
64 vs. Equestria

by Jman9877

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

3rd Person POV

As Vi and 64 were “relieving stress”, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made it to Twilight Sparkle’s home. As Fluttershy and Pinkie waited outside the door, they began to go over their plans.

“Ok! Do you remember the plan?” Pinkie said with laugh.

“Umm…. Do I go in when the tigers run inside, or after?” Fluttershy said nervously.

“After, duh! Then the Seals are going to hop through the window, then start dancing to the beat of my favorite Polka song! Then we grab the Cloak, and get back to your furless buddy!”

Fluttershy looked a bit nervous about the whole thing, and didn’t want to involve animals in the plan they had.

“Umm…. Pinkie? Do you think we could do something a bit simpler? Like you go in and distract Twilight, and then I’ll go in and grab the Cloak without them seeing me? I sort of have a talent for being quiet.” Fluttershy suggested.

“That’s even better! Good idea Fluttershy!” Pinkie said with a giggle.

The two friends knocked on the door, and waited for Twilight to answer the door, but what they didn’t expect to find was Rainbow Dash answering it instead.

“Hi Rainbow! What are you doing inside of a library? I thought you wouldn’t be caught napping inside of a library! Did we catch you? Did we? Did we?” Pinkie said, slowly pushing Rainbow back into the library.

While Pinkie was talking the ears off of Rainbow, Fluttershy quietly walked into the library, not even trying to be sneaky yet. She also saw that Rainbow wasn’t the only one also inside the Library; there was also Applejack and Rarity. Spike was also there but he was asleep in his basket, and it had looked like he had been crying a short while ago.

Fluttershy wanted to try and console the poor baby Dragon for what might have happened, but right now she had something she needed to do. Fluttershy managed to stay out of sight while Pinkie started to lead Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity into the kitchen for whatever reason, and quickly started to survey the living room, for the large, brown cloak.

“Oh… what did Mr. Creature say about it? It’s brown, and really big, too big to fit a pony. But it’s not here! Where could it be?” Fluttershy thought frightened.

As she continued to survey the room, she heard Spike start to toss and turn. When she turned to see what Spike was doing, she saw something she was incredibly nervous about. Spike was using the Brown Cloak as a blanket.

“Oh, how am I going to get that off of him without waking him up?”

Fluttershy did not know much about Dragon anatomy, but if they were anything like other reptiles, they had to have some sort of “sleep button” nerve on them. Luckily Spike was sleeping on his tummy, and the spines on his back were protruding from the Cloak, because they usually told the location of that special nerve.

“Ok, 3 spines from the neck, two inches to the left… ok, right under the left shoulder blade. Let’s hope this works…” Fluttershy whispered.

Fluttershy applied a bit of pressure to the hopeful area, and saw Spike suddenly tense up, before going completely limp. Nodding happily, Fluttershy grabbed the Cloak off of him, and made for the door, sighing happily that she was able to get the Cloak for 64.

“Hey Fluttershy? What are you doing?”

Fluttershy froze up at the voice behind her. When she turned around, Cloak in her mouth, she saw a confused Twilight Sparkle staring at her, head turned slightly in confusion.

“What are you doing with the creature’s cloak? How did you even know it was here?” Twilight Sparkle accused.

“Oh! Umm…… I-I just came by and saw Spike was using this tattered up old Cloak as a blanket, so I was going to take it home and try to use my songbirds to help me fix it up a bit.” Fluttershy said with a nervous smile.

“Well… I could just give it to Rarity to fix it up… but then again I don’t want it tampered with for when I get the chance to get Princess Celestia down here to help me investigate what that creature was.”

“Well then I could just help you keep if for safeguard, and then I could give it back when Princess Celestia get here…”

“But wouldn’t it have more chance of getting ruined with all of those little critters running around your house?”

“Oh… Well… Um….”

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say at that point, and was at a loss for words.

“Fluttershy, is there something you aren’t telling me?” Twilight pressed, as she walked towards Fluttershy.

“PINKIE! YOU CAN’T EAT THAT WHOLE CAKE IN ONE BITE!” Rainbow Dash yelled from the kitchen.

“Cake? OH NO! The cake I was going to give to Princess Celestia when she got here! PINKIE NO!” Twilight yelled as she ran into the kitchen to stop Pinkie from what she was planning.

