
Be The Stallion!

by Diablomuerte2

Chapter 1: Two in the Pink, One in the Stink!

Two in the Pink, One in the Stink!

It was a dark and dreary night when Applejack had awoken from her fifth erotic dream featuring an abundance of lesbimare activities. She was getting angry each time, the dreams turned from a straight dream where she is about to be mounted to a dream where she is pinning a certain unicorn to the ground and having her way with the pony invading her dreams. It wasn't usual for Applejack to dream about anything sexual, especially not lesbimare stuff.

"Landsakes... I need help," She shouted as she woke from yet another dream with her hoof firmly planted in her dripping core, she was rubbing it furiously in her sleep while her subconscious kept playing out fantasy scenes of her and the fashionista doing things that she would have found 'uncouth.' Applejack needed sleep and for the tormenting thoughts to go away. She thought she was into stallions and yet all her sexually charged dreams featured mares instead. It wasn't a variety of mares either, it was just one mare in many different positions and scenarios.

Applejack sadly dipped her hoof into her musky crevice and hoofed herself until she reached the height of ecstasy and came with an earth shattering vocal eruption. She had thanked Celestia that a thunderstorm had been there to mask her loud evocation of adulation. She closed her eyes and finally passed out from fatigue. The thoughts still flowed in her head but a dreamless sleep drowned them out.


The morning came all too soon, and before the sun could fully rise, waking all the ponies in Ponyville, a rooster decided now would be the best time to wake up the Apple family.

"Ya gotta be kidding me, can't a mare get some gosh darn rest around here?" She yelled at no one in particular.

She was aware of her smell filling the room and opened her windows before heading into the bathroom to clean herself off and shower. She had hoped her noises didn't disturb her family that night, but was glad she was in the shower and alone. She had closed her eyes for one second and that costed her greatly.

Images of her and Rarity licking each other's dripping marehoods began flooding her mind. She was lost in the daydream, she started hoofing herself in the showers as the waters cascaded down her body. Her muscular frame being assaulted with water as her wanting marehood was being ravaged by her own hoof.

The arousal was unable to be contained and soon she was moaning Rarity's name out with a husky tone. She backed herself to the wall of the shower and stood on her hind legs as her other foreleg began rubbing her clit with haste. She wasn't in the mood to be gentle with herself. She had chores to do and no time to waste being a mindless sex fiend. "Rarity... oh Rarity... that's the spot, ya dirty mare." She was close to orgasm.

Her mind was so consumed by sex that she hadn't noticed her brother calling out to her. He was getting worried that she had slept in, so he went into her room. He was hearing some odd noises coming from the shower and rushed in to make sure she wasn't being attacked.

The noises had broke her from her revoir but it was too late. She had already reached the edge of climax and couldn't stop herself. "RARITY!" Her face contorted in sheer pleasure, and she was unable to see through the foggy mind of sex that her brother just saw her orgasm.

Big Mac turned a deeper shade of red and ran out the bathroom. He didn’t stopped running until he could not feel any sort of arousal, that had accidentally been set off, in his own body. Stupid penis! That is my sister... I am ashamed of you.


Applejack had finished showering and quickly ate breakfast. She avoided the rest of the Apple family that morning in case she humiliated herself in front of them too. She was glad that Applebloom didn't have school today, she could buck the trees until noon before stopping for some grub.

The farm, the Apple family’s main source of income, required each member to continuously work and do chores if they wanted to survive. It was a harsh cycle of work and sleep, but it was necessary for the town as well as her own family. She enjoyed using her legs to their potential, and bucking trees allowed her to relieve some stress. She was very stressed out and now she had until noon to take her frustrations out on the defenseless apple trees.

Applejack unleashed her fury upon the orchard, tree after tree was stripped of its apples and dignity. She wasn't being gentle at all, her intense movements made sure of that. She was like an angry hornet stinging away at a helpless kitten. Those trees never had a chance.

Soon her body was getting tired and she had noticed it was about noon, her eyes scanned the field of bare trees and she tipped her hat in pride. "I sure as hay enjoyed doing that." She stated with a smug expression on her face. "Now ta show- rinse myself off and eat some grub, then I can relax and start on the other field." She was happy with her plan since it didn't involve Rarity at all. What she didn't expect was for fate to drop an angel onto her farm.

Not really an angel, more of a menace, came speeding into sight and crashed into the farm mare before she could register what is was. The offending blur was none other than the only mare who could make matters worse. "Sup AJ... sorry I crashed. I wasn't focused with my audience trying to flash me their... well that's not important." The cyan pegasus quickly got up and dusted herself off.

"Feather Brain!" She yelled as she recovered from the impact and slowly stood up. She hated being crashed into by the supersonic daredevil. "Ya can't crash into anypony else?" She was fuming.

"Whoa... what's eating you Apples?" Her wings flared in defense in case her friend wanted to throw down.

"Nothin' I jus’ ... look, can we talk RD, mare to mare?" She asked shyly, almost mimicking Fluttershy with her gaze down and her feet pawing at the dirt.

