
Cutie Mark Crusaders 3D: Marks Beyond Time (YGOA)

by FlashKenshin77

Chapter 2: To Save the Wowld!

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Cutie Mark Crusaders 3D: Marks Beyond Time
By FlashKenshin77 and WeLCxAlphaPuppy

The smoke cleared with the help of a gentle breeze. Screams echoed through the area, the stage reduced to smoldering rubble. “Nice shot Sweetie.” Applebloom commented, the three watching the ponies scatter away from the blast.

“Yeah, way to endanger innocent lives.” Scootaloo sarcastically added.

“Don’t thank me, thank Sombra.” Sweetie admitted, smiling.

Applebloom and Scootaloo turned to look at the unicorn. “Who’s Sombra?” Scootaloo asked.

“The demon that lives inside my head.” Sweetie said nonchalantly.

There was a moment of silence between the three. “Wonderful.” Scootaloo said as they jumped off the ten story building, landing gracefully.

{Like, seriously. Re-watch it. They’re on top of a tall building and the next scene, bam, on the ground. Same with Paradox/Trixie.How?! If you don’t agree, we’ve screwed the rules and enjoy this screenshot - Proof }

Trixie landed gracefully as well in front of the three, her scooter clicking against the ground. “A-haha, a-hahaha, a-haha, a-hahaha. We meet again, pwotagonists.” Trixie announced.

“Alright Trixie, it’s time to remove that hat and show your face!” Scootaloo demanded.

Trixie paused before she revealed her face, the hat tossed on the ground.

Everypony gasped. “Oh mah Celestia, it’s her!” Applebloom gasped.

“I can’t believe it.” Scootaloo was flabbergasted.

“Buck, didn’t see that coming!” Sweetie added.

They looked at each other. “Okay, so does anypony actually know this mare?”

“Well duh, it’s Trixie. Where were you during that episode?” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Of couwse you know me, I’m the GWEAT and POWEWFUL TWIXIE! I bwought down an Uwsa Major!” Trixie said.

“No you didn’t, Twilight did.” Sweetie corrected.

“Girls, yer getting off topic. We got a duel ta win.” Applebloom said, staring at the stuttering unicorn. A faint ticking of a clock could be heard in the town square. “Sweet Celestia, does anypony know what time it is?”

“Twixie knows exactly what time it is. It’s time to du-duel, du-duel, du-duel, du-duel. Du-duel, du-duel, du-duel, du-duel.” Trixie announced repeatedly, as if they haven’t heard her the first time.

“Let’s do this fillies. For our friends!” Scootaloo encouraged.

“And Manehattan!” Sweetie added.

“Yes, and for Manehattan.” Scootaloo conceded.

“And mah granny.” Applebloom said, glaring at Trixie.

“Yes, and for Applebloom’s dead granny. But mostly for our friends!” Scootaloo recited.

“Desu, desu bronies.” Sweetie cheered as her eyes glowed red. King Sombra materialized right behind her, a big grin on his snout.

“Alright you time traveling screw head showoff, this is my cutie mark.” Scootaloo said, her flank glowing like fire. Sweetie couldn’t help but stare at Scootaloo’s flank. Scootaloo felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She glanced over, Sweetie’s eyes fixated on her flank. “What are you looking at?”

Sweetie shook her head, coming out of a daze. “Wha-huh?”

“What are you staring at?”

“Your finely toned… I mean, your perfectly round… uh… your mesmerizing…” Sweetie shot her gaze away from Scootaloo, who now felt dirty.

Big Mac manifested next to Applebloom. “Hey Applebloom, can ya tell them ta get a room already and just bu-”

“Oh Big Mac, that’s dirty.” Her eyes began to glow as the camera spins a full circle around her. “Super special awesome ultra special super sexy transformation sequence, in 3D.”

Big Mac’s voice and eyes took over as Applebloom cleared her throat. “Eeyup we’re back, baby.”

They turned and looked at each other. “DUEL!” They all yelled simultaneously, duel disks held high.

“Good luck everypony, I’ll be up here if you need an asian pony. Remember I’m asian.” Sindy shouted and waved towards the Crusaders.

Sweetie turned slowly and glared at the asian pony on top of the random nearby building. “Buck you, Sindy…” She whispered menacingly.

“Very well Cutie Mark Cwusaders, let’s see how you like things the Malefic Wowld.” Trixie said, placing the ‘Malefic World’ field spell card into the magic field card zone.

The fillies looked around. “...Actually, this isn’t so bad.” Sweetie admitted.

