
Secrets of a Lunar Princess

by Flammenwerfer

Chapter 9: 9: Operation: Fallen Harmony

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9: Operation: Fallen Harmony

Author's Note: "Any dialogue that's in bold" belongs to the character of the POV.

Secrets of a Lunar Princess

Chapter 9

Operation: Fallen Harmony

**Four days after the events of Chapter 8**

Location: In the skies above Non-occupied Equestria

Time: 02:00

POV: Gefreiter Tara Bodenhausen, 120th Falschirmjägerkorps von Greifenraum

Nervous? Nervous would be an understatement. The entire squad is practically shitting themselves. As of right now, we are all currently sitting in a large transport craft heading towards the small Equestrian city of Ponyville. It bothers me not that we are in an enormous plane and it’s a wonder we haven’t been blown out of the sky yet. It doesn’t bother me that I’m going to be jumping out of this plane with my squad either. What bothers me is that we are even attempting to take six high value targets as prisoners and walk away happy, hoping morale amongst the Equestrians will cease to exist.

To be honest, I’m not even sure how the Oberst can predict that for sure. Morale is a tricky factor to account for, and the wrong estimation could lead to disastrous results. Our own forces can attest to that. Our advance into Equestria has been halted by numerically inferior forces but rumor has it the Night Princess, Luna, is personally commanding large amounts of troops against us. This mission would have to be a glorious victory to even put a dent in that kind of collective morale of the Equestrian forces.

In an effort to get more troops freed up for this daring mission, whole platoons had to be broken up and reorganized. For some it was no different. For me… I wasn’t so lucky. I know no one in my new squad… I’m the only young woman here in a squad of men and… don’t get me wrong, they’re gentlemanly and kind and protective, but I don’t know them! I trained to fight beside my brothers and sisters in arms… and it feels like I’ve been stripped from my second family away from home. I’m also the youngest here, at merely 21 years old.

I won’t say this out loud… I cannot say this out loud, but I don’t want to be here. My vision was of my squad and I dropping into the heart of Canterlot and wiping the “Equestrian scourge” from this continent, taking their power for our own before the Crystallians or the Draconians could get there first, “possibly dying a glorious death for the Fatherland and the Kaiser”… at least that’s how our vision should be according to the highest ranking officers. But I have every qualm with dying in the name of a silly mission to capture six young women. Not much else was given to us in terms of information as to why these young women were so important, but orders are orders. Did I mention I really don’t want to be here?

Enemy anti-air is having a field day with our transports. The catch is that much of our enormous fleet of aircraft are empty, void of any troops, in hopes that their shots will be made for those decoys instead of the precious cargo… which is us. 80,000 troops are to deliver a thrust on the ground and keep the bulk of the Equestrian forces in the area occupied while we 500 elite paratroopers make landing into Ponyville to do our job.

“Stehen sie auf!”

Speaking of job… our Commanding Officer is ordering us up. It’s almost time. I stood up at attention, chest out and as steady as I could be given the circumstances.

“Haken auf!”

In perfect synchronization we placed the hook of our parachutes on the railing lining the inside of our craft.

“Prüfen Ihre Ausrüstung an!”

I gave my equipment a quick once-over. Helmet: check. Grenades: two lethal, two smoke, check. Bayonet: check. Gas mask: check. Equipment that we jump with is minimal as to not impede our descent down. Our weapons are dropped separately… and sometimes that can be a pain. We can only carry our pistols and bayonets and it doesn’t help that sometimes our weapons can drift and fall into enemy hands.

Our CO is going over the mission once more but I’ve already read the specs. I’m just following the lead of his judgment.

“Drei… Zwei… Eins… Jetzt!! Springen sie, los! Los! Los!”

Third in line, I leap out of the plane and our parachutes catch flawlessly. I can easily see the small city below and anti-air is still flying past us, systematically destroying our transports. I would be surprised if all 500 made it to the ground. I hope my real squad is alright.

