
A Colt's Tale

by my_little_medic

Chapter 11: The Nightmares Continue

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'Where am I?! What is this place?!' I wondered, standing panicked in the middle of a dense forest.

I had absolutely no idea where I was or how I had ended up in this dark place. I looked up, hoping to find some area where the sun would shine through. Unfortunately, the trees were unnaturally thick and gnarled together at their tops. Any light from up above was effectively filtered into a very dull grey. There was only enough light to make out the shapes close to the forest floor. The most noticeable thing about my surroundings however, was the complete lack of sound.

I could feel my sneakers sinking into the mud of the forest floor as I stood there trying to get my bearings. I lifted my feet up out of the ruts that I was making and took a few steps until I was standing next to a tree. I grabbed the trunk with my hands and placed my feet close to the base which helped keep me from sinking down into the mud. No matter how much I tried to focus my vision the only thing I could make out were the dull grey outlines of the trees around me.

"HELLO?!" I braved through the silence.

The only reply I received was the echo of my voice.

It was very unnerving being surrounded by complete silence. While I kept telling myself that I was free to move around as I pleased, my mind felt trapped. To my mind, it was the equivalent of being thrown into a locked room. I took several slow deep breaths to calm myself before trying to figure out where I was supposed to go.

I looked around through the dull light and finally found what I could only assume was some kind of path. It led through a section of the trees that wasn't so thick and overgrown. With an audible 'squish' I left the tree that I was clinging too and stepped down onto the muddy forest floor.

I followed the path at a steady pace, stopping every so often to listen for any signs of life or sounds at all. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity I caught a faint sound of running water off in the distance. The uneasiness seemed to relent a bit with the silence of this forest finally broken. I kept heading down the path ahead of me, the sound of the water steadily gaining in volume.

I followed the sounds of the water through the gnarled trees until up ahead there seemed to be an opening in the forest that was letting in light. I made my way along the muddy path, the dull grey light becoming brighter with every step I took. I took a deep breath both physically and mentally as the light became brighter. The feeling of entrapment and panic I've had since I ended up in this place dulling a bit now that there was actual light and sound. I kept walking along the path, the sound of rushing water straight ahead. Soon I came upon the end of the path and I stood at the bank of a wide and intimidating river.

I looked across the river to try and make out what was on the other side. The only thing I could see for what had to be miles in either direction, was thick overgrown trees. It didn't even look like there was an opening big enough for me to fit through if I could find a way across the river. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was blanketed by an overcast of grey clouds. The wind picked up as I stood there and created small waves in the river which washed against the shore I was standing on.

'Damn... Just when I thought I was actually getting somewhere...' I thought.

With a sigh of defeat I turned to head back the way I came. As I took a step I was suddenly falling forward, tripped by something on the ground. I caught myself with my arms and avoided face planting in the mud.

I turned my head and looked at my feet. I displayed a puzzled look as I saw something wrapped around my right foot. I rolled over and sat up. I reached out and tried to unravel whatever was wrapped around my ankle. As I touched it though it wrapped itself tighter around me.

"OWW!" I cried as I felt the crushing pain in my ankle.

I got a better look at what was wrapped around my ankle and saw that it looked like some kind of serpent tail. I followed it with my eyes and spotted where it led back into the water. I reached out once more, this time with a panicked determination, and tried to undo the tail from around my ankle. Once again, it wrapped itself tighter around me and this time I could feel it pulling me towards the water.

I turned over onto my stomach and dug my hands and my unbound foot into the mud of the shore. I felt like I was winning now in the tug of war against whatever monster was trying to drag me into the water. However, it was a short lived victory.

I heard a massive splash from the river behind me and I turned to see an enormous monster bringing itself out of the water. It let out a roar that made my heart skip a beat and absolutely terrified me. I was frozen in place, the pure terror seizing all of my muscles. The monster rose at least thirty feet out of the water and then stared down at me. It had the face of a dragon with the body of an enormous serpent. It had two long and muscular looking arms that came out at its sides that ended in razor sharp clawed hands. It's eyes were a bright and sickly looking yellow that scanned over my paralyzed form. With a grin that flashed it's pearly spiked teeth I felt myself yanked from my spot on the shore and suspended upside down in the air by my ankle.