“Yeah it’s actually kinda pretty in here.” Scootaloo attested.

“It’s a nice change from the 4th wall, that’s for sure.” Big Mac said, staring at the twinkling lights.

“Stop that, Twixie says its supposed to be thweatening and tewwifying!” Trixie commanded.

“Look at the pertty lights.” Big Mac continued, raising a hoof to touch a light.

Trixie stamped a hoof on the ground. “Stop being in awe of the Malefic Wowld!”

“Trixie! You got some ‘xplaining to do!” Scootaloo yelled, forehoof pointed at the blue unicorn.

“Yeah! Like why the hay were you in Manehattan?!” Sweetie asked, trying to help.

“Look, this isn’t important.” Scoots argued.

“I disagree!” Sweetie disagreed, hopping in the air a little.

“Shut up. Trixie! Why are you trying to destroy Equestria?” Scootaloo demanded.

“You stupid cwusaders, Twixie isn’t here to destwoy the world. Twixie is twying to save it!” Trixie said, confident in her argument.

“Not if we stop you- wait, what?” Scootaloo utterly confuzzled at this point in this parody squared based on a poorly written movie.

“In the future, the world as you know it has been destwoyed. Ponykind ignowance has caused Equestwia to become wravished and wlifeless!” Trixie began to tell of her past.

“Wavished and wlifeless?” Big Mac repeated, stunned at her pronunciation.

“But how? Global warming?” Sweetie asked.

“Nuclear war?” Scootaloo said taking a guess herself.

“No, none of those things happened. What destwoyed the world was... card games…” Trixie announced.

The three stood confused. “What?” Scootaloo asked.

“That is wight... Card games…” Trixie repeated.

“You're serious?” Scootaloo blinked, not believing what she heard.

“Yes... vewy…” Trixie said, raising her hooves to the sky.

“How?” Scootaloo asked, questioning the mare’s logic.

“What?” Trixie asked, staring at the pwotagonists.

“How did card games destroy the world?” Scootaloo asked, feeling betrayed by her card games.

“Well, Twixie was not actually pwesent, but she heard someponies played a card game then boom, end of Equestwia! It totally happened. Just like Twixie said! Just card game! Boom! Evewypony dead.” Trixie told, fireworks appearing out of nowhere.

“Okay but how does stealing ponies cards and killing ponies make everything better?”

“Look, Twixie planned this.” Trixie defended.

“Then explain it.” Scootaloo demanded.

“Yeah, explain your great plan!” Sweetie Belle added.

“All Twixie had to do was invent a time twaveling spell, then go back in time, and kill Twilight. Then Equestwia would be better. That’s it.” Trixie revealed her plan.

“You also killed our granny.” Big Mac said coldly.

“Yeah and Applebloom’s gwanny. Twixie totally meant to do that too. Twixie’s plan is great.” Trixie quickly defended her brilliant plan.

“Also a lot of innocent ponies died.”

“Yes, there was a little collatewal damage, pwobably not important. My plan is great.” Trixie cackled.

“Then why are you riding around on a scooter, covering your face, stealing ponies cards, and laughing like a maniac? Does that sound like a hero?” Sweetie interrogated.

“Well, when you put it like that, not weally but-”

“Then what the hay mare? What the actual hay barrel?” Sweetie squeaked, hopping in fury.

“Listen. either Twixie destwoys the card game or Equestwia is destwoyed. It is as simple as that.” Trixie gave them the ultimatum.

“Hmm, either Equestria... or card games. Tough choice…” Big Mack contemplated.

“There is no choice. Without card games, this world isn’t worth living in.” Scootaloo quickly corrected.

“Yer right Scootaloo. Ya know, yer were always mah favourite pwotagonist.” Big Mac commented.

“Right back at you Big Mac, it feels so good that you’ll be playing with me.” Scootaloo said, staring into Big Mac’s eyes. {I have no idea how to describe ‘Anime emotion eyes?’, so watch this clip to understand. And since we can’t link the song, look for that too LINK} “No homo.”

“Ah.. yes... No homo indeed.” Big Mac stuttered.

“Pwotagonists... Twixie challenges you to a card game!” Trixie challenged.

“You mean the thing that’ll destroy the world?” Scootaloo asked, unsurprised that Trixie suggested a card game to decide the world’s fate.

“Yes... that…” Trixie said.

“Seems kinda hypocritical.” Scootaloo sighed.

“Eeyup, how is this even going to work? There’s three of us against one of you.” Big Mac asked, confused.

