
Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 67: Chapter 4: Stepping into the Spotlight

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Chapter 4: Stepping into the Spotlight

For three days, Midnight laid in a coma. Twilight, upon her release, stayed by his side as much as she could. That wasn't as much as she would have liked, but she had a daughter to care for. The Cake's offered to keep Aurora a couple more days, but Twilight didn't want to impose on them any more than necessary.

Everypony tried to continue as if everything were fine, but with one of their number missing and another in a coma, it was obvious to any that their smiles were a little more forced. However, there were three little rays of sunshine during this difficult time.

Rarity's little bundles of adorable couldn't have come at a better time. They helped raise spirits, and take everyone's minds off their missing and injured. It was especially effective when Aurora and her fellow Crusaders came to see them. Not surprisingly, Tulip was especially good with them, having a little sister recently added to her family just months prior.

And, of course, plenty of pictures were taken. Pictures of the pups bathing, pictures of everypony holding them, pictures of them sleeping. Much to Rarity's dismay, there was even a picture of them eating, courtesy of of Rainbow Dash. Of course, Twilight had enough tact to leave that out of the small stack she brought.

“They are so adorable,” Storm gushed as he flipped through the photos. “I can't wait to meet them.”

“I figured you would appreciate them,” Twilight said with a slightly nervous smile. “And I figured I owed you an apology after the whole... you know... insinuating you're an insect, yesterday.”

Storm shrugged. “You didn't know. I can't fault you for wanting to learn about us.”

Twilight chuckled at that. “It doesn't help that there are so much false information. Hopefully, with your help, we'll fix that.”

Storm's mood fell a little. “I just hope it'll be enough.”

Twilight gave him a warm smile. “Hey, you saved Midnight's life, even though you knew it could cost you everything. I think that, alone, will convince everypony to give you a chance. They'll be wary and suspicious for a while, but given time, they will see you for who you are.”

“Yeah... I really don't want to do this,” said the young changeling stallion.

“We won't force you,” Twilight assured.

“I don't want to... but I have to.” Storm took a deep breath, reinforcing his resolve. “It's like you said, I saved the life of one of the town's heroes. If any changeling has a chance to show we aren't all bad, it's me.” He let out a chuckle. “It helps that the mare I'm dating can probably take the whole town by herself.”

Twilight giggled. “I wouldn't go that far, but I think the rest of us lending a hoof can keep you safe.”

“Still, I’m worried,” he admitted, setting the pictures down. “I’m sure most of the town will be willing to give us a chance, but what about the ones that aren’t?”

“I received a letter from Princess Celestia this morning,” Twilight informed. She’s already dealt with that.” Twilight stood and opened the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go set up a few things. I’ll be back in a couple hours.” She cast a glance at Scootaloo, who had been waiting outside. “That means be finished with whatever you two are going to do by then. I’d rather not walk in on that again.”

Scootaloo blushed deeply. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

Twilight just chuckled as she walked away.

Scootaloo shut the door as she stepped inside. As soon as there was no risk of prying eyes, she leaped at her fiance, tackling him to the ground and pulling him into a kiss.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Storm paced nervously back stage. He knew he needed to do this, but he also knew his life would change forever after this moment, and not necessarily for the better. He didn't doubt that some ponies would accept him, he knew them well enough, but he wasn't stupid enough to think they all would. He only hoped there weren't too many to react violently.

Applejack had called a town meeting, labeling it as 'urgent'. Twilight was going to do it, herself, but Rainbow Dash pointed out that it would have more of an impact if Ponyville's most reliable pony sent out the call. Sure enough, every single citizen of the small town showed up in the park, where the town’s portable stage was set up.

“Relax,” Scootaloo urged from her seat near the curtain. “Twilight'll build you up, tell them how you're a hero, and AJ'll vouch for you. Anypony that doesn't like it won't be stupid enough to try anything, and if one does, I'll rough 'em up a little.”

Storm rolled his eyes. “The last thing I want is violence. If you have to, at least try not to hurt them, please.”

Scootaloo just laughed, not really making Storm feel any better.

Thankfully, before he could brood on that, Twilight approached. “Alright, Storm, are you ready.”

“Is that even possible?” Storm replied.

Twilight chuckled. “No, I suppose not. Alright, then. Let's get started.”

Because of the nature of the meeting, the only other pony that was informed ahead of time was Mayor Mare. As such the ponies working the stage were all part of Dawn Shield. This also helped add to the security, though the townsponies couldn't help but be unnerved by it.

Twilight gave a nod to Sargent Rift on the sound system, and a chime played out over the speakers.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, if we may have your attention, we are about to begin,” He said into the mic backstage, quieting the audience. He turned towards Twilight and gave a quick nod.

Twilight returned the gesture and stepped out from behind the curtain, where a sea of faces greeted her. Public speaking was something that she was quite good at. Celestia made sure she not only knew how to speak to a crowd, but was comfortable doing so. Despite this, she felt stage fright like she hadn't felt since she was a filly. After all, she was about to make a speech praising a race that ponies viewed as evil demons from the abyss.