Fluttershy took this opportunity to slip out the door and quickly start to fly home.

“Oh my, I did it! I hope Mr. Creature will be happy that I got his Cloak for him, he probably gets so cold without any fur to keep him warm…” Fluttershy thought. As she held the Cloak tightly, she didn’t notice a small object fall out of the Cloak’s pocket, and far to the ground below.

64 POV

“Looks like you need a bit more training there handsome; you tired yourself out the first couple of rounds didn’t you?” Vi asked, as I simply laid on the bed with a multitude of chess pieces strewn across the sheets.

“Hey! You’re the one who wanted a lot of short quickies! I would have been fine with one long game!” I retorted trying to blame her.

The records for chess games after that fiasco was now 63-60, with Vi ahead by 3 games. I did get pretty tired after having to think incredibly quickly to beat Vi, but in the end she was a much quicker player than I.

“So, what now? I say you need to go through Weapons Training a few times, you haven’t touched a single simulator since the Speed Simulator last week. Maybe you should go a few rounds with Ghost?” Vi suggested.

“I think I might take that suggestion, can you start up the Sparring Sim?” I asked, hopping to my feet and getting ready.

“Starting Up Sparring Sim.”

I saw as Vi disappeared along with the bed I was just laying on, as Ghost popped up out of the floor.

“Sup you, ready to lose this time?” Ghost said with a smirk on his face.

“In your dreams Ghost.” I replied back.

“Ok you two… get ready. Round 1, Hand to Hand Combat. Ready? Begin!”

Ghost immediately rushed me with a right hook, but I leaned back and grabbed his fist with my left. I brought my elbow behind his extended arm to snap his elbow, but he came with a left kick to my ribs, knocking me off balance, so instead of aiming for his extended elbow, my right fist came across hard on his right cheek.

I let go of his fist as he stumbled back, and I delivered a spine shattering dropkick to his back.

Ghost simply rolled as he hit the ground after he was knocked over by that dropkick, and ran back towards me. He was swinging hard and fast as he tried to get one good hit on my body, and I simply blocked using my forearms and palms. I slipped up a bit as a strong right kick was able to land on my face, and I was knocked off balance, sending me to the floor.

When I landed on my back I quickly stuck both feet in the air as I was able to catch Ghost before he landed on top of me, as he tried to put his hands around my neck and choke me.

“Almost got you 64!” Ghost yelled before I sent a hard left jab to his face as he tumbled off of me.

I was able to hold onto one of his arms as I twisted it into an arm bar, and pulled on his arm, trying to force him to submit.

“Can’t get out of this can ya Ghost!” I taunted at him, trying to piss him off. I pulled a bit harder to speed things up, and I felt his hand tap my leg, so I decided to let him go.

“Winner, winner bro.” I said, giving him a hand in getting up.

“Round 1 goes to 64. Round 2, Weapons Combat, choose your weapon.”

A table of many different weapons popped up in the empty white room we were in, and Ghost quickly ran for my favorite sword, making sure I couldn’t get my hands on it.

“Ha! Can’t win without this can ya?” Ghost said as he shook the blade in my face.

I looked towards the table and grinned. I’m pretty sure I don’t need it to win. I walked to the table and grabbed the smallest possible dagger I could.

“I think I’ll manage just fine with this.” I said with a smirk.

“Round 2. Ready? Begin!”

Ghost gripped the sword in a standard grip as he stood in a ready pose. I simply held the Dagger in a backwards grip and stood ready as well. Ghost got cocky and rushed me with his sword, ready to slice me in half, but I simply rushed as well and blocked his vertical attack with a horizontal block. I pushed back on his sword and kneed him in the stomach, and while he was kneeled over I held his head in place and brought my knee up to his face, and knocked him out.

I brought the Dagger to his throat, but a buzzer rang out and Ghost body and my Dagger disappeared, and a pleased looking Vi appeared before me.

“Well done 64, looks like your fighting skills haven’t dwindled yet.” Vi said with her arms crossed.

“Well it was only one week, and I had some practice by slicing through all of those monsters when I rushed through the Everfree Forest.” I said trying to defend my lack of practice.

Vi simply shook her head amused and suddenly looked up.

“I think Fluttershy is trying to wake you up. Get up.” Vi said as she ejected me from Peacemaker and I appeared once again lying on a bed. I saw Fluttershy starting to poke my chest to try and wake me up but she saw it was unnecessary for her to do so.