After an agonizingly long descent, all eight of my current squad including myself made it to the ground safely about half a mile from Ponyville’s outskirts. We quickly regroup and surprisingly, the large cache containing our weapons floated down not far from us. We all pried it open and retrieved our weapons. I grabbed my personal bolt-action rifle and loaded a clip into it before holding it at ease.

“Jeder hat Ihre Waffen?”

“Ja, Feldwebel!”

“Sehr gut. Wir gehen.”

After making sure we all had our weapons, our CO lead us slowly to the outskirts of Ponyville. We hunkered down low, weapons in hand and out of sight. We had no idea where some of our other friendly troops dropped in, so for now we’re on our own.

“Wo sind unsere truppen?”

“Das weiss Ich nicht…”

Of course. How would he know? We continue to slowly inch our way to the first buildings, which look to be small apartment complexes of three stories. We stop just behind a small, natural trench-head and take one last look at it, our helmets and eyes barely peeking over the ridge. Our Lieutenant gives us a couple of hand signals which we acknowledge. We are to go over the top one by one. Private Speer just went up first.


One of the shut windows burst open and a gun barrel stuck itself out of it.


The machine gun opened up and tore Speer to pieces. All of us immediately ducked behind the trench-head. My heart is about to jump out of my chest right now… how did they know we were coming?!

On our officer’s orders, we all peek our torsos over, rifle’s and SMG’s aimed, and return fire against the MG. It immediately returns fire against us, our volley of bullets ineffective as it spews Equestrian crystalline ammunition at us. I ducked into the trench after firing a second round.

 Remembering what I was taught, I pull the bolt back on my rifle and top off the clip with two rounds before pressing the bolt forward again.

“Rauch! Ich will da draussen Rauch sehen!”

“Setzte eine Rauchgranate ein!”

The Lieutenant called for smoke and I obliged. I pulled the primer off the smoke grenade and heaved it, narrowly avoiding a spraying of machine gun fire. It landed right in front of the field of vision and slowly began to diffuse after it detonated. The gun continued to spray fire at us but slowly the smoke clouded the field of vision. The fire soon stopped. The Lieutenant gave us the same hand signals and we silently bounded over the trench-head and hoagie-ran to the apartment uncontested, stacking up against the building on either side of its closed entrance. It was fairly apparent that we would have to clear this place out. We’d be at a disadvantage though… Greifenraum was just beginning to roll out standard issue Assault Rifles to replace our Bolt Action ones, but the Equestrians already did that. I fixed my bayonet and waited for the signal.

One of my squad mates flashed me a hand signal and I understood immediately. I pulled a stick grenade off my belt and held it, nodding to him. He did the same. The Lieutenant was counting down to when he’d kick the door in. A full second before, both of us pulled the primers on our grenades. He then kicked the door open and both of us back handed the grenades inside. After a couple screams of terror from the inside and the subsequent detonation, we all rushed in.

“Los! Los! Los!”

The other soldier and I (who threw the grenades) were last in to find ourselves in hand to hand combat with Equestrian troops. I rushed in with bayonet drawn only to have the side of my helmet smacked, forcing me to stumble. At that instant I see the male soldier’s arms raise his assault rifle to my form but adrenaline was on my side, as I swiped his arm away with my rifle’s long barrel. I capitalized on that moment and drove the bayonet into his stomach and twisting it before kicking him off of it. The rest of the squad was still fighting hand to hand with the Equestrian troops but before I could help any of them two enemy troops came down the stairs to reinforce. I raised my rifle and pulled the trigger, sending a round straight through the neck of the leading soldier and into the forearm of the second. The first one fell down the stairs clutching his neck in agony while the second hunched over and grabbed his forearm, crying out in pain. I cycled another round into my weapon and fired once more, finishing him with a shot to the chest.

My first kills, all within several seconds of each other… and I had no time to reflect upon what I had done.

I turned to witness another one of my squad mates get gunned down before the offending Equestrian soldier was gored through the stomach from behind with a bayonet. The rest were finished off and we proceeded up the stairs to the second floor.

