
Diary of the Night

by CalebH

Chapter 121: War of Shadows - Chapter 121

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Ebonfeather. Celestia tells me that is his name and wonders how I could dissuade his anger without knowing his name. His name does not matter, only that he knows mine.

Celestia does not approve. It is a quarrel older than Equestria and I find myself interrupting her to ask if she really wants to pursue an argument we know neither will win. With a begrudging chuckle she relents saying there is little use after Ebonfeather has found confirmation of my claims in the library.

She has never lied, nor has she allowed history to lie; she claims that our mistakes are recorded alongside everypony else’s. They are hidden in metaphor and song but they are there for those with eyes to see them.

I wonder of her student, Twilight. In her short time she has studied nearly every book in the library. She is intelligent and talented, but is she wise; does she have eyes to see Celestia’s mistakes and my own?

Author's Notes:

So I've been (trying at) playing that new "The Forest" game. I think I would like it alot better if my computer was fast enough and I didn't have such bad luck with spawns.

Next Chapter: War of Shadows - Chapter 122 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 46 Minutes
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