
The Great and Powerful Trixie-Tones

by Overlord-Flinx


Prelude to the Predictable

Magic? HAH! If it hadn't been brought to my own eyes, I still would have believed in it. By what other force could someone such as myself -The Great and Powerful Trixie- have possible come to be? One with such grace, divinity, and above all stage presence. I am truly a marvel for all eyes; of this world or any other. Surely. Alas, from what my great eavesdropping has come to tell me, that 'portal' to this 'other world' has been closed. No matter, The Great and Powerful Trixie has plenty of time to impress other worldly creatures with her majesty some other time. For now, I still hold a stake in this high-school. A small, three and a half grade point, long listed stake...

No matter... again... Sunset Shimmer had an... 'interesting' approach to reaching her goals; whatever they may have been. Conquest of all life with the aid of other worldly magic and twisted forces? The Great and Powerful Trixie can understand this. However, the execution of this was not done to how Trixie would have done it. Oh no... if her failing and subsequent punishment could serve as anything, it serves me as a cautionary tale. If I can conquer this school with my bare hands -or my great and powerful talent tree-, than there will be no limit to what I can conquer in this world of magic that would be at my disposal.

...The logic of all this makes sense to Trixie; she does not see what you find so difficult to follow in it. Moving on though; yes, I shall conquer this school within the means they have offered me. If I may best them within the realms of their own at a spectacular display of pizzazz and razzle-dazzle, the path of conquest within another world would greatly be assured... Again, I fail to see how this does not make sense to some people. Now than, what field shall I shame the flock of foolish flounders in?

Fall Formal princess? No... It would be a year until the next running. Besides, any other contest like that is a glorified meat market that I would be ashamed to be a part of... Also, last time I ran, I lost by ninety percent. The Great and Powerful Trixie would call hax or shenanigans on it, but she is better than that.

Championing a sports team to Nationals? Impossible... The Great and Powerful Trixie lacks muscle tone as well as stamina. The last time she ran a mile, she had to call paramedics halfway out of the starting line to pick her up. Again though, I place the blame on Haterade; the bottle promised me that I would be sweating green energy! Cursed marketing ploys...

Perhaps running for School Representative? Once more, I will say no. Such a display would limit me from showcasing my natural talents and abilities... Plus, the Great and Powerful Trixie refuses to become a political puppet. She saw the movie 'Eliminator'; she knows what happens when you get too nosey in the political organization. It also doesn't help that I loathe public speaking. Well... rehearsed public speaking.

Sports, politics, popularity... none can be used to sky-rocket me to my ultimate goals of conquest of other worlds. There must be some way to... to... control these flocked teen minds. Such as how that Twilight Sparkle did. Such magnificent manipulation she had over everyone. Once she began singing and piecing together those musical--SCOT!

THAT'S IT! How could I have been so easily blinded! There is but one way to control the teen minds and rule a high school to complete your diamond plan of taking over an entire alternate universe. And that's--

The cafeteria sounded with the loud, thundering bang of a palm against the plastic of a table. Following soon after it was the almost light shifting of a piece of paper against dry air. The table the palm rested on now shuddered and bent at the metal holding it, forced to do so by the aggression of the attacker. The palm rested just before the tray of a startled Fluttershy who was just enjoying a selection of fruits. Fluttershy's startled eyes were met first by the showing of the paper the palm displayed, than by the piercing eyes of the wielder; Trixie. "A battle of the bands!" Trixie announced with a sinister tone accompanied by a devious grin.

Fluttershy, unaware of what Trixie was talking about, why Trixie slammed at her table in particular, and why Trixie was talking to her specificity just hung low to her tray and munched at a few cuts of apple, letting Trixie just have her way. "Yes, Fluttershy. This is indeed a flawless plan. I shall enter this battle of the bands, astound all the students with my musical prowess, and lay conquest to all within these walls! It's foolproof!"

A mustering swallow came from Fluttershy. Sure, Trixie wasn't her friend, they never have had a single moment together, and to Fluttershy's recollection, Trixie had never once taken one of her fliers; but she still felt she had to help this girl before she made a fool out of herself. "Umm.. Trixie...?" her voice came meek, but Trixie still gave her an attentive gleam, "I... I really, really, really don't mean any offence when I say this, but... There are at least three other well known bands in our school..."

"Yes, yes. I am well aware. Flash and his crew, your friends plus yourself, and those three little rug-rats," Trixie listed off calmly, "All of which will be fine challengers, but I shall lay them to defeat soon enough."

"Oh, well... I'm sure you'll do great, but..." Fluttershy bit her tongue, not wanting to spoil Trixie's good mood.

"But? What but could there possibly be?"

Then, just like that, it all came crashing down on Trixie like a hot stack of fresh bricks. "You... kind of... need a... band. And, to be perfectly honest with you Trixie, in your years of going to this school. Well... I don't think there's a single bridge you haven't burned down yet." Fluttershy hurriedly picked up her backpack and scampered out away from the table, leaving Trixie standing there in a stunned state.

Part One: Getting the band back together... By first making it.

In light of these... minor inconveniences that have been brought to my attention, I have hereby changed my plans. The Great and Powerful Trixie shall still enter this battle of the bands and shall still lay a can of whooping on everyone; but the path to doing it had to be reworked just the smallest amount. No great empire was built on the backs of idle labor or careless tactical ideas. An empire is built in ingenuity, versatility, and cunning. One could argue that ingenuity is cunning, but I'm not here to argue semantics; I'm here to form a band to assist me in my extra dimensional conquest.

Firstly, I need to summon up all the ties, connections, favors, pity, and anything else like these to find myself a band in the next four days. Now, allow me to draw out a mental planner for this. Four days. That would mean one to two days to gather members. After that, given the chance I found people in under a day, I will have two and a half days or so to whip them into shape and have them producing the greatest music a school auditorium has ever heard. Finally, a half a day to rest... The Great and Powerful Trixie requires at least nine hours of rest if she is going to perform at her best, naturally.