“Oh! I’m sorry if I woke you up, but I was able to get your Cloak for you Mr. Creature.” She said with a smile.

“Oh thank goodness! Where is it?!” I asked excitedly.

“It’s downstairs on a couch, do you want me to go and get it for you?”

“No, no it’s ok. I can get it, it’s fine.”

I jumped out of bed and made my way downstairs, ready to put that Cloak back on and make my way into the Everfree Forest. As I was running I suddenly fell forward, tripping onto my face. I looked behind me and saw the little devil bunny on his back laughing his little ass off.

“Ugh… now’s not the time.” I thought as I continued towards the living room, and saw my Cloak on the couch just like Fluttershy said. I quickly tossed it on and patted down the pockets, trying to remember which pocket the Rhyolite Stone was in, but when I felt for it, I felt that nothing was there. I turned the Cloak inside out trying to look for it, but I couldn’t find anything.

“Vi, scan to see if you see the Rhyolite anywhere! Where could it have gone!?” I yelled in my head as I began to panic.

“64, I can’t find any trace of Rhyolite anywhere in your Cloak, but I can detect it somewhere in Ponyville. It probably fell out when Fluttershy was flying it back, but I’m pretty sure we could go looking for it; it doesn’t feel very far away.” Vi replied, trying to calm me down.

“Ugh… why does this always happen to me?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s just your really bad luck.”

I simply slumped onto the couch and closed my eyes, wondering if someone was out for me. I looked outside and saw the sun starting to set, and knew I wasn’t going anywhere for the night.

Fluttershy walked downstairs and saw my state of mind.

“Umm… excuse me, if you don’t have anywhere else to go tonight, the bed upstairs is available to you right now.” She said with a whisper.

I looked outside and saw the Moon start to rise, then suddenly remembered something.

“I’ll take you up on that offer, but right now I have something to do. Fluttershy did you grab my bow after you found me at the bottom of the cliff?” I asked quickly.

“Oh yes, but that is also in my Shed with the bears who helped me get you out of that cliff, do you want me to go get it?”

“Yes please.” I said as I put on my Cloak, but didn’t crouch down into my stealth form.

Fluttershy looked at me curiously as I followed her outside to her Shed in the darkness. I saw her open her Shed and she indeed had a family of Bears still napping inside of it. I knew she had to be good with animals, but that good? Damn.

She came out with my bow and I quickly pulled out an arrow from the quiver alongside it. I checked my wristwatch and saw the time it was.


With Vi calculating the distance and the wind resistance an arrow would have at this distance, I pulled back an arrow and waited.

“Ok 64… ready…aim… FIRE!”

I let the arrow fly as I looked at my watch.




12 Midnight. The Clock Tower rung for the entire town, signifying the start of a new day.

“Alright Fluttershy, I’ll take that bed offer now.”

Princess Luna POV

Things have been very different ever since I had returned…

Nopony seemed to respond to the Royal Canterlot voice anymore, and almost everypony seemed to cower at my mere presence. I wondered if it was due to my less than infamous past, but also wondered if everypony was scared of a new Princess coming to power after having a single Princess for 1000 years.

The only solace I still found in this world was still being able to enter the dreams of my subjects and help ease their nightmares. I found that when I eased their sleep, they became thankful and less frightened of me, and actually sometimes wished I would stay and help their other dreams. Sadly I had millions of other dreams I needed to relieve those nights, and left their dreams to go to others.

Some dreams were simply childish nightmares of monsters in the dark, but others contained the horrors of everyday life, such as fear of losing a friend, or fear of losing family. These dreams were harder to alleviate, due to the realism that went along with them, but I always helped as much as I could.

There had been a slight disturbance of sleep near Ponyville tonight, involving a monstrous Bi-Pedal which was terrorizing and scaring the children of Ponyville. As I investigated these dreams I found they were not only dreams, but memories. This behavior was strange, for I had never seen this kind of situation before.

I felt the strangest form of magical sleep energy coming from Ponyville, as if it wasn’t…… exactly…… pony……

I immediately recognized this as the strange creature people had been dreaming about, and it itself was now dreaming. I knew I had to learn more about this creature to see if it was dangerous or not, and entered its dreams, not being prepared for what I was about to see……

Next Chapter: Chapter 16 Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 57 Minutes
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