
The Princess and I

by Flanagan

Chapter 19: 19: The Professors

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College… Yeah college, where poor kids work their asses of to become something in life and rich kids do nothing but sit around and get degrees they don’t deserve. That’s what Gordon told me about college when he was there, he may have not been the richest guy on campus, but he sure as hell worked to be the smartest. It obviously paid off for him, given that he has a comfy government job that pays him enough in a year to support a family of four.

Now all I had to do was get Luna and myself to the labs or whatever college people call it before I catch an overzealous frat boy grabbing Luna’s ass. That might be difficult, because when we rolled up I’d noticed that they were changing classes. This was going to be interesting.

“Ok Luna…” I said getting out of the car, “Let’s see if we can’t find this guy…”

“Have you already forgotten his name?” She asked, slightly worried and confused. “I thought you-“

“Easy there, Luna… I still remember his name,” I said to calm her down, “I just didn’t feel like wasting energy on saying it.”

“Oh… Well… please don’t scare me like that…” Luna said looking into the campus interior, “This IS the first time we even bothered an attempt at returning me home.”

I tried to think of something clever as a response, but in reality she was right. I hadn’t really been doing what I’d promised her I would do. I’ve just been dragging her along on very stressful, awkward misadventures that miraculously ended well. Maybe God WAS watching my back on this one, but he was definitely having his fun with me first.

“We’ve been busy…” I answered hastily, “But that doesn’t matter anymore, we’re here now… so let’s just-”

“I would possibly go so far as you didn’t want me to leave…” She continued, looking back to me with a deviant grin. “Maybe you’ve just been stalling this whole time.”

Ok… first off, THAT wasn’t the truth, second, why the hell would she say something like that? I mean yeah it’s nice to have someone to talk to every now and then, but for her to go so far as to accuse me of… ‘pony-napping’ or something along those lines was quite the stretch. As if it were instinct, my hand found my face and slowly drug itself down, only prompting a giggle from my counterpart.

“I only meant it as a jest.” Luna said regaining her composure rather quickly, but still keeping that adorable grin. “Now are we going to find this Professor Moore or not?”

All I could do was grunt in response and continue forward with the plan at hand. Find Professor Moore, ask him if ‘multiverse travel’ is possible and see if there’s a way to do it on earth, after that… I had no freaking clue what to do, but she could bet her ass that I’d figure something out.

We started making our way into the crowd and instantly people (mostly jocks, nerds and other male stereotypes) stopped to get a long hard look at Luna. It didn’t really bother me, hell I’d probably call of them gay if they didn’t try to get a look at her. After all even though she was wearing a turtleneck, it wasn’t a loose fitting turtleneck, it hugged her body (especially the curves) very nicely. Hell I caught myself admiring it for a second or two, but then I started to hear some of the louder whispers.

“Who is THAT?” one of them asked.

“I don’t know, but I would love to ram it in for a quick score.” Another answered, obviously a jock or sports junkie who needed to be taught a lesson in respect, but I held onto my anger and focused on the task at hand. Luna probably didn’t even her him, well I hoped she didn’t hear him.

After a few minutes of passing through the gawking crowd, some of them even women, also with their own little conversations (The one that caught my attention was the one that hoped I wasn’t her boyfriend.) we finally made it to the other side of the campus. Only to discover another parking lot, nearly void of cars before myself and Luna. My hand met my face for the second time in the past ten minutes, but this time it was not an awkward one it was one of frustration. All I had to do was drive for another minute and I would have found this place and I wouldn’t have had to stare down the dozens of college guys eye-humping Luna, but that was in the past and second I didn’t even know if this was the building in question.

“It seems we have arrived!” Luna said excitedly, jumping up and down.

“What makes you so sure?” I asked, “I can’t even see a…”

Sure enough, a sign that explained that we were entering the college’s scientific wing. I didn’t want to give Luna the satisfaction of letting her know that she was right, so I just walked past her avoiding eye contact, but I could tell that she had a smug look screaming ‘I told you so’ on her face.