I let out a yell as I felt myself leave the ground and was suddenly suspended in mid air. The creature sank back down into the water until its head was level with my body. I watched as a menacing grin came across its face and suddenly I was falling down into the water. I took a breath at the last minute before I met the surface of the water with a painful splash and was pulled under. I could feel myself being dragged further and further into the depths of the river. The pressure from the water made my ears pop and the pain from my sinuses was becoming overwhelming. I struggled as hard as I could against the monster that was dragging me down to a watery grave.

I stopped suddenly and quickly realized that I was at the bottom. I reached down to my ankle and felt the lizard's tail still clenched there. I pulled, scratched and prodded as much as I could, trying to get the monster to release me. My lungs were on fire and my chest was screaming against the painful stillness I was forcing on it. I needed air and I needed it now! My eyes adjusted to the murky water long enough for me to see a shimmer of something close by on the bottom of the river bed. I reached down for the item, hoping that it was something that would help me. I grabbed the item and pulled it from the muddy bottom. It was the remains of a dagger, dropped into the river long ago. The tip of the blade had broken off but enough of a jagged edge remained that it could still be useful.

I brought the jagged piece of steel down into the monster's tail and felt the pressure of him holding me release. I felt myself start floating towards the surface. I took one last look down at the bottom of the river and allowed my eyes to focus. There along the bottom were dozens upon dozens of skeletons and random bones lying in piles. Another wave of fear washed over me at the site, but as I looked close I realized that none of the skeletons appeared human. They all looked to have been previously owned by quadrapedal beings.

A sudden stabbing pain in my chest reminded me that I couldn't breathe underwater. I turned upwards and pushed my sore and oxygen starved muscles upwards.

'How far down was I...?!' I wondered in panic.

I saw very little light up above through the murky water. I just tried to follow the sense of floating that my body was turning to. Another quick and intense burst of pain came from inside my chest and I almost took a breath instinctually.

'I'm not gonna make it...'

I could barely see a faint light up above which symbolized the surface of the water and my salvation. It was still so far though. One more bought of pain in my chest and I convulsed, unintentionally taking a breath of the murky river water. I closed my eyes, my throat and lungs burning in pain from the water entering my body. I took another breath of water and felt myself starting to fade.


I opened my eyes to take in my last images and saw a bright light up above. The water was so clear now and carried with it a taste of rose and lavender. My mind connected the dots in a hurry as I suddenly realized where I was and what I had done. My body convulsed again and I flailed around inside the tub as I fought to bring my head up above the water line. I felt my back hooves touch the bottom of the tub and I rocketed myself up and out from under the water. I came up from the water coughing and sputtering for air. I threw my front hooves over the edge of the tub to hold myself there.

I greedily sucked in as much air as I could between my coughing and sputtering. I heard the bathroom door fly open on its hinges as it hit the wall. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but shades of bright reds and yellows against the light of the bathroom, my sopping wet forelock obscuring my view. Another round of coughing took over as my body tried to expel all the water I inhaled, once again trying to get as much fresh air in my lungs as it could.

"Oh my! Phoenix, are you all right?!" Fluttershy's voice called.

I heard her hoofsteps approach the tub and then saw her pale yellow hoof sweep my wet forelock out of my eyes. I was once again met with that caring face of hers. Her blue green eyes were full of worry as she reached a hoof over and shut off the water. She lifted herself up on the edge of the tub and reached a hoof down into the water. When she brought it back up, she was holding the drain plug and hung it around the faucet.

I finished another round of coughing as she came back over to me and slid her forehooves under my forelegs. Gently, I was lifted out of the tub and set down on a bath mat in front of the tub. My chest was still burning from my near-drowning in the tub and the taste of rose and lavender bubble bath littered my mouth.

"What happened?!" She asked in a concerned voice.

"Ummm..." I said in a hoarse voice as I started to blush. "I think I fell asleep..."