"It is simple, first Scootaloo goes, then Twixie goes, then Sweetie goes-” Trixie began to list how the match was going to go.

“Wait-” Big Mac interrupted, trying to stop her.

“Then Twixie goes and then Applebloom goes and then Twixie goes. Sounds fair wight?” Trixie asked with a smile.

“You got to be kidding. That means we each get one turn per round and you get like a... gagillion.” Big Mac said, surprised she’d even suggest it.

“Twixie is glad you understand.” Trixie said.

“Oh come on, nopony in their right mind would-” Big Mac started.

“You’re on Trixie, we’re gonna take you down.” Sweetie interrupted, accepting Trixie’s challenge.

“Oh Celestia no.” Big Mac facehoofed.

Scootaloo turned to look at her purple maned companion. “Sweetie.” She deadpanned.


“If we survive this, I’m gonna go back into time. I’m gonna hoof myself in the face for bringing you crusading.” Scootaloo said, shaking her head.

“Can Ah come?” Big Mac asked.

“You can ride with me anytime Applebloom.” {Refer to above link} “No homo.”

“Eeyup! Ah was just about ta say uh no homo.” Big Mac quickly inserted.

“Twixie summons the Malefic Cybewend dwagon!” Trixie said, screwing the rules and summoning 10 star monster without following any of the Yu-gi-oh! rules.

“Now Scootaloo, Ah would like ta point out this card game ain’t gonna take place on a scooter. Ah hope yah understand that. Ah don’t want yah tryin ta to buck yer duel disk or sometin. Wer just gonna stand with our hooves planted firmly on the ground-” Big Mac said, hoping to avoid a scene.

“I know how to duel!” Scootaloo yelled, furious at it even suggested that she doesn’t.

“Well okay then.” Big Mac huffed, rolling his eyes.

“I synchro summon Junk Gardna in defense mode.” Tom the Rock materialized in defense mode.

Big Mac blinked. “Synchro what?” Big Mac asked, feeling bamboozled.

“Synchro summon.” Scootaloo answered.

“What summon?” Big Mac repeated, still not given an answer.

“Synchro summon.” She repeated.

“What what?” Big Mac, trolling the little filly.

“Synchro summon.” The filly answered once more, aggravated.

“Oh... what’s that?” Big Mac asked, sounding intrigued.

“It’s where you play a monster-” $cootaloo began explaining.

“Wait, Ah seem to have stopped caring.” Big Mac chuckled, shaking his head.

“That was a nice synchwo summon Scootaloo.” Trixie commended.

“Synchro what!?” Big Mac yelled, even more confused.

“But Twixie’s afwaid not nice enough. Now Twixie summons her Malefic Wainbow dwagon.” Trixie said.

“Oh come on! No fair, that’s my best friend’s card.” Sweetie gasped, glaring at Trixie.

“Serious? You have friends?” Scootaloo asked, surprised.

“Yes.” Sweetie said, ignoring the sarcasm.

“Ya mean ones that ain’t invisible?” Big Mac snickered.

“Oh look who's talking.” Sweetie countered.

Sindy threw a hoof in the air. “You tell him Sweetie! I’m still very Asian by the way!” She whispered.

“It’s free style time!” Sweetie said, clearing her throat.

“Oh please tell me she isn’t going to rap.” Scootaloo sighed, facehoofing.

“Trixie, my mare, I just wanna let you know. There is no way you can beat us at a card game called Yu-gi-oh.” Sweetie flipped a card from the spell and trap zone. “Gonna use a spell card and bring out Shining Armor” Shining Armor appears from nowhere. Sweetie summoned him in attack mode. “Looks like your Cyber Dragon was just disenamored.” Shining Armor shot a beam of magic from his horn, shooting right through the unsuspecting dragon. The light from the beam was so powerful Trixie even had to shield her eyes. “What is that come again? I have got another move? Looks like Sweetie flipping Belle has a lot to prove.” Shining Armor then aims his horn at the other dragon and shot another powerful beam. “I’ll take out your other dragon, and before you get to moan I’m gonna lay these cards down right in the trap zone.” Sweetie concluded the song by setting a couple face down trap cards.

“Good job Sweetie. Way ta get yer lame on!” Big Mac grinned and gave her a hoof up.

“Actually it’s get your game on.” Sweetie corrected.

“Ah know what it is…” Big Mac said and rolled his eyes.

Trixie was tired of playing their games.“Malefic Pawadox dwagon, come forth!” Trixie said, summoning her strongest card.

