
The Princess and I

by Flanagan

Chapter 22: 22: The Hospital

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“Aedan!” I heard in the distance, “Aedan!” I knew that voice; it was a voice that I never thought I’d hear again…

“Sara?” I said dragging my hand down my face, “Sara… where are you?”

“Aedan quit being such a bum and get down here breakfast is ready!” she replied, never taking heed of my precious call.

I began to wonder that the hell was going on; even though it had been three years I knew that that was Sara calling my name. I also wondered why she wanted me to come down… last thing I remember I was on the cold floor of a college auditorium holding onto Luna for dear life when a sharp pain entered my lower back, after that it was all a blur.

As I began to get up I noticed that the floor was much softer than I remembered, in fact it was a lot like a bed. I finally opened my eyes, just to have them seal shut once again, the sun seemed to be blasting me through a window, a window that the auditorium didn’t have.

“The hell is going on?” I asked myself shielding my eyes from the sun’s rays.

Was I dead? (I felt pretty alive, but then again I’ve never died before so I couldn’t tell) As my mind continued to race I felt a hand land gently on my shoulder. I finally opened my eyes to follow the arm that final lead me to the face of the girl I’d die for.

“You’re finally here…” Luna said with a smile.

She was wearing a beautiful sky blue dress, but I really didn’t take that much time to look at it. I instantly wrapped my arms around her and presses my lips against hers, Luna quickly followed suit even to the point of returning a softer, gentler kiss when I finally released her.

“You have no idea how happy I am that you’re alright…” I said pulling her into my bare chest, “You have no idea…”

“I’m sure I could guess…” Luna replied, trying to burry herself even further into me. “And I am equally as ecstatic…”

After what seemed like an hour I finally let her go and had a look around where we were. I’d never been in a room like this, but there was something about it that made it very familiar, from the window next to the bed to the bookshelves next to the door, this room was almost like a dream.

“Luna…” I asked letting her go, “Where are we?”

“Somewhere you know…” she said rather cryptically, prompting a raised eyebrow from me. “Just get up and look around…”

“You know I can’t do that…” I said throwing the covers off myself, “I don’t have-“

My eyes doubled in size the moment I looked down, there plain as day were my legs, both of them and not just from the knee down on the left side. It was my full, flesh and bone… leg. I reached for it fighting the tears in my eyes, it was a hard thing to do, even Luna had to wipe away a tear or two. Then reality hit me like the rock that killed the dinosaurs, there was no way that this was real.

“This is a dream?” I asked coldly staring at my leg “Isn’t it?”

Luna’s expression went from happiness to remorse within a fraction of a second. Lowering her head she leaned in close and placed one of her arms on my shoulder.

“Sadly, you are correct…” she sighed, “But only on the assumption that this isn’t real…”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked looking to her for answers, “And if this isn’t real how are you answering me like this?”

Luna took a deep breath as she stood up to open the window so some air could come into the room. “Aedan…” she began, “You’re unconscious… and this is where your mind has decided to go…” she looked out the window and then back to me, “It is quite peaceful, unlike the rest of your mind.”

“The rest of my mind?” I asked, “What the hell are you talking about? And why haven’t you answered me?”

“My conscious is inside your mind Aedan…” Luna explained, “And it was here that I found you while I was searching.”

“You’re inside my head?!” I exclaimed, “How can you-“

“It is one of my duties in Equestria…” Luna said calmly, “I watch over and protect those who sleep from harm.”

“So you’re what… a dream warden?” I asked.

“I’ve never been called that…” Luna replied, smiling at the thought, “but yes, like a dream warden.”

“You didn’t go to the more… intimate parts of my head when you were looking for me… did you?” I asked fearing the answer.

“Not entirely…” Luna said with a smile, “But I would be very grateful if you saved me from… what was it called? The Sarlacc…”

(Oh great she saw my Slave Leia fantasy from after we left the college) “I… I have no idea what you’re talking about…” I said quickly, “but-“

“Who were those men?” Luna asked throwing me off guard.


“There were men, all dressed in a uniform, they were with you…” Luna explained “who were they?”

I took a deep breath and faced her, “You mind sitting down?” I asked patting the bed, “This might be a long talk.”

Luna took her nodded and sat down next to me, patiently waiting for me to tell yet another story I’d be better off forgetting. “They were in my unit…” I began, “First Marine Reconnaissance Battalion, I won’t get into too many details… but I was with them the whole time I was in the Marines… Gibson, Heart, Porting, Aguilar, Martinez… we went through S.O.I. and B.R.C. together… we were very close by my standards…”

“What happened to them?” Luna asked.

