
Diary of the Night

by CalebH

Chapter 140: War of Shadows - Chapter 140

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For all my displeasure with Spitfire I must confess that she exceeds my expectations. To become as skilled a flier as she is requires discipline. To be a master of any craft requires as much. Yet to go from master to soldier requires humility and dedication as well. She goes through the rigors of training under my guard without complaint.

I am equally surprised to find that she knows some offensive combat techniques. It seems the standing army has been less affected by Celestia’s pacifism. She is competent in a fight but it takes much more than personal skill to be effective in a battle. She must fight as the ponies beside her fight or she becomes a weak point in the lines.

It is my hope that she never finds need for her training. The noose tightens day by day. Soon I will have Chrysalis and this war of secrets and shadows can draw to a close.

Author's Notes:

things are finally starting to get settled in at school, looks like this is going to be a fun year. :pinkiehappy:

Next Chapter: War of Shadows - Chapter 141 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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