
Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 55: Act IV Prelude

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Act IV: Love, Lies, and Betrayal

Prelude: Soul Bound

Twilight Sparkle Star inhaled the aromas of the buffet. Applejack, Pinkie, and Souffle had been hard at work all day and it was finally coming together. Some of the dishes put together by Jacob looked especially intriguing. Apparently there were some humans that denied their omnivorous nature, and it so happened one of the humans that had surrendered was one of them. He sent several recipes but most of the writing and measurements were strange to the ponies so Jacob took those. Twilight noted that they seemed to use potatoes like ponies used hay.

Twilight lifted the quill to the parchment, only to be stopped by a tug at her mane.

“Mommy, can I do it?” Aurora asked.

Twilight smiled, floating the parchment to the filly and holding the quill in her upturned hoof. “Okay, but try using your magic.”

The filly squinted her eyes, tongue sticking out one side as she focused. Her horn sputtered to life, a violet glow, slightly darker than her mother's wrapped around the top half of the quill. It slowly lifted, dangling by the foal's magic. The writing tool floated clumsily over to the check list, still held in her mother's magic. With a final effort, Aurora marked the box for food preparation... and the one for the dresses, and the one for music... in one long line.

“I did it!” Aurora cheered, oblivious to the errors.

Twilight, with a bit of magic, cleared the excess and smiled at her daughter. “You sure did. Now let's go see Rarity to get our dresses.”


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Here you go, mom,” Midnight said, offering Velvet a drink.

“Thank you, sweetie,” the older mare replied with a nod before continuing her story. “So, as a result Princess Celestia has asked – not decreed but asked – that any pony that takes a human mate and decide to have children to consider having a human child.”

Jacob hummed in thought. “You know, I bet humans raised in a place like this would be a real boon to society, but that would also make meat a more precious commodity.”

“That's why the Princess also said she was going to commission botanists and geneticists to create some kind of plant that can be digested by humans and is rich in animal proteins,” Orion stated. “It'll be cheaper than keeping them all fed with meat, and might catch on with other races.”

“I just can't believe she's already letting them mingle with the populous,” Midnight said. “I warned her about how dangerous they could be. They should be locked up.”

“Like they should have locked us up?” Jacob asked.

“Yes,” Midnight replied, honestly. “It was a stupid decision to let us walk around free and you know it.”

“Oh, stop being so negative,” Velvet said. “Besides, they are under constant supervision. Each has a guard assigned to them and aren't allowed in the city without them.”

Midnight was about to speak when the sound of clawed feet rushing down the stairs reached them. Spike entered, looking snazzy in his tuxedo.

“Hey, dad, can you help me with this?” the dragon asked Orion, holding the length of cloth around his neck.

“Sure, come over here kid,” the graying unicorn said. His magic wrapped around the fabric, tying it expertly into a bow. “There you go. Looking good.”

“Let me see you,” Velvet said, prompting Spike to turn around. Almost immediately, she started tearing up. “Oh, my little Firebug's all grown up and getting married.”

“Hey,” Spike wrapped his mother in a hug. “I'll always be your Firebug, nothing can ever change that.”

“I know. It's just that my last baby is getting married and I feel so old.”

Before anyone could continue, the door burst open and Twilight ran in, Aurora on her back. “Spike! He's here!”

The dragon's eyes shot open and a smile spread on his face. He ran outside, the others following after. Several ponies were gathering to see the strange sight. Even though they had all been told ahead of time, many were fighting the urge to run in fear. After all, the sight of a city sized, golden elder dragon was a truly terrifying sight.

Spike's eyes sparkled with wonder as the massive beast circled the town. More than once, the entirety of Ponyville was plunged into darkness as his shadow covered every home and business. The massive predator's body began to glow dimly as he pulled away and started his final approach. A few started to panic at this, but as the dragon approached, it seemed to be getting smaller and smaller until it was merely as tall a Celestia.

His scales shone like polished gold. Two long horns protruded from the back of his head between large ear-frills. Blue eyes, as bright as the noon sky, spoke of untold wisdom and experience. A few strands of the black hair, almost like a mane, that his breed was known for, blew in the breeze. Countless scars crisscrossed his body like a spider's web, one particular nasty one passing just by his left eye and through his mouth to his jaw.