“Auf! Auf! Auf!”

The Equestrians on that floor didn’t put up a fight and they retreated to the third floor. We gave chase immediately but as we reached the stairs, two grenades dropped in front of us.


I shouted out and dove to prove backwards, holding my helmet tight against my head. After the grenades went off I merely felt residual shrapnel and debris bounce lightly against us. I got up and took point up the stairs, rifle aimed at all times. An Equestrian soldier aimed over the stair railings down at us, but all I witnessed immediately after was blood spatter as well as a shrill scream, and the soldier was there no more, having been shot before he could pick his target. All I can do right now is be thankful I haven’t been that target yet.

We stepped up the last set of stairs which turned a sharp right and then a left into a small hallway which opened up into the main story of the building. I stacked the wall and peeked out, only for me to immediately duck my body behind cover as a relentless, telltale spray of an MG almost tore my body in half.

“Maschinengewehr!” Private Kropp yelled out.

“Oh, ja?!” Corporal Stanislaus replied angrily and sarcastically.

Our Lieutenant threw both of his grenades one by one, miraculously without getting shot in the process. The grenades detonated soon afterwards.


I immediately turned the corner and rushed after my squad, the Lieutenant and Stanislaus taking point with their submachine guns. By the time I got to the room the defending Equestrians were already dead, the machine-gunner essentially torn apart by the grenades. With the building captured, some of our scattered forces in the area were able to move into Ponyville proper. From what the Lieutenant and the radio have been saying, we have already taken heavier casualties than we expected.

We exited the building on the other side and grouped up with another squad.

“Hier, Soldaten… wir sind nach dem Bücherei gehen. Da lebt die Persone wir müssen erbeuten.”

Apparently our assigned person to capture lives in the library in the center of town. We acknowledged our officer and were on our way. I clutched my rifle under its internal magazine and sprinted with my squad to the end of the street. No resistance was encountered and we continued our brisk sprint through the next street which led directly into a park. Then two shots rang out… two of our troops violently dropped to the floor lifeless.

Fuck… fuck fuck fuck…!

I dove onto my chest and lay there with my helmet clutched tightly to my head and slowly began to crawl forward under what appeared to be sniper fire.


One of my squad mates just took a crystal to the stomach and fell right next to me.


“Tara… AAAAUCH!”

Another shot pierced him through the back and some of his blood hit me. This is maddening… GAAHH!

I crawled forward, using the foliage and trees for cover until I reached this fountain that was lying in the middle of the park. It was chaos. The five remaining squad mates of mine were able to thankfully take reliable cover. The other squad that joined us wasn’t so lucky. They’re all dead or dying… dying agonizingly. Those who have been wounded by Equestrian ammunition know that the Crystalline Projectiles do relatively the same amount of destruction and damage to a body, but they’re ENORMOUSLY more painful than a standard lead or alloy cartridge.

“Tara! Equestrianischer Scharfschützen am tweite Stock… das Gebäude an der links!” Lieutenant Schliefen yelled out.

“Ja! Danke!”

I was able to take careful aim while Schliefen and Stanislaus attempted suppressing fire with their submachine guns. One of the snipers aimed out of the window and took too long to aim. I took my opportunity and pulled my trigger. My bullet found its mark in what looked like the sniper’s diaphragm. He lost his footing and fell forward out of the window and to the hard ground below.

The concrete and marble next to my arm exploded as it was struck by an enemy round.

“Ach… scheisse…”

The flying debris-turned-shrapnel cut my hand in a few places, but it wasn’t deep. Enough for me to have to shake my hand off. That meant there was one more sniper left. I kept behind cover and refused to reveal myself as my comrades reloaded. Soon, another shot rang out… with a subsequent scream of pure suffering from another squad-mate. I fancied a glance behind and found Private Kropp with a hole through his temple, his lifeless gaze peering into my soul as the blood pooled around his head and diffused on the ground. I know not the situation of the rest of our troops in the city, but it’s surely better than this. On another note… I’m struck by the lack of civilians. I’ve seen many running for their lives or locking themselves up in their homes. It’s as if they were prepared and already evacuated.