That all aside, that leaves the sort of musical talents I'll need. Excluding myself who could obviously pick up any slack the others fail to hold up as well as filling in for the lead vocals and guitar, that leaves us with a few key roles needing to be filled. A keyboard player, a secondary guitarist, someone to work the technical aspects, a drummer, and perhaps someone with a wind instrument. As well, we may need some eye catching back-ups to hold some of the more slack-jawed views attentions. Simple enough; there are plenty of options for all of these fields filling this school... Yet, how many of them are willing to work with me?

Arm in hand, Trixie pulled the unwilling Fluttershy along with her down the hall of the school. The halls were barren at this hour, limiting Fluttershy's hopes of breaking free or getting help. Trixie on the other end had a power building inside of her; a fire of hope and a churning wind of determination, as well as a grinding of a bean burrito. "Fluttershy," Trixie called back to her forced partner, "If I am to win this battle of the bands, you are right... I need to rebuild a few bridged or find some new bridges between people to secure my victory."

Despite being pulled against her will, Fluttershy managed a weary smile on her soft face. Her foot falls started to hold pace with Trixie's and helped her stand up straight instead of being pulled across the school floor by her heels. Fluttershy did not need to remind herself what sort of person Trixie was and how obnoxious she could be; but... "Well... Um... I-If you really want, I could make a flier for you and post it on the bulletin board," Fluttershy felt she had to offer the smallest bit of help seeing how fixated Trixie was on this.

At a sudden halt, Fluttershy found herself tripping on herself and planting her face in the back of Trixie's back. Trixie pounded a fist to the flat of her palm along with her boot against the floor. "Brilliant idea, Fluttershy!" Trixie spun herself around and helped straighten Fluttershy onto her legs and helped brush some of Fluttershy's pink locks from her face, "With your assistance, I will surely win this."

A warm blush descended across Fluttershy's face when she felt Trixie move her hair from her eyes. Clearing her throat just-so, Fluttershy nodded to the girl before her. "I... guess it's no real trouble... But, you know I'm going to be a part of the contest too right? O-On another team?"

Trixie casually nodded and waved a dismissing hand to Fluttershy. "I'm well aware. But I'm also more aware that you, Fluttershy, are one of the few people I haven't burned connections with. So, the Great and Powerful Trixie--" a moment fell where Trixie looked down the hall, then up the hall; before finally inching very close to Fluttershy and whispering at the utmost of the nearly inaudible, "--goes hat in hand asking for help."

The pull away from Trixie showed Fluttershy an unbearable sight. Quivering lip, clutched hands, and the most puppy-dog of puppy-dog-eyes you had ever seen. Trixie gave all the greatest pity-party moves she could to Fluttershy in one closing move. Pity-party moves that, even at first glance, Fluttershy knew she was had. Fluttershy uttered a defeated sigh and nodded to Trixie. "I'll have it done for you tomorrow..." Trixie brightened up at a moment's notice and struck a proud smirk across her face, "I think the music room will be open before school tomorrow, so I'll set it up for there."

"By all means, do as you need. I am very grateful for your help," Trixie turned on the back of her heel and started back down the hall, "Oh! I almost forgot..." Fluttershy looked up curiously to Trixie as she turned back around with a wagging finger, "You're going to be late for class if you keep dilly-dallying in the hall~~."

It hadn't occurred to Fluttershy, but class started about twenty minutes ago. The last thing Trixie heard from behind her when she turned back around was a frantic squeak followed by fleeting steps scampering down the hall as fast as the waxed floors would take them.

Allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to enlighten you on what this 'burning bridges' idea is all about. You see, around two years ago, I transferred to this school due to some 'complications' at my previous boarding school. Details are details, so let's move away from that. Upon coming here, my long list of talents propelled me into the inner circles of popularity. As it naturally should be, of course. Yet, over time, 'complications' started to come up. A boast here, a flaunt there, a little trickery somewhere along this... Leaving me, the Great and Powerful Trixie, among the 'outcasts'.

This suits me just fine, however. Among the outcasts there are many other talented people. Being considered talented by the Great and Powerful Trixie's standards may as well be a collage recommendation; it is truly an honor as well as a rarity. That being known now, as well as counting Fluttershy's efforts in helping me, I already have a strong lead in forming my very own band. From the top of my head, I have already decided upon a set of these 'outcasts' that would be of a great help to my Great and Powerful cause.

I simply must ask them...

Canterlot High's soccer field is a pristine, well tended green perfect for the pride and joy of the school's athletics. When a game is set in motion, those fields shake with cheers and stomping feet from enthusiastic fans. That's why when the only sound going across the field and filling the bleachers is a single girl's laughter, it's rather hard to not notice it. The center of the laughing came from a near bleach white skin girl with crusted blue hair kicking and chuckling to no end on the top level of the bleachers. Not including the passing students that looked up at the laughing girl, there was one other person sitting next to the center of noise. Trixie narrowed her eyes as she rested her face against her palm, waiting for the laughing to stop.

For nearly ten minutes, the other girl kicked and screamed with all her heart, laughing to no end but never once letting her shades drop from her face. When a moment of needed relief came and she stopped laughing, the girl sat up next to Trixie and wiped away a fleeting tear. "Oh-ho-ho! G-Give me a--Give me a second, 'kay?" Vinyl Scratch, the epicenter of the uncontrolled laughter, struggled to catch her breath, "'Kay, 'kay, 'kay. I'm done, really. Just ask that question again."

"I was wondering if you would like to join my ba--" Trixie was denied even finishing that as Vinyl fell back against herself and went into a fit of laughter yet again.