A little gasp escaped from Fluttershy as she stared down at me.

She turned away for a moment and I watched her grab a towel from a shelf with her teeth. She turned and threw the towel over my dripping form.

"But, how could you fall asleep in the tub?" She asked. "You were just going to wash up and then come out for dinner."

I felt her start rubbing the towel back and forth through my wet fur and mane.

"I don't know..." I said, feeling ashamed. "The bath water was really relaxing and I don't think I realized just how tired I was after all the walking we did..."

She lifted the towel up and away from my face and I could see that she was smiling now. I gave my head a tilt as I looked at her and she let out a little laugh.

"Well, I guess we should both be grateful that you didn't drown in my bathtub." She said in a joking voice.

I gave her a little grin as she threw the towel back over me and continued to dry me off. After she finished drying off my body and mane, she wrapped the towel around my tail and pulled it down, wringing most of the water out. My fur, mane and tail were still damp but nothing that a little bit of air drying wouldn't fix. Fluttershy threw the towel over the edge of the tub to dry and stepped out of the bathroom for a moment. She returned shortly with a roll of bandaging in her mouth.

She stepped over to my left side and pulled the wet bandaging off of the wound on my left flank. I turned my head to get a look at how the wound was healing. It looked like it was healing very nicely. The wound itself had been stitched closed at the hospital and the area around it seemed to have shaved clean of any fur. The fact that I had a bald spot on my flank was the only major external issue I could find. However, I knew I had several days of healing left to do internally. The long walk today was proof of that.

She ripped a few pieces of the bandaging free of the roll and applied them to my flank. She gave an approving nod at her work and then escorted me out of the bathroom.

We walked over to a small table in the corner near the main room, the smell of cooked vegetables thick in the air. It smelled heavenly and my stomach let out a loud rumble as we approached the already set table. Fluttershy took a seat on a cushion that was on the floor. On the opposite side there was a little stool with a cushion on it. The table was barely low enough for me to see over and I quickly realized that I was going to need the slight elevation increase if I wanted to eat. I put my front hooves up on the table and lifted my rump up onto the little stool.

I got a nice look at the food Fluttershy had prepared. There was a pretty hearty looking helping of steamed vegetables which seemed to be the main course. Off to one side was a small pile of what looked like dry oatmeal and off to the other looked like....

"Is that hay...?" I asked in confusion.

"Mmhmm." Fluttershy answered. "Does everything look all right?"

'Well.... I guess that makes sense in a weird way.' I thought to myself.

"Sure does. Thank you!" I replied.

My stomach let out another rumble as I leaned down and took my first bite of food. The vegetables tasted fantastic and helped to get rid of the leftover taste of rose and lavender in my mouth. They were the first to disappear from my plate. I took a small bite of the dried oatmeal next and decided that it was worth finishing. While having a strange consistency, the taste was almost sweet. Reluctantly, I turned my attention to the small portion of hay that was sitting on my plate. I leaned down and took the smallest bite I could. As I chewed it up I realized that it had a really enjoyable taste to it. The taste was fairly sweet, almost like the dried oatmeal, and it had a really pleasant crunch to it. It didn't take me long to quickly finish off what was left on my plate.

There was a glass of water sitting next to my plate and I reached out to grab it. I stopped just short though, looking at the glass then back down to my hoof.

'Wait a minute... How's this suppose to work...?'

I stared between the glass and my hoof for a few moments before an idea popped into my head. I brought my hoof around the bottom of the glass and slid it towards me where I gently squeezed the glass in between both hooves. I managed to bring the glass up to my mouth and toke a large gulp, only spilling a tiny bit out the corners of my mouth before triumphantly setting it back down on the table.

A little giggle from Fluttershy brought my attention to her.

"Well... You definitely eat like a growing colt." She said with a smile.

I looked down at my empty plate and then over at hers. She hadn't even eaten half of what was on her plate yet.

"Oh sorry... I didn't realize I had eaten so fast..." I said.

