
Diary of the Night

by CalebH

Chapter 108: War of Shadows - Chapter 108

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Cadenza is no help. She is as enamored with peace as Celestia ever was. Capitan Armor took a more moderate view but he is still skeptical. I will have no help in convincing Celestia of the coming threat. Even now I can feel it, this creeping darkness, coming closer every day. It may be slowed by winter but it is not deterred. It will come, Canterlot will be assaulted and I am surrounded by ponies to blind to do anything about it.

Very well, the princess of the night has not forgotten her long absent subjects. Equestria will have an army to stand against this threat with or without Celestia’s approval.

Author's Notes:

Finding time to write updates is easy when you decide not to go to class!(Don't worry it's a bunch of crossover from other classes I've taken)

Next Chapter: War of Shadows - Chapter 109 Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 7 Minutes
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