Gripping her skirt and huffing out her anger with burning red cheeks, Trixie stomped down the bleachers and made way across the soccer field. All the while as she crossed the field, she could still hear the hyena-like laughter of Vinyl knocking against the back of her head.

...Had I mentioned I burned some of the 'outcast' bridges too? I thought, surely, they wouldn't all hold a grudge. Regardless, there is always plan 'B'.

Part Two: Ode to repaying.

I will admit to you something I have never shared with anyone. Not my parents, not my friends -if I had any-, and certainly not my siblings. Perhaps this revelation will send you into a state of catatonic shock or worse, so I advise those who are weaker of mind and spirit to turn away now and cover your ears. At this time, the Great and Powerful Trixie will blow your mind and make you question your reality as you know it. For you see... I am -at times- a tad arrogant.

Process that. Yes, it's a shock to me as well. I would have never agreed to it, but the school psychologist made a VERY compelling argument. Also, from past experience, Ms. Cadence has never been one to steer me or any other student wrong. So, I was inclined to believe her. Now, Ms Cadence has told me because of my 'arrogant' nature, I repeatedly cause wedges to form between me and possible friends. Troubling considering my current plans REALLY rely on 'friends'. If the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to solve this, she will need to delve into the deep reaches of her mind.


Fluttershy is reliable enough, I suppose... But just having her run fliers for me to fill out an entire band with will only make me look meek and helpless. At the very least, I MUST bring two people into my band before I fall back onto Fluttershy's assistance. However, the Great and Powerful Trixie falls into a snag on that end of the plan... To bring two people in, I have to find two people that will at least let me talk to them...

WAIT! I have it! A brilliant idea -if I say so myself- has come to me! I don't need to find two people that will listen to me; I need to find two people I can make short amends with. There is no denying that I have made a great deal of enemies in this school... But most of them can just as easily be fixed as they were broken. 'Arrogant' I may be -perhaps-, but that does not make me thickheaded or blind. The Great and Powerful Trixie has the gift of deduction on her side. She merely must piece together who would be the best choices to make a quick patching to friendship and how to go about it. Simple.

Already I have just the person. The very JACKAL that not ten minutes ago laughed at me and sent me into this spiral of self-contemplation! Vinyl "DJ-PON3" Scratch. The two of us have a 'decorated' past. As you can guess, we're two of the 'outcasts' in this school. Because of that, we normally eat lunch together and share a story or two. But, that came to an end nearly three weeks ago. One day, out of nowhere, she started avoiding me and snubbing me whenever she was given a chance. Now, I shouldn't really say it was 'out of nowhere'. I know why she's mad at me.

You see, I may have made a small, unmeasurable mistake. Really, it was just a small trifle when you really think about it. Still, it seems Vinyl saw it another way. About four weeks ago, I was performing magic tricks outside of school in an attempt to gain a little lunch money. What? The Great and Powerful Trixie pays her own way; she doesn't need a handout. Anyway, I was doing my tricks when Octavia -a skilled music prodigy- passed by. When I do magic for people, I expect at least a nickel from everyone; but she didn't give me a cent. Instead, she told me that if I wanted money, I should get a real job. And I'm the arrogant one...

Now, perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie overreacted, I can admit that. But, when she turned to leave, I used a little 'slight of hand' and found myself in possession of her fiddle without her noticing. I was actually very proud of myself; it had been awhile since I pulled off such a flawless pickpocket... Not that I pickpocket often... Moving on. I went back to my magic show, getting tips off of my viewing public in the process. That's when Vinyl Scratch came by. I don't remember what magic trick it was, but I left her awestruck; a common occurrence when you see my magic or me. So awestruck, in fact, she gave me fifty dollars.

Admittedly, the Great and Powerful Trixie was moved... So moved... She gave the fiddle to Vinyl Scratch as thanks.

...You can assume where this story went from there...

When Octavia found the fiddle in Vinyl's possession, she was livid! Even from outside the school, I could here her yelling at Vinyl and calling her a thief. From what I was told, Vinyl tried to tell her she got it from me, but that only made it worse. I don't fully understand why it mattered to Vinyl so much, but because Octavia got angry at her, she won't give me the time of day any more. That's where I need to stand if I'm going to rebuild this bridge with her.

The Great and Powerful Trixie hereby decrees that she will have Octavia forgive and rekindle whatever sort of friendship they shared with one another! This will regain Vinyl's trust in me without fail.

That now leaves me with having to find a second person. I can think of an endless number of people... But I only need a person that I can repay in a short amount of time. Charity takes time, and time is something I will use sparingly. That is why... That is why... Look, there is one person I know that will forgive me in a moment's notice if I talked to them... But, doing so would mean swallowing my--THAT'S IT! Swallowing my pride? That's what this is about, isn't it? Of course...

In that case, I know just the person I have to find. The Great and Powerful Trixie will have her band! I just need to find Vinyl, Octavia, and that little--No... No calling them names... We need to get along. Now, if I know them as well as I think I do -which I of course do-, I'll find them in the gym...

It's time for the Great and Powerful Trixie... To apologize.

Part Three: Play That Stringy Music...

"You come before me a broken woman. Once so proud and elated to boast whenever she could; now sitting here, in front of me, fallen and defeated. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your misfortune... But you have not come here, before me, to talk of shame. No. You came here, before me, to talk business. Business that I would would be more than happy to talk to you about, given that you bring closure to our past. The fact that you are now here, before me, tells me that you have plans to bring closure. You may speak now. Seeing as that you are -yes- before me..."