While we made our way across the lot I noticed something that I thought was awesome. A Delorean, the license plate reading GRT SCT, (I don’t care if that guy's a psychopathic murdering criminal, I need to shake his hand) odd observations aside the two of us walked into the closest building (per say the instructions on the map Luna previously pointed out) to see nothing overly noticeable inside. Then the inner bell rang, flooding the once empty halls with kids that had the stereotypical look of nerd. (They probably played Dungeons and Dragons too)

And just as you would assume nearly all of them froze the moment they saw Luna, leaving the two of us in a cliché awkward silence as we became surrounded by the students. I took a deep breath and took my place next to Luna among the obviously sex-starved college students and began to move deeper into the school. Their inward conversations were both hysterical and creepy at the same time, I heard several of them saying they’d love to see her in a slave Leia costume (Now that they mentioned it I thought I’d like to see it too) then there were those who said she had the beauty of a night elf, and they’d love her to meet the ‘real’ them on the internet. Putting the strange analogies and phrases I’d never understand in three lifetimes to the side we continued until we found the one room we were looking for. It was just a plain door, nothing special about it, except for the name on it of course ‘PROF. MOORE’ it read in bold letters. Smiling I walked up to the door.

“Are you ready to see if we can’t get you outta here?” I asked confidently. Luna nodded; her smile growing as I opened the door. “Then I won’t keep you waiting…”

Gently I swung the door open, revealing an empty classroom and a chalkboard full of random numbers and equations, but more importantly, a man writing said equations. The two of us practically ran to meet him but with only a few rows between us he rose his hand in a halting manner.

“Not one step closer…” he said, still not bothering to look at us, “this equation requires my full concentration…”

“Well… sorry to bother you…” I said ignoring him and pressing forward, “Are you Prof. Moore?”

The man let out a deep sigh, placed the chalk down and faced us. He was an older man. Late sixties, early seventies, blue eyes with a noticeable lack of hair in the top of his head. (Which his ears were trying to make up for)

“Professor Moore…” I began, “I’m-“

“I’m Not Professor Moore…” he interrupted with a condescending tone.

“Then who are you?”

“I? I am Professor Emmett L. Brown… but my students call me Dr. Brown.”

“Dr.… Dr. Brown?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes…” he said raising an eyebrow, clearly unaware of what I was talking about. “Dr. Brown.”

“What kind of car do you drive?”

“A Delorean …” he answered, “What does that matter?”

“And the plates?”

Luna and Dr. Brown raised an eyebrow at me for a moment, but then the good doctor put two and two together. “Ah… I see what you did there… and yes my expertise is the science of time…” (WINNING at its finest) “But I don’t know anyone named Marty.” (So close to having a heart attack of awesome)

“Sir... I NEED to shake your hand right now…” I extended my hand which he graciously accepted.

“I’m glad to see that there are still a few people out there that get that little reference I made.” He said taking his glasses off to wipe them on his coat. “Now may I ask to whom I am speaking to?”

“I’m Aedan Ryan And this is Luna Connelly.” I said in an introductory manner.

“Well it’s wonderful to meet the two of you…” Dr. Brown said with a smile, “but may I ask why are you here? Neither of you look like students.”

“We’re not.” I replied, “We were trying to find Professor Moore so we could ask him a few questions.”

“About what?”

“Well…” I said trying to think of a way of saying what I was going to say without looking like an idiot, “The questions were about multiverse travel.”

“Ah one of the many questions I have myself.” A voice from behind the three of us said.

I turned around to see a younger version of Dr. Brown, mid-forties, thick head of brown hair and a friendly smile.

“Professor Moore, I presume?” I asked extending my hand.

“You are a very astute young man, Mr. Ryan.” He said walking up to me to shake my hand, “I AM Prof. Harold Moore; your friend informed me that you may be coming today…” He then turned his attention to the only person without a ‘Y’ chromosome in the room. “And THIS must be Ms. Connelly.” He walked up to Luna and bowed graciously.

“Indeed Professor, it is rather wonderful to finally meet your-“Luna was cut off by the sudden light grab of her hand, which then Professor Moore pressed lightly against his lips.

