
Shades of Black

by Edensola

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Influences

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Chapter 3: Influences



"What was that Sombra?" asked a blue crystal pony with an extravagant shining coat.

Currently travelling through the harsh regions of the crystal mountains, in the middle of a blizzard nonetheless, was a band of ponies, well, crystal ponies, which would include all of them if it weren't for one whose coat didn't shine like all the others. This colt was none other than Sombra himself. He trotted alongside his peers, who all trailed behind a mare decked in beautiful gem crafted plate armor. She had a sheathed sword at her side and was a fiery pink unicorn with a pale white mane. She wore a grumpy expression in particular, eyeing their surroundings as they made their way back towards their home of the crystal empire.

The band of ponies just traveled down a paved trail, which was only becoming more difficult to see the more this harsh weather carried on. The obvious leader of the group, the armored mare, seemed nervous, paranoid about something. She winced, eyeing the impenetrable haze of snow that blew all around them, unsure if something was watching, waiting, lurking in the distance. "Stay close everypony," she stated simply.

A young light blue mare with a dark sapphire coat, moaned as she shivered beneath her cloak. "Gosh, they really need to create something more convenient one of these days. Maybe something that we can ride in?"

Another of the crystal colts peeked over the trails right side, which seemed more like a cliff than a steep hill. "And maybe a fence or something, somepony can fall off here." A shiver ran down his spine.

One of the fellow crystal ponies nudged Sombra once again. "Come on Sombra, say it hahaha."

Sombra huffed as he confidently rose his head and stated for the others loudly. "When I get older, I'm going to be just as good as Captain Blossom! Just you wait!"

The rest of his peers burst into laughter as they each had trouble holding it in.

Sombra turned red, aghast. "H-Hey! I'm serious, you guys laugh now but just you wait!" He stomped a hoof in protest and although pretty embarrassed, exclaimed in his fiery passion, "I'll be one of the best the Crystal Guard has ever seen!"

Captain Blossom's expression sunk a little as she let off a soft sigh, frowning a little in response to Sombra, having been revealed as the armored mare and leader of the group.

His peers just continued to laugh as one placed a hoof around Sombra, speaking to him in a modest tone. "Okay Sombra, we get it, you have an obvious aspiration to be just as good as Captain Blossom, and I won't lie, you're pretty good with a sword to. But there's no way a chicken like you can ever hope to be as good as her, especially when you freak out at the sight of every enemy."

Sombra gritted his teeth as if he were about to say something, but his expression sunk and his eyes saddened, as he remained silent. "Hmph!....."

One of the other crystal ponies raised a hoof as she snickered. "I mean did you guys see him during the training sessions with the Lunar Guard recruits? Sombra, you kept freezing up, what's the deal? You're a unicorn right, put that magic to good use."

The fellow with his hoof wrapped around Sombra bopped him on the head gently. "Yea, we were demonstrating our skills in front of Princess Luna herself you know. What's she supposed to think if we've got chickens like you freezing up in-"

Captain Blossom cut into the conversation. "Alright everypony, that's enough."

The young teenage mare with the sapphire coat responded in protest angrily. "But Captain, we're serious! We were training for demonstrations day for so long, and Sombra goes out of his way to become a coward right when we need him most! I mean, you'd think after hearing you say we've gotta face our fears everyday, he'd get the picture!"

Captain Blossom snapped angrily. "I said that's enough Sapphire!"

The young crystal pony mare flinched as she lowered her head, saddened. "I-I'm sorry Captain...."

Captain Blossom groaned as she glanced back at Sombra as they trotted. "And don't think you're getting off easy either Sombra. The others are right, you need to stop being afraid and face your fears, instead of making claims that at this rate, will likely never happen. Someday you're going to get into a fight you can't run away from, especially if you plan to join the Crystal Guard in the future. There'll be instances where others will be counting on you to step up to the plate, and make the tough decision, and fear cannot play a factor, you must show bravery! Do you understand?"

Sombra nodded, muttering. "Y-Yes Captain."

Sapphire to kept her head lowered as they trotted down the trail, and she was still quite upset due to the fact she got in trouble for Sombra's own cowardice. She glanced at him angrily as the others went to join her.

Sombra trotted alone at the opposite end of the path, which he'd preferred. He glanced at them and then rolled his eyes, angrily stomping his hooves as he made his way through the snow, trailing behind Captain Blossom. Like I care about what any of them think.......

One of the fellow peers looked to Sapphire with a hint of worry. "Hey don't sweat it Sapphire, we all get in trouble due to Sombra's mishaps every now and then. It happens."

Sapphire groaned, stomping her hooves as she trotted, speaking in a quiet tone. "It's just not fair! Captain always gives Sombra special treatment just because his family ditched him. And I don't blame them, look at him, he's a chicken, he's arrogant and overconfident, and he doesn't even have his cutie mark! Everything about him screams failure! And sure he's good with a sword, but not when it matters."

One of her friends lowered his head beside Sapphire's as he whispered in her ear. "Yea, and you know what they say about Sombra, whose coat doesn't shine in presence of the crystal heart."

This caused Sombra's expression to darken.

The young stallion continued. "They say he's disconnected from love, cursed,...evil."

Sombra gritted his teeth snapping angrily. "SHUTUP!!!!" As he charged his peer from the opposite end of the path, tackling him to the snow angrily, snarling as he did so. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?" And punching him in the face with a hoof.

