
Painting our Life - 6 Colors

by InuKaT

Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Enter Jakob

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Chapter 6: Enter Jakob

   Another dull day drags on. Kyle's at work. I wish he'd have more time to be with me. It gets quite lonely while he's away. Stretching my hind legs, I flop over onto my stomach. The couch is warm due to my being here too long. 

   "UGH!" That's it, I'm blowing this dump. With my wings outstretched, I hover to the back door and fly out. Kyle doesn't mind if I keep that exit unlocked. We never get any visitors. I make my way to the forest. 

   The autumn air brushes against my furcoat as I race along the trees. My heart pumps fast, I can feel it. A tree blocks my path, with one swift movement, I fly to the side. My wings work rapidly beating. Adding in a few swirls, I turn to the left where a tree stands, landing right against it with my hind legs, and push, as if jumping, rocketing me forward. The adrendaline, the speed, oh it all feels so great. Of course until I land head first right into another tree. I fall to the ground. 

   "Ouch..." I rub my nose. That's gonna leave a bruise. Bah. Who cares? With all my might, I fly upwards, towards the sky as high as I can. Then doing a few loops in the air, I send myself plummeting down. It's dizzying, it's almost impossible to see, but I keep flying downward. The air infront of me begins to crackle and... break. You heard right, break. As if doubling my speed the barrier infront of me snaps open and I rocket down. A rainbow explosion overhead shatters through the air. The ground is dangerously close. Instinctly, I flip and land on my hooves. It causes a bit of a recoil stun, but I'm alright after. I look up. An awesome rainbow paints across the sky. Hell yeah, that's what I call a flight! Too bad the Wonderbolts aren't here to see it. Sighing, I land on my flank.

   I'll never see them again. Not the Wonderbolts, not any of my friends. Twilight, AJ, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, what're you all doing right now? Are you guys thinking about me? Am I still the pony you once knew before I killed her? Gilda... I'm... not sorry. I begin to cry. You deserved to die Gilda. Shit. I thought performing the Sonic Rainboom would make me feel better, but it just shot all the memories back into me. Yes. In Equestria, I'm known for killing the griffon, Gilda. It gnaws at my heart knowing that I erased the existence of somepony, but my brain knows I did it for a better cause. The princess understands my reasons but in Equestria, the crime of killing is unforgivable, and to prove my loyalty, I did not run off to become a rogue, instead, I took whatever punishment that cane my way. But this is rather more of a blessing than a punishment, being sent here with Kyle. I... I think I like him. I don't want him to know though. It'll be hard to explain why a pony has feelings for a human.

   My right ear perks when a nearby bush rustles and the sound pushes my mind back into my body. I jump to my hooves and crouch into defensive position. Oh boy, finally, some action. "Who goes there?!" I bark. Of course I shouldn't have just spoken. But in a forest like this, chances are it's just a small squirrel. To my surprise, a boy tumbles out. His messy brown hair seems ungroomed. And he seems quite skinny. Crap. I've spoken in the presence of a human. Not that Kyle isn't human, what I mean is I spoke to someone I'm not supposed to speak to. I freeze. The boy freezes. He watches me with huge eyes. His small hands tremble. "Uh, hi there!" I break the silence and fly over to him. If I'm gonna reveal myself, might as well go all out. "I'm Rainbow Dash. What's your name?"

   "Jakob," The boy whispers, "W-what are you!" Hehe, this could be fun. I look away, and twist my face into the worst I could, making sure Jakob doesn't see. I suddenly flash my expression to him.

   "I'm a demon here to gobble you up!" I boom. Jakob screams and jumps to his feet, making a full out sprint for the exit of the forest. Oops, might've overdid it. I stretch out my wings and in an instance, I find myself flying beside the terrified Jakob. He glances at me and continues to run. "Hey kid, I'm sorry, I was just kidding," I apologize.

   "You're a bloody monster! Stay awY from me!" He shrieks. But due to his inability to watch where he is going, he trips over a root and the inevitable, he falls and of course gets hurt. "Ow! Ow!" Jakob grips his ankle, "Ouch! I think I sprained it!" I watch him with sympathy. He sees me settle down beside him and backs away, using his hands to drag himself.

   "Hold still, I'm not gonna hurt you," I reassured. "Get on." I offer him my back. Jakob pulls himself up, and climbs onto my back. He's not very heavy, weighs about 70 or 80 pounds. Very scrawny. With the boy holding me tightly, I take flight. He gasps, I think he's stunned speechless due to my awesomeness. Ha. I smile, and zoom back to Kyle's house. I spy through the glass door, Kyle isn't home yet. Good. I set the boy down on the couch, and leave to grab a box of cookies from the cabinet. Jakob is lying on the couch, he turns his head when I enter the room, and spots the cookies. His face lits up. I pass the box to him. He tears apart the packaging and scarfs down cookie after cookie. Seriously, he seems worst than Spike with ice cream, and he reminds me of Tank II eating his steak, my heart warms up. The whole box empties quickly. Jakob tosses the box to the side and looks my way.

   "Thanks I suppose, haven't eaten like that... in a... while." His voice shrinks to a small whisper. Aw man, don't go all Fluttershy on me! Great, that's the last thing I need. "What I wanted to say is, I don't get cookies very often." He grins. I don't know what to say. My mind acted on it's own, bringing this kid here. 

   "Hey," I say, "Is your ankle any better?" He hops off the couch and stamps his foot around.

   "Doesn't hurt anymore," He says, "I have to go now, dad'll be mad at me if I get home while it's dark." 

   "Oh... Before you leave, can you tell me why you were wandering this far?" I question, the boy looks confused. "You do realize that the forest and the field are private property." 

   "No, dad just dropped me off here, he said I should find something to do instead of bothering him." I shake my head.

   "Tell your dad that the owner warned you off. And the next time you come back," I smirk, "I'll put you in my stew." Jakob gulps and turns pale.

   "Y-yes, Miss." His voice trembles and he runs out through the back door. I watch as the boy known as Jakob hurries to the road yards from the house and climbs into a white car. The car drives off, although he has left, I get the bugging feeling this is not the last time I've seen of Jakob. And hey, I'll give the kid credit if he's brave enough to come back.

   The front door clicks and Kyle emerges. I trot over to greet him. He smiles.

   "How was your day?" He asks. I bite my lower lip. He'll be furious if he found out I talked to another human, and this one, a young boy.

   "Nothing new, the usual flying through the forest routine.," I lie, "Boy, it's getting chilly out there!"

   "Should put on a jacket." I nod. Kyle sighs, "Might as well as start on dinner, you hungry?"

   "Starving, I should call animal abuse." We both laugh at the small joke, knowing it'd be ironic if a talking pony phoned for a service to get herself taken away and tested on. Kyle leaves to the kitchen and I head over to the couch. The empty box of cookies is still lying on the coffee table. Oh crabapples! I look around, making sure Kyle isn't watching, and toss the box underneath the couch. I turn on the television and flick to channel 25 for cartoons.

   I try to shroud myself in the world of Spongebob, only to be pulled out by Jakob. Or the thought of him atleast. I don't know who's more curious, me about him, or him about me. I shrug off the idea of finding him and return my focus to the cartoon.

InuKaT's note**(Spoiler)

   I wasn't really sure about this chapter, but I think it served it's purpose of giving you guys an small picture of who Jakob is. And expect another chapter or two told in Dash's perspective again!

Next Chapter: Intermission Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours
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