“Remember when I first told you about Gordon? You know… my last mission?” I asked back, she nodded and I continued, “They were with me when we extracted him out of his hole in the ground in Afghanistan, but the route we took back… no one cleared it previously, stupid call from our new lieutenant, but we had to follow his orders… and it cost us…”

I took a deep breath, fighting the urge to cry and beat the hell out of the bed at the same time. “Ambush happened about twenty minutes into the way back… took out the first vic in our convoy, everyone inside just showed up about a week before… they didn’t stand a chance… RPG hit the last vic, that had Gibson and Aguilar… they were dead in seconds…”

I wiped away a stray tear as Luna looked on in disbelief, even when I told her about Sara I didn’t cry, but this was just too much for me. “We were caught in between a rock and AK-47 fire… Heart got hit exiting his vic… right in the femoral artery; dead in about a minute… worst part was he got engaged before we left… left a nice girl behind… I was in the same vic as Gordon and Martinez, we got him out without a scratch, I yelled for my superiors, but they were in the last vic with Gibson and Aguilar… I was in charge of the ones left…”

“I wouldn’t know what to do...” Luna said drawing closer for what I assumed was support.

“I don’t think anyone does until it actually happens…” I said shaking my head, “It was all instinct from that point, I called for defensive positions, Porting took down the rocket, but he didn’t get down in time… He was dead before he hit the ground. I ordered a few guys to call it in so a Cobra could save our asses… when they finally got the call in They said they’d be there in ten minutes… the longest ten minutes of my life…”

Luna brought herself closer to me, trying her best to ease my pain. To tell the truth, she was doing a good job. I’d never known a person that could put me at ease like her, even if she caused me a great deal of stress in the time I’ve known her.

“What happened next?” she asked snapping me back to reality. (Well a version of it anyway)

“Oh, the Cobra made it…” I said shaking my head, “but not after three more of us got killed and an RPK took off everything under my knee… Martinez managed to pull me to cover… but he got hit too… I blacked out before the whole thing was over…”

I paused and looked over to my counterpart and bit my lip, “When I woke up I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by docs, that’s actually where I met Dawn and… my left leg below the knee was gone… That’s why I had to leave the Marines… in their eyes I was unfit for service.”

“That’s horrible…” Luna said her eyes welling up, “You gave them more than anyone should give and they just threw you out like garbage?”

“Oh they didn’t just ship me off without something…” I said, “They decided my actions were enough for a Silver Star…”

“A what?”

“A Silver Star… it’s a pretty big honor to get one… but I was just doing my job… like everyone else there…”

“What happened to Martinez?”

“He died on the operating table… I was the only one left… it-”

“Aedan!” Sara yelled popping her head through the door, “How long are you and Luna going to be up here? You’re breakfast is getting cold!”

I was speechless, it was Sara, there was no doubt in my mind about that and I may have forgotten that this wasn’t real if not for one major detail. She looked older, like she had grown up to be as old as she would’ve been if her mother hadn’t killed her. I turned to Luna expecting an answer, but she looked like she ignored me and spoke to Sara instead.

“We’ll be down in a minute Sara.” Luna said with a smile, “We still need to discuss a few things.”

“Fine…” She replied rolling her eyes, “Just don’t take too long.”

“We won’t…” Luna replied, turning her attention back to me, “You’re probably wondering why she knows who I am…”

“Well… I am now…” I said scratching my head, “but why has she Grown up? She wasn’t a teenager when she-“

“This is the part of your conscious that holds your greatest desires…” Luna explained, “And you’ve wanted to see her grow…”

“So this place is…”

“Your dream home…” Luna answered, “You are a very simple man Aedan, you don’t crave power, control or money… you just want a simple house and the ones you love safe and well.”

Luna and I walked down the stairs to reveal a very quaint scene; the only thing that seemed out of place was the seventy-two inch screen. I guess nobody’s perfect, God knows I’m not. The two of us made our way into the kitchen, where a plethora of Bacon and other delicious food stuffs were laid upon a table; it was enough to make a grown man cry. Luna herself couldn’t help but let out a small giggle when she looked over to me.

“You still know that none of this is real right?” she asked.

