
A Colt's Tale

by my_little_medic

Chapter 9: You Are a Child!

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"You must be young Phoenix!" A very cheery sounding feminine voice stated from behind me.

I stood up on all fours and turned around to see who was addressing me. I saw a magenta colored mare standing over me with Fluttershy at her side. She had a very friendly disposition that reflected out of her pale green eyes. Her mane and tail were two different shades of a pale pink and were styled to be very bouncy looking it seemed. The mark on her flank resembled what appeared to be three little white flowers with smiley faces in them.

"Welcome to Ponyville Elementary!" She said with a smile.

"Umm, thanks." I said timidly.

"My name is Miss Cheerilee and I'll be your teacher starting tomorrow!" She stated.

I forced a smile and gave her a nod. 'Great...'

"I see you've already met some of your fellow classmates." Cheerilee commented at the three fillies standing at my sides now.

"He sure has!" Applbloom interjected. "He's the newest member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

I began to blush a little bit at how ridiculous it sounded. It wasn't that I was totally enthusiastic about joining a club with three little fillies in it. But, I was still mostly alone here and being the 'new kid' was a really hard thing. If anything, they were very friendly and did welcome me with open arms...er...forelegs. At least this way I wouldn't be on my own necessarily while in school.

Fluttershy gave an approving smile and Cheerilee did the same.

"Well that's wonderful! Just remember to keep your crusading outside of my classroom okay?" Cheerilee said as she gave us all a wink. "I look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow Phoenix!" She added before turning around and going back into the schoolhouse.

Fluttershy walked up closer to the four of us.

"We need to get you some school supplies for tomorrow Phoenix. It wouldn't be good to come to your first day of school unprepared." She said in her calm voice.

I grumbled under my breath before giving her a nod.

"Hey Phoenix! How about after school tomorrow you come over and see our clubhouse? You know! As our newest member and all!" Scootaloo exclaimed and her wings buzzed excitedly.

'Whoa! How's she getting those little things to move so fast?!' I wondered as I watched in amazement.

"YEAH! We could have... uh... a ceremony for you!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Uhh..." I croaked before I was interrupted instantly.

"Yeah! Is that all right Fluttershy?! Can he come over ta my place and see the clubhouse after school tomorrow?" Applebloom piped up.

"But..." I said.

"Sure, I don't mind. As long as you're back before dark okay?" Fluttershy answered.

I looked up at Fluttershy and let out a little sigh.

'I guess that's that then...' I thought.

I put a fake smile on my face and nodded my head. "Sounds great! I can't wait!" I feigned.

"YAY!!!" All three fillies yelled in unison. Which once again brought my ears cowering downward.

The bell on the top of the schoolhouse rang a couple times which must have been the signal that lunch was over.

"Well, we'll see ya tomorrow Phoenix!" Applebloom stated.

"Yeah! Take care!" Scootaloo added.

Sweetie Belle gave a little nod and the three of them trotted back into the schoolhouse with the other fillies and colts.

"It's so nice to see you making friends already!" Fluttershy said. "Come on, let's go and get your school supplies."

I cast a small smile at her and we both started walking along the path that continued towards the other end of town. After walking down the path a ways, I realized that my left flank and leg were getting very sore and I was having a hard time getting them to accept my weight anymore. I had started an obvious limp by the time we reached what seemed to be some kind of commercial district of the town. There were all kinds of stores that sold different types of wares. I focused on one in particular with a confused stare as I read the sign out loud.

"Sofas and Quills?" I said in a confused voice.

"Oh, my friend Twilight shops there quite a bit." Fluttershy replied.

I raised an eyebrow and continued to limp behind her as we entered a store with a sign that had a picture of a blackboard and pencils on it. Fluttershy pushed the door open and a small bell rang from up above the doorway.

"Hello there!" An older stallion announced as he made his presence known behind a cash register. "What can I do for you two today?"

Fluttershy walked up to the counter with me following behind her gingerly. I got a first hand look at the store's owner. He was an older looking unicorn stallion with a beige coat. His ash colored mane and tail were kept short and professional looking and he had a mustache that matched his mane.

A little grin came across my face and I stifled a laugh.

