Yes. It was an experimental weapon being developed in our Science Facilities, but it went unfinished, making it incredibly unstable, and incredibly dangerous. It has the ability to turn into almost any weapon, but due to the unstable magical energy within it, it slowly turns the wielder insane, and that’s why we need to retrieve it from that creature. We need to get it back before he goes insane and destroys anything in his path.” Knight said, spewing lie after lie.

Vi’s magic had actually stabilized after I had slowly trained and tuned it, due to my use of her magic power. And the whole thing about going insane? Total bullshit. Although I am slightly insane after spending all that time in the wild, none of it came from Vi.

“Is there anything else we can get from your encounter?” Celestia asked, getting ready to leave.

“Umm… I have something.” That little dragon came out and said.

“Yes Spike?” Celestia asked.

“Umm… after Twilight saw him and got scared and ran away, I walked in and saw him. After I screamed a little, he grabbed me by the mouth, and then he told me that all he wanted to do was talk to Twilight. After that Rainbow Dash and Applejack busted through the door and chased the monster into town. I don’t know what happened after that. All I know is later that day I was using the Cloak Twilight talked about as a blanket for a nap, but when I woke up it was gone.”

Celestia turned to Shining Armor for a moment.

“Captain, alert Rainbow Dash and Applejack to come to here, I need to question them about this matter as well.” Celestia said, turning around and pulling a few books out of Knight Saddle bag and beginning to read them.

I knew that it would only be a matter of time before Celestia and Knight would triple their search parties to find me, so I needed an ace in the hole. I needed Princess Luna’s help.

“Vi, I think I know what I’m going to do about this Princess Luna business. I need somepony to help me evade the ever growing efforts to find me.” I said, shutting off the surveillance spell Vi had.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11:50 AM. Even though I was being chased by the entire army of Equestria and had to be constantly alert, what’s a bit of fun to be had while doing it?

I opened the hatch to the Clock Bell, and made a decent sized sledgehammer. Looking around to see if anyone was nearby, I saw the coast was clear for now, and quickly stepped onto the Bell platform and took a swing, preparing myself for the incredible noise the Carillion Bell made.

Knight POV

It had looked like Twilight Sparkle had bought everything I had said. I knew he was probably spying on us as we spoke, but I wasn’t able to pinpoint where he was. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to get me, Princess Celestia, and Twilight in the same room. The only wrench in his plan would be Captain Shining Armor, who would probably be watching Twilight with an eagle eye.

As Shining left to go get the two known as Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I heard the ring of the Clock Tower, signifying that it was now Noon. I thought about how peculiar that was. When I had set up the secret barricade around Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration, I had gotten there at 11, yet I didn’t hear the bell toll all day.

“Knight, can you go alert the other Elements of Harmony? There is Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie who also need to be brought up to speed on the situation at hand.” Princess Celestia asked. I nodded, getting their address’s and walking out the door.

My plan to bring Celestia to her knees was coming along perfectly. In her state of mind at the moment she is incredibly vulnerable to the slightest notion of her “Most Faithful Student” being threatened. She seems to have an incredible instability in her mind which at this point would be activated by a hair trigger, so all I had to do was push her over the edge.

“Yes…. Soon….” I murmured.

I arrived at the first home, or business as it looked. It seemed to be a confectionery shop, a bakery as one would have it. I entered and saw a lanky Orange Stallion at the counter.

“Why hello there stranger! Would you like to tickle your taste buds this fine afternoon?” The stallion asked.

“No, thank you. But I am looking for someone that goes by the name of Pinkie Pie, is she here right now?” I asked, wanting to get out of here, the stench of sugar is a stench I hate.

“Yep, let me just call her.”

He rang a bell on the counter. Almost immediately a Pink mare zipped down from Celestia knows where and was standing at attention.

“Pinkie Pie reporting for duty Mr. Cake! Oh hello there Mr.!” She said, almost too fast for me to comprehend.

“Umm, Hello. We need your assistance in Twilight Sparkle’s home, a Royal request from Princess Celestia herself.”

Once that sentence was over, I saw a flash, then when I looked back, all that was left of the Pink mare was an outline of her figure, before it fell to the ground.