“Don’t spoil it for me…” I said awestruck, “This is just-“

It was at that moment I saw a person sitting at the table, facing away from me, but this person was a kid. (How could a kind be in my deepest desires? I hate kids…) I was about to ask Luna when it turned around, again I was speechless, he looked just like I did when I was his age. Before I could thoroughly process what the hell we going on he popped out of his seat and ran in my direction, past me and straight to Luna. Wrapping his arms around her as best he could he began to squeeze. The only thing she did in response was pat him gently on the head.

“I… I don’t understand…” I said looking at him, “What… Why did he run to you… and why is he even here?”

“You’ve been thinking about me more often than you think Aedan,” Luna explained, still running her fingers through his hair, “And this place holds your greatest desires, even the ones you don’t realize yet…”

It was then that the boy finally looked at me long enough that I noticed that there was one thing different about him. His eyes, his eyes weren’t a greenish-blue like mine; they were cobalt, just like Luna’s. I hit my knees the moment he released her and ran to me. He clung pretty damn tight for someone so freaking small. I looked back up to Luna, who couldn’t help but smile.

“His name is Donovan…” she said in a whisper.

My heart skipped a beat, Donovan was my grandfather’s name, I liked that name so much I told myself at a very young age that it would be the name… the name of my son. It didn’t make any sense, I haven’t thought about having kids since I was thirteen, when I decided that there were more pressing matters, like woman. Now there was one in my deepest desires apparently and he was nearly a perfect carbon copy of me, minus that one major detail.

“Why… why does he have your eyes?” I asked in disbelief.

“Honestly… I don’t know… This is where YOUR deepest desires reside.” Luna said with a smile, “It may be coincidence, or it may be that-“

Luna was suddenly cut off by a massive tremor that nearly took both of us off our feet. It didn’t last long, but it certainly allowed for a change of subject.

“What the hell was that?” I asked.

Luna turned her attention to me with the saddest eyes that I had ever seen on a human being, “You’re… waking up…” she explained, “Soon you will be returned to reality… and all of this will be a memory… I will be a memory.”

“What are you talking about?” I said growing even more worried, “I don’t-“

I was cut off by the feeling of her lips pressed against mine one last time, but this time felt different; she was clinging to me as if she would never see me again. I returned the favor as yet another, far more violent rumble shot through the house.

“Goodbye…” She whispered softly, letting a tear fall from her cheek, “I love-“

Before she could finish I was swept up in some kind of vortex, I watched in horror as the small house was torn apart. I reached out for her, but she just looked up at me, tears flowing like a river in her eyes.

“LUNA!” I yelled reaching for her, “I WON’T LOOSE YOU AGAIN!”

I tried to fight the vortex, but it was no use, the harder I struggled, the farther I floated away. The more I did nothing the farther I floated away. All I could do was yell at the top of my lungs, which I did with vigor.

“LUNA!” I yelled one last time before being engulfed in light, “LU-“

“Hey, calm down, buddy!” A familiar voice said as I felt pressure being applied to my shoulders.

“G-Gordon?” I said weakly, my strength had seemingly left me, I was awake and Gordon was at my side.

“That three day nap take its toll on you?” he asked with a smile, I just glared at him, knowing that it was his fault that I was wherever I was at the moment. When he saw that I wasn’t really in the friendly joke mood he lowered his head in shame. “I’m so sorry Aedan…” he whispered, “I really thought-“

He was cut off by me suddenly grabbing his shirt and throwing my forehead into his nose followed by a swift fist to the jaw. Blood erupted from his nostrils as he fell to the floor clinging to his nose. At that moment I finally felt all my strength leave me, my body allowed me to give what Gordon deserved before it felt like it completely shut down. The moment I laid my head back onto the pillow I saw that there were six other people in the room. Dawn, Larry, my parents, Mrs. Burns and Officer Fairchild were standing on the other side of the room, their jaws hitting the floor for what they had just seen.

“Long story…” I grumbled, staring up at the ceiling.

“A story I already heard.” Officer Fairchild said making his way to me, “Gordon told me the whole thing, how you went in there and stopped the kidnappers… and after I saw what you two did to them… I never want to be on your bad side...”

I glared at Gordon, who was staggering to his feet, still trying to stop the blood from flowing. I wondered if he told the good officer if he was involved in the whole thing, but my thoughts were cut short by Officer Fairchild’s storytelling.

“I mean stabbing someone with a metal cane after being shot in the back AND losing your prosthetic limb… damn son, that’s impressive.”

I looked to him with absolute confusion, then back to Gordon. He wasn’t saying anything but his eyes were begging me to play along. I may have hated him at the moment, but for all it was worth, he had been my friend for twenty years.