The room was dark, the kind of dark you would see in a mob movie. Aiding to that image was the one speaking, a person draped in darkness and reclining back into an easy chair with a hand stroking in a plotting manner against the soft of a cat's back. Across from the seated body was Trixie, a few slim lines of light from the shutters against the wall behind the easy chair. Trixie looked very, very irritated from what little the light showed of her face, but she eased up and nodded. "Yes.. Well... I wanted to say I was... S..." Trixie gagged once, quickly rubbing two fingers against her throat, "Sorr..." she caught herself before she lost her lunch, swallowing it down one last time, "Sorry. I'm sorry. The Great and Powerful Trixie should not have said such harsh words to you all those months ago."

Slowly, a devilish laugh came from the woman sitting in the easy chair. Her fingers scratched against the cat's back on her armrest while she enjoyed her laugh. "These words that you say here, before me, are so very sweet. As sweet as my mother's home-made gelato. I could sit here for hours with you -indeed- before me and let those words ring in my ears. But, we are both women of business... And from what I know about you, you would not be here, before me, if business was not sour. So tell me, what business is so important, that you would come here, before me, and ask me for help with your wizard hat in hand."

"First, I don't have my 'wizard hat' with me..." Trixie made that motion very clear, "Second, I need your help to form a band. Out of all the people I know, you are among the most talented... Granted, the list is shortened to the people I can convince to assist me within a four days' time." Candid, but Trixie would have it no other way at this point.

The woman raked her fingers against the soft tufts of the cat's fur, a breath of thought parting through her lips with a hiss. "So... Trixie comes here, before me, to ask for my skills with string instruments. A wise choice, I will say. A choice I will accept to if you, seated before---"

"For the love of--!" Trixie nearly knocked the table over as she stood up and fumbled to grab a dangling light switch. She tugged the beads of it once, making the room fill with light from the ceiling lights, "Enough of this, Lyra! Will you help me or not?" Trixie had all but dropped her restraint and punched a fist into the table as she glared at the mint skinned girl.

Lyra Heartstrings, hand revealed to be stroking across -not a cat- but a stuffed horse head and wearing a curly mustache smiled a cheeky smile at Trixie. "I'll help, I'll help. I'm just going to be a little more difficult now that you ruined my mob-style joining."

Trixie pinched the bridge of her nose as she took a step back. Rolling her fingers down her nose, she breathed a calming groan and returned to looking at Lyra. This cheeky, smiley, pony-head stroking nutcase was now her one and only ally... And she would have to live with that for now. "Alright... We'll discuss what instrument I want you on once we bring in the other members..." while Trixie explained, Lyra jumped out of her chair and did a little spin on the tip of her toes.

Ending her spin, Lyra tossed the pony head up into the air and let it fall where it may. "Right behind you, Lula," Trixie felt her eye twitch before she started left the room with Lyra marching dramatically right behind her, "So? Who're we grabbing at next, hm-hm?"

"Vinyl Scratch..." a quick frank answer from Trixie left Lyra wanting a little more, urging Trixie with a push against her back, "Ugh... I have plans to make amends with her, and you'll help me. Before you ask! I will tell you your part to play later... After we get Vinyl, which we will of course, the rest will naturally fall into place."

"Trixie... This is maybe the BEST plan I've ever heard," Lyra gasped out, tugging against the back of Trixie's sweater collar with glee.

Flashes of pure boundless hate kept flashing in Trixie's eyes when she felt that tug and heard the sound of Lyra's voice. But, she swallowed it and closed her eyes. "Let's just find Vinyl before the Great and Powerful Trixie burns down a bridge she just repaired."

"Righty-tighty, Lula!" The two walked together, the first two members of the next greatest band in Canterlot High now on the quest to find their third member.

"Uh, Heartstrings?"


"You do know ponies will never be able to talk back to you right?"


"It's simply common knowledge. Equine creatures are just too... stupid."

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid...

Part Four: Rip-Chord

There exists a place where no man, woman, or animal dares set foot within. The exact name atmosphere of the place is always different, but the blanket term for it remains the same, really. This place is called "The Belly of The Beast". For idiotic twits this place could be school in the Summer time. For a boy who eats too much, it could be a salad bar. You get the Great and Powerful Trixie's point. Now, the Great and Powerful Trixie hardly fears anything at all; for fear is a state of a feeble mind that can't hope to rationalize something that's in front of them.


The Great and Powerful Trixie does "fear" one thing... If you could even call it a fear...


The double-doors leading to the auditorium swung open with a powerful crash. All the band students inside practicing fumbled with their instruments and looked deer-in-headlights to the cause of the noise. As the bright light of the outer hall poured in from the now open door, Lyra Heartstrings lowered her raised foot down after effectively kicking the entrance open. Standing beside Lyra, Trixie pinched the bridge of her nose and walked into the auditorium. "By all that is sane, Lyra, I'm sure it wasn't locked..." Trixie mumbled while Lyra skipping along behind her.

"Probably. But when am I gonna get the chance to kick a door in again?" Lyra rationalized.

Trixie didn't respond to Lyra's happy-go-lucky attitude this time and set her sights on the performance art group on the auditorium stage. She gave them all a well fueled, bile bringing glare; scanning each of their surprised faces one after the other until she found that one face that wasn't surprised. The single face out of the bunch that's steel colored face didn't show surprise, but rather uninterested indifference towards Trixie.

There you are...

For the longest time, they stared at each other across the auditorium. Eyes locked in a battle of who would back down first. Amidst their unspoken battle, Lyra and the others on stage looked between the two, wanting to know just what was going through their heads but not being brave enough to cut into it. When finally Trixie took a step, making everyone other than the girl she was staring down flinch, she pointed a single finger in that girl's direction. "Ms. Octavia... First chair of the string section..."

Trixie advanced down the aisle leading to the stage Octavia and her musical partners were situated on. Octavia herself shifted in her chair and moved her violin off to her side, placing in against the stage floor. "Trixie Lulamoon... First place winner in every talent show for the past two years..."