I shook my head and simply thanked the Orange stallion, before leaving and heading to the home of “Rarity”. As I crossed the park, my mind wandered back to the Clock Tower. After events such as Nightmare Moon’s return would they make it a priority to repair a landmark which wasn’t damaged in the attack?

In the request letter for funds for rebuilding the only buildings getting repaired were Town Hall, and 2 other homes, but nothing about a Clock Tower. This piqued my interest as I finally arrived to the home of Rarity, which seemed to be a Carousel of some sort.

I knocked on the door, and her a little filly shout, “I’ll get it Sis!”

A small white filly with a light purple and light pink mane answered the door.

“Yes? Can I help you?” She asked.

“Yes, does a mare by the name of Rarity live here?” I asked, almost gagging at the scent of perfume which was invading my nose once she opened the door.

“Are you here about the robbery? Because my sister has been really down in the dumps about the whole thing.”

“Robbery? Can you explain a bit more?”

“Yeah, last night I remember seeing my sister lock up her Chest full of Prize Gems with three locks, but when we both woke up this morning, we found that it had been unlocked, and two gems were stolen! There was one that my sister couldn’t find the name of, but the other was a Rose Ruby!”

I thought about the strange robbery for a second. Why would somepony go as far as to break into a chest with three locks to only steal two gems? Unfortunately the matter would have to wait, I had business to attend to.

“I’ll have the Royal Guard look into the matter later, but right now I have a request from Princess Celestia to report to the home of Twilight Sparkle for a matter of importance.”

“Ok, I’ll go get her.”

The little filly trotted off, returning moments later with a mare who looked a little worse for wear.

“Yes? I was told this was a matter of importance?” She said with a slight sniffle.

I nodded, “A request to report to Twilight Sparkle’s home for an audience with Princess Celestia.”

“Ok, I’ll come with you.” She said, blowing her nose one last time before stepping out the door.

“Oh, you are mistaken madam, I will not be escorting you to her home, I must go get one more pony. I apologize for any inconvenience”.

The mare simply grunted before simply walking away, obviously still angry about the robbery. A Rose Ruby was no laughing matter, especially if you manage to get one for commercial use.

I started to walk away when I noticed something, peculiar about the wall. There were small marks going up the wall to the second floor window, as if someone walked up the wall......

I think I had just found the point of entry for the thief, but I would have to report that to the Royal Guard, I still had a “Fluttershy” to find. According to the address list given to me by Princess Celestia, Fluttershy house was near the Northern Entrance of the Everfree Forest. I walked to the location, and eventually I saw the house in question.

It was a small cottage, with a flurry of small animals roaming around the outside. I immediately disliked the house. I hated small animals with a passion, knowing their usefulness lied in being small test subjects rather than suitable pets. The animals instantly tensed and scurried away at the feeling I was giving off, giving me a straight line towards the front door.

I walked up to the door and knocked, awaiting the answer. The door opened, but I couldn’t see who opened it.

“Umm… Hello?” I asked, until I heard a very squeaky throat being cleared. I looked down and saw a small rabbit scowling at me. I gave an equally harsh glare, and he simply scowled harder at me. Our stare off became more and more aggressive, until he stopped and nodded his head while smiling, and hopped along.

“Huh. Cool rabbit.” I thought, smiling myself.

“Umm… excuse me? Can I help you?” A heard a meek voice call. I looked up to the voice and saw a Pink maned Yellow Pegasus looking at me through her hair.

“Yes, Princess Celestia requests your audience at Twilight Sparkle’s house. It is regarding the recent events of the creature sighting.” I said, regaining my sense of authority.

At the mention of the creature, Fluttershy seemed to get incredibly nervous and scared, but that was to be expected of somepony who has the word “Shy” in their name.

“Well we need you to report there at your earliest convenience, soon better than later.” I said, as Fluttershy simply closed the door shaking. I decided to let her take her time as I started to walk away, but I felt something poke at my forehoof. I looked down and saw the same rabbit from the front door stare down.

“Yes? What do you need?” I asked, curious for what he wanted.

The rabbit seemed to point towards the cottage, and then put his hands straight in the air, as if to indicate something tall.