“People do amazing things on adrenaline…” I said, looking back to Gordon the moment I heard hi let out a sigh of relief.

“I’ll say…” Officer Fairchild said nodding, “You must’ve hit that professor in one hell of a way, because after the surgery he was yelling and screaming about how that Luna was from another dimension.”

I took an unusually large gulp, Professor Moore was still alive, that meant the Trents might still be out there. Thankfully my mind was laid to rest only a few seconds later.

“We managed to arrive about the same time they started firing… we got you and Luna to the hospital as fast as we could.”

“Hospital?” I asked finally noticing a steady beeping sound and I.V.s injected into my arms.

“Where else would we send someone after they’ve been shot?” Officer Fairchild said with a grin, “You got pretty lucky, the bullet passed through you with no real damage other than your coma.”

“My WHAT!?”

“I’m sure that your friends can bring you up to speed…” Officer Fairchild said, heading out the door, “I promised that I’d meet you when you woke up, now I’ve gotta get back to the station to finish my reports.”

Before I could respond he was gone, leaving me with the five people who remained in the room. I looked to the ones who didn’t betray me, hoping I’d get an answer from them before I resorted to asking Gordon.

“Well…” I said, “I’m waiting…”

“You were in a coma for three days…” Dawn began, “I came as soon as I heard what happened…” She slowly made her way to me and gently did her best to give me a hug without making it hurt. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“I knew you’d be fine…” My dad added coming up to me and slapping my shoulder. (Much to my silent disapproval, I mind you) “Ryan’s are made of tougher stuff than most.”

At that point my mom and Mrs. Burns decided to chime in. I only managed to gather small bits and pieces of the collective conversation before it became a muddled overtone of inaudible babble.

“STOP!” I yelled silencing all of them at once. Pointing to my mom I nodded, “You first…”

“Well Aedan…” She began, “As you know… you were… you were shot… W-we… we…”

At that point my mom broke down and wrapped her arms around me, reminding me of the still very present pain that was in my stomach. I grunted inwardly, but didn’t retaliate, I’m sure if put in the same situation I’d do the same. (Actually I wouldn’t I just told myself that so I didn’t focus on the pain in my gut.)

“I thought you’d never have to deal with this kind of thing again after you left the Marines!” She cried, “Dammit Aedan why do you do this to me?!”

“Bullets like me…” I said trying to make light of the situation, but that didn’t sit well with her, she stormed out of the room, before I could say I was sorry. Making a face I shrugged and pointed to Mrs. Burns, “I guess you’re up…”

“I just came to make sure that my star employee was getting better…” She said with a smile, “And it looks like just that, I’m glad that you saved Luna from those horrible men… I’d hate to imagine the things they would do to such a pretty young girl.”

That thought crossed my mind more than once, especially after I saw some of the tools Professor Moore was planning to use on her. Huge needles, a scalpel, drills and a whole load of other things I didn’t want to know about were on the table next to her, including some things that you would use for… less scientific endeavors. Nodding I finally pointed to Larry, who looked a bit shocked that I had chosen him to explain what happened next.

“Well, you see what happened was…” he began, “The Cops arrested the Trents and Professor Moore, and the ambulance brought you both back here.”

“Both?” I asked.

“Yeah, Luna was shot too… don’t you remember?” Larry said confused “Or were you so pumped with adrenaline that you didn’t notice?”

The adrenaline started pumping through my veins at that comment. That’s why Luna was acting the way she had in my head, she didn’t think she was going to survive. The machine that monitored my heart rate skyrocketed, the pain in my stomach was completely gone, I had to get to her, no matter what damage I inflicted on myself.

“Whoa there son!” My dad said, putting his hand on my shoulder, “what’s the rush?”

“Luna…” I said with rare fear in my voice, “I have to get to Luna…”

“She’s in the I.C.U.” Dawn said, “I’ve actually scheduled my shift so that I could keep an eye on her for you.”

“You work here?” I asked.

“I thought I made that clear when I ran into you in Wal Mart.” Dawn replied.

“I need to see her…” I said trying to get up, nearly forgetting that the lower half of my leg was still missing. “I was in a coma, that means I’m in the-“

“You were moved once you were stable.” Dawn interrupted, “She’s two stories down, on the ground level.”