Their eyes never once broke connection with one another while Trixie moved in closer and closer to the stage. Lyra, far behind Trixie, gnawed at the points of her finger nails like this was some sort of epic duel. "...Honor student in all her classes..." Trixie added.

"...Lead actress in the school play for the past three years..."

"Until you and your friends kicked me out, of course..." Trixie climbed up the stairs to the stage, still holding eye contact with Octavia.

Octavia's lips moved into a small smile at Trixie's comment. "Of course...Have you come all the way here to ask me to let you back into the drama club, Trixie Lulamoon?" Octavia now didn't have to look too far to see Trixie, seeing as she was now standing right next to her and looking down at her.

"No... The Great and Powerful Trixie needs not your word to know she is the greatest actress of our generation," Octavia rolled her eyes but continued to listen anyway, "I came here, along with Lyra--"

"Hi, Tavi!" Lyra shouted from across the auditorium; getting in return a bright smile and polite wave from Octavia before she reset herself and looked dismal back to Trixie.

"---Who has agreed to help me in a matter coming soon..." Trixie finished her statement, pinching her the bridge of her nose once again and regretting bringing Lyra along at this point.

"Matter coming soon?" Octavia repeated, "Hm... And this involves interrupting my practice along with my partners how?"

"Because, Octavia..." Even Octavia was forced to make a surprised face when she saw Trixie take a knee beside her and look up at Octavia with a pleading look, "I beg you -truly beg you- to listen to a simple request and act upon it. Please. I truly wish to... make amends... with you as well as another. However, I cannot do that other person until you agree to forgive me."

All of the other band members gasped in complete shock when they heard Trixie say those words. Never in anyone's life time did they expect to hear Trixie of all people go looking for forgiveness. However, Octavia's surprise faded into skepticism and she narrowed her eyes down at Trixie. "...Who is it that needs my forgiveness of you before they forgive you themselves...?"

Forgiveness is a two-way street... Sometimes things go smooth any you drive nice and quick down the road -maybe give a little wave to Ol' Man Witherspoon in his jalopy he won't sell even though it only has one working wheel- and sometimes -WHAM!- a semi crosses the street from the right lane and shatters your car! Oh god! AH! Fire and blood everywhere! The semi was filled with babies! Why would a semi have babies and gasoline!? What a cruel, cruel world! Oh the humanity!

See the picture I'm laying out for you here? It's a two-way street. But sometimes, someone mess-up on the street and hits someone else. It's going to happen sooner or later, like it or not. Only difference is that asking for forgiveness is a lot easier than driving a car.

"Never in all the cosmic forces of the entire universe will I ever even consider forgiving that assassin of musical understanding! Is that clear to you!?"

Most of the time...

Part Five: Some like it RED HOT!

She was trying. Really she was. But with her kind nature being coupled with who she was trying to help, Fluttershy found it to be a troubling mixture. The teen sat in front of one of the school library's computer monitors, tapping idly one finger against the keyboard. In all honesty, she really wanted to make something nice for Trixie since she put so much faith into Fluttershy's work. But... It was Trixie, after all. Fluttershy's eyes stuck to the periodically blinking cursor on her screen, frustrated with herself that it wasn't moving.

"Come on, Fluttershy... You can do this. Trixie is counting on you to pull a flyer together for her band. You didn't exactly sign up for this, I'll admit; but she is still counting on you. You have your own band to worry about, but she looked so desperate for help. Ohhh! I don't know what to do..." Fluttershy mentally struggled with herself.

She took a small lean back in her chair to look at what of the flyer she manged to finish so far. Much to her grown fluster, outside of the headline of it and a few clip art pictures of musical instruments and a school photograph of Trixie in the background, there was next to nothing. No thrilling catch-all to bring people into it. No reason for anyone to even give it a look. It was just a static posture of a student who many of the students had a grudge against. Fluttershy put her hands to the back of her head and brought herself down to lay against the table, letting her pink hair sprawl out against the keyboard.

"If I could manage just one real catch for Trixie, I could get them to at least go see her. I truly, honestly, fully believe that Trixie will do well on filling out her promise to make-up with those people. So, I just need to get them there," A new determination filled Fluttershy and she sat back up to type out on the computer.

However, it was as her finger hit they keyboard that Fluttershy realized there really was only one thing she could write in Trixie's favor. Fluttershy was careful and particular about how she worded what she wrote on this point; she didn't want to seem to be against her own team or favoring Trixie's. If anything, she just wanted to give Trixie the boost she would need to get herself off the ground. Finishing it up with a few final clicks, Fluttershy read it back to herself with a small smile of accomplishment about her on a job well done.

The always interesting Trixie takes to the stage in the hopes of besting such school bands as "The Five Elements", "The Sentinels", "CMC", "Bassist and Drummer", and our own school directed band in this year's Battle of the Bands. As a new entry, she has much to show at the show. If interested in joining her band, attend to seeing her in Music Room 3.

Fluttershy was pretty impressed with herself. This flyer didn't show favoritism, it didn't talk down Trixie, and it seemed pretty professional. It may have very well been her best work on a flyer in months. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and nodded to herself after a final mental read of the flyer. When she undid her arms from her chest, she took the mouse in one hand and moved to print out the flyer for Trixie. That was when something hit Fluttershy and she started to worry.