Submachine gun fire rang out again and I aimed out. Seeing as I had the most experience with my rifle, I took the next shot when the sniper inevitable presented himself. Pulling the trigger, my round went straight through his chest, throwing him back from view. He didn’t get up. After several moments that lasted forever, no more shooting sounded.


We decided to not stay here and get surrounded by Equestrian reinforcements… wait a minute…

Our diversionary force has been completely routed! The Equestrians literally slapped us around in the field, and reinforcements have been dispatched to clear us out. We have no time to spare!

“Los… los LOS! Wir haben keine Zeit!”

“Ruhe!  Das Radio!”

An important transmission was followed up with.

“Achtung! Achtung! Die Prinzessin der Nacht ist in Ponyville! Wiederholen: Prinzessin Luna ist in Ponyville und Sie sind stocksaur!”

Princess Luna is here… in Ponyville… and she is NOT happy.

The remaining three of us continued onward… but not before I was able to catch a glance of the fallen sniper. A trail of blood led my eyes to a figure, clad in Equestrian camouflage, propped up against the wall of a shop… a young woman like myself. She was whimpering, breathing laboriously, and clutching her profusely bleeding upper stomach for dear life… her sides of her mouth were trickling blood.

I… I did that?

I took a quick look at my hands and rifle as we transitioned into a light jog. Fancying one more look back, her face was slumped over her chest… dead.

I found my thoughts invaded as the Library came within view. There’s also a light on inside…

“Equestrianische Truppen!”

Over a dozen troops just emerged from alleys and behind the tree home. I dove behind the nearest building… Schliefen just got killed!

“Offizier am boden!”

“Tara! Wir müssen—”

*cling*… *cling* *cling*


The grenade that landed right next to Stanislaus after bouncing off the alley wall ripped him apart.

This… I’m alone…

I peeked out after the fire ceased and pulled my trigger blindly, just to gauge where the Equestrians were.

Keep calm, Tara… Control your breathing…!

I poked out once more and aimed, pulling the trigger and striking an Equestrian soldier in his neck.

“Teuful nach mal…!”

Come on!

I pressed another clip of rounds into my rifle and slammed the bolt shut. I primed one of my grenades and tossed it towards the advancing enemy, followed by my last smoke grenade. I heard a couple of cries after the detonation… ever so slightly evening my odds. Equestrian commands were being yelled and I could only assume they were being reinforced and they were advancing on me. As the smoke filled I decided to work up the courage to attempt a dash to the next alley.

Come on, Tara… GO!

I’m running as fast as I can, this street seems endless but the smoke is giving me— *CRACK!*


My chest just hit the ground hardright in front of the alley entrance… oh god… uhg… my stomach..

“UUUhhhhnnn! Haa.. heee… AAAAHHH!”

It hurts…. Oh fuck it hurts!! I can barely breathe….

My hands are soaked in my blood! I prop myself against the alley wall as I hear boots marching forward. Tears are soaking my face and…

Oh god I can taste blood!


Please… someone… it… it hurts so bad… please…

 It-it-it-it huuuurts!


“Bitte… bitte…

My vision is becoming blurry and dark…  I can feel blood flowing down my chin…  and I can see my blood pool on the ground. I’m… tired…  and the pain… it’s so bad… it hurts so bad… uhhh… wah huh? Who’s that?

That hair… that ethereal, navy colored hair…


“Medical… EDIATELY!”


“…Leben… Ich kann… .. unter… bitte…”

I violently cough one more time as I feel something touch my arms… the pain is just… too much it hurts!

Please just make it stop! I b-beg of you…

Those words are lost on my as my vision goes black and all my senses shut down.



Five days into a war and a battle I didn't want to fight… and I’m already dead.

Next Chapter: 10: The Colonel Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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