“Holy Rha! Ah’ve seen a lot of dragons in mah time but that takes the cake.” Big Mac
stared in horror at the giant dragon.

“And he probably eats it too.” Sweetie snickered.

“Shut up Sweetie, or we’ll molest you like they do Scootaloo.” Big Mac said.

“Hey! I do not get molested that often!” Scootaloo retorted.

“Oh yeah, just type it in ta Rule34.” Big Mac countered.

“Look up Button’s Mom in Rule34!“ Scootaloo counter-countered.

“Like Ah already don’t…” Big Mac rolled his eyes.

“Then you and Carmel...” Scootaloo continued.

“Whoa there-” Big Mac started before being interrupted by Sweetie.

“Girls, we’re still in the middle of a filly’s card game.” Sweetie reminded the bickering duo.

“Right... so stand back ya’all, it’s time fer a real main character to take the field. Eeyup.” Big Mac said and turned his attention back to Trixie.

“Oh pwease, you may be the Queen of Cuteness in your timeline. But where Twixie comes fwom, Duel Ponies has evolved far beyond a filly’s understanding. Compared to Twixie, you are just a learner.” Trixie said, completely oblivious to the protagonist’s argument.

“That may be the case in yer timeline Trixie but then, we aren’t in yer timeline are we?”


“And where Ah come from, Duel Ponies is still a broken, exploitable mess of a game. And Ah’m bout ta exploit the hay out of it. Ah summon the Dark Magician and Dark Magician with a bubble flank!”

The two monsters appeared out of the cards. “Hey Doctor, why are we fanfic?” The very confuzzled, upside down bubbly-flank backwards grey pegasus asked after materializing from absolutely nowhere.

“Because the authors love us Ditzy.” The light brown hourglass flanked earth pony answered.

“Dark Magician and Dark Magician with a bubble flank, use dark magic twin burst to destroy Malefic Paradox dragon!”

“Awe yeah! Hoof slapped like Sindy!” Sweetie said, going to get a hoof bump from Scootaloo.

“I’m so happy to be asian today you fillies!” Sindy smiled.

“Ah believe ta appropriate phase is a ‘Eeyup.’” Big Mac said calmly.

“Let’s see you recover from that Trixie!”

“Twixie will do more than that Cwusaders! Watch as Twixie summons Twixie’s Malefic Twuth Dwagon! Ha-haha, haha.” Trixie summoned her last monster.

Sindy looked on in horror. “I’ve never felt so Asian.”


Twilight relaxed in a chariot, leaning against the seat as the pegasus turned to look at her. “Mrs. Sparkle, we appear to be flying right into a storm.”

She opened an eye. “Well why don’t you just turn around then?”

He turned back, blushing. “I’m afraid I never finished flight school, I only know how to go forwards.”

She sighed. “Well then at least have the decency to turn the music up.”


“Aw shoot, I’ve seen a lot of dragons in my time but that thing definitely takes the cake.” Sweetie said, taking a hesitant step back.

“And he probably ate it too.” Scootaloo repeated the same joke.

“Hahaha, A dragon eating a cake. Scootaloo, your so funny!” Big Mac chuckled.

“Awe come on, that’s the same joke I used from before.” Sweetie said, upset.

“Yes but Scootaloo told it better.” Big Mac said it matter of factly.

“Oh, Twixie wishes Twixie’s gweat gweat gwandfather was here to see this. He would be so pwoud of Twixie.” She grinned, daydreaming.

“Crusaders, we if don’t make it through this, Ah want cha ta know, it’s been an honor playin’ card games wit cha. Even you Sweetie.” Big Mac sadly admitted.

“Ballin!” Sweetie squeaked.

“You can be my wingman anytime, Applebloom.” Scootaloo glanced over, staring at her idol.

He stared into her eyes. “No Scootaloo, ya can be mine.” {Once again, refer to that link, cause I’m lazy and not copying twice.}

“No homo, right?” She whispered

“ALL THE HOMO!” He yelled, a huge grin appearing on his snout.

“Malefic Twuth Dwagon, lay waste to their monstews and change the future! Twixie is VICTOWIOUS!” Trixie yelled and the CMC was blasted back several feet onto their cute tight little flanks. And then there is Big Mac.

Scootaloo slightly raised her head. “There is just no way that we can win, her cards are epic beasts. She duels too well because she is from another time.”

Big Mac already arose. “Listen both of ya’ll. She’s gonna rewrite history. She is gonna get rid of our Cutie Marks.”