"Oh no. I understand. I could hear your stomach rumbling as soon as you sat down." She said with another little giggle.

I could feel a light blush spreading across my cheeks as I looked back down at my empty plate. I definitely had the feeling of being comfortably full. She had prepared just the right amount of food for me.

"Why don't you go ahead and take your medicine for tonight. It's starting to get late and I want to make sure you have a good night's sleep in you before your first day of school tomorrow." She said as she walked over to a small counter where she had set her saddle bag. She stuck her face into the open flap of the bag and brought a medicine bottle out in her teeth.

She brought the bottle over to my place at the table and took it in her hoof before popping the lid off of it with her teeth. She gently shook a bright orange pill out of the bottle and onto the table. She replaced the cap and set the medicine bottle down on the table as well.

'Whoa! That pill is huge!' I thought. 'Good thing it's not a suppository!'

"Go ahead Phoenix, bed time isn't that far away." She reminded.

I gave her a little nod and leaned down and picked the pill up in my mouth. I grabbed my glass of water with both hooves again and took a drink, successfully swallowing the pill. I set my glass back down and looked over at Fluttershy. She smiled and gave me an approving nod.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something run across the floor of the cottage. As I turned my head to get a glimpse though it was already gone.

'A mouse maybe?'

"Fluttershy, do you have mice?" I asked.

"Oh yes, lots of mice actually." She said with a smile.

I cocked an eyebrow at her answer and pleasant tone.

"Isn't that bad?" I asked in confusion.

Her smile faded a bit and she tilted her head.

"Why would that be bad? They're very friendly and they help by picking up any crumbs from the floor." She replied with an equal amount of confusion.

"But... Wait... Friendly...?" I stammered.

"Of course. They're just shy right now since they've never seen you before. I told them that you would be staying here so they were prepared but I was just sure that they would hide for a while until they got to know you. I'm really surprised that none of the other critters have come out to say hello yet though." She continued nonchalantly.

I took another look at the insides of her cottage. There were little holes carved into the woodwork in every which way and there were birdhouses hanging from the rafters of the ceiling.


"Sooo.... you have all these critters..... living with you... in your house?" I managed to spit out.

"Mmhmm! The majority of them have been living with me since I moved to Ponyville. My pet bunny Angel has been with me since I first came here from Cloudsdale. They come and go as they please for the most part but they always end up coming back. I guess I just have that effect on them."

I didn't know where else to go with this. All signs pointed towards it being perfectly normal for her to have all these different critters living with her. Who was I to argue with something she'd been used to for so long? After all, I was the guest here.

"You know, it's getting kind of late. Why don't you go get ready for bed while I clean up after dinner." Fluttershy stated.

'Really? It didn't seem like it was that late...' I thought.

I looked around the walls and finally found a cuckoo clock hanging on a wall next to the staircase. I squinted as I tried to make out where the tiny hands were pointing.

'Seven thirty...! That's late?!' I thought in frustration.

I looked out the windows of the cottage. The evening glow had faded into twilight and the night sky was aglow with some of the brightest stars I'd ever seen. The only remains of the day were left on the horizon and quickly succumbing to the darkness of the night sky and its stars. I've been going to bed somewhere between ten o'clock at night and three o'clock in the morning for the last ten years of my life. I can't remember the last time I actually went to bed this early voluntarily.

I turned back to see Fluttershy looking at me. She was waiting for some kind of acknowledgement it seemed. I looked down at the dirty dishes on the table and then saw the cookware that was used to prepare dinner sitting in the sink.

"Could I help you clean up at least?" I asked.

"No, that's not necessary. There's really not that much to do, shouldn't take me more than a few minutes. You go on upstairs and get ready for bed okay?" She replied with an appreciative smile.

I let out a sigh before nodding my head and making my way up the stairs of her cottage.

'So this is what I'm destined to... A repeat of school all the way back to elementary, early bed times and curfews, and the condescending remarks and comments that only an adult trapped in a child's body would understand...' I thought as I topped the stairs.

