
Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The Six

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Chapter 2: The Six

Twilight sat at the breakfast table picking at her pancakes. Every now and then, she glanced at the stallion struggling to pick his fork up. She couldn't help but recall the night before. The terrified muttering and screaming from his room left her afraid. Most of the words she heard were foreign, but one felt like it held importance, mostly because he yelled it so loud, she was surprised the whole town wasn't woken up by it... Sarah. Twilight didn't know what it meant, but by the way he said it, it sounded like a name. Whatever it was, it scared her to think about what he's been through.

“Arg! I give up,” Midnight slammed the utensil down. “How do you even use these without some kind of grasping appendage?”

“You just... pick it up,” Twilight said in confusion. She couldn't believe he forgot something that every pony is born knowing how to do. Unless... “Midnight, would you let me perform a quick scan on you?”

He looked up at her nervously, “Um, what kind of scan?”

“Just a quick scan to check your mana flow. I think there might be something wrong if you can't grab your fork.”

Midnight bit his lip nervously, “I'm not sure...” They grasp objects with magic?

“Oh it'll be fine,” Twilight assured him, “It's quick and painless.”

Midnight sighed. He figured she'd find out eventually. Might as well get it over with. “Alright.”

Twilight's horn lit up and a ring of lavender light swept down his frame and back up again.

“Huh...” Twilight furrowed her eyebrows, “Your flow is fine, but your mana levels are extremely low. I’ll have to see if Zecora has something for that.”

Midnight's eyes widened. Low? How powerful are these creatures? He was considered a very powerful spell caster in his world, and even felt a little stronger in Equestria. If he was weak, he didn't want to imagine what strong was. Needless to say, he was a little frightened by the thought.

Twilight took her dish to the sink after finishing. While she wasn't looking, Midnight cast a quick 'sticky spell' to attach the fork to his hoof. When Twilight turned back, she raised an eyebrow at him. He only shrugged in reply.

“So, Twilight,” Midnight changed the subject, hoping she would just think he remembered how to do whatever it is they do to pick stuff up, “Is there anything I should be doing? I don't want to be a burden, so maybe I can help out around here or find a job?”

Twilight looked at him in concern, “You’ve just been through a terrible ordeal. You should take it easy for now and recover. Perhaps get your memory back. I'm fine helping you until you do. It's the least I can do, seeing as it really was my fault.”

The icy dagger of guilt tore through his heart. It killed him to let Twilight beat herself up over a fake disability, but for all he knew, telling her the truth might actually get him killed.

“I have an idea,” the lavender mare suddenly perked up, “Why don't I introduce you to my friends? I have to pick Spike up from Applejack's anyway. The Crusaders had a sleepover and invited him.”

“Who's Spike?” asked the stallion.

“He's my assistant, and Ponyville's resident dragon.”

Midnight's eyes widened. A dragon? Kept in town, and apparently playing with children. Memories of his few encounters with the beasts flowed through his mind and he shuddered. Thankfully, Twilight was already washing his dishes and didn't see his reaction.

“This will be a good opportunity to regain some of your coordination as well,” Twilight gave him smile over her shoulder, “Besides, something in town might trigger a memory.”

“Heh, you never know,” Midnight returned the smile.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Hello?” Twilight entered the Carousel Boutique, “Rarity?”

“Just a moment, Twilight,” called a refined voice from the back, “I'm changing Fluttershy's bandages.”

“Oh, good. Fluttershy is here. That should speed this up,” Twilight grinned at the stallion.

“Hello, darling,” Rarity greeted as she walked onto the sales floor, and gave her friend a hug. She was followed by a limping Fluttershy, trying to keep her leg off the ground. The timid mare followed the fashionista's lead, greeting Twilight.

Twilight waved a hoof at the stallion, beckoning him forward, “Girls, I’d like to introduce you to Midnight Star. Midnight, this is Rarity and Fluttershy.”

“It's a pleasure to meet such lovely ladies, as yourselves,” Midnight said with a slight bow of his head.

“Oh, my,” Rarity giggled, “You remember how to flatter a mare, apparently. The pleasure is all mine. You're quite the handsome stallion yourself.”

“Rarity,” the yellow one whispered harshly.

“Oh come now, Fluttershy. A little flirting never hurt anypony,” Rarity returned in a whisper just loud enough for Midnight to hear. He wondered if she meant for him to hear.

She turned back to Midnight and looked him up and down. Her appraising look made him uncomfortable, but he assumed there was a reason. “It would be safe to assume you don't have a bit to your name.” It wasn't a question. “You have a marvelous physique, and are quite attractive. If you're in need of bits, I could use a model for my line of stallion's wear. You would merely have to stand around in suits looking handsome as I take photos. The work is quick, easy, and you won't strain yourself.”

“I... suppose I could do that,” Midnight replied reluctantly.

“Marvelous!” Rarity beamed, “How does tomorrow evening sound?”

“I'll be here,” he gave a smile in return.

“Go on, Fluttershy,” Twilight egged on her friend, “You can see he's friendly.”

“O-okay... um...” Fluttershy sat in front of Midnight, hiding behind her mane, “H-hello... I'm Flutter... shy...” She froze as she met his eyes. She could see something behind his scarlet eyes... a torrent of emotion swirled.