"Sure, just let me tell my cheering section where I will be-" She was cut off by an angry retort.

"No!... I mean it won't take long, I promise. I just need some advice on what ta do about something... I can't have anyone else knowing about this..." She said sheepishly as she tried looking up.

"Alright AJ shoot! What's got you in a twist?" She said while hoping that her cheering section of one wasn't looking for her.


Fluttershy had seen Rainbow Dash lose control and felt a bit guilty, but at the same time she was reveling in her new found sexual assertiveness. She enjoyed teasing Rainbow Dash because it always wound her up. In Fluttershy's defense, Rainbow Dash deserved it because the cyan mare was the one who seduced her. Since they got together it's been nothing but trying out new things and exploring their limits. They had emotional attachments that made the relationship strong, but Fluttershy found out they had great sexual chemistry, and that was making the relationship a passionate one.

She was going to walk her way to where she saw her lover fade off into the distance and hope she wasn't hurt... unless she was in the mood for some bondage and being dominated. Fluttershy found out that Rainbow Dash, while always preferring to be a top, was secretly into being dominated. Fluttershy found that out while yelling at her about something, she didn't remember what the argument was about, but she remembered the look in her eyes that day. Rainbow Dash, while in public being the top of the two, at heart enjoyed being a bottom to Shy.

Fluttershy smiled at that thought. She can be little miss "I run this stuff” while she is out with her friends, but when she gets home she knows that I am in charge. Fluttershy felt good to be the boss, it was always inside of her, that dominant spirit, and she was glad her lover brought it out of her. They never had any actual issues with control, but only sexual fun when it came to that subject. They had remained partners throughout their relationship.


Rainbow Dash was turning crimson, she hadn't expected her friend to unload such secrets. She also didn't think that Applejack, of all ponies, would be into mares... not just any mare either...Applejack was into Rarity. Rarity was the most frou frou and feminine of the group. Rainbow Dash enjoyed the femininity in Fluttershy, however, Rarity took it to another level. "So let me get this straight." She rubbed her chin before attempting to piece together the information she was bombarded with "You not only are into mares, but you might be in love with, or just crushing hard on, Rarity. You also claim to be having wet dreams about her to the point it's causing you problems, and instead of going to her and letting her know how you feel, you wish for me to help you?" She finished with a confused look on her face as she hovered in front of her friend.

Applejack sheepishly nodded before her pride came into the picture. "Well now I don' need ya to do anything special, I just need advice on how to snag her," She said with her confidence and ego rising up. She was Applejack, not some cowardly mare. She didn't need RD to go to Rarity in her stead, she just needed some advice.

"Well first of all, why me? You know I am not good with love and all that stuff." Her confused tone and the scratching of the back of her neck was enough to cause the other mare to almost give up.

"Listen, I know ya aren't into that fancy romance business, but ya did snag that Fluttershy. I know her barn door didn't swing that way before you did what ya did. So I just need ta know what ya did." She said with a small blush considering the nature of her request.

"Oh is that all?" She chuckled. "Simple AJ, if you want to win a mare over that isn't into mares, you just have to... Be the stallion!" She declared with her chest puffed out.

"Be the stallion?" The farm mare replied, confused. "RD, how can I be 'the stallion' if I'm missing the damn key ta bein’ one?" Her anger rising at the idiotic advice of her well meaning friend.

Rainbow Dash chuckled and avoided a swift hoof from the angered mare. "Alright, alright, settle down. I don't mean to grow a pair literally, I mean to grow a pair metaphorically. See, you need to exude confidence, yeah exude that word. You need to be sure of yourself and also have to not be a sucker. You have to call the shots, not let them run the show. You hear me?" She was acting like a mock drill sergeant.

"I guess?" Applejack was still confused.

"Alright, how about this. There are three things you need to remember if you really want Rarity to be yours... But first you have to tell me... Do you really want her? I personally don’t give a buck if you do or don't, but Twilight might get snippy if you ruin the circle of friendship with playing with Rarity’s heart. Rarity is easily the most dramatic of our group of friends." She explained.

"Umm ya know I do... If I ain’t into her that much, I would not be here listening to yer foolery." She stomped her hoof down hard.

"Alright, chill... you really need some of that bad, huh? Well I need to get going too because I am needing some as well. I mean your stories were very descriptive and I know Fluttershy will be here soon."

"So then hurry up Feather Brain!" She was itching to go and get some and didn't need the sidetracking.

"Alright, first you need to show overwhelming confidence, never falter and don't take no for an answer, unless it becomes rape, then you take no as an answer... rape isn't cool." She spoke with a serious tone. Being forceful is sexy but actually forcing something is downright despicable.

"Next you need to sweeten the deal with some nice lines and romantic banter... if you can't talk like a stallion would then you can't impress a straight mare. You got muscles too which works in your favor. Now the final thing you need is a ... well... I better show you, be back in ten seconds flat." She zoomed off and in exactly 10.9 seconds later she returned.