I looked around once at the top of the stairs and noticed that the upstairs consisted of just one large room. There was a decent sized bed off on one side of the room next to an open window. A vanity with a large mirror behind it took up most of another wall and there was an open closet door with a dresser next to it that took up the third. The forth wall was the one directly behind the staircase and held only some colorfully painted designs that adorned two large windows.

I walked over to the vanity and looked at the little colt that was staring back at me in the mirror. His mane was an absolute mess and looked like it had stray hairs that shot out in every direction. I let a little giggle escape at the sight. Next I spread my right wing out to the side and stared at it for a moment. It actually was fairly impressive for being on such a small pony. I thought back to the sensations my wings had fed my brain in the tub. I focused hard trying to remember where the feelings had originated so I could send the proper signals to my left wing. I squinted my eyes, creased my brows and stuck my tongue out to the side as I found the muscles I wanted and made the connections. To my amazement, my left wing gave a little twitch and then slowly stretched itself out and off to the side to mimic my right. My reflection gave me the biggest open jawed smile it could muster after that.

"YES!!! I DID IT!!!" I yelled in triumph.

I stood up on my rear hooves and did a little turn in front of the mirror in a sort of victory dance.

'I'm going to do it! I'm going to be able to fly!' I told myself in my head.

I heard a light flapping and turned to see Fluttershy flying up the stairs. She landed with a soft 'clop' next to me.

"Is everything all right?" She asked.

"LOOK!" I said as I turned back to my reflection in the mirror.

I squatted down on my front hooves with my rump still in the air and took on the same facial expression as before. The little colt in the mirror stared back at the two of us as he raised his right wing to the sky and his left wing slowly followed suit. I brought my front hooves up off of the floor in a cheer for myself.

"IT WORKS! MY LEFT WING! IT WORKS! I GOT IT TO MOVE!!!" I yelled triumphantly as I turned back to Fluttershy.

She replaced her worried expression with one of joy and came in close and nuzzled the side of my face.

"That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" She replied in an excited tone.

I returned her affection and turned back to my reflection in the mirror. It was such an amazing feeling I had seeing myself with both wings stretched out. I brought both wings down and stuck them straight out to my sides. My right wing complied and my left wing lazily followed suit. I squatted down and posed in front of my reflection like I was a track runner getting ready for the starting gun.

'I look awesome!'

A tap on my wither brought my attention back to Fluttershy.

"Don't overdo it now all right? Remember that you're still healing." She reminded with a smile.

I let out a little groan and brought both wings in to my sides.

"Don't worry Phoenix... After your check up with the doctor, you'll be flying in no time!" She added.

I shot her a smile and gave her a nod before she pushed me towards the bed with her nose. I complied and started walking towards the bed. She turned and grabbed something off of the vanity before turning and following me. I stood up on my back hooves and lifted myself up onto the bed using my front hooves. Of course, that wasn't before Fluttershy stuck her head under me and helped me up. I didn't blush so much this time. Seems I was actually getting used to the little humilities I was having to put up with as a kid somewhat.

My head was starting to swim a bit from the medicine as it worked its way through my body. I could feel my muscles slowly relaxing themselves without consent and my eyelids were starting to get very heavy. I pulled the covers back from the pillows, stumbling a few times, until I had made an opening for me to lay in. A few sounds of Fluttershy's flapping wings and then a light bump on the bed signified that she had joined me. I looked up to meet her eyes and noticed that she had something in her mouth.

'A hairbrush...?' I thought as I cocked an eyebrow. 'Really?!'

"Fluttershy... is that for me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She gave a nod with a toothy grin showing behind the hairbrush in her mouth. She set the hairbrush down on the bed so she could speak clearly.

"It will be a lot easier for you to make your mane look nice in the morning if we can get it under control now. Go ahead and sit down and I'll take care of it for you." She said.

"But, don't you think it's a little strange..." I started but was interrupted by a rather large yawn. "...for you to be brushing a boy's mane...?"

She let out a little laugh as she reached a hoof out and messed the mane on top of my head.

"Well, I want you to look your best for school tomorrow for one thing. And besides, it's just us here so no pony else will ever know." She said in a reassuring tone.

