Chapter 1: Finding
Load Full Story Next ChapterApplejack took a deep breath as she stepped out of the farmhouse, feeling the cool crisp air fill her lungs. It was early morning and the sky held a pink tinge as the sun rose. Sweeping her gaze across the horizon the orange mare took in the sight of her family’s orchard, the apple trees stretching as far as her eye could see.
It was a beautiful sight.
‘’Well, admiring this view ain’t gonna get the harvest in.’’ she thought to herself.
“C’mon Winona!”
With a sharp whistle, she summoned a brown and white collie to her side, and the pair set off towards the large barn that sat behind the farmhouse.
Applejack’s hooves crunched into the frost coated grass, winter was still a few weeks away but there had been an early frost thanks to some wild weather from the nearby Everfree Forest and now it was a race against time to gather in the harvest.
Winona bounded around her with that infinite reserve of energy that dogs seem to possess, and as they approached the barn she suddenly stopped her bouncing and began to sniff around. Applejack noticed it but paid her no heed; some critter had probably just gotten her attention and any minute she would run off to chase it.
Sure enough, the dog zeroed in on the smell and took off towards the barn. The farm pony watched as she disappeared through a hole in the wood by the doors.
She frowned.
That hadn’t been there last night.
As she neared the barn, Winona’s barking echoed from inside, then she began to whine. Concerned that something was happening to her pet Applejack put on a turn of speed and heaved the massive doors aside.
The barn’s interior was fairly full at this time of year, hay bales were stacked in mountains around the walls and filled up the back, tools and equipment were stacked neatly by the left wall and a large apple cart filled with baskets was on the right.
Sticking out from under the cart she could see the tail of her beloved collie, but she could also hear something else under there.
“Shhh... please be quiet, maybe she’ll go away...’’
Slowly she made her way to the side of the vehicle and dropped to her knees.
Behind the wheel spokes she saw Winona cuddled up to a young colt and as soon as he saw her his eyes widened in terror.
“Hey there’’, she said softly “what’s a...’’ she never got to finish as he scrabbled from his hiding place and took off like a cake from Pinkie’s party cannon.
She made a grab for him as he passed behind her, but she just missed and landed face first in a hay bale while he went for the door. Pulling herself up she galloped after him, skidding around the side of the barn she leapt over barrels and piles of farm debris he had thrown in her path in an effort to shake her. As they rounded the farmhouse she spotted her sibling, Big Macintosh, coming out the front door.
“Mac! Stop him!’’ she yelled, causing the red stallion to turn towards the fleeing colt. Squaring himself, Big Mac blocked his intended escape, so the colt improvised.
Taking a running jump up some crates by the house he dove through the window. There was a surprised yelp from inside, followed by the sound of breaking dishes as he ran over the kitchen table and back out the door, followed by her younger sister Apple Bloom, whose red mane and yellow coat were plastered with porridge.
Following Apple Bloom, the pair spotted the colt veer left into the farmyard. Nodding to each other the two split up, Big Mac heading around the back while Applejack moved in from the side, Applebloom had already chased him in from the front and she reckoned they would be able to corner him now there were three Apples on the case.
Coming back around the farmhouse she saw him attempting to outrun Apple Bloom, only to screech left as Big Macintosh appeared and cut off his exit. The colt ran towards Applejack but veered to the right when she stepped out to block him.
He was now pinned between the three Apples and the farmhouse wall.
He scrabbled and kicked at the wood in a vain effort to make an exit, but when that proved fruitless he turned to face his pursuers and Applejack finally got a good look at him.
He looked about Apple Bloom’s age; his coat was a dark chestnut and his mane was deep black. He wore a black jacket that looked threadbare in places and she could see a few holes in the sleeves.
He was also thin, thinner than a colt his age should be and his expression was the same as in the barn, pure terror, his eyes were darting rapidly between the three ponies, searching for any possible escape route.
She turned to her siblings and motioned for them to back off; Big Mac had to put a hoof in front of Apple Bloom, who looked like she was ready to murder the poor thing for dumping porridge on her.
Cautiously, she approached the terrified foal. He was still looking for an avenue of escape, wondering how fast he could dart between her legs and make for the road, she had to calm him down.
“Easy there...’’ she began “Easy...we’re not going to hurt you.’’
The colt’s gaze snapped towards her.
“I know.’’
His voice sounded haggard and raspy and he suffered a small coughing fit before continuing.
“I know you won’t hurt me. You're too nice for that - you’d probably take me in, give me a hot meal and a bed to sleep on. But then you’d have to get a doctor and then the questions would start and ponies would ask me where I came from and who my parents were but I can’t answer those because if I did then I’d probably be put into an orphanage and adopted out to some family miles from anywhere or I’d be called crazy and end up in asylum so doctors can poke, prod and drug me and tell me everything’s okay, that I’m delusional and need help, but I don’t need help! I’m not crazy, I just, I just, I just...’’
His panicked response was cut off by another coughing fit that dissolved into wheezing gasps, which caused his legs to give way.
Applejack caught him before his head hit the ground.
“Please...’’ he begged “No doctors...”
Then he was gone.
Next Chapter: Awakening Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 39 MinutesAuthor's Notes:
Okay chapter one, comments and constructive criticisms are welcome, as I said this is my first fic so any help offered is appreciated.