“Please,” he said with charm beyond any means of human measure, “Just call me Harry.”

Both Luna and I’s faces went a little red at that, be it for completely different reasons. Who the hell was this guy to just come up to Luna and do something like that? And why was I getting upset at a guy nearly twice my age flirting with her? (Not like he stood a chance, he’s not really her type.)

“Excuse me Professor…” I said doing my best not to sound mean, “But I you don’t mind-“

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry Mr. Ryan,” Professor Moore said finally turning his attention back to me, “I didn’t mean to impose, are the two of you by chance a couple?”

The force with which my hand met my face could’ve destroyed the continent, maybe even the planet. I was just so tired of explaining the situation what came out of my mouth threw me and Luna for a loop.

“Yes!” I said, throwing my hands in the air, “We’re a couple, madly in love! And I take offence to whoever tries to butt in our blossoming relationship!”

“My sincerest apologies…” Professor Moore said, trying to fight his laughter, “I had no idea that you felt about her that way.”

“Well I do…” I said, laying a massive coat of sarcasm on my words, “Now if you don’t mind, please stop hitting on a girl almost half your age. The two of us have some questions for you.”

“Ah yes of course.” He replied straightening his sweater-vest, “Mr. Freeman said you would want some answers…” He walked past Luna and Dr. Brown and stopped at the chalkboard. “What would you like to know?”

“Well first off what is the multiverse?” I asked.

“An excellent question, Mr. Ryan.” He said wiping away some of Dr. Brown’s equation, much to his disapproval I may add. “Our universe is just as it says it is… ONE.”

“Not sure I follow…”

“Universe…” he continued. “It is derived from the Latin words Unum meaning ‘one’ and ‘vertere’ meaning ‘to turn’ so universe essentially means ‘turned into one’.”

“Still not really following…” I said scratching my head.

“He’s saying that everything is one essentially.” Luna explained, “That it is singular and there is nothing else like it.”

“Correct Ms. Connelly.” He said shooting her a wink, much to my disapproval. “But it’s very hard for any of us to imagine that there is only one of something.”

“There’s one of a lot of things.” I said, “That’s how animals die out right?”

“Yes, but they never started out alone and for a very long time there were many of that animal.”

“So you’re saying-“

“That like a species of animal our universe is not the only one of its kind.”

“When are we going to get into the ‘Multi’ part of this conversation?” I asked, “How can there me multiple universes?”

“Why because of you.” He said pointing at me.


“Yes… you… and me… and her, and him…” he turned around and began to scribble on the board. “Your imaginations are, just like the universe, limitless with untold amounts of power surging through them.” He looked back to face us “To put it simply in our own minds we are like God, shaping worlds, solar systems… even entire universes with our thoughts alone.”

“So you’re saying that whatever we’ve thought of in our lives that differ from our reality there is a universe that it has actually occurred in?” Luna asked.

“Correct again Ms. Connelly.” He said turning back to us, “but this reality won’t accept our contrasting thoughts, so another universe, completely different than our own is created somewhere in the vastness of reality.”

“So you believe that there are a multitude of universes…” I said raising an eyebrow, “In our heads?” the strange thought crossed my mind that I was just some guy’s random thought for a second, but I ruled that out as nonsense, because I know I’m real… … right?

“No.” the Professor said quickly, “I believe that once something is imagined that a whole new universe is spawned, making a near endless amount of universes each with its own history, cultures and religions.”

“And inhabitants?” Luna asked.

“Oh, of course.” The Professor said with a smile. “From a world exclusively inhabited by aardvarks to zombie hordes, if it is imagined then it exists!”

He threw his hands into the air and began to twirl around. This guy was very much into his work, and he may have continued is euphoric bliss if not from the help of his colleague.

“Dr. Moore is quite the enthusiast…” Dr. Brown said shaking his head, “He can get quite caught up in his fantasies of near endless realities and other such nonsense.”

“It’s NOT nonsense.” Professor Moore said snapping out of his state, “In fact I believe that MY theories are more grounded in reality than YOURS.”

