
What Gods Fear

by SCP Pinkamena

Chapter 7: Highlander's Mistake (Nemesis Whip)

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My blade was meant for Zeus! Be quick with your words!

Green lightning arched across the skies of the Northern Roosts. The five ponies watched in awe at the arches, mesmerized by the way it flowed and sparked. Rainbow Dash was the only one that was not watching, already regretting complying with the princess. She hated and was scared of the Roosts. She hated them because her friend Gilda was the one who actually killed her mother, and she was scared because they might do the same thing. She looked up to the green arches noticing them weave and dance across the skies. She furrowed her brows, looking at how they were being manipulated... Her eyes widen and she took a sharp intake of breath.

"GET DOWN!" Rainbow yelled she started to push the balloon downwards. The lightning just skimmed the top of the balloon, but unfortunately for the ponies, that was all it needed to be sent down hurdling towards the ground.

Rainbow Dash was, and she wouldn't admit no matter what, scared after Princess Celestia had told them to go to the Roosts, but she also found a silver lining. She would get revenge on her for what she did. She would kill Gilda if-- she stopped and shook her head. No! No matter how much she hated Gilda, she was still her friend... she hoped... Her perked suddenly as she heard the sound of rocks falling and looked at the source.


A mountain. She was dangling from a mountain. The branch that held her was, to be frank, scrawny, but strong. She tried moving her legs but stopped as pain bolted though her hind leg. "OW! Damn it, that hurts!" Rainbow yelled as gently moved it back to it's position. "Okay, so walking's out... so lets try..." With a few flaps of her wing she rose and managed to lift from the branch. "Alright, that's one problem solved, now where are the other five?" Rainbow thought to herself, flying more upwards. As she did, however, she was unaware of a griffon scout watching her the entire time.

Rainbow Dash flew over the cliff and almost stiffened at what she saw. The air balloon was in shambles, it was torn in several places, the basket smashed and caved in beyond repair, and what was worse is that the five occupants were no where to be found. "Pinkie! Fluttershy! Rares! Twi! Applejack! Where are you!?" She yelled in the sky, hoping that they might hear her.

"Hehehehehe... If you want to see your friends, you're a little too late." A voice said from behind her.

She whipped her head around to the voice to show a griffon, about as large as Rainbow was tall. He was young, obviously, as she knew that griffon could get, at least, two times that size. "The king, he has 'em. Says that exotics like these don't come here often. Though, I can see why, ever thought about bleaching that?" He said pointing at her mane and tail. Here, at about this point in time she would beat him within an inch of his life, but because of A: he's only a kid, and B: natural curiosity, she didn't. She did give him a noogie though. "Hey! Hey! Fine, sorry! If you want, I can take you to the king. Your friends are there... just maybe not for long however..."

"So let me get this straight... You're telling me that our holy relic here," He said holding up a tri-bladed dagger like weapon. "is actually a weapon that your princess sent you to find so she may lock it away?" The Griffon king, Ka'hool the Wise, asked, skeptical of the whole thing this pony had told him.

"Yes sir," Twilight said, shaking from his deathly gaze, "if you just, let us take it from you, we can assure that it won't be used for wrong doing in the--"

"Wrong doing!? You think that our relic, our sacred worship piece, is going to do wrong doing!?" The king roared. He had never heard such malarkey in all his life, and that's from experience! "Our relic has not been doing anything since before you showed up! It's somehow your fault that the Griffons Wings have been acting up! That's why you need it, to destroy it, right?"

Twilight stammered from her position trying to think of something that would calm down the king. Her prays were somewhat answered as the doors behind her opened. "Sorry your High and Mightiness, but I found another pony here that seems to go with this bunch!"

The king sighed heavily. "Keem, I thank you for bring this to my attention," Keem smiled a lilttle with pride, "but I want to remind you that you just interrupted a royal court..." He said with irritation sprinkled in his tone. Keem smiled again, more sheepishly that before and sped off leaving Rainbow Dash alone with the king and Twilight. "You, rainbow pony, step forward."

Rainbow Dash nodded and began to step forward before a large plum of feathers blind sided her. Her vision was blurry, and she shook her head to clear it.

"Long time, no see... Dash." A voice sneered. "It's been too long ya'know. How long since we last saw each other? Oh yeah, two years... Two years since we laughed, two years since we last cheered... Two years since you broke me." Dash's sight cleared to see Gilda, but she was different. Her eyes were more predatory, her feathers plumed out making her look older than what she was, and her beak was still broken, but it looked like it healed. "Two years since I last promised that I would kill you..."


"Gildalia Goldenbeak! What do you think you're doing?!" He screeched.

Gilda was silent for a long time before she swooped and knocked the king onto his back, she swooped in again grabbing the Griffons Wings and stabbing him the chest with them. The Wings fanned out inside his chest cooking him from the inside out. After he stopped moving, she wrenched them out of his chest. "Just having a talk with a friend." She answered and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Ya'know Dash, I have to thank you. About a month after you kicked off my beak, I came to the Wings to pray. I was alone that night, and when I entered I prayed that I would destroy you and make pay for what you did to me."

The Wings crackled with lightning. "And then, they rose from the pedestal they were stabbed in and gave me a strength like no other. It was pure bliss, then a voice spoke to me from within the blades..."

Young one, what is your name?

"Gilda... Gilda Goldenbeak."

What do you wish?

"To bring my so called friend to her knees! So I can have revenge of what she did to me!"

You seek retribution and revenge? You are so much like him... My name is Hephaestus, and what you wield is...

"What I wield is the Nemesis Whip!" Gilda yelled at launched towards Rainbow Dash, ready to deal a deadly blow.

Author's Notes:

So! Long time no see huh? Well, with school going on, I haven't found time to do things let alone think of them. So here, have this chapter as an apology.

Next Chapter: Highlander's Fury (Nemesis Whip) Estimated time remaining: 21 Minutes
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