Sweetie was also already standing. “Never...”

“Unless we break her massive monster into pieces.” Mac continued as Scootaloo got up on her hooves.

“Crusaders.” Sweetie took over. “We have been on many adventures.”

“We had to hear Sweetie singing...” Scootaloo commented.

“That was rough.” Mac agreed.

“Now it’s time to take this pony down!” The three sang as if choreographed.

“Come on girls, now it’s time to buck doors down.” Sweetie chanted some encouraging words to the other crusaders

“I hear you Sweetie, now it’s time to buck doors down.” Scootaloo agreed.

“So make your move, because I’m throwing a face down.” Sweetie instructed.

“Okay, just make sure yah don’t summon a Mayor clown.” Big Mac told Sweetie.

“Now we’ve got to take Trixie down.” The three sang again.

“Mah hairy balls will make sure she can’t us take down.” Big Mac sang with the straightest face you ever did see.

“Do the la la la la la la la la laaaa.” Poundcakes sang.

“No this can’t be happening, how does Twixie take them down?” Trixie cried out.

“I really like, your mane, but that’s too bad, you’ll be put to shame!” Sweetie squeaked.

“If this was an, anime, I hate to tell you, you would be cliché.” Scootaloo sang out.

“That’s right ya messed with wrong show, and now this fic mixes it, with Yu-gi-oh.” Big Mac followed up.

They became synchronized once more to sing “It’s Yu-gi-oh!” seventeen times as their randomly resurrected monsters combined their powers and Trixie was blasted with massive amounts of power. “No-nono, no-nonono, no-nono, no-nononoooo!”

“Huh, Ah think we may have just killed a pony…” Big Mac said, staring into the sunset.

“If anypony asks, Sweetie did it.” Scootaloo quickly came up with a scapegoat.

She grinned. “Hey, maybe I’ll finally get my cutie mark!” She quickly looked at her flank and was sad when it remained blank.


Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, Twilight was surrounded by many fillies and colts. She smiled gleefully, using her magic to sign numerous autographs. The one guard watched the crowed for any suspicious activities.“Ouuu, so many victims...” Twilight muttered.


“We defeated Trixie but at what cost?” Scootaloo asked.

“At least we still have card games.” Sweetie said, being optimistic.

“Who knows whether we made the right choice. However the most important thing is that Ah totally won that duel.” Big Mac announced.

“What? Hay, no I won that duel.” Sweetie intervened

Big Mac raised an eyebrow. “Ah think ya’ll find that it was me.” He said.

“Was not.” Sweetie disagreed.

“You're both wrong.” Scootaloo corrected.

“If Ah was wrong, Ah’d say ya’ll won the duel. But Ah’m not, because Ah won.” He said adamantly.

“It doesn’t matter who won, the important thing is, we can keep on winning as friends.” Scootaloo stated admirably, putting her hoof out in the middle of the three.

“That is right, although we may never see each other again, we’ll always be in each other’s hearts.” Sweetie commented, hoofbumping Scootaloo.

“And Ah totally won that duel.” Big Mac said, glaring at the other two as he included his hoof into threesome hoofbump.

“We all won that duel.” Scootaloo said.

“Nope, just me. Ah did it.” Big Mac said, using his ‘King of Card Games’ status.

“Enough! All that matters is that we managed to get through all this without disrupting the time continual.” Scootaloo stared at the sunset.

“Yeah, even though I nearly told Applebloom that Big Mac dies at the end of the show.” Sweetie blurted out.

Big Mac turned to look at her. “What’s that now?” The world suddenly disappeared, replaced with nothing but whiteness. They floated around in the 4th wall, Big Mac sighed. “Well, this is just phan-tucking-bastic. Now we’re stuck in the 4th wall. Way to go Sweetie.”

“It’s not my fault, I thought spoilers were okay. It’s been like ten years!” Sweetie pleaded.

Scootaloo sighed. “At least it can’t get much worse…” She muttered.

Suddenly a pink pony with a poofy, cotton candy mane jumped into their face. “HEY GUYS! This 4th wall thing is pretty extreme huh! Talk about pumped flying? To get dead motherbuckers.” Pinkie squealed.

The three blinked, startled at Pinkie’s random appearance.“What’s wrong with her mane?” Scootaloo asked.

Author's Notes:

Yay! I finally finished a story! Take that! Hope you enjoyed our parody of a parody. Don't forget to comment! Also, the co-author says hi!

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