She had a point after all. Plus the medicine was really working on me now. I was yawning about every minute and was starting to have troubles keeping my balance. I felt way too tired to argue anymore on the subject and just decided to let her tame my wild mane.

"Okay, just keep this between us though all right?" I asked.

She gave me a nod and picked the hairbrush back up in her teeth. I turned around to face the headboard of the bed and sat down. I felt the bed shake lightly as Fluttershy took a seat directly behind me.

'I guess it makes sense... I can't really hold a comb or hairbrush myse.....OOOOoooooohhhhh.....!'

A soft coo escaped my mouth on its own as I felt her start brushing me. I closed my eyes as the bristles of the brush slid their way through the hairs of my mane. Oh my goodness I was in heaven right now. This felt absolutely wonderful. I brought my ears down to the sides of my head to allow an unimpeded stroke of her brush. She worked it from top to bottom along the back of my neck. I could feel myself almost fading into sleep between the medicine and the relaxing strokes of the hairbrush before her voice brought me back.

"Okay, turn around for just a moment." Fluttershy chimed around the hairbrush in her mouth.

I stood up and turned to face her before sitting back down. She brought the brush up to my forelock and took a few strokes through it. The familiar hues of red and yellow came into view over my right eye. She took one final stroke, pushing my forelock off to the side before setting the brush down so she could talk.

"There, all done! You should see how handsome you look now." She complimented.

I gave her a little grin.

"Okay, time for you to get some sleep. Go ahead and lay down and I'll cover you up." She continued.

I complied with her wishes and laid down on my stomach. I tucked my hooves in close to my body and let my head fall onto the soft pillow. I could hear the soft flaps of her wings and the bed shook gently as she left it. She set the brush down on the stand next to the bed before grabbing the covers.

'This feels ten times more comfortable than a hospital bed.' I thought as I let my body relax.

I felt her bringing the covers over my body and a sudden realization hit me and caused a sudden wave of fear and anxiety to wash over me.

"WAIT!" I yelled as I shot my head up off of the pillow and looked back at Fluttershy.

She let out a startled gasp and set the covers back down at the foot of the bed before flying over next to me and landing back on the bed.

She leaned down next to me with a worried expression on her face. "What's the matter?" She asked.

I turned my face back down to my pillows. I felt ashamed for what I was about to bring up. More of the fact that I haven't dealt with a problem like this for several years. Let alone that I was really a grown man.

I took a deep breath before saying my bit. "I've been having really bad nightmares almost everytime I fall asleep lately. I'm really scared of what kind of nightmare I'm going to have tonight... I don't know if I really want to fall asleep..."

There was silence between us for a few moments before I felt the warmth of Fluttershy's fur against my own. She laid down on the bed next to me and covered my form with her wing. I looked over at her and was met with her caring blue-green eyes only a few inches away from my own. She gave me a warm smile as she nuzzled the side of my face lovingly.

"Tell you what, I'll stay in here with you for awhile and make sure that if you're having a nightmare I'll wake you up. How's that sound?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded at her.

'What was it about her that managed to pacify me when my anxiety ran so rampant? Could she really hold that much love in her heart for me already?' I wondered.

The medicine certainly wasn't wearing off anytime soon and its effects were becoming more prevalent as the minutes ticked by. Fluttershy turned her head and grabbed the covers in her teeth, pulling them up over both of us. I snuggled up against her and let my head fall back down to the pillow. She began to hum a soft lullaby from next to me and I shut my eyes. I let a smile spread across my face as I drifted off to sleep, knowing that tonight there would be no nightmares.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the delay on this chapter. Been a very busy week between the two jobs. Lotta late night Red Bulls and dubstep! BRING ON THE MOTIVATIONAL WUBS!!! Loved writing this chapter though. Can't wait to start writing his first day of school. I definitely want to hear from all of you AWESOME readers out there!!! Remember that this is a journey for all of you as well as little Phoenix! TAKE CARE AND ENJOY!!

Next Chapter: The New Kid Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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