'Okay, definitely wasn't expecting them to grow facial hair.' I thought to myself as I let a little snicker escape.

"Well, tomorrow is his first day of school." Fluttershy stated.

"AH!" The store owner exclaimed excitedly. "Well you have certainly come to the right place my dear! I have everything he'll need!"

The unicorn abandoned his post behind the register and went about the shelves of his store. Fluttershy tapped me on the shoulder and motioned me to follow him. I acknowledged her and walked down an aisle of shelves that were stocked full of different colored back packs and saddlebags. The store owner had magically levitated a red backpack down to where I could see it.

"What do ya think sonny?" He asked. "It's almost the same shade of red that's in your mane and tail."

I looked back at my tail and gave it a little flick which made me grin. He was right, it was almost the same bright shade of red minus the little stripes of yellow.

"Sure..." I said to him and he continued over to another part of the store with the backpack magically in tow.

I followed behind and watched as he magically packed supplies into the backpack. There were several pencils, a small box of crayons, a ruler, an empty folder and a pad of blank paper. He magically closed the flap on the backpack and levitated it over to the counter where Fluttershy had taken a seat while she waited. The shopkeeper took up his position behind the counter and, using his hooves, pushed some buttons on the cash register.

"That'll be twenty bits!" The shopkeeper said with a smile on his face.

'Bits?' I found myself wondering.

Fluttershy opened a flap on her saddlebag with her mouth and brought out a small coin purse which she placed on the table.

A sudden realization had hit me then. I had no money of my own and as a child no way to make money. I was basically leaching off of this kind mare that had agreed to take me in. She was giving me a home to sleep in, food to eat and now school supplies. I felt pathetic and I dropped my head to the floor, my ears falling back down to the sides of my head. I had provided for myself since I was in high school and I got my first job. I paid my own way through college, bought my own food, paid my own rent and bought my own school supplies. Now I was just a child that had to totally rely on others financially.

"Phoenix? Is everything all right?" Fluttershy asked.

I looked up at the kind mare who was holding the back pack full of school supplies out to me. She looked concerned as I raised my eyes to meet hers.

"What's wrong? Is it your leg? Have we been walking too much for you today?" She asked trying to get an explanation for why I was so down.

"No..." I said before hesitantly answering her. "It's just that, you're having to buy all this stuff for me after you already gave me a place to stay."

Fluttershy let out a little giggle, which caught me off guard.

"That isn't something a foal normally worries about." She stated with a smile. "Besides, I wanted to give you a home here in Ponyville. Which means that I also wanted to make sure that you had everything you needed to be healthy, eat right and get a decent education while you're with me."

Her kind words and gentle eyes had yet again worked to bring a smile to my face. I could feel my depression melting away as I walked over and she helped me put the backpack on. I slipped my forelegs through the straps and the pack sat on my shoulders just forward of my wings. Aside from the awkward feeling of having something on my back, it was actually fairly comfortable. I felt her bring a hoof up and mess my mane. She smiled and walked over to the door, opening it and letting me walk through first.

We continued our journey through town and my leg was beginning to protest more and more with each step I took. I watched as we came to an opening amongst the shops and houses and noticed a rather large tree off a ways that looked quite out of place. I squinted and took notice that the tree was actually another building. It had windows and balconies built into it and it had a sign out in front of it that had a picture of an open book on it.

"What's that place?" I asked as I motioned a hoof towards it.

Fluttershy stopped and looked where I was pointing.

"That's Twilight's Library." She answered with a smile. "You remember the unicorn that showed you her magic in the hospital the other night?"

I nodded my head as I recalled the floating apple.

"That's where she lives." She added.

'A library wouldn't be a bad stop to make. I could definitely use as much information as I could get.' I thought.

"Umm, do you think we could stop there?" I asked as I took a few steps forward.

"Sure! I bet Twilight would be happy to see us." She answered.

We walked the short distance to the library at a slow pace due to my leg. Fluttershy knocked on the door with a hoof and in a few moments the doorknob was glowing with a pale lavender light. The door swung itself open and standing behind it was a familiar lavender colored unicorn.

"Hi Fluttershy!" Twilight greeted as she saw her friend. She cast her gaze downward and noticed me standing next to Fluttershy. "Hello to you too Phoenix! It's nice to see you out and about instead of in a hospital bed!" She said with a little chuckle.