"Oh no..." she murmured, "what if that many bands scare people off from helping? No-no-no, I don't want people to feel too scared to help Trixie. She'll think I did that on purpose..." Fluttershy cringed a little bit at her 'mistake'. "With so many other bands on the flyer, no one will want to go against them..." she quickly highlighted over a few of the band names she listed, "I'll just get rid of a few so no one gets--"

"What do we have here?" Fluttershy squeaked like a mouse and froze up in her chair when she heard a voice start up from behind her. Before she could make a move to look, flee, or do whatever she was going to do, a hand shot out around Fluttershy and tilted the computer screen back. "Uh-huh... Someone's balling up to tackle the headliner, huh? Gutsy... And something I want to help with..." Fluttershy balled herself up a little bit in her seat as whoever was behind her leaned over the back of her chair and looked closer at the flyer screen, "Music Room Three? Alright. Thanks, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy couldn't speak a word in the time it took for her chair to fall back onto its four legs, the screen to reset itself back, and for the person who was looking over her shoulder to leave the library in the blaze of a run. As random as whatever just happened was, Fluttershy felt a little relieved once she fixed herself back up. "Well... At least my flyer got someone's attention for Trixie... I-I should probably still print this off though..." she gave herself a mixed reaction before printing off the flyer and shutting down her computer right after.

I'm something of an athlete a lot would say. Fast, strong, agile, flexible, responsive, attentive; you name it. But, there's just one thing in the world keeping me down. Someone standing on my shoulders... Someone beating me out for every team in this school. I'm not a poor sport in anyway... But I do hate losing. I really hate losing... So, maybe Trixie can scratch my back on this one. I help her with her band, she helps me get the one-over on someone.

Everyone wins. Right? Just you wait "Five Elements", I'm about to knock you down to Earth faster than you can spit.

Part Six: Build A Bridge.

It has been written many times over. In so many books. "The human animal, when locked against another, will at some point have no choice but to converse"... Or, something of that sort. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't actually read books. Books are for nerds. That is why when I have both Octavia and Vinyl Scratch locked safely together in a classroom alone with each other, I am fairly certain that everything will work out. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need to read a book to understand human interaction. It's basic interaction, after all.

The only clincher in this whole case is the matter of getting Octavia and Vinyl Scratch into a room with one another so they can interact. But, I have no need to worry on that... The Great and Powerful Trixie had long ago thought up a flawless way to get that part done...

"Hey, Tavi?" Out from nowhere Octavia felt a tap against her shoulder while she was still on the auditorium stage.

The cellist turned a look around to be mildly surprised and quickly befuddled to see Lyra was standing behind her. Instead of answering Lyra, Octavia doubled a look back to where she last saw Lyra near the entryway of the auditorium. In not a moment at all, Lyra had at some point made it from the other side of the room to behind Octavia without her even noticing. She had to admit, that was pretty impressive. Octavia cleared her throat, allowing her previous fit of rage to subside after yelling at Trixie. "Yes, Lyra Heartstrings?" Octavia spoke.

"Does this smell like chloroform?" Lyra asked, putting a rag against Octavia nose.

Octavia simply blinked her eyes and gave a quizzical glare to Lyra as she kept holding it to her nose. "...No... It smells like a rag covered her sweat..." Octavia replied dryly.

"Oh..." Lyra withdrew the rag slowly, nodding a bit and tucking the rag away, "Well that's good to know. Because if it did, then you could've probably thought I was trying to knock you out for some reason. But I wouldn't ever--NOW TRIXIE!" Lyra screamed, sending everyone on stage into a short stagger except for Trixie.

Before Octavia or her band could react, both Trixie and Lyra snatched Octavia by her arms and yanked her off from her chair. Octavia kicked wildly and frantically as she was suddenly hoisted off from the auditorium stage and subsequently carried off by Trixie and Lyra down the stairs and off towards the exit. Holding Octavia's right arm and dragging the rest of the musical student across the carpet of the auditorium, Trixie smiled to herself in triumph. "If at first you do not prevail at asking, simply resort to the unexpected."

Lyra snickered to herself, aiding Trixie in pulling the still startled Octavia across the floor. "Grand Theft Human!"


However, these sort of plans require a sort of duality to get the whole job completed. As you well know, you can't have a conversation with yourself... Well, you could, but you would just be crazy or a complete loser at that point. That's why you need a second person to be involved...

"Hey, Vinyl! Does this smell like chloroform?" Lyra asked, shoving a rag right into Vinyl's nose while she say up on her usual spot on the bleachers.

Vinyl quickly slapped Lyra's hand away and burst out into laughter, wrapping an arm around Lyra in the process. With a single finger, Vinyl lowered the rim of her shades and looked Lyra dead in the eyes, still smirking like a fox. "Alright, I know this trick. Just tell me where you're plannin' to take me."

"Music Room Three," Lyra answered honestly.

"Cooleo. I'll head on over right now," Vinyl shrugged casually and popped off the bleachers, landing her feet firmly against the soft tufts of the grass below, "Out of -you know- curiosity and whatever, what were you gonna do when I said 'no'?" She asked while looking back up to Lyra.

"I was going to put you in a potato sack and drag you there..."

"Huh..." Vinyl nodded, unfazed by the blunt answer.

Some times, the pieces just fall into place for you. Rare for me, but I am never one to turn down a shortcut. After all, if you order a tuna fish sandwich at the deli and you see someone else left their sandwich out before you pay for your sandwich, wouldn't you just that that other person's? It saves money and time... Thinking about it now, that might be why Rainbow Dash doesn't like me at all. Bah! One problem at a time. The Great and Powerful Trixie mustn't get sidetracked.

Thanks to Lyra assistants, we now have both Octavia and Vinyl locked tight in the music room so they can sort out their problems. In the end they'll thank me, forgive me, and I shall have my third member for the band... Wait... The Great and Powerful Trixie may be forgetting something about the band. Bah! Once again, I need to focus on one problem at a time... For now, we just sit back and watch...

