
A Chat with Rainbow Dash

by JohnPerry
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
From my studies in Equestrian hippology, I present an interview with famed mare Rainbow Dash.
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From my studies in Equestrian hippology, I present an interview I conducted with famed mare Rainbow Dash regarding Equestrian culture and her response to her popularity amongst the brony community of Earth. It is my hope that this account will offer unique insights into Equestrian society and culture and enlighten readers intrigued by what this world and its inhabitants have to offer us.

I would like to personally thank those organizations and institutions that put forth the time and resources that enabled me to conduct this research: the North American Institute of Research and Education, Canterlot University, the Celestial Gates Fund, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Slice of Life

3,083 words: Estimated 13 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. A Chat with Rainbow Dash [Cache] Oct 3rd, 2011
Published Oct 3rd, 2011


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