"How did ya... I don' care, but what the hay is that?" She exclaimed while pointing, with her hoof, at the offending device.

"Oh well... it's sort of a strap-on and it's for mares to simulate being a stallion. It lets you rut a mare who is either into both stallions and mares or just into stallions. Some mares who are only into mares enjoy a good penetration too. I guess it's a tool for all mares ...." She said while looking down in embarrassment about having to explain such a personal item.

"So I just need one of those doohickeys?" She observed it as Rainbow Dash gave it to her. She noticed it had a weird smell to it. The smell wasn't offensive, but it was unusual... she was tempted to sniff it and was rewarded with a stifled giggle from her friend.

Rainbow Dash was tempted to have her lick it. Just for the sight of it and for the fact she would have tasted Fluttershy's essence. For some reason the thought of her friend tasting her mare-friend's essence from a toy didn't bother her as much as it turned her on. The buck is wrong with me... I think I need therapy. Oh well, don't care, need to prank my friend now. "Go ahead... lick it," She said, trying not to sound dirty or perverted. It was a hard effort to not chuckle or lose her mind.

"Alright?" she stated quizzically, not understanding the reason for it. She did as instructed and licked it. She found the taste of the device was kind of salty but still sort of sweet. "Mmm' what is this? Syrup?" She asked while licking it more, soon the joke wasn't funny as she was licking it with fervor collecting the sample of juices that had been stained on the toy.

Rainbow Dash thought this moment couldn't get any more awkward but just as fate would have it, it soon did.

"What is going on?" Fluttershy had a look of 'this better not be what I think it is.'

"Oh shit Shy... I swear nothing... actually it's all pretty funny you see..."


Applejack was glad that Fluttershy dragged Rainbow Dash away, she was about to knock that pegasus into next week for pulling something like that. She had to spit out all that taste when she realized it wasn't syrup at all. She washed her mouth and cursed her friend's name in silence.

Still, if Rainbow Dash wasn't lying about her method to seduce a straight mare, then it was worth the risk of humiliation believing her. She decided it would be a test of their trust and friendship, to see if she was mislead. She had decided to eat some lunch before making her trip to the adult store Rainbow Dash had mentioned. She needed her own tool, not a cyan one that was covered in some essence of Fluttershy.

She ate her apple fritter, drank her cider, and rushed off, too excited about the prospect of snagging a good one. She honestly didn't know how it would all work out, even if she did snag Rarity, but she knew it was worth a damn shot if it meant she could be happy.


The adult store was not what Applejack was expecting. She thought it would be a quiet shop with few ponies shopping there. Instead it was full of inquisitive mares and perverted stallions who would chuckle at the slightest of things. She was glad that she was warned to bring a disguise so she wouldn't be shamed by the judgmental ponies, that didn't exist, in the store for deviants.

She had used the Manehattan accent she was forced to learn as a filly when living with her Aunt and Uncle. "Why hello, I am looking for a toy to use on my partner... I am looking for a very big one." She blushed, realizing just how perverse she might have sounded.

The cashier just pointed to a giant dildo that was meant to be used on one's self. "We got that one and the 'King,' but no one can take the King, not even Celestia herself." Her tone was casual about the whole thing, which made Applejack even more embarrassed.

She almost lost her accent in the fumble of eyeing the King and all it's glory. "I am actually... looking for one that is meant to be ... equipped." She looked around nervously hoping no one was staring at her. Luckily for her, no one cared about her well enough to make a comment, they had been confined to their own perversions and lustful endeavors.

"Woah... you can't strap the King on you will murder the mare... or stallion you are going to use it on." The cashier was imagining some poor mare being tied down and having the King pushed in. The thought wasn't pleasant.

"Not that big... but pretty big if you got one..." Her accent fading and soon the nerves made her real voice come through. "I just need somethin' special for the lady I'll be courtin." She freaked out as her real accent made it’s way through. Her thick accent was also the most noticeable of them all. She was afraid someone would recognize it.

"Alright, I can give you the Prince, it isn't as big as the King but it will do just fine. Just remember to be careful and make sure the mare is lubed up properly... I don't want another mare trying to sue this establishment for damaged ovaries." She complained, which lead Applejack to worry.

"Dontcha worry about a thing ya hear? I will be extra careful with it." She tried speaking lowly but was still afraid to be noticed. She paid the for the thing with haste and rushed out of the store. When she made it out the door she breathed and let her mood settle before going home to try it on.


When Applejack got to her farm, she noticed her brother wasn’t looking at her. He deliberately turned his head away as soon as she got close. This worried the farm mare and she hoped she didn't do anything to offend him.

"Big Mac, are you ashamed of me or somethin'?" She was scared for a moment that her brother hated her because of the revelation.

"No I'm not, I just wasn't ready ta walk in on ya doin' what ya did... and hearin' what I heard." He said while trying not to replay the memory lest he wanted his cock to get riled up.