As soon as he landed, Spike ran to him and bowed deeply

“Hein, zinaal zuwuth,” Spike greeted.

“Hein, goraan gein,” the gold wyrm replied. “I have heard much of your deeds, young Spike. You do your people proud.”

Spike's cheeks flared at the praise, as Celestia approached.

“Welcome to Ponyville, Shulkun” Celestia greeted.

“It is good to see you again, Tia,” the dragon replied as he held his arms open. Celestia accepted the gesture, sharing a friendly hug. “I take it Luna is busy?”

“She had a few things to take care of,” Celestia replied. “She will join us soon.”

“Very well. Are we to await her arrival, or shall we proceed?”

“The bride is still not ready, so we shall wait for now,” Celestia answered.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Maybe if I-”

“No, Rarity, you aren't altering it,” Sweetie said for the seventh time. “This tradition is thousands of years old, and I'm not changing it more than we already have. Besides, it's important to Spike.”

An ornamental headdress rested atop Sweetie's head. A solid, smooth piece of gold curving back down her neck. Embedded within, three on either side of the neck, was one half each of six uncut stones; Sapphire, topaz, amethyst, ruby, emerald, onyx, and opal. Each stone represented mind, body, spirit, joy, pain, and wealth. The other halves of the stones would be on a similar headdress worn by Spike, to represent two incomplete beings becoming whole.

“It's just... It clashes so much with your dress,” Rarity argued.

“Yes, it does, but that doesn't matter,” Sweetie countered. “This is symbolic... historic, even. Did you know, despite there being hundreds of cases where a dragon and a pony fall in love, none have ever bonded. This is a big step in Equestria-Wyr relations.”

“I know, Sweetie,” Rarity said, hanging her head in defeat. “I just always wanted to provide you with the perfect wedding. Though, I suppose this is perfect in your eyes.” Rarity let out a sigh. “Come now. It's almost time. Help me up.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Spike adjusted his headdress once again as he awaited his bride. It was strange, seeing everything so similar to the other weddings he had been to, only with an obsidian altar holding a long, flat strip of gold. His eyes went back to the other four dragons that had arrived not long after Shulkun, sitting in the back beside Celestia and Luna. He didn't know who they were, only that they were representatives of the clans, there to observe that the ritual was followed according to the agreement.

Spike knew from the moment Sweetie proposed that they go through the Soul Bonding ceremony that it was going to be a huge deal. Princess Celestia, the moment she heard, had began negotiations with the Wyr Council and high priest to create a modification of the Soul Bonding that would be used when a pony is going to be a part of it. After all, one can't expect a pony to bathe in sacred lava from Mount Dovah, the birthplace of dragon kind. Instead, minerals taken from its slopes were turned into a kind of mud bath. The offering of the hoard, in which a close relative and friends of those to be bonded would offer gold and jewels as a sign of peace and goodwill was similar enough to the ponies' gift giving that the table of wedding gifts sat beside a pile of riches that came up to his forehead, and no one could decide if it followed pony or dragon traditions.

A flash of light brought his attention to the one thing he wanted to ignore. Every now and then, a journalist would snap a photo of him, probably just keeping himself busy for the time being. A chuckle escaped as he thought back to a moment he never thought he would ever see; Princess Celestia, ruler of the land and a pony still worshiped as a goddess asking his permission on something.

Celestia knew this would be a momentous occasion. There had been dragon/pony couples before, but never before had a pony and dragon undergone the Soul Bonding. It was an occasion that could bring Equestria and Wyr closer together. With that in mind, Celestia had asked – hell, nearly begged – to make this public. She insisted it would help cement relations between the two nations.

His attention was brought back to the present as Rarity, aided by Virgil, slowly made her way to her place, her swollen belly making her wobble as she walked. The nerves Spike was trying to fight came back with a vengeance. If Rarity were here, Sweetie was ready. Sure enough, as soon as the pregnant mare was seated, the music began to play. The curtain at the back parted revealing Sweetie Belle in all her beauty.

Rarity had gone all out on Sweetie's dress. The silver thread blended so seamlessly with the white dress. Even the headdress didn't clash too much. Spike was lost in his bride's radiance that he nearly missed Sweetie take her place beside him and Shulkun begin.