"Hello Twilight! Phoenix wanted to stop in and see your library." Fluttershy stated.

She looked down at me and gave an approving nod before stepping to the side to let us in.

The outside of the library was impressive, but once inside I realized just how massive the building really was. The shelves were actually carved into the wood of the tree and there were hundreds upon hundreds of books along the carved walls. This whole library was based around the hollowed center of this more-than-massive tree There were doors here and there that led to different rooms and a wide spiral staircase that went to a loft up above.

I was brought out of my mesmerized state by Twilight. "Well, what do you think of my library?" She asked. Her facial expression showed that she pretty much already knew the answer.

"This place is enormous! The outside is really deceiving." I said in an astonished voice.

Fluttershy and Twilight giggled at my remark.

"Hey, do I hear company?" A childish male voice sounded from the loft above.

I heard soft steps coming down the stairs with little 'clicks' on the wood sounding through the library. I turned to see who was coming down to greet us.

My mind suddenly erased itself of all thoughts and I stood there with a wide-eyed blank stare as I watched what looked like a little dragon come the rest of the way down the staircase. The little dragon had purple scales along his sides, back and limbs while his belly was covered in green scales that started under his chin and ended under his tail. He had green spines that stuck up in a mohawk from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. His eyes were almost a neon green and his pupils were slitted like a serpents.

"Hi Fluttershy!" He spoke as he gave a little wave to her.

He came up to me and displayed a very friendly smile as he looked me over briefly.

"You must be that pegasus colt that Twilight was telling me about." He said. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Spike!" He added as he stretched a claw out towards me.

"Uhh...I'm....a...." I stammered as I stretched a hoof out and shook his claw. "...Phoenix." I finally managed to spit out.

"Phoenix huh? Cool name!" He said. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you'd never seen a dragon before."

"Umm...no not really." I said shyly. "I mean, I've seen them in books and pictures but never in real life."

My mind was slowly rebooting. While I was still having some trouble accepting the fact that I was talking face to face with a dragon, he did after all seem very friendly and polite.

"Well it's my pleasure to be the first then!" He said with a toothy grin.

I returned the grin, not sure what to say next.

"So what brings you two to the library today? Just here for a visit or you actually wanting some books?" The little dragon asked.

"Actually, Phoenix is the one that wanted to stop here." Fluttershy spoke up.

All the attention was turned on me now. I wilted a bit as I searched my mind for an explanation.

'Crap! What do I say...' My mind panicked for a split second. 'I need a book that tells me about this world? No... That will throw a lot of red flags... WAIT! I know what to say!'

I let a smile come across my face as I turned to Twilight.

"Well... I start school tomorrow. I was hoping that maybe I could either read or check out some books to help me prepare." I stated confidently.

"Oh!" They all replied in unison.

'Phew...' I took a small metaphorical sigh of relief.

"Of course! Go ahead and look around if you like. Let me know if you need help finding anything." The lavender mare said with a proud smile.

I smiled and walked over to the closest shelf and began reading off the titles that I found there.

"Actually, I need to run a couple more errands while we're in this part of town." Fluttershy stated as she looked at an ornate clock on the wall. "Would it be okay if I left Phoenix here while he looks around and took care of them?" She asked.

"Sure! I don't mind." Twilight answered.

"Need any help?" Spike asked Fluttershy. "I actually need to pick up an order for Twilight at Sofa's and Quill's."

Fluttershy gave the dragon a nod and I turned to see them both walk out the door. A little wash of melancholy came over me as I watched the door shut. I didn't understand where it came from but I quickly shrugged it off. I watched as Twilight walked up to where I was.

"Any subject in particular you're needing a boost in more than others?" The lavender mare asked.

"Not really..." I answered.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to my own studies then. Let me know if you need any help all right?" She said.

I gave a little nod and watched as she disappeared into another room with an open door.

I put my nose into the bookshelves and tried to find a book that might at least contain a good majority of answers to all my curiosities. I scanned several titles on the lower shelves but nothing was catching my attention. I let out a deep sigh as I raised my attention to a higher shelf. About three shelves up was a brightly colored red book whose title was written in a silver ink on the binding. I squinted as I made out the title and read it silently to myself.