She gave him a huge hug and held him tight which didn't help his situation. "I am glad you don't hate me Big Mac, I would sure hate to lose you." She kissed his cheek and he ran off again. She wasn't sure what happened but she didn't bother to give chase.

Big Mac, for the second time, ran away aroused with his tool throbbing in frustration. "I needs to get me a mare." He noted as he was again aimlessly trying to outrun his arousal.


Applejack was in her room trying the tool on, she noticed it was huge, which was needed to impress the other mare. "Hey there Rarity, what ya lookin at? Oh this thing? Aw shucks sugarcube it won't hurt ya ... not much at least." She grinned while psyching herself up. The mirror wasn't Rarity, and wasn't actually going to respond to her, but it was practice and she was enjoying her own bravado.

While she was strutting her stuff for the mirror, she hadn't been alert to three sneaky fillies who were being Cutie Mark Crusader Investigators.

The three fillies wanted to find out why Applejack was talking about hurting Rarity, and was hoping they could get their cutie marks if they stopped her from doing so.

"What you got there Applejack?" Scootaloo asked while eyeing the makeshift member. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew it was something interesting.

"Nothin'!" The scared mare detached the item and quickly hid it from view.

"Sister, I saw ya with somethin' so I know it ain't nothin'." Applebloom angrily retorted.

"It's a gift for Rarity... that’s all." She made that face she used when lying but it wasn't detected by the three curious fillies.

"So a gift for my sister?" Sweetie Belle sounded excited. Rarity hardly got gifts randomly and it wasn't her birthday. "What's the occasion?" She wondered with her cute, excitable voice chirping away Applejack's mood.

"Listen here little fillies, I need ya ta forget ya saw anythin', I need to get going and deliver this gift, so git." She demanded, wanting them to leave. She didn't need anypony else making a possible scene. She just wanted to finally be done with it.

The cutie mark crusaders felt dejected and just tried finding another activity to do. They didn't understand why the gift was so awkward and they were too young to know the implications of it. They just let it go and ran off, leaving Applejack able to breathe again.

"This day just can't get any worse." She muttered. She strapped the tool back on and gave a little spin. She wanted to see if she looked stallion enough with it on. "I can't wait ta show this thing here off to Rarity, she will be plum pickin' delighted." She put the toy away in a rolled up cloth and latched it on her saddle bag. She was ready to go to the Carousel Boutique and get her a mare.


Rarity was busy making a custom dress for a very picky customer. She had spent all day working on it, all the while entertaining a very oblivious baby dragon. She was pretending to listen to a story he was telling while making sure the fabrics weren't misstitched in any spot.

"So then I was like, hey Dash what's up, and she was all like ... nothing much." Spike was in the middle of telling Rarity a story that he thought was interesting. His stories, usually of cleaning the library or doing some other mundane task, were never a grand affair, but he had been trying to spice up his stories by stretching the truth. It wasn't full blown lies like Rainbow Dash was used to doing, but it was somewhat hyperbole. "Well afterwards we hung out and we ran into a manticore, I was not scared in the slightest, Rainbow Dash may have been scared a bit, but we kept our cool and took it out together... I did help."

Rarity was eyeing her work and was happy it came out so well. "That was fascinating Spike, never a boring day when you’re around. Thanks for keeping me company Spikey Wikey." Her tone of delight was due to the dress being done, but what would it hurt to use it on him since he was being a good sport? I guess it will give him the wrong signals, but still it's not like he is in love with me... is he?

Spike was blushing and was unable to see that he was accidentally being lead on. He didn't care since ignorance was bliss, he was a very happy dragon while in the presence of Rarity. The logical portion of his brain would shut off around her. His crush had been not as strong as before, but it was still able to hold his attention when she complimented him.

Rarity was about to find some excuse to be alone so she could have some wine to take the edge off from all the stress. The stress which was induced by the infernal orders that kept her horn alight and her hooves sore. She didn't need one as she heard the voice of Twilight and the voice of Applejack who entered the store and started climbing up the stairs to find their targets.


Twilight had only one goal in mind. She had to get her baby dragon to help her re-organize the books again. She would have used Owlowiscious, but he wasn't feeling too well and was being cared for by Fluttershy. "Spike... Come on, we have to organize the books again." Her voice was loud. Twilight was very impatient. She had a schedule to maintain and his crush was always getting in the way of it during random occasions.

Applejack was glad Twilight needed the baby dragon, it would have made it even harder to seduce the mare if she was with company. Sweetie Belle was with her sister and Scootaloo, so it was just Spike who could stop her plans, and that was being taken by Twilight. Applejack felt like she could have kissed Twilight in joy at that moment.

Spike wasn't too happy about leaving Rarity, but he felt he didn't have to worry, she was being nicer to him, so that means he had no worries about any-pony stealing his 'girl'. "Alright I‘m coming... Bye Rarity, will I see you tomorrow?" He asked with a hopeful grin.

