
The Return of Twilight Sparkle

by Cameron Nightshade

Chapter 11: Coming Home

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As the school day ended, Twilight Sparkle walked towards the barrier to the other world. She reached out to see if it was closed. Of course, it was. She focused her magic into her head. She felt the magic surround her, as if in a bubble. Thinking about how to open the portal, she sent her magic into the portal.

The portal moved slightly, and Twilight put her hand through the portal. She drew her hand back as the final bell of the day sounded. Students streamed out of the school, and Twilight stood before the open portal. Students came around and said their final goodbyes to Twilight before they headed home.

The 6 girls exited Canterlot High together, and stopped before Twilight.

“Hi girls,” Twilight said sadly.

Pinkie Pie rushed forwards and hugged Twilight. Sobs erupted from Pinkie. “I- I don’t want you to go!!!!” Pinkie yelled.

“It’s going to be okay. I’m needed back home, and that is where I belong. I’ll come back in 30-ish moons when the portal is open again, so when that time comes, please come for me here. I love you guys so much,” Twilight explained.

The girls grouped together and hugged each other. Twilight turned away from the small group of girls and stepped towards the portal. The girls quietly sobbed into each others arms.

Twilight faced the portal and stuck her arm through the portal. She turned back around to face her friends. They all waved goodbye to Twilight. She took the final step into the portal, and was put back in her world.

She stepped onto her hooves and looked around. No one was there. She breathed out a sigh of relief. She didn’t want to have to deal with any guards questioning her on why she was in the Portal Room without supervision. She stepped quietly through the castle. Twilight figured she should go to the throne room to see Princess Celestia to tell her she was back.

As she opened the door to the throne room, all Princesses took posture at the arriving guest. Twilight stepped through the doorway.
“Twilight! My faithful student, you have returned from your trip,” Princess Celestia commented.

“Welcome back, Twilight. It will be nice to have you back here,” Princess Luna said to Twilight.

“I will inform the guards to give Twilight’s friends a notice that she is back from the other world,” Princess Cadence stepped down from her throne. She walked over to a guard, and he sent a message out to Spike.

Twilight sat down on the marble floor. “It is great to be back home. I have helped Sunset Shimmer out, and that is what I set out to do. I do request that I may visit that world when the portal normally opens to see how everything is going,” Princess Twilight asked her mentor.

“Request granted. You will return to your normal duties of moving the stars tomorrow night, so you have time to catch up on your sleep from your journey. Luna will move the stars for you tonight. And please, next time you go to to this other world, just tell us, and don’t just leave a note that we may or may not have found,” Princess Celestia commented to Twilight.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia. I will return to my chambers for the rest of the day, and also tonight. I will travel to Ponyville tomorrow to tell my friends that I am back home, since I know they will be worried about me. Good day, Celestia, Luna, Cadence,” Twilight walked away from the 3 Princesses and went to bed.

Author's Notes:

Thanks guys for reading my story! It was a pleasure writing this for you, and I hope you will like my newest story, coming out son, of Luna's final days before becoming Nightmare Moon!


After Twilight left Sunset in the care of the Mane 5 back in the human world -again-, things went very well. The students started to accept Sunset more and more as time went on. Sunset lost a lot of her bullying qualities, but they still showed up from time to time.

Sunset was content with her new friends, and she liked being accepted, and not feared. 2 and a half years passed, and Sunset decided to send Princess Twilight a letter.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am pleased to imform you that things are going well back here. Since you left, people have been more welcoming. I still get a few camera people coming to my door asking what happened that night when I turned into 'a crazy demon lady'. But I would like love to thank you for your patience, and even crossing the portal to help me. This next part is for Princess Celestia.
Princess Celestia,

I would like to apologize for my actions back when I was your student. I shouldn't have tried to ascend to an alicorn, when I obviously wasn't ready. I am sorry for the stress that I caused you. I never thought it would get that bad. But I would like to thank you for being a wonderful mentor.

Well, I guess that is all. I have graduated High School with all my friends, and I have started a family. So I must be off. Feel free to stop by sometime. It would be wonderful to see you again.

Sincerest thanks and sorrys',

Sunset Shimmer-Breeze

Author's Notes:

Okay, this is the official end to the story. I decided to add a little bit to the end, since I didn't really like where I last ended it. But here we go. I am still editing the chapters for this story though. Eh, oh well.

Next Chapter: Epilogue Estimated time remaining: 2 Minutes
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