Regardless, her training under Celestia kicked in and she stepped up, not showing an ounce of her trepidation.

She adjusted her notes one last time and cleared her throat before speaking. “Fellow Ponyvillians, thank you for coming.

“As you all most likely know, several days ago a situation arose, causing us to request everypony to remain indoors. While the situation was resolved, it ended with my husband, Midnight Star, being mortally wounded.”

A collective gasp rose from the crowd, followed by surprised and worried murmuring, several ponies calling out to ask of Midnight's condition.

“Please, settle down,” Twilight's magically amplified voice sounded over the noise, quieting the crowd down. “Thank you.”

Taking another deep breath, she continued. “This wound should have been fatal. My husband, our friend and protector, should be dead. However, his life was saved by an... unexpected individual... A changeling.”

As Twilight let that set in, quiet whispering built up until one pony asked, raising his voice to be heard, “What do you mean a changeling saved him?”

Twilight smiled as she recognized Timeturner. “Well, Doc, I mean just that. A changeling showed himself and used a powerful spell, one that I have never heard of before, to save Midnight's life.

“The changeling was immediately apprehended and Midnight was examined for any malicious magic. Not only did the tests show Midnight wasn't affected by any malicious magic, but the interrogation of the changeling revealed that the changeling race is divided. On one side, we have the Queen. She and her subjects pray on ponies, forcibly draining their victims of their love.

“On the other side, a faction of changelings that wish to live in harmony with ponies, earning love. With me, today, is one of those changelings, the one who saved Midnight's life.”

Twilight's demeanor shifted, becoming hard and authoritative. “Before I bring him out, I will say this; He is under our protection. By royal decree, issued by Princess Celestia, herself, anyone that attempts to harm him or any other changeling that decides to reveal themselves, shall serve ten to twenty years in Rockgate Prison for attacking a political refugee.”

After waiting for the shocked muttering and whispering to die down, she continued. “Very well. Please hold your questions until after he has finished his opening speech.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, may I present to you, Storm Feather.”

Storm slowly crept forward, feeling incredibly exposed without a disguise, as Twilight stepped to the side, allowing him to take her place. It was remarkably quiet as everypony stared at him, wide eyed with fear and confusion. His wings gave a nervous buzz, causing a few ponies in front to flinch.

“U-um... H-hello,” He finally said. “Um... I'm sorry for lying to everypony... about what I am, I mean.” He tried to swallow down the cottony feeling on his tongue, unsuccessfully.

This was going to be a lot harder than he thought.

He opened with his story of how he ended up in Ponyville, and a little of what happened after. He was surprised to find quite a bit of the fear and anger slowly replaced by pity and even admiration. Naturally, a lot of the fear and hatred remained, but that was expected.

What wasn't expected was one of the ponies that raised her hoof. “Is that really true? That you were just a junkie looking for a fix?” she asked.

Storm's blood ran cold at the sight of the familiar pony. The cyan coat and silver mane... It was long ago, but he could still remember the fear and pain on her face. He had to slam his eyes shut to keep the tears back as he nodded his head.

His wings buzzed loudly as he took to the air. The sea of ponies parted as he landed in front of the mare...

And prostrated himself before her.

“I'm so, so sorry for what I did to you,” Storm whimpered. “I hurt you, that day, so... it's only right that you should be aloud to hurt me back.”

Twilight was about to leap to his defense, but was stopped by Applejack.

“Wait,” was all AJ said as her eyes latched onto the mare.

“I spent a month in an asylum because of what you did to me,” the mare hissed as she loomed over him. “I couldn't feel anything but hate and anger. The things I told my husband... I was terrified he would never forgive me. I suffered for a month in that place and when I got out, ponies thought I was some kind of agent working for you. I had to move away because of you.”

Storm braced himself for the coming onslaught.

“Do you really think just letting me beat on you can make up for that?” she continued. “As much as I would love to, and I still just might, you aren't getting off that easy. You want to prove you're sorry? Fine, anything I ask you to do, you're going to do, got it?”

“O-of course,” Storm said. “Anything to make it right.”

The mare huffed. “There is no 'making it right'. You can't change the past, but you can try making us even.”

“Thank you,” Storm said, standing back up and wiping the tears from his eyes. “This means a lot to me. I'll prove to you that I mean it when I say I only want to live in peace with ponies.”

The mare looked at him with a slightly less harsh expression. “We'll see.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Lieutenant Relay listened to the regular reports from another of her highness' spies. It was a dull, boring job, but it was necessary. He did his job like every good soldier, in the hopes of restoring his queen to her rightful place.

This particular report was of slight interest, coming from Canterlot. Apparently, those strange bipeds were to be allowed to mingle with the public. Likely a ploy by Celestia to garner their favor. If the stories were to be believed, this could prove troublesome. Their strange magic was quite formidable.

However, this important report was interrupted by another one of the queen's spies barging into the cavern.

“Lieutenant!” the spy said, gasping for breath. “Important news... from Ponyville! The queen must know immediately!”

“What is it?” Relay demanded.

The spy composed himself as best he could. “Storm Blade is alive.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: A Royal Visit Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 55 Minutes
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Dawn Shield

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