"Oh Sorry Spike, I can't tomorrow, I have to go deliver clothes to a client and can't be late. Maybe another day?" She offered noncommittally, in hope that he would forget. She didn't hate having him around, but it was just a pain to have anypony there when she was busy with work. She had already kicked Sweetie Belle out on occasions and didn't want to end up hurting the baby dragon.

"It's alright, I will see you around, and hey, thanks for listening." He said before running off.

Rarity was almost joyful Spike was gone, she could drink her wine in peace, but had another guest to attend to. "Hello Applejack... sorry, I was seeing Spike off, what can I do you for?" She stated with a fake smile. She wasn't in the mood for guests, especially one she wanted badly, that had no interest in her.

"Well... Rarity, can ya lock the store for a bit? I kinda need ta talk to ya privately." She said in the most neutral voice possible. She was excited, nervous, confused, and aroused. She had the elements needed to 'be the stallion' as Dash had put it.

Rarity was confused as to why the usually reserved farm mare was interested in talking to her. She didn't tempt fate, "Sure darling, we can talk in private... I hope everything is alright.” She was thinking of how to make this moment better, “I have an idea! Run along to my room, in case somepony with a key comes in, so we won't be disturbed." She was worried about Sweetie Belle interrupting their conversation, and since their parents were gone for another surprise vacation, she had to give her sister access to the Boutique.

Rarity also had another reason to guide the muscular farm mare into her room. She was hoping to relieve another urge she had recently been having, an urge to be taken by a stronger pony. She was into stallions, but Applejack's muscular frame was also appealing. If she was able to envision her as a stallion it would be perfect for her, though perfection isn't reality, she would just be happy with settling for a mare version of Adonis.

"Alright then sugarcube, I'll be in yer room." Applejack wasn't sure why her heart was pounding hard. She had surely been able to get by on her plan. Be the stallion Applejack... don't ya dare be nervous, I'm so close ta my goal. I can do this. I can't do this... she is such a mare and frou-frou like. What the hay am I doing... I should have stayed on the farm and kept buckin' apples. Then she remembered what was in the saddlebag and smiled wickedly to herself. She was going to surprise Rarity in her room with the 'gift' she had.


Rarity had turned the lights off downstairs and turned the sign on the door from open to closed. She was going to let nothing stop her when she wanted it. She had been too used to using toys and not getting off properly. She had attempted to seduce Prince Blueblood, to give herself to a noble prince like she had always dreamed of. But that stallion was more of a mare than she was. He was too into staying clean... it upset her even more than she let on. She was always dreaming of giving herself to a stallion who could sweep her off her hooves. She was so frigid and classy that she never had one night stands. Any date she had with a pony always ended with them being disappointed.

She wasn't purposely shooting stallions down, it was just that something was wrong with each of them. She had justified it a million times over. She came close to letting a stallion rut her, but he was so excited that he had finished before he could get in. She almost bit his ear off in frustration. She decided to just satiate herself with toys and fantasies, her romance novels being the key inspiration to some vivid and delicious dreams.

The mare in her room was going to be her victim. She wasn't going to take this anymore, she was going to rut or be rutted. She had been denied too long the pleasure she deserved. Surely she was the reason her own pleasures were denied, but it was the stallions’ fault for having flaws. Was it so hard to be perfect?

Applejack, in her mind, was sheer perfection. She had always admired her honesty, compassion, and never-give-up attitude. She had longed to feel the musculature form of the sweaty farm mare... Calm it down Rarity, you can't be dripping when you enter the room, that would be most unsightly.

She had reached the top of her stairs and quickly got in her mind that this was it, she was going to go in there and get herself some action. If she wasn't able to get some action, then she would drink the entire bottle of wine that she had ready for her most stressful of days.


Applejack watched the door fully open and the unicorn enter the room. Rarity had her mouth open as if she was about to talk but when she had seen the faux-member between her friend's leg she gasped.

"Oh my... Applejack... " She was about to say something but her voice wouldn't come out, she nearly came from anticipation. Her silence and lack of movement made it hard for the other mare to read her.

"Hello sugarcube, ya like what ya see?" Applejack's tone was a mix of nerves and false bravado. She was hoping her friend didn't run off and scream for help.

"Oh my... I... don't know what to say." She was stunned at the sheer size of that thing. She wasn't sure if her unspoiled virgin marehood would be able to fit in such a monster.

"Oh Rarity, don't ya worry, I’ll be gentle, now get yerself on the bed.” She was on a role. “I didn't come here to talk shop, sugarcube, I came here to be the stallion and make you my mare..." She was feeling it, the edge, the stallion in her. Maybe Rainbow Dash wasn't talking about hogwash. I feel like I could buck a thousand trees in no time at all.

Rarity was unsure if this was a cruel prank or if she fell and was inside a coma induced dream. "Applejack... if this is some cruel joke, then I want you gone this instant... and if it isn't a cruel joke... then you better be damn serious... about your purpose." She stated, waiting for the mare to either crumble and apologize, or actually profess her intent with seriousness. She was half way between sad and hopeful. If this was a real moment then she would thank Celestia next time she was in Canterlot.

