
Lyra's Contraption

by Movie Reel

Chapter 1: EUREKA!



By Movie Reel


Open with an extended and overly complicated breakfast machine ala every 80s and 90s movies ever made that had them.

My name is Lyra Heartstrings. I am a musician and a contraptionologist. I earned that degree at Canterlot U. I made a WEIRD THINGY THAT DOES A WEIRD THING.

I wasn't lying when I said I was a musician, I do have a lyre cutie mark after all. But my special talent is mainly how I make money, inventing is kind of a hobby. A hobby that I take very seriously. I sometimes wish I could patent my own invention, but they say there is no demand for a DOOHICKEY I MADE. I deeply love music but I've always had this urge to create. Be it a song or a WHAKITY SCHMAKITY.

Bon Bon convinces Lyra to stop tinkering for one night and go eat out at a Neighponese restaurant that recently opened.

They do but while they eat Bon Bon has trouble with her chopsticks. She helps Bon Bon eat with chopsticks with her magic. Bon Bon finds it sweet but Lyra has an epiphany about how to solve a problem such as this.

After weeks of planning, building, and only she knows what else, Lyra reveals her contraption to Bon Bon. It's a pair of mechanical hands.

She doesn't know what to think about them but Lyra begs and pleads and puppy dog eyes her to try them around town for a day.

Bon Bon finds the... thing kind of neat and helpful, but it just feels alien to her. Lyra accepts that but some other ponies take offense to her trying to force something "inequine" onto them.

This eventually gets the attention of the mayor and a fellow contraptionologist, one Professor Danger. A debate is called over whether or not it really is something inequine or just a hobbyists trinket.

This debate eventually is brought to the Equestrian court where words are shouted so loud they can feel the exclamation points. Lyra gives a defense for her contraption. She says she made it as a way to satisfy her urge to make and if anyone doesn't want her to make then she won't make something that is this unsettling.

She keeps the hands for herself. Just to wear around the house.

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