“Don’t even get started with me Harold!” Dr. Brown erupted, “You always had your head in the clouds! Even when I was teaching you in this very school!”

“Hold it right there!” I yelled before it became an argument that contained words more than six syllables used consecutively. “There’s no reason to get into arguments about this… their all theories… right?”

“I suppose…” Dr. Brown said wiping off his lab coat. “I’ll see him again soon enough.” And with that he was gone, leaving the three of us to our devices.

“That man taught me everything I know.” Professor Moore said with the upmost respect, “I sometimes think he forgets how much his own studies influenced mine.”

“That’s really nice but I have another question…” I said to get the Professor’s attention again. “Is it possible for someone, or something, to travel through these… other universes?”

“Yes.” He replied; much to Luna and I’s surprise.

“T-that’s amazing!” Luna said excitedly, “How could you-“

“But that technology doesn’t exist…” Professor Moore said, “The amount of power and money to create a machine that could potentially cause a rip in our reality and another’s is just illogical…”

“But it IS possible?”

“Everything is possible within the halls of human imagination, but we have yet to imagine a plausible means of creating the technology to cause a rift between realities…” the Professor’s tone grew even darker, “and for a good reason.”

“What?” I asked, “Why would that be a good thing?”

“Humanity wouldn’t be able to handle such a machine without eventually exploiting it.” He answered, “As a human if you see something you can’t have… you want it…now imagine if we were to create one of those machines and used it to go to a world where El Dorado actually existed… the inhabitants would be destroyed due to our greed… in turn imagine if we happen on a superior race to us, better technology, better weapons… we would be destroyed with little effort.”

“I can see your point.” Wincing a little, but Luna just stared at him blankly, a lot like she had when I showed her the pony show. “But if what you’re saying is true…”

“Travel between realities is very, VERY possible.” He said, “But you would need unbelievably amazing technology or magic to accomplish it.”

“Well thank you for the information.” I said extending my hand, “Luna and I will be off now.”

“My pleasure,” He said with a smile, “but if I may ask… why did you even WANT to know something like this? I know you two aren’t grad students working on a thesis like your friend said you were.”

(Goddamn it Gordon, you could’ve told me what you had planned BEFORE we showed up.) “Well… um… uh… We… we were just curious.” I said trying to free myself from his grip without being hasty.

“A sudden curiosity in a much understudied field doesn’t happen very often Mr. Ryan.” He said staring me square in the eyes, “Much like looking into Bigfoot or ghosts, the interest is normally peeked after something pertaining to what is inquired has to occur.”

“Can’t a guy just be a little bit curious from time to time?”

“Don’t try to play the fool with me Mr. Ryan, I saw ‘Ms. Connelly’s’ expression while I was explaining the theory, what does she have to do with your interest?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said yanking my hand away out of his grip, “Can’t she just show some interest?”

“Elation doesn’t turn into despair in a fraction of a second Mr. Ryan.” He said coldly, “What does Luna have to do with my theories? Especially when it comes to traveling between realities?”

“You leave her out of this Professor,” I growled, “She’s not an object, and if you come after her you need to remember, I’ll be in your way…”

“Aedan…” Luna said as she opened the door, “Please… let’s just go home.”

“I wouldn’t want to keep your ‘girlfriend’ waiting Mr. Ryan…” the Professor said with a smile, “You run along now, there’s some work I need to accomplish.”

Professor more turned back to his chalkboard, leaving me to stare him down before I head Luna call for me again. I made my way back to her, still glaring at the Professor until we walked into the hall. He seemed nice enough, but our little private conversation made me worry a bit, and he looked the part of a man determined to do anything to prove his theories. It didn’t take long for us to get back to my car, maybe because I was preoccupied with what Professor Moore had said about Luna, but I put it behind me the moment I got behind the wheel.

“Well… THAT was a waste of time…” I said looking into the rearview mirror.

“So close to going home…” Luna said holding back a tear, “But still… so far… impossible even…”

“Hey, easy there Luna, if it were impossible than how’d you get here in the first place?” I asked.

“I… I still don’t know…” She said looking out into the campus.