Applejack wasn't joking with her. "Didn't I say I'm here to make you my mare? If I wasn't, would I be packing this heat?” Her seriousness had helped in calming Rarity. ”Now git yer flank here and let me take you consarn it." She kept that thickness of her voice to simulate a stallion's, but her accent was cutting in and making her original voice crack in anticipation.

Rarity had this smile of victory on her face and was definitely going to really thank Celestia for this. She had been waiting for someone to be as assertive as Applejack was being at this very moment. The thought of being taken was a thrill she had, and reading her novels helped her enjoy such fantasies of it. Now it was becoming a reality, and all she had to do was get on that bed. Her shaky legs, quivering with desire, were getting her there at a snail's pace.

The pregnant silence in the room was thick with sexual anticipation. The two mares, waiting for one to react as the slow, shaky legs of the unicorn were almost reaching the bed. Applejack's body was heating up, she wasn't sure why the time seemed to be moving slow but she knew she had no fears anymore. She just was going to go through with this and hope for the best.

When Rarity's body slipped on the bed, she rolled over and splayed herself, ready for the rutting of her life. "Be gentle," she said in her whiny voice. She was eyeing the tool with arousal and wanted to put her mouth on it. "Darling...I have a quick suggestion, if you don't mind." She said sheepishly, not wanting to break the other person's dominant state of mind.

"Save yer suggestions for some other night Rarity, tonight I'm the stallion and I am in charge." She wasn't going to let anyone tell her how to do it. She wasn't an expert in sex, but like all Apples, she was a fast learner and a stubborn pony. "Now open them legs so I can prep yer fine pussy."

Rarity was shocked by the husky and authoritative voice. She wasn't sure what turned her on more; the words, or the tone in which they were spoken, either way she was starting to feel some liquid slowly trickle down her slit. "Oh yes Darling, I shall open them wide just for you." She spoke like the protagonists of her romance novels would. She splayed her legs out while she was brimming with anticipation.

Applejack slowly followed the actions of one of her erotic dreams, she had put her hooves close to her prize while using them to keep Rarity’s legs from caving in and hurting her, she took a whiff of the excited mare's nethers, before slowly inching her tongue along the outer rim of her entrance.

Rarity was mentally dancing. A rush of pleasure surged through her body. She almost slammed her legs closed at the intrusion instinctively. She was glad she didn't do it and ruin her night. "Oh yes Darling, don't stop." She was already feeling good and now it was slowly getting better.

"Oh I ain't stoppin', not no way, not no how." She said before sliding her tongue into the pink walls of the mare before her. Her tongue slowly explored the slick cavern and wiggled with intent, testing the space inside and checking how tight the hole was. It was a tight marehood. She slowly pushed her tongue past the tight walls that seemed to be hugging her tongue. She noted the taste wasn't as bitter as Fluttershy's essence, but wasn't sweet like candy. It was a nice mixture of sweet and salty that got her more into the spirit of things.

Rarity had been mislead by her books, she was promised good, this wasn't good it was bucking amazing. Her friend's tongue was sensually assaulting her dripping nethers. She was purring in delight as she felt enchanted. Her body was heating up like an oven.

Applejack was swirling her tongue in a circular pattern and started inching her nose to her friend's clit, rubbing it while eating her friend's treat with vigor. "Mmm' This is sure good Rarity, I might have to come by sometime and get some seconds." She huskily let out with a pant. She was losing her mind as she ate. She kept slipping her tongue deep in and moving it erratically, causing her friend to spasm in delight.

Rarity was closing her eyes as her body started locking up. "Oh ... Applejack, right there, I am going to... " She wasn't able to stop herself as her sopping hole had given out her first orgasm that wasn't self induced. The sexual high she felt was taking her mind places and she was almost hoping she had died so she would have died in a state of intense pleasure.

Applejack was feeling like a champion, she had just made her friend-turned-lover cum and was now tasting her sweet juices. She noted she didn't dislike her taste but wasn't as enthused about drinking it. It had a bitter aftertaste but it was still her prize and she would be damned if she didn't drink it down. "Mmm' delicious... I think I’ll be making this here drink too when I come by again."

Rarity was too pleased to be offended by how lewd Applejack was being. She was surprised when the lewd mare slid her body and their faces met. She instinctively opened her mouth and blushed at her sudden reaction, her mouth was invaded by a tongue as two lips sealed themselves on hers. She was able to taste herself and taste her lover's mouth. This was the first time they kissed and it was so passionate.

Applejack moaned into Rarity's mouth, her tongue invading another orifice on her sexual escapade. It was sure something that she didn't want to quit doing. Her head became light and her muzzle full of saliva, she had pulled back and allowed the string to shine before it broke off. She had been wanting to thrust herself in and attack her friend's pussy, it wasn't going to be easy without some extra lubrication. "Rarity... get yer mouth on my 'cock,' it's time fer ya ta do some work sugarcube."