'Flying 101; A Guide for Skybound Pegasi'

I cast a glance back to my bandaged wings and then returned it to the brightly colored tome.

'Would I really be able to fly...?' I wondered, my thoughts drifting into a daydream of me soaring through the clouds and watching the scenery of the ground fly by in a blur. I shook myself out of my little dream and decided it would be worth looking into.

I stood up on my hind legs, putting most of my weight on my right side to keep the pain down in my left leg. I put my forehooves on the second shelf and tried to reach the book with my mouth by craning my neck as far as I could. I was just coming up short of being able to grab it. I looked around for some kind of step stool or something that I could use to gain an extra foot of height but didn't see anything that was going to help me. I looked back up at the tantalizing tome and furrowed my brows. I was determined to get that book down. I pushed my weight down into my forelegs, lifting myself up enough to allow me to get my back hooves up to the next shelf. I reached up with my teeth and grabbed the book by its binding and pulled it out of its slot.

A loud gasp echoed in my ears which made me jump slightly and I raised my sideways glance to see Twilight standing in a doorway with a shocked look on her face as she watched me. My grip faltered as I spotted her and I tumbled backward off of the shelf and fell the short distance onto my back. My backpack cushioned my fall but the real insult was the book I was trying to grab came tumbling off the shelf and landed square on my nose.

"OW!" I cried as I put a hoof up to my sore nostrils. "DAMN THAT HURTS!!!"

I heard another shocked gasp from Twilight as she trotted up to my supine form on her floor.

"Now just a minute!" She exclaimed. "I can understand that that must have hurt but there's absolutely no good reason for a colt to use that kind of language!"

My frustration levels were growing and I shot her a very annoyed glare as I turned over and sat up on my rump. I stuck a hoof up to my sore nose as I continued to listen to her 'adult' tirade.

"A little guy like you really doesn't need to use language like that." She said in what I interpreted as a condescending tone.

I was reaching a boiling point. I was getting so tired of being talked down to and treated like a child. My cheeks were burning with a frustrated blush. She was still saying something but my fury was blocking her voice from my ears. Suddenly, I felt her put a hoof on my head and start messing my mane.

"Isn't that wight wittle guy?" She asked in a baby voice.

That was all it took for me to snap. I quickly raised up and batted her hoof away from me in anger. She gasped again and shot a surprised glare down at me as she tucked her hoof against her chest. I shot her the nastiest look I could muster and, without thinking about the consequences, blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"STOP TREATING ME LIKE A FLIPPING CHILD!!!" I screamed in my high pitched and, childish, voice.

Now, I need to clarify that I did not use the word 'flipping' when I screamed. I used another choice seven letter word that started with the letter F.

Twilight had a look of pure horror on her face as I met her stare.

'Yes!' I thought. 'Point driven home!'

My confidence however, was beginning to falter as I watched her expression change from pure shock to a very menacing and angry frown. Suddenly, I felt myself being picked up off the floor. I looked and saw that I was caught in her magic field and her horn was glowing a very bright lavender. I began floating very fast through an open door with Twilight trotting angrily behind me.

'I don't like this! Where's she taking me!' I thought, the walls of my confidence crumbling around me.

The aura around me dissipated and I dropped roughly onto a cold hard surface. An "Oof!" escaped my mouth as I landed roughly on my rump. I looked down to notice that I was sitting in the bowl of a pedestal sink.

"HEY!" I yelled. "WHAT'S THE.....UULP!!!"

I felt something shoved into my mouth as I tried to verbally protest. It was a full on assault on my taste buds as the item made contact with them. It was the grossest and most bitter tasting thing I've ever experienced. It felt as if my tongue was being burned as I tried to use it to shove the item out. Realization struck me and after a few moments of the foul taste and the smell in my nostrils I figured out what it was.

'SOAP!' My thoughts screamed.

I grabbed at the intruder with my hooves and tried as hard as I could to pull it out of my mouth but it wouldn't budge. I was throwing out curses and shrill cries as I tried to remove the perpetrator but none of them were understandable. The taste was so awful and the burn of the soap was reaching all the nooks and crannies of my mouth. Tears were unintentionally forming in my eyes as I struggled. I opened them and saw Twilight standing over my form with a very determined look on her face. Her horn was aglow with its lavender light and I realized that she was magically holding the soap in my mouth.