Anypony that knew her, knew Fluttershy was empathic, she could sense other's emotions. It was nothing very strong, only when she looked others in the eyes, but she could tell what others were feeling. This stallion was a sea of sorrow. She felt the pain of loss and helplessness radiating from him. It was dotted with guilt and a touch of fear, but they were nothing compared to his pain.

Fluttershy's motherly instincts ignored her bashful nature and pained shoulder, and she pulled Midnight into a warm embrace, stroking his mane and cooing, “Oh, you poor dear. You're hurting so much right now, aren't you? It's okay, we're here for you.”

Twilight and Rarity gaped at their friend. It wasn't the first time they had seen her usual nature vanish when somepony was in need, but this caught them completely off guard. Midnight wasn't injured apart from minor scrapes and bruises.

“Let me go, please,” Midnight requested.

Fluttershy's eyes shot open as she realized what she was doing. She released him with an 'eep' and shot back beside Rarity, cheeks blazing with embarrassment.

“I-I-I'm sorry,” she stuttered, “I just noticed how much sorrow you're carrying, and I just thought maybe you... needed a hug.”

“Next time, give me a little warning, okay,” Midnight said with a chuckle, trying to slow his heart.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight watched, impressed at the agility displayed here. The cyan mare soared through the sky, twisting and turning, demolishing clouds as she did. If not for the rainbow contrail, he would have had difficulty following her. Twilight sat beside him with a knowing smirk. She had the same look the first time she saw the pegasus in action, except her hair resembled Pinkie's at the time. After the last cloud was obliterated, the athlete glided lazily down to her audience.

Flying upside down with her front hooves behind her head, she said, “Pretty cool moves, huh?”

“I'll say, I can't remember the last time I saw such agility and speed,” Midnight replied.

Rainbow laughed at the perceived joke, “Hahe! 'You don't remember'. Good one. You're alright, Midnight.”

“Yeah, hehe,” Midnight laughed, but berated himself for forgetting his cover story.

“I'm impressed,” Twilight said, “Not many ponies would take amnesia in stride like you have.”

Rainbow's expression turned serious, “You seem cool and all, but I'm still watching you. If you step one hoof out of line, or try to hurt somepony...” she finished her sentence with a clack of her front hooves.”

“Rainbow, stop,” Twilight scolded her friend.

“No, no,” Midnight stopped her, “It's alright. It's good that you have a friend willing to get her... uh, hooves dirty for you. I can assure you, Miss Dash, I will never do anything to those who have shown me such hospitality.”

“Who you calling 'Miss', buddy?” She glared at the blue stallion.

“Oh,” Midnight said, with a smirk, “My apologies... Mister Dash.”

Twilight shoved a hoof to her mouth, desperate to keep the laughter in. Dash's face went from indignation, back to a glare, then to an evil smirk.

“Oh, we definitely need to hang out.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

They approached the big red barn of Sweet Apple Acres. Midnight watched as the massive door cracked open and an orange pony stepped out. She gave Twilight a smile that faded when her gaze shifted to the stallion.

“Well, howdy Twilight. What can Ah do ya for?” she asked happily.

“I just wanted Midnight here to meet you girls,” Twilight answered, “So, Midnight, this is Applejack. AJ, this is Midnight Star... at least until his memory returns.”

“Right, right,” the apple farmer gave him an appraising look, “So... still don't remember nothin' do ya?”

Midnight chuckled nervously under her gaze, “Nope, nothing.”

Applejack's eyes narrowed slightly, “So... for all you know, ya might not have even been a pony before, huh?”

Midnight's eyes widened in shock as sweat began forming on his forehead. “Uh, w-who knows?”

Shit, she knows. Research labs, here I come. Maybe I could take them out quickly and head to that forest over there.

“Applejack, stop,” Twilight defended her charge, “Anyway, where's Spike?”

“He's takin' care of somethin' right now. Ah'll bring him by when he's done, 'kay?” Applejack gave her unicorn friend a quick hug, “Now, Ah gotta finish up, so unless y'all wanna help, get on.”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile, “Alright, I'll see you later.”

“Take it easy, Twi. Glad to meet ya, Midnight,” AJ waved them away.

“The pleasure was mine, ma'am,” Midnight waved back.

“Ain't no ma'am here. Ah'm just Applejack.”

“Alright, Twilight, where now?” Midnight asked.

“Now, we get a quick lunch and then you can help me shop for a few things.”

“Sounds fun,” Midnight said with a smile as they headed back into town, “But wasn't there another friend?”

“Oh,” Twilight giggled, “You'll meet her this afternoon.”

Midnight had a bad feeling about that one.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Applejack's smile dissolved into a thoughtful frown as she watched the two leave. Behind her, the barn door cracked open a little more and a small purple figure stepped out.

“So...” Spike tried eliciting a response.

“Ah don't think he's a bad feller, but...” Applejack looked over at her tiny fire breathing friend, “He ain't forgot horse apples.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: The Surprise Estimated time remaining: 12 Hours, 22 Minutes
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Dawn Shield

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