Rarity had blushed at the assertiveness her friend was displaying. She was still drained from her first orgasm but decided she would have to help out. She didn't see how this would please the farm mare since it was a fake member and it wasn't going to be felt. "Darling, I appreciate the sentiment but take it off so I can actually please you." She started sliding her hoof up and down the member as she was slowly getting in position.

"Oh, no this isn't for my pleasure, it's for yer safety sugarcube. I don't want ta hurt ya. If ya really that interested in tastin' me then after I rut ya like a callmare ya can have yer fill of 'Apple Pie'..." She winked at her lover who turned crimson in response.

Rarity started licking the tip of the fake cock and pretended it was the real deal, she was going to make a show out of it. It was a way to help her possible marefriend get more into the stallion attitude she had been taking on. Her tongue slid around the tip before she slowly took the member into her mouth. It was made to feel like a real stallion's meat, and she was surprised at how it wasn't the same texture as her collection of unsatisfactory toys. She slowly bobbed her head up and down the tool while moaning, her saliva was dripping down the tool as she continued sucking on the fake appendage. She was slowly rubbing the bottom portion of the shaft with a stray hoof, emulating a real attempt at pleasuring a stallion.

Applejack wished the toy was the real deal, as she could only imagine how good it would have felt. "Good, now stop before ya give me a heart attack... open them pretty legs of yers for me again and lay back, I am going to rut you good and proper now ya hear?" She was ready to claim her mare, this moment which nothing was going to stop, unless it wanted to die, was going to be her grand victory.

"As you wish Darling." She winked and laid herself back, excited, her body was readying itself as her marehood reacted to the thoughts of being invaded that flowed inside the lustful mind of Rarity. She opened her legs wide and licked her lips, her mind racing until she felt something push into her with such thickness and force that it ripped her hymen and she cried out in pain. "Ow...OW! ow..." She whined as her virginity was roughly taken.

"Sorry... should I stop?" Applejack was worried, her stallion mode gone for a split second.

"No... don't you dare stop... you have already made it this far... don't you dare quit." She was not in the mood for quitting. She needed the pleasure and was about to have it.

Applejack felt powerful again, with new inspiration to take this mare for the ride of her life, she was ready and willing to go the extra mile. She used her powerful legs to push her faux-appendage into the sopping, musky marehood of her lover. She felt something as she pushed in and finally understood the back edge of the strap-on's purpose. It was to give some reinforcement to continue moving her hips. The device had a little portion for the mare who strapped it on to feel a rub against their own marehood to stimulate them. She had forgotten that she was supposed to be gentle and softened her motions while guiding her ‘cock’ deeper into her lover's tunnel.

Rarity felt her sopping hole being filled with the tool, her moans louder than a gryphons roar as her shame had left already. She was enjoying this and was going to let nothing stop her.


Twilight was finishing putting the last book in place when she heard a scream that sounded like Rarity in pain. She was unsure if the fashionista was being dramatic about something or if she was in serious danger. She was lucky Spike was in the basement grabbing some dusty old book she needed to re-re-read.

"I will have to check it out, and for Spike's sake I hope she isn't seriously hurt." She rushed off, leaving no clue to where she was going. She had left with the hope that Spike wouldn't rush off to find her in case the worse had happened.


Applejack was pounding away at Rarity's sopping hole. She was enjoying herself immensely, her simulated appendage was really making the unicorn be vocal about her pleasure. Applejack loved hearing the whiny mare moan out her name.

"Applejack! Oh Celestia this feels too amazing" She was panting heavily, her body assaulted with pleasure, sweat and tears of joy expelling from her pores and eyes. It was too much. She was already about to feel her second orgasm explode out as if a rocket was being launched.

Applejack was feeling like a rodeo champion at this moment. She had this amazing feeling, and all thanks to Rainbow Dash's advice, but something still bothered her, before Rainbow Dash was dragged away by Fluttershy, she said something that was integral to sealing the deal. What does two in the pink, one in the stink mean? She ignored the thought as she doubled her efforts, her own orgasm coming from the tools back end rubbing her just right.

Rarity could not hold off anymore and was immediately seized by a powerful orgasm ,she shouted and yelled while her body shook. The explosion she felt exit her nethers was strong and her juices spilled with the traces of blood from the hymen. She would have noticed Twilight, but she didn't care about some alicorn when she was in the midst of a powerful orgasm. "APPLEJACK!" She roared as the waves of pleasure shot out from her dripping core.

Applejack felt her own orgasm escalate it's ascent as the pleasure she got from making the other mare cum, and hearing Rarity’s voice scream her name in sheer ecstasy was enough to set her own virgin slit on fire. She slammed herself into Rarity and screamed her name loudly as she came all over the tool and onto Rarity's bed. Had she noticed Twilight sitting there, she still wouldn't have cared because she was too into the moment to let reality take it away.