"You do NOT use that language!" She said sternly. "I don't know where you would get that it was okay to talk like that! Heck, most adults I know don't even use language like that!"

I continued struggling, trying frantically to pull the bar of soap out of my mouth against her magical force.

"What would Fluttershy think if she heard you talking like that?!" She asked.

My struggling stopped at the mention of that name and without any warning my tears started their flood down my cheeks. I don't know why that statement made me so sad and disappointed in myself but I felt like such a jerk all of a sudden. It brought back the memories of my mother and the infamous "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" line that she would use. I started sniffling and after a few moments I was full on crying over the obstacle in my mouth. The smell and taste of the soap had taken a back seat to the anger and disappointment I felt in myself after my outburst.

I felt the bar of soap being gently removed from my mouth, a steady trail of drool following behind it. I opened my eyes and looked up at Twilight who had a very sad look on her face. My sobs died down a bit as I reached a hoof up to my eyes and tried to wipe them clean.

She reached a hoof up to my head and patted it gently a few times.

"As hard as it is to accept sometimes... You need to remember. You. Are. A. Child." She said very directly.

I nodded my head in agreement as I continued my tirade of sniffling. The soap laden saliva in my mouth had begun to inch its way into the back of my throat and was making me cough and sputter between my sniffles.

'I was a child... No. I am a child...' My thoughts relented.

I felt my pitiful form being lifted up again and I was set down gently on the floor. A little step stool slid forward from next to the sink in Twilight's lavender glow.

"Why don't you wash your mouth out and then meet me back out in the main room." She said in a warm tone.

I gave a nod of defeat and watched as she exited the bathroom. I stood up on the step stool and turned the water on with a hoof. I put my mouth in the steady stream and for several minutes, tried as hard as I could to rinse the foul taste out of my mouth. I had only managed to dilute the taste a little bit when I finally gave up and dried my face off with a towel next to the sink. I stepped down off of the stool and pushed it back over to the side of the sink.

I walked back out into the main room with my head down and tail dragging along the floor. I couldn't help but think about how upset Fluttershy would be with me when Twilight told her what I had done. I looked up and saw the lavender mare had the book that I was trying to grab floating in front of her. I continued my slow paced and defeated walk up to Twilight until I silently took a seat on the floor next to her.

The door to the library opened with a 'click' and Fluttershy and Spike came walking in. Spike had a small box he was carrying that was stuffed to the brim with papers and quills. Fluttershy carried nothing, opting to put her items into her convenient saddlebag.

"We're back!" The little dragon exclaimed as he walked over and set the box down on a desk.

Fluttershy took one look at my defeated face and her smile faded into a look of concern.

"Everything all right?" She asked.

I looked up at Twilight who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I dropped my gaze down to my hooves in shame.

"Sure is! I was just helping Phoenix find a book on flying." Twilight answered in a cheery tone.

'Wait... What?!' I wondered as my ears perked up and I looked up at her.

She was wearing a smile and shot me a little wink that the other two wouldn't catch. A little smile spread across my face as I realized that she wasn't going to tell on me.

"Oh... well... Just remember that you're not supposed to attempt flight until after your check up." Fluttershy stated in a motherly tone.

Another reminder of the fact that I was nothing but a child.

"I know..." I answered timidly. The fresh taste of soap in my mouth reminding me of my recent revelation.

"Are you ready to go home?" Fluttershy asked.

I nodded at her and watched as the book I was trying to reach for myself magically floated into my backpack. I shot Twilight a quick smile.

"....Thanks..." I said as I turned and headed towards the door with Fluttershy.

"Just remember what we talked about all right?" Twilight called from behind us.

I turned and gave her a little wave as we left the library and let the door close behind us.

Author's Notes:

Everybody remember the whole "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" statement? Anyway, had a slow day so I went ahead and finished another chapter. Had a lot of questions and comments about him learning to fly so I threw a little inkling in there for you all to let you know what's coming in the future. ENJOY!!!

Next Chapter: A Place to Call Home Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
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