The top of Trixie's head made for a nice, comfortable spot for Lyra to snuggle her chin into while the two of them peered into the single window looking into the music room where they 'led' Octavia and Vinyl. The two onlookers watched the two talk to one another inside; more-so watching Octavia stand firm with her arms folded and Vinyl being very animated with her arm motions and storming around the room. Despite how loud it seemed Vinyl or Octavia was speaking, not a sound came to either Lyra or Trixie's ears as they watched.

"...What're they talking about?"

"With any luck, getting the Great and Powerful Trixie off the hate list."

"...Doesn't look like it. Octavia won't even look Vinyl in the eyes. Sheesh... Maybe this was a bad idea."

"What else were we supposed to do? The Great and Powerful Trixie is running off of nothing here! You and Fluttershy are the only two people helping me right now. I had to come up with this plan simply on the fly. What do you want from me?"

"I don'know... Maybe a thank you?" Lyra sounded soft, still watching Octavia and Vinyl inside the room.

"A thank you?"

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't even have to come help you. But I did. You know why?"

"Because you forgave me."

"You really think that's it?" Lyra nudged Trixie against the back, kneeing her once with a small grunt.

"What other reason is there?"

"Never mind..." Lyra huffed before starting to bounce her chin against the top of Trixie's head, "Oh-oh-oh-oh-look-look-look! They're looking each other in the eye!"

"They are. That's progress..."

"OH! Now they're holding hands! That's soooo cute!"

"They're shaking hands, Lyra. Calm down."

"Now they're hugging!" Lyra squealed to herself, making Trixie flinch and shut her eyes in aggravation.

"I see that, Lyra!" Trixie held in her anger as she spoke between gritting teeth.

Even though Trixie was outwardly angry towards Lyra's happy nature at the sight, she was holding in her own excitement herself. With what was conspiring before them in that band room was the start of Trixie's band. And in four days, Trixie would be ready to take on the battle of the bands.

...Wait a moment...

...The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't have a band name!

Part Seven: Twerp.

Heh-heh-heh... Hiding... And sneaking...

Sneaking... and hiding... Heh-heh-heh!

That's the law of the snoop, I'll have you know.We sneak so we can hide; hide so we can sneak. We're the ninjas of today and the ninjas of tomorrow. We can't be the ninjas of yesterday, because those were THE ninjas. Those ninjas got to wear black and jump from roof to roof so they could get their friends free cable. We snoops of today can't do that... The police would call our mommies and daddies and we'd get grounded...

But that's just the risk we run! Always on the edge. Never stopping for a break. Even when there's cookies on the counter, we can't stop. It's the price we pay for being as cool and sneaky as we are. That's right... We. We snoops have to stick together after all. Right now, we have to meet in secret... We meet at our secret hideout, the News Room, everyday. There can't be a meeting until at least two of us are here... Good thing there's only two of us.

That's right! We snoops are what you people call 'reporters'. We write the school newspaper that everyone reads. Just last week we sold over fifty copies. One of our best sellers. I remember the title, too! "Sun Sets on Sunset's Sneaky Steal"! It was REALLY good. It was all thanks to my partner's great writing skills and my super scoop of a picture! That's what you need to be a great reporter. Writing and pictures. I can't write, but I can take pictures!

KA-LICK! Psssssst! Flmp! See? That's how the camera sounds when you take a nice glossy. Speaking of that! I'll let you on the secret snoopy-snoop scoop. Word is around the school that Trixie's going on about some plan to take down Rainbow Dash and them. How do I know? Proof is in the pudding! See here? I have a flyer I stole from the school board. Looks like I got the scoop first since it was the only flyer there... Score!

As we speak, I'm having my partner examine it to try and find and even BIGGER scoop! But I can't wait on that! Nope. We're going to have to sneak in on them and find out the scoop for ourselves. That's the price of being a snoop. Always being on the edge of what might go REALLY wrong.

The school hallways were empty, dull, dressed with fallen pieces of paper from loose-minded students. So, it was the perfect sneaking ground for the Reporter team to sneak down through in disguise. If anyone at all was still in the hallway, they would be none-the-wiser with those two sneaking by. The two shuffled down against the lockers lining the hallway, scuffing the sides of the cardboard boxes they were using as cover against everything they passed. Their sneakers squeaked and skittered as they held their knees tight against their chests to keep the boxes inconspicuously close to the ground. One box was a larger box more fit for a washing machine while the other was trialing behind at the size of a computer monitor box size.

As they shimmed and slid their box forms across the hallway floor, the lead box came to a halt just outside one of the classrooms. With a dull thump, the smaller box knocked into the back of it, making the larger one shudder. "Hey now! Stay close, but not that close!" The bigger box scolded with a hushed voice, "We might get found out if we don't move together right."

"You're right, boss. Rookie mistake..." The smaller box seemed to slump a bit with disappointment.

"Don't feel sad. Turn that frown upside down!" For a moment, the bigger box seemed to pause before inching closer to the other box, "...You are frowning, right?"

"I was frowning, ma'am."

"Alright. Sssssssstop that... Did you stop frowning?"

"Yes. I stopped frowning, ma'am."

"...And what -pray tell- are you two doing outside of the Great and Powerful Trixie's music room?" The two box disguised snoops froze-up from point to point when they heard that chilling voice.

The two shimmied slowly around to look at the entrance of the music room, greeting their eyes with the strange collection of four girls looking down at the two of them. The two refrained from moving anymore, remaining as still as -well- cardboard boxes while they looked at the group from the safety of the hand holes in their boxes. Trixie tapped her foot in front of the lead box, arms crossed in front of her chest and eyes narrowed. "If you do not reveal yourself this instant, I will have you dealt with," despite Trixie's threat the boxes didn't move, "...Lyra, Vinyl...? Get the band-saw from Woodshop."

