
Night Fury's Lament

by JumpingShinyFrogs

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The wind whips my tail as I soar through the sky. The wind, the air that is fighting to slow me down, blows in my face with frightening intensity. An ordinary creature would need to close its eyes to prevent the oppressive gale from drying them out.
But I am not an ordinary creature. I have a transparent third eyelid that functions as goggles of sorts, keeping my eyes moist.

They also allow me to catch my prey with no discomfort. My perfect vision spots a shoal of mackerel far below me. I scan the group and pick out the biggest one. I track it for a while before I fold my wings and execute a superb dive. Within seconds, my target is thrashing between my jaws. I take one of my claws and slice it down the belly, ending its life swiftly. Even a mackerel deserves mercy.

Nature would dictate that I, the Night Fury dragon, and the predator, should eat this fish. I admit, it's tempting. I haven't eaten in days, and my stomach growls like a Monstrous Nightmare. But I restrain myself, for this kill serves a far more important service. Clasping it in my jaws, I fly into the woods. The trees make high speeds difficult, but I slalom through with great ease. Flying has always been a talent of mine.

Finally I reach my destination. There, on a crude altar constructed from wood and stones, lies the body of a young human girl. The flowers I have scattered on her hair and clothes hide the ugly wounds from where the wolves tore into her. I do not know how humans treat their dead, but I have given her a dragon's grave. An altar, flowers and an offering of food. Her spirit will not be blocked from rejoining her fallen brethren. The setup will warn other dragons to leave her be. No dragon, however treacherous, would dare defile a grave. The girl will lie here in peace, undisturbed.

There is a stone slab at the base of the altar. On it I have engraved the following epitaph:

This young soul perished because I, Umbra the Night Fury, hesitated out of selfishness. With this altar allow me to amend my wrongdoings against such a young persona. Rest in peace young one, and may your spirit have an easy journey to its final resting place

Many dragons mock and scorn me for respecting the humans. I couldn't care less. If one causes a problem, one must take responsibility. This girl is yet another victim of my fear. When I happened upon the scene, a young human surrounded by hungry wolves, I could have saved her. But I hesitated, for humans have not been kind to my family. My younger brother was killed in a trap and my older brother was shot down by a pathetically skinny human. If he is still alive, he surely cannot fly.

However, life is precious no matter whose life it is. With a roar I charged free of the shadows. I killed two wolves and sent the rest of them running. But I was too late. Blood had been spilt, and the girl looked at me with her terrified eyes. I looked at her with my apologetic ones. A few minutes later, she breathed no more.

I had cursed myself and constructed the altar. Then, as was my custom when I happened across a dead human, my fault or not, I took one of her smaller possessions, placed some blood on it, and delivered it to their village. I hoped this would convey the message well enough for them to know she was no longer living, as They cannot speak my language.

Now I needed to complete the grave by leaving an offering of food. I lay down the mackerel, stand back and utter a prayer. It takes a few moments for me to realise I am not alone. Standing next to me is an elderly human male. I ready myself to flee, but then I realise that he appears to be paying his respects. How he found this place, I do not know. He reads the runes which I have scratched into the stone. I am surprised he can, for few humans can read or speak Dragontongue.

"You are Umbra the Night Fury, yes?" he asks, addressing me in my own language.

I am so shocked that for a moment I cannot find my tongue, and fumble with my words.

"Yes, my name is Umbra. But how do you know what a Night Fury looks like if you have never encountered one?" I answer.

"What gave you the idea that I have never encountered one?" he replies coolly.

"The stories I hear when I fly over your village. Though I have never laid a claw on it, I hear and observe many things," I explain.
"I often hear how a Night Fury is the ultimate prize because nobody has ever seen or killed one."

"It is true, that none of those clueless men have seen one of your mighty race of dragons," the strange man. "They do not know what they are missing. By killing the dragons who come to their village, they believe they come closer to killing a Night Fury. Your beautiful raven scales, powerful wings, sharp claws, opposable horns and blue fire. Are these wonders of nature to be lost simply because other dragons took a few sheep? Ridiculous."

I was beginning to feel nervous. This man could be a friend or foe. I could not tell.

"Most dragons attack the village because they are following orders, and being threatened. I, on the other claw, never swore allegiance to the Red Death. Those who did now regret their decision. They complain about it constantly and I laugh in their face. Anybody with ears could have heard the deception in that silver tongued liar's words," I say haughtily.

I do know that I have a problem in that I am vain and proud. Too late, as usual, I realise that I have broken an ancient draconic code. I have betrayed another dragon's secrets. Oh, the gods will punish me for this...

"You are the dragon who has been setting up the gravesites for humans throughout the forest. I have to thank you for that. Other dragons would eat the corpse as quick as look at it," the man says.

"How do you know about the graves? And for that matter, how is it you speak the language of the serpents so fluently?" I ask.

"I do not live in the village. I am a hermit and a sorcerer and have devoted my entire life to studying dragons," he explains. "As a thank you for respecting the humans, I will grant you your heart's desire. Choose wisely, for you have but one choice."

I racked my brain for my heart's desire. Many things came to mind. Glory, gemstones, a lifetime supply of fish. But even I realised how shallow these choices were. Then it hit me. My heart's one true desire.

"I would like...a fresh start. Somewhere I could go where the failures and guilt of these woods doesn't exist. A second chance at life," I tell him.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yes. Positive," I answer.

"Then your wish is granted."

All of a sudden I feel quite dizzy. My vision blurs and I collapse onto my knees. Before I lose consciousness, I utter one last statement.

"Thank you..."

The world turns as black as my scales.

Next Chapter: Eyes in the Darkness Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes
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