“Well, that means it’s possible, just not with what we got,” I said trying to cheer her up, “That means you got here somehow WITHOUT human intervention.”

“But how else did I get here?” She asked, “If not technology than what?”

“He said maybe magic…” I said pulling out into the road, “Know anyone capable of sending you across space and time?”

“There are only a few with that potential power…” Luna replied, pondering for a moment. “But I doubt that any of them could conjure a spell such as that without the other noticing.”

“But there’s a chance?”

“I suppose… but if I may ask something unrelated.”


“Why did you tell the Professor that we were a couple?”

I could feel the knot in my throat grow to epic proportions, I’d hoped that she didn’t hear me when I said it, but on account I was partially yelling it when I said it I hoped against hope.

“Well…” I began, “I’m just tired of explaining that we weren’t a couple, so I just took the easy way out.”

“So were not a couple now?” Luna asked.

“No…” I answered, “Hell, you’ll probably forget about me the moment you get back in YOUR reality.”

“I believe I understand…” Luna said looking back out the window.

The drive didn’t take that long to get back to the flat, but for Luna it took long enough for her to get some needed sleep. The moment I pulled into my space I gently shook her.

“Hey Luna…” I said “We’re back home.”

“YOUR home…” Luna replied sadly, “I wish it was mine…”

“It will be soon enough.” I said reassuringly, “We just need to figure out how to make it happen.”

“I wish it were that simple Aedan.” Luna replied somberly, “But as the days pass it seems like it is nothing more than a fool’s hope.”

“A fool’s hope is still hope Luna.” I said throwing my arm over her shoulder, “One foot in front of the other, remember?”

“Yes I remember…” Luna said resting her head on my chest as we walked, “You always know what to say to make a girl feel better… don’t you?”

“I just shoot from the hip and pray I hit the target.” I said laughing a bit, which Luna replied with her own small giggle.

The two of us walked back up to my apartment in step, but while I was about to unlock the door Luna’s hand gently pushed it back down before wrapping me up in an embrace that I knew very well.

“Thank you…” She whispered, looking up to me while she buried her head into me, “Thank you for everything.”

“I think you’ve said that plenty of times already…” I said shifting to unlock the door. “But Now I think we could both use some sleep.”

“I’m not tired yet…” Luna replied, migrating her hand from my stomach to my neck.

“Well…” I said smiling inwardly, “What do you think will tire you out?”

I looked down to her, noticing that one look that many men would die to see. Luna inched up closer to me until she stood on her toes, but before anything weird (or awesome) could happen I remembered something that made me almost forget the entire day.

“What day is it?” I asked her.

‘Um… Friday…” Luna answered confused, “Why does that matter?”

“Oh my God…” I said, the blood rushing from my face, “I’ve got that date with Jamie tomorrow…”

Author's Notes:

Well it took a forever and then some but it's finally here! Work and injuries can be a bitch (Dog bites are bad for you heath, don't get them kids)
Well, they seem to have had no issues except for the staring but hell I'd stare too. :applejackconfused:
Dr. Brown... a Delorean... GRT SCT plates... God I'm epic sometimes. (The readers who inspired that know who you are)
Well, well, well... only the slightest bit jealous Aedan? :trollestia:
science... Science... SCIENCE!!! (don't understand any of it) :rainbowhuh:
Aedan with a bit of fourth wall breaking? I can live with that...
So close... but SO FAR AWAY! :fluttershysad:
Well Prof. Moore seemed nice enoug- ... ... ... uh oh... :twilightoops: will he return later?
Well it's getting quite steamy all the sudden :raritystarry: ... ... ...
AW COME ON! :flutterrage: <- you (the reader) :trollestia: <- Me (The writer)
And now Aedan... prepare yourself... cause it's Jamie's turn!
I'v also started a Steam account. If you want to find me, look for Flanaganisking or unclalc. I'm trying to figure out how to play DOTA 2 as the Dragon Knight, you'll also get a chance to hear my awesome voice. FOR THE RADIANT!
The usual questions are implied, feedback (positive or negative) always appreciated.

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