In a burst of motion, the lead box's top split open and a blonde haired girl stumbled out, arms far over her head and a stagger fresh in her movement. "Noooooo! Don't kill our boxes!" She screamed, making the four other girls cringe at her high tone. The girl took the momentary stun as a chance to look at her smaller box wearing partner, "Run! Run and write the last story! TELL MY STORY!" She ordered with a dramatic yet strangely serious feeling.

As the smaller box turned tail and tried to flee down the hall with little scuttling steps, Trixie looked at Lyra sharply. "Lyra! Take Down!" On command, Lyra pounced away from Trixie's side and threw herself on top of the fleeing box, wrestling it and pinning her entire weight on the top of it.

Now, alone, the blonde girl looked at Trixie with a world of fear in her eyes. The way of the snoop was doomed to always end this way. Caught in the hands of the enemy. She braced herself for whatever came next, closing her eyes and tightening up her stance, waiting for the finishing blow. "...Derpy, what do you want?"

Part Eight: Who are we?

Collected like a nice batch of rats in a cage. Lyra, my right hand at the moment; Vinyl, a reluctant partner in this piece; Derpy, being forced here while Lyra sits on top of her. Four members to a band... If only we could have recruited Octavia. But, she has her own band to lead into battle. No matter. We'll crush her like everyone else. We are now in holding for the greatest force in this school. For the Great and Powerful Trixie will lead this collection of ragamuffins into war!

The three girls and one box watched as Trixie seemed to be monologuing to herself in her mind. Vinyl rose a brow, scratching the back of her neck before giving Lyra an almost worried glance. "She-ah... She do this often?" Vinyl asked, trying to keep quiet enough so Trixie wouldn't hear.

"Nah," Lyra dismissed it, "Usually does it when the plans come together. So... Yeah... That doesn't happen very often," Lyra shifted herself on Derpy's back, making the girl squeal a bit and squirm for freedom.

The little squeal woke Trixie from her mental dialogue, turning her attention to the three girls and one box listening to her intently. "Now... Girls, you all know why you are here, right?"

"Because you're desperate."

"Cus' you think I owe you one now."

"Because Lyra won't get off of me until you tell her to?"

Trixie slammed her palm down on a nearby desk, making all of the other girls straighten up and cringe. A furious look was stuck on Trixie's face for just a moment. Quickly, she ran a hand back through her hair and took in a calming air, making her face soften to a more gentle smile. "All... Good... Answers. But, not the answer I want us all to be on the same page with. Allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to enlighten you on our circumstances of conjugating to this single unity..." When Trixie looked at her 'team', not one of them looked like they were following what she said, "...Let me tell you why you're all going to help me. Simple enough?"

Lyra and Vinyl both nodded and grinned while Derpy struggled to grab her notepad and pen to write down all she was going to hear. If she survived this, she would have one big scoop to tell the world. "Now... The Battle of the Bands is swiftly upon us. And, while the Great and Powerful Trixie has been banned from taking part in the School Talent-Show, she is NOT banned from organized events that require a group effort. That's why I gathered you all here... This school WILL recognize the Great and Powerful Trixie has the most superior entertainer in this school and perhaps the world. She needs to only have a collection of other band-mates to accompany her on stage. Once there, the Great and Powerful Trixie will bring the most spellbinding music that this school has ever seen to their ears," Trixie explained her plan vaguely and quickly, not wanting to lose her audience yet again.

The three girls seemed to be following along better then before, but Vinyl soon raised her hand and called for Trixie's attention. "Yeah... Nice idea and all... But, there's only three of us. Well... Five if you count Lyra's chair and the other girl in the box," Vinyl tossed a thumb over her shoulder to gesture out Derpy and the fellow snoop that was still hiding in a box tucked away in the corner.

"We shan't need the aid of another stalker in a box. Derpy will do well enough," Derpy opened her mouth to protest, but was swiftly silenced by Trixie glaring at her, "Unless she wants me to alert the principle about her stealing boxes from the janitor again...?"

Derpy clammed up and laid out across the ground, giving Lyra less strain to her buns as she sat back on the girl's back. "Alright. You got four. Any idea what instruments any of us can play?" Vinyl kept up her skepticism.

"Dear-dear Vinyl... How little faith do you have? Of course the Great and Powerful Trixie knows what to put you all to work on. You will play keyboard, Lyra shall play her bass, and Derpy will... Will..." Trixie turned her eyes to Derpy and crouched down next to her, looking her in the eye, "Can you play anything musical?"

"I can hit things," Derpy replied with a cheery smile.

Trixie ran a hand against her face, groaning in the process. "Fine... You can play drums..." Straightening out and standing back to her tall, proud state, Trixie looked back to Vinyl 'The Accuser', "And the Great and Powerful Trixie will of course be lead guitar."

"You? Play guitar? Do you know the first thing about strings?" Vinyl cocked her shades down, giving Trixie a disbelieving eye.

"Oh, what trouble is there to it? You just... Um... Strum the strings and... Turn the knobs... Really, there's not much to it," Trixie retorted.

Suddenly, everyone turned their attention to the door behind Trixie as it started to creak open. "It's a tiny bit more complex then strum and turn," a female voice corrected Trixie from the opening door.

To their surprise, when the door opened all the way, a leather jacket wearing girl with spiked, flame colored hair sauntered into the room with a case draped over her shoulder. The girl kicked the door behind her and walked up to Trixie, easily standing taller than her by at least half a foot. The girl dropped her case down on a desk and turned to look at the collection of misfit girls. She smirked once and grabbed the hem of her open jacket, puffing it once before looking down at Trixie. "Fluttershy says you're hosting a little dark-horse band? If you need a guitarist, I wouldn't mind joining up," Spitfire spun her short tale to Trixie, making the little magician grow a devious smile.

"Welcome aboard."

This will be most invigorating...

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