“Then I need to get there…” I said searching for my leg, “Now…”

“I don’t think you’re in any shape to-“

“NOW DAWN!” I roared, scaring everyone left in the room, it took a second, but I finally composed myself enough to not sound like a psychopath, “Dawn, please…”

“I-I’ll see what I can do…” Dawn said, pulling out her cell phone, “But no promises…”

“I wasn’t asking permission…” I said to get my point across.

Dawn nodded and put her cell phone back into her pocket. Allowing me to turn my attention to trying to find my leg, in my haste I failed to notice that it was already in front of me, in the hands of my friend Gordon. Holding it like a peace offering.

“Forgive me…” he whispered the moment I ripped it from his grip.

I said nothing him as I finally managed to strap on my limb correctly, grabbing my IV, I left the room, Dawn was the only one who trailed me, the others were just frozen in awe. I hobbled to the elevator and pushed the button while I waited I noticed dawn was right next to me, waiting as well.

“Why’d you follow me?” I asked.

“You need someone with a good reason to let you in Aedan.” Dawn said with a playful wink, “Who better than someone who actually works here?”

“Good point.” I said as I heard the ‘ding’ sound an elevator makes the moment it shows up.

The door opened revealing a doctor and a patient waiting to go. Dawn and I made our way on with no resistance, but if the doc knew I’m sure he’d try to say something. “Man I hate it when I get a bad splinter…” the patient said, “there can’t be anything worse than a bad splinter…”

The other three of us in the elevator looked at or counterpart with a raised eyebrow, but he just kept on complaining.

“What could be worse than a splinter?” he whined, “Nothing… that’s what.”

“You could get shot…” I said, not bothering to look at him.

“Now who here has been shot?”

“I have…” I said pointing to my gut and leg, “Twice…”

The door finally opened at the ground level, where Dawn and I promptly left the elevator. Our fellow commuters stayed behind, their jaws wide open at the revelation I had given them. A few quick turns and the two of us were finally at the I.C.U. where a guard tried to stop me.

“You can’t come in here sir.” He said sternly, it actually surprised me, he seemed confident that he could stop me even though I was a good head and a half taller than him.

“He’s with me Jim.” Dawn said quickly, “He just needs to see someone… someone very important.”

“Alright Dawn…” he said stepping to the side, “just make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

(If that guy only knew what my life had been like for the past few weeks)

Dawn and I made our way past him and into the I.C.U. Doctors, nurses and patients alike were going in and out of the doors at a fever pitch. It was utter chaos, but a chaos that Dawn and I both knew was nothing compared to what we’ve been through before.

“Last time I checked on her she was in that room.” Dawn said pointing to the door on the middle right. “Given her condition, I doubt they moved her.”

“Then let’s go…” I said darting across the hall, I placed my hand on the knob to open it, but someone on the other side beat me too it.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” The Doctor said, “I didn’t realize that… you’re not supposed to be back here…”

“Dr. Johns, this is Aedan.” Dawn said quickly so I wouldn’t say the wrong thing, “He was the one with her when-“

“I know…” Dr. Johns said, looking at his chart, “it’s good to see that he’s finally awake, but after what you’ve been through you really shouldn’t be walking around.”

“I heal quickly…” I said looking past him. “Can I go in?”

“Absolutely not!” Dr. Johns said pressing his hand against my chest in a failing attempt to stop my advance, “The only reason she’s still alive is because of the machines… if you go in there you could mess with the delicate balance that’s keeping her alive.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She was shot…” he explained, “And the bullet is lodged into one of her arteries, and we can’t perform the surgery until we get some answers."

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That woman’s a complete anomaly…” he continued, “Her blood is one of a kind… in fact, if I didn’t know any better I’d say that it’s equine in nature…”

“So… that means?” I asked; I could hear Dawn’s hand slamming into her face.

“Her blood is more like a horse’s than a human’s…” Dr. Johns answered, looking at me like an idiot, “And-“

“I know what equine means doc,” I interrupted, “but what do you mean that you can’t operate?”

“We don’t have any blood that comes even close to being compatible with hers.” he answered, “She’d bleed out the moment we made the incision.”

“Then how is she still alive?”

“The round acts like a plug,” Dr. Johns explained, “But a very weak plug; it’s only a matter of time before it pops loose… then…”

“Then what?” (Why did I ask that I already knew the answer?)

“She’d be in God’s hands then…” He said shaking his head, “Damn shame too, pretty young thing like that to die at the start of her life… I-“

“I need to see her.” I said quickly.

“I thought I made it clear that you couldn’t.” Dr. Johns said sternly, “There are too many moving parts and-“

“Why does everyone here think I’m asking permission?” I growled, towering over him. I could tell that he was intimidated, but Dawn and her charm stepped in before I go progress any further.