“Ponies and dragons,” the ancient dragon began. “Today is a momentous day. The Soul Bonding is a ritual going back millennia, but never before has a dragon bonded with one of another race. In truth, I am afraid. Dragons are powerful and resilient by nature, far more so than even the hardiest of ponies. I fear for the wellbeing of young Sweetie Belle, but I also respect her courage and commitment.” He leaned down and looked Sweetie in the eye. “Sweetie Belle, do you realize the danger you put yourself in? None know what could happen to you, even if you survive. Are you willing to risk your life for your love?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation.

“Good,” Shulkun said with a smile. “Anything less than total commitment would be disastrous. Now, Spike Sparkle, Sweetie Belle, step forward and sit before the altar.”

When the bride and groom took their places, Shulkun raised his head, and his voice boomed out. “Ponies and dragons have shared a peace spanning over one thousand years, but it has been ever so fragile. Many a time has a feral dragon rampaged in pony lands, each delivering another blow to our relationship.

“Eighteen years ago, however, something happened that promised to strengthen our friendship. A dragon was born in Equestria. Conceived by pony magic, it was known that he would act as a bridge between our people, and so he was named after the dragon that first sought peace with Equestria; My father, Zeik, whose name is translated to Equine as Spike.

“Adopted by a pony family, hailed as a hero in the Crystal Empire for two separate acts of bravery, and even called friend by countless ponies, his life has been a beacon of peace and cooperation. And now, we gather here to bear witness to yet another historic occasion with young Spike at its center; a bonding of pony and dragon.

“Before you lies the Sil Heim, the Soulforge, and upon it, the Lid do Gein, the Band of One. Forged in the fires of Mount Dovah and imbued with powerful magics, this shall be proof to the world that you are one. Spike, place your right wrist upon the Lid do Gein, Sweetie, place your left fetlock upon it as well.”

Shulkun stood up, proudly extending his wings as he spoke again, his voice reverberating with ancient power. “Krent sil, rovaan ko vul, sizaan vothni hin kun. Dez lost drun hi pahvoth, ahrk voknau daar muriiv, hi fent meyz gein*.”

Sweetie and Spike watched in awe as the gold band began to move, wrapping around their offered limbs, binding them to each other. It tightened, pressing wrist to fetlock and began to glow, getting brighter and brighter.

“As bondmates, you are as one. All you have is the others to share. Joy, sorrow, wealth, and pain.”

As if it were waiting for that cue, the couple were engulfed in a blinding light. Gasps escaped from the assembled ponies at the unexpected spectacle. Celestia and Luna made their way to the front. Having seen this before, they knew what was coming next.

From within the glowing ball of light, screams of agony poured out. Several ponies shot out of their seats, ready to rush to their friends aid, only to be stopped by the outstretched wings of the royal sisters.

“Fear not, my ponies,” Celestia assured the crowd. “This is a part of the ceremony. They knew this would happen, and accepted it. Now, they must endure.”

Celestia felt her heart wrench as Sweetie and Spike suffered for their love. It was beautiful that they were so dedicated to one another, but they were almost like family to her. She cast a glance at Rarity, who couldn't even watch. She had buried her face into Virgil's coat as he held her, tears gathering in his eyes as well.

After what felt like an eternity, the light dimmed and the screaming faded. The second it was over, Celestia opened her mouth to call for Redheart, but the mare was already by their sides, checking them over.

With a sigh of relief, she looked up and announced, “They're okay!”

Immediately, the sounds of cheering and stomping filled the air. The newly wed couple got shakily to their feet and turned toward the crown. The celebration died as smiles were replaced by expressions of confusion, concern, and even fear as they got a good look at the two.

“Whoa,” Rainbow said, breaking the silence. “That's kinda awesome.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Applebloom wanted to be happy. She wanted to smile and congratulate her friend, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Though she knew it wasn’t intentional, this whole event just reminded her of what she didn’t have.

“Hey, don’t worry, Bloom,” Nightshade said. “Tomorrow, we’ll try to convince Twilight one more time. Then, if she still says no... I have a plan. It’s a bit extreme, but I think it’ll work.”

That brought a smile to Appleblooms face.

Author's Notes:

*Translation: Broken souls, wandering in dark, lost without your light. Fate has brought you together, and upon this alter, you shall become one.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: Revelations Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 38 Minutes
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Dawn Shield

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