Twilight was stunned. She had, moments earlier, teleported inside the Boutique when she found the door closed. She didn't want to risk Rarity being injured further if the marshmallow unicorn was being held hostage. She sneakily made her way up the stairs and found herself face to face with Spike's worst nightmare come true. She was glad he wasn't around at the moment, but was also oddly aroused at the situation itself. "Wow..." She had spoken and cleared the sexual fogginess of both parties, who had alerted a whole town of their activities.

Applejack wasn't in the mood for interruptions "Twilight... what are ya doin’ here watching us go at it for?" She snorted while covering Rarity protectively. "Ain't you got no shame?"

Twilight fumbled with words, "I thought... you see, I heard... Rarity was screaming loudly and I was just checking up on her, the other ponies outside didn't want to break in because they didn't know if you were ...." She was trying to finish with her face all red from the smell of sex that was filling her nose, "I mean.. you two sounded like one was dying or the other was being pleasured, since I didn't know you two were like that I took precautions and made sure to sneak up here to save Rarity... from you.... Applejack." She sheepishly smiled at the end while feeling embarrassed.

"Wait a second, you thought Applejack would kill me? I don't think you are telling the truth... It sounds to me like you just wanted to see first hoof a passionate embrace of two mares." Rarity said while intrigued with Twilight's excuse. Surely she wasn't that loud as to alert the whole town.

"Wait, hold up a second. Did ya say there are ponies outside the shop?" She was hoping that Twilight was really just a perv at this moment because if not, shit just got real.

"Yeah... they were about to break in until I stopped them... you guys were really being loud... I just hope Spike doesn't enter the door right now... if he sees this his heart will break." Twilight was looking around, she had half expected Spike to show up and see his worst nightmare come true.


Spike would have came, just to rush in and see his heart's desire be given the dicking of her lifetime, if he wasn't busy reading through some erotic and albeit mildly disturbing literature in the basement of the library. After looking through the ancient tome, he realized he had it all wrong. It wasn't Rarity, who was the hottest mare in Equestria, it was this old rendition of Celestia he was looking at. "Whoever drew this was a genius... I’ve never seen Celestia pose like that." He looked for the artist of the book he was 'reading' and found a name "Who is Nalu?" He didn't care, he had to keep reading and looking at the ... art.


The next day Rainbow Dash went to Applejack's farm to see if anything had happened. She scanned the entire apple orchard from above and saw no sign of the orange farm mare anywhere. She saw Big Mac's big red flank from the sky and thought she would drop in and ask for answers.

"Hey Mac attack, I was wondering if you have seen your sister anywhere?" She noticed he didn't look alright.

"She never came home from Rarity's... never came home at all." He said with the most uncomfortable voice she ever heard.

"Okay.... well then I am going to go... before you get all ... creepy on me." She flew off and reminded herself to never go near Big Mac again.


Applejack had just finished getting up and looking at her lover, it was an amazing night, even with the awkwardness of trying to explain to a worried crowd of ponies that no one was being hurt. They made some lie with Twilight's help, who then fled to the library. Rarity was still asleep and too satisfied to wake up from her blissful rest. She had been rutted like she had desired and sauntered off to bed after the glorious night of passion.

Applejack had to stop after the first round of fun since it was dinner time, they ate together and then, instead of parting ways like most normal ponies would do after a moment of fun and dinner, they decided to kick it into overdrive and have two more powerful sessions of orgasmic passion.

Applejack finally figured out what two in the pink and one in the stink meant. She was going to brag to RD when she saw her. Which, ironically enough, as if she was summoned, the rainbow maned pegasus was at the window, knocking on it gently.

"Psst... Applejack.. come here." She motioned to the one pony who wasn't in the happiest sleep ever to have blessed her.

Applejack came to the window and quietly asked, "What do ya want RD?" She was hoping Rarity didn't wake up. It would be awkward to explain the whole scenario.

"Well, did you do it?" She asked rhetorically knowing full well she did.

"Obviously... oh, by the way, thanks for the advice, I did exactly what you told me. Why don't you taste it and be sure I ain't lying." She said as she held out the toy. She wanted revenge on Rainbow Dash for making her lick Fluttershy's essence off of a similar construct.

"Alright...just know this is never happening again... and you can't tell Shy... she is the jealous type." She was slowly leaning in and she smelled the offending tool. It had a different scent. the scent was that of a marehood, but something else mixed in, something more earthy. She couldn't place her hoof on the smell, but continued investigating with her tongue. She licked the tool and noticed the taste was much stronger and very different. Then she realized one piece of the advice she gave... "AJ... You said everything right? That doesn't mean... two in the pink and one in the stink does it?"

"Yes... it does RD, yes it does." She had a smug grin of victory spread across her face.

Author's Notes:

Whew my final gift fic and my first Rarijack done. This was way longer than I expected it would be.

I hope the pony I wrote it for is happy.

As always if you liked the story awesome, and if you didn't like it tell me why so I can improve. I won't change content but I will take feedback. My stories once made aren't edited for content but rather for grammar, and flow.

So as always hoped you enjoy and brony on.

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Be The Stallion!

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