“She’s very close to him Dr. Johns.” She said putting herself between me and the good doctor, “Couldn’t you at least give him a few minutes with her? alone?”

Dr. Johns looked up to me and then Dawn, “Twenty minutes…” he said under his breath, “That’s all I’ll give you.”

“That’s all he needs,” Dawn said as I passed to two of them and entered the room.

The sight broke my heart, there was Luna, lying comatose on a hospital bed with all sorts of things strapped and prodded into her and it was all my fault. If I hadn’t gone on that date then I would’ve been able to stop everything that had happened to her, but I just had to keep an appointment I didn’t even set up. I just had to be the nice guy.

I carefully made my way to her bedside, making sure that I didn’t touch any of the cords that lead to God knows where. Kneeling at her bedside I looked her up and down, she just looked like she was sleeping, nothing more, her serenity nearly brought me to tears. Then I just heard the monitor, giving a steady, but weak beep.

“I broke my promise to you…” I said, placing my hand on her face, “I said I would get you home… I said I’d keep you safe…”

She just laid there, unresponsive to my remorse. I couldn’t hold it in anymore; a single tear fell down my cheek and onto the floor. Leaning towards her I gave her a small peck on the forehead. I really didn’t know how long I was sitting there afterward; my thoughts were solely focused on Luna and everything she had said to me before I woke up. I wondered if she was in her own head now, I wondered if she could hear me.

Then I remembered the last thing she said to me, and how she didn’t get to finish it before I came to. I had to tell her the same thing before I was thrown out of her room.

“Luna…” I whispered, leaning to her ear, “Luna… I… I…” (Oh for Christ’s sake say it! It’s just a few little words!)

The second I finally managed to formulate that one sentence in my mind I froze, the chaos outside of the room had come to an abrupt halt. The only sounds being made came from my breathing and Luna’s heart monitor. Suddenly I was thrown off my feet and slammed into a nearby wall, unleashing the pain that I had been suppressing ten-fold. I couldn’t describe the noise I made when I hit the wall, closer to a grunt than a shout, but needless to say it hurt like hell. I opened my eyes expecting to be held down by at least ten men, but I was just floating there, dangling like a puppet by some unknown force.

My struggle was instantly stopped by the sound of footsteps approaching slowly. I looked to the sound and at that moment my heart skipped a beat. A woman was standing there, perfect body, flowing blond hair, eyes that I swore were pink and a face that looked remarkably familiar had one hand outstretched in my direction. She looked furious, almost like she was about to kill someone, yet there was also a hint of relief in her eyes. (like when your dog gets lost but finds its way home kind of relief, but more intense) Keeping her hand in my direction she made her way to Luna, I tried to break free of whatever she was doing, but it was no use, I was too weak and she was too strong. A smile came to her face when she touched Luna, but it instantly faded the moment she turned her attention back to me.

“What have you done…” she growled, “What have you done… to my sister…”

Author's Notes:

Here y'all go! I know ya been waitin' fer it! :ajsmug:
Where is Aedan? :pinkiegasp: IS HE DEAD?!
Hey Luna's there too... AWWW they finally kissed with out an awkward moment or being shot at afterwards! :twilightsmile:
That's what happened to Aedan's leg... :applecry: :fluttercry: :pinkiesad2:
BACON! :raritystarry: Man's greatest desire!
Why is there a kid in THIS part of his head? He doesn't even... :pinkiegasp: WHY DOES HE HAVE HER EYES?!
I think we'd all do that to Gordon right about now...
At least Officer Fairchild is on the case... now we know it'll get done right :eeyup: and I wonder who impaled the professor? :trollestia:
Good thing that everyone was there to explain... WHAT... THE F&%K?!? HE SHOT LUNA!!! :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage:
That guy with the splinter is a B#@$H... (don't swear until you're at least sixteen kids... at least not in front of your parents)
Luna cant get a transfusion? :pinkiegasp: but that means... :applecry:x100
:twilightoops: the f&%k just threw Aedan into the wall? ... ... ... ... ... ... Oh Sweet baby Jesus look who finally showed up! :pinkiegasp:
All of you know the drill... I'd also ask you to take a gander at my blog, and tell me which story you think I should put effort into next... I really want to do them both but I'll let the people who've got me this far (You the readers) choose my next tale.

Next Chapter: 23: The Sister Estimated time remaining: 59 Minutes
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