“Project 64, Cottage?”

The rabbit nodded then lay on the ground, imitating as if somepony was asleep.

“Sleeping, Project 64, Cottage? Project 64 slept in that Cottage?”

The rabbit nodded and gave me a thumb up. He then seemed to imitate as if someone was using a bow and arrow then fired it, and he tried to mimic the sound of a large bell ringing.

“Arrow, bell? He shot an arrow and it rang a bell? The Clock Tower!” I said as I came to realization.

The bunny seemed to nod happily, as if he had trouble communicating with others.

“Thank you for this information… it seems I have an unlikely ally in something I normally don’t like very much.” I said with a smirk. The bunny nodded and hopped along, hopefully to find more information regarding Project 64.

I knew where I was going to go next. It seems I am going to have to take a detour in the meeting with Princess Celestia.

64 POV

I saw Princess Celestia continue to talk with Twilight, but after a bit of audio spying I found that it was simply regarding her studies about Friendship.

“64, I’m sensing somepony coming over the hill, get away from the windows.” Vi said, and I quickly took her advice.
I did hear the faint hoofsteps of somepony outside, so I’m pretty sure that it was just someone coming to look at the newly working Cloak Tower.

“Ugh… It seems that I have to wait until the pony leaves that I can start spying on Celestia again… Vi? Why can’t things ever be simple? Vi?”

It was as if Vi was in a daze, so I went into the Peacemaker to see what was up. I saw Vi standing there, a look of horror on her face.

“Vi? Vi snap out of it!”

“Knight…..” Vi whispered, almost inaudibly.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Him…. He…. Knight….”

I had enough and ejected myself from Peacemaker. Why was she talking about Knight?

“Project 64! I know you are in there!”

My blood ran cold. Knight was standing outside of the Clock Tower, mocking me as he yelled for me to come out.

“There is no use in hiding in there for long! The second Princess Celestia sends a notice to the Canterlot Royal Guard you are going to be flushed out in a second! How about a proposition?” Knight taunted.

I wouldn’t speak, but I had no choice but to listen.

“Here’s my proposition, I need you so I can continue my Underground Testing, and you want to stay in the land of the living right? So you give yourself up at Midnight tonight, and I promise you a painless retrieval. Sound good?”

I slowly began to wonder what I was going to do. Knight knows where I am, and would probably keep an Eagle Eye on me until he could get somepony out here to apprehend me. I could try to escape, but that would cause yet another commotion, and I wouldn’t want to do that with Celestia inside of the town.

It seems that I was in between a rock and a hard place, and had no means of escape.

“How about this, 2 miles Southwest of this Clock Tower there is a small clearing, out of the way from prying eyes. You will be there tonight at Midnight, or suffer the consequences. Either way, you are coming back with me….”

I heard footsteps trotting away, and I felt Vi physically relax.

“I-Is he gone?” Vi asked shakily.

“I think so… But the danger isn’t. We need to get out of here, but I know for a fact Knight set up a magical alarm, and it will alert him the second I leave this Clock Tower. Can you scan it to find the details of the spell?” I said, trying to find a chink in his metaphorical armor.

“Umm…. Y-yes, of course…” Vi said, still a bit dazed.

“It seems that the spell is a semi-permeable barrier spell, allowing some to enter and leave, but keeps others in, that other being you. It has a timer spell along with it, and it will shut off at about 11:30PM tonight, giving you a half hour time to reach your destination, that is if you are really going to go.”

“Hell no, but I can’t get far away enough to evade those Royal Guards in half an hour, I need an Ace in the Hole.”

It was 1PM right now… so I had 10 hours to come up with an effective plan which I could use to trick Knight into thinking I was going to give myself up. I had to think really hard, and sometimes that wasn’t my forte.

“Vi, I need you to help me brain a bit.”

“Oh, so nothing will change this time around?”

“Oww, nice one.”

“I try.”

Author's Notes:

New Chapter up duckers! To those who think that little monologue in the beginning of the chapter was completely useless, it wasn't. So ya know.... read it... love it....

Oh yeah! Someone complained my chapters were getting short, so here is the longest chapter yet!

Next Chapter: Chapter 19 Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 23 Minutes
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