
Sunset Shimmer: The Quest For Steak!

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 3: Episode Three: How The "Other" Side Lives.

Previous Chapter

Years ago; many years ago, a mare stepped through the mirror and came out on the other side a changed woman. Strong on the man; her hooves were replaced by hands and feet. Her fur diminished into nothing but fleshy yellow skin. But, most vexing of all, her horn was no longer with her. In all of one second, Sunset Shimmer's life was changed into a new environment she was forced to adapt to. Which, in time, she did day after day. However, along her way, she began to study the "humans" around her now. Many of them seemed to resemble mares and stallions she knew back in original world; to a scary degree at times.

Now, many already know this; that the mirror mirrors the lives of every living creature on the other side of the mirror. There's a simpler way of saying it though. For every person in one world, there's a mirrored version of that person in the other world. It was this very astute observation that started to make Sunset Shimmer grow curious in her time within that world. Something that, to this day, she had never gotten an answer to no matter how much she picked at the subject. A topic that still irks her as a problem she could never solve.

What happened to this world's Sunset Shimmer?

Sunset Shimmer sat against the pavement in front of the schoolyard, clacking her familiar fingernails against the hard ground while she passively watched Pipsqueak squirm against his new body on the pavement like a bird with a broken wing. In all of ten seconds, Pipsqueak had lost even the most fundamental motor skills involved in being human. Primarily, he couldn't even stand at this point. But, Sunset waited... And waited... And waited while watching the boy she was supposed to be taking care of flounder around like a carp out of water. Part of Sunset wanted to help Pipsqueak get on his feet and get moving... But, the other and more dominate half implored Sunset to just keep sitting there and watch the show.

Pipsqueak planted his cheek against the pavement while breathing in a hurried pace, his legs kicking out wildly in hopes that his 'hooves' would clack against something. Amidst his panic, fear, and inclination to wet his pants he was miraculously wearing, a calming thought came to him. He recalled something his mother told him... The wise words of Queen Chrysalis to him in case something like should have ever happened to him. Relaxing himself, her wiggled against the ground and turned to look his eyes at Sunset Shimmer.

"'Ey... Mum says you're in trouble if I'm ever scared..." Pipsqueak warned his older sister, still, however, planted against the pavement like a dead squirrel.

Sure enough, Sunset groaned and finally got to her feet. At the very least, Pipsqueak was no at least somewhat coherent at this point she had to admit. Standing above Pipsqueak now, Sunset Shimmer lowered a hand to him with an open palm. "Reach your front 'leg' out towards me. Then, put your 'hoof' in my 'hoof'..." Sunset worded herself carefully; she'd get the terminology into Pip soon enough.

It took Pipsqueak a few seconds to register what he was being told. Move your front leg... Slowly, his left arm wobbled out and touched its fingers against the palm of Sunset's hand. Pipsqueak let out a little giggle and smiled up at his sister. "Crackers! Your 'oof is soft, Shim."

In a swift yank, Pip found himself on his 'back hooves' and wobbling under his new weight. His wobbling, however, ceased when he was pulled once again. This time though, he met against Sunset's own body and felt her 'front leg' loop around him and hold him close against her chest. "Most 'hooves' are... Now, if we're going to get anything done, we'll need to start filling you in on the terms for things around here. Got it?" Sunset felt Pip's head nod against her chest. "Good... First off--"

Far, far, far away... Perhaps as far as ten blocks away from the school, the airport was being loaded with a fresh stock of new arrivals into town. Many may not have been new to the town, many of which were just returning from vacations or business trips. Families and friends greeted arrivals at terminals with open arms and some with Welcome signs. But, one arrival was not greeted by anyone. When they walked into the returning terminal, no one was there to greet them or welcome them. Normally a sad sight, but for whatever reason, they just smiled and shrugged their shoulders as they walked on down to the luggage collection area. That is, until they froze in their tracks and turned to look back down the terminal.

They searched around behind themselves for some time in search of something. But, to their growing worry, they didn't see what they were looking for. Growing all the more worried, they cupped their hands together and formed an amplifier in front of their mouth. "Pipsqueak!" They yelled down the empty terminal hall.

When they put their hands down, from around the corner of a single column lining the terminal, a small child wearing a cuffley poked his head out and looked to his caller. The moment their eyes met, his caller had the brightest of cheerful smiles. "Squeakers! There you are!" She smiled all the happier and ran to the little boy, seizing him up into a wonderful hug and lifting him off the floor. "Pipsqueak, you had me worried for a second. I almost thought I left you on the plane." She sighed and put her face against the little boy's head, messing up his hat.

Tightly against a forced hug, the little boy joined in the hugging and squeezing himself all the more against the older woman. "Never! You'll never lose me!" He countered, hugging the woman as tightly as his little arms would allow.

For a good while, they just stood there, hugging one another and loving every moment of it. When they finally did stop, the older girl put the boy on the floor and fixed his hat for him. She knelt down to his level and stroked a hand against the little boy's cheek. "You're dang right I'd never lose you... I love you, Squeakers..." She leaned in and kissed the little boy on the tip of his nose.

In return, the little boy went onto his tiptoes and kissed the girl right back onto her nose. "I love you more, Shimster."

They both shared a smiling exchange with one another before 'Shimster' picked Pipsqueak up and allowed him to ride on her shoulders as they headed off to baggage claim. After so long, they were finally home...

Four years ago, Canterlot High had one of the best and brightest students the world had to offer. She was educated beyond her years and was known as the prized pupil of Principle Celestia herself. In that year, the students all loved her and so did the teachers. That's exactly why she won Princess of the Fall Formal that year. To this day, they still have the picture of her up from that night. She seemed so kind, dressed in that white and yellow gown and having the most hopeful of looks in her eyes. That's why it's such a mystery...

Every year after that, every year after she came back from that trip abroad, she became so... Evil. It had been a great blow to the schools morale every year after until Twilight Sparkle came and dethroned her. Although, many students still held onto the hope that Sunset Shimmer, the nicest girl they once knew since sixth grade, would someday return to being a good girl. Return to being the girl they all voted out of love to be their princess four years ago. Maybe become the girl that didn't wear leather 24-7. Or turn into a blood-thirst demon... Or the girl that had an unhealthy thirst for meat.

Someday... Someday...

Pipsqueak nodded his head slowly, watching intently to Sunset Shimmer as she wrapped up the final bits of her explanation. "...Did you get all that, Pip?"

"Yeah... But, one question?" Pipsqueak stroked his chin with his newly discovered hand, mimicking his daddy Discord now that he had a 'claw' too.

"What's your question?"

"...Where do I tinkle?" Pipsqueak raised a brow to Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset glared at Pip and pinched the ridge of her nose while Pip shuffled his legs together, obviously needing to take a 'tinkle' right now. "Remember the steak, Shimmer... Remember the steak... You can dip it in red wine for all I care... Just remember the steak..." She grumbled off to herself while at the same time waving for Pip to follow her towards the bathrooms.

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