
Bump in the Night

by TheManWhoWouldBeSteve
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Something evil dwells in the shadows of Ponyville. The dark of the night brings with it malevolent creatures, and ponies vanish without a trace in the eventide. When dusk falls, a lowly dishwasher is left to face the horrors alone.
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Journal entry #183

I'm told that it's all over. I'm told that I have nothing to be afraid of anymore. I'm told lies! I can feel their presence. They lurk in the shadows, sizing me up with their hungry eyes. They have not abandoned the hunt. Why would they? Their prey is at his weakest and ripe for the killing. Those idiotic doctors don't believe me, and try to convince me that I'm safe. But I will not drop my guard! They are still here! They watch me from the place with no light, waiting. They're waiting for me to falter. They're waiting for me to break. They're waiting for it to get dark enough...

* * *

This is the story of a sad pony. Fortune was a foreign concept to him. Depression and anxiety were all too familiar.

This is a story of horror. Of twisted abominations, murderous beasts, crazed cultists, unholy demons, and hellish nightmares.

This is a story of insanity. Of the perceptions of reality crumbling, giving way to horrid madness spawned from an unstable psychosis.

This is the story of how a very sad pony became afraid of the dark.

* * *

Thanks to my previous editor, Zoltanthemagnificant, and my current (and quite phenomenal) editor, Corwin Freiss, for making this thing presentable.

And a big thank you to Avatar of Madness for providing the cover art! Visit his deviant art account here to see some more of his work!


121,517 words: Estimated 8 Hours, 7 Minutes to read: [Cache]

12 Chapters:

  1. Chapter 1: Night Falls [Cache] Aug 9th, 2015
  2. Chapter 2: Whispers in the Dark [Cache] Aug 9th, 2015
  3. Chapter 3: Darkest Day [Cache] Aug 9th, 2015
  4. Chapter 4: Consequences [Cache] Mar 31st, 2015
  5. Chapter 5: Descending [Cache] Jun 13th, 2014
  6. Chapter 6: Still in the Dark [Cache] Jun 13th, 2014
  7. Chapter 7: A Little Light [Cache] Aug 16th, 2015
  8. Chapter 8: Where There's Light... [Cache] Jun 13th, 2014
  9. Chapter 9: Further Down [Cache] Jun 13th, 2014
  10. Chapter 10: Spark [Cache] Feb 25th, 2015
  11. Chapter 11: Ignition [Cache] Mar 26th, 2015
  12. BONUS: The BitN Beastiary: Part 1 [Cache] Dec 23rd, 2015
Published Aug 25th, 2013
Last Update Aug 5th, 2015


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