Captain Blossom's eyes snapped wide as she glanced back at her students in shock. "S-Sombra!? What do you think you're-" She paused, feeling her leg stuck to the ground as she immediately looked down at her trapped forehoof. And what she saw caused a shiver to run down her spine.

A small paw was holding her in place, and large yellow eyes stared back at her from beneath the snow.

Captain Blossom cringed as she knocked back her sheathe with her free forehoof, knocking her sword up in the air, catching it with her mouth as she swung down towards the paw, which immediately retreated back beneath the snow as she made her move. She then threw her sword back up as she caught it in her sheathe, then snapped back at her students. "Everypony! We need to go now!"

Sombra who was still in the middle of pummeling his peer, got shoved off by Sapphire as the mare looked to him in a rage herself. She then got her friend back up as the others looked to Sombra only in disappointment, and hurried over to Captain Blossom.

Sombra remained there for a few seconds as his own rage subsided, and he to felt quite shocked at the fact that he actually let his feelings get the better of him in that scenario. So he had the courage to attack one of his own but not the enemy? How shameful, what sort of Crystal Guard did these sorts of things? He looked back down at his hoof as he felt frozen once again, unable to move.

Captain Blossom snapped at the pure black unicorn. "SOMBRA! UP!! NOW!!!!"

Sombra snapped back to reality as he shook his head, looking towards his fellows who were already at Captain Blossom's side. "R-Right!" And then climbed to all fours.

Sapphire looked to Captain Blossom with a frightened expression. "C-Captain! What's happening!?"

Captain Blossom looked around as beginning to surround them were many wide yellow eyes, snickering and chuckling in the haze of snow, hidden within the blizzard. Her nose wrinkled as she muttered beneath her breath. "Diamond Dogs..."

The young stallion who'd been assaulted by Sombra shook his head, confused. "B-But I thought they weren't interested in Crystal Ponies!"

"C-CAPTAIN!" Sombra shouted as he attempted to move, but his two back hooves were held in place by large paws. Sombra glanced back at the eyes staring back at him from beneath the snow, as a look of dread washed over him and he dug at the snow desperately attempting to pull away.

Captain Blossom's eyes widened as the realization came over her as she looked to Sombra. And then she looked back to their surroundings as all the wide eyes of the Diamond Dogs hidden in the haze of snow focused on the young black unicorn.

Suddenly a rough feminine voice cut in, snickering. "Eheh! Give us the unicorn crystal ponies and you can trot away, things don't have to get nasty here."

Captain Blossom gritted her teeth, snapping at them. "Fat chance cowards! Come out and fight! Then we'll see who can just trot awa-" But as she made her way forward, there was a soft tug on her tail as she glanced back, noticing the rest of her students with fearful looks covering their faces. This caused Blossom's own expression to sink dramatically as she paused to look around them once again, now realizing they were frighteningly outnumbered.

The rough feminine voice continued. "It's not often we get unicorns with a band of crystal ponies. Leave him with us and the rest of you live, no losses guaranteed,....well, no more than one."  

Sombra looked wide eyed at Captain Blossom as he was still stuck, his backhooves still held by the paws.

The voice continued. "Attack, and you just might succeed, but then again, you might not. You'll have achieved nothing, costing yourself your life, and the lives of all your precious students. You don't need to be a genius to take notice of the fact the odds are horribly stacked against you. I'd prefer suffering no losses myself, so, be the smart one here and trot away. Don't look back, we don't have any interest in crystal ponies."

Captain Blossom herself was frozen now, stuck between two decisions. She looked back to Sombra, who looked at her in desperation, unsure of what'd happen. Should she risk the lives of all of them, for the life of one? That one being Sombra no less, or they could just trot away, it's not like he'd be killed. They could just go back and grab reinforcements then return and conduct a search. But Diamond Dog packs were the masters here, their victims tending to never be found again.

Nopony could ever pertain where their hideouts were located, due to the fact the Crystal Mountains were so vast and always hidden behind a dense haze of blowing snow. There was a very slim chance he'd ever be found again. But they were all also quite skilled, her exceptionally, they could attack, Diamond Dogs weren't very well known for their combat prowess. But how would the rest of her students fare? Would they all make it out alive? Could they really take down this many enemies? But ultimately, should they take the chance?

Captain Blossom gulped, as she took a trot forward, gulping. "We wont lea-"

Suddenly there was a tug on her tail once again.

She looked back, looking horrified as her students all still looked overwhelmed with fear themselves.

Sapphire had tears streaming down her cheeks. "C-Captain!...I know,...I know that we're not supposed to be afraid. I know we're supposed to be prepared for things like this but,...but I-" She paused, glancing down for a second before looking back to Captain Blossom in her own pleading desperation. "I don't want to die! We can't do this! Not even with all of us! It's hopeless! I don't want to lose my life for him! He'd leave us behind and you know it! Please!"

And those words struck the mare to the core, placing the dreaded terror she herself spoke against so many times, within her, she felt true fear. She now felt doubt, doubt she couldn't escape from. The thought in the back of her mind telling her there was a very high possibility of them not succeeding. There was an inescapable, horrible, doubt. Should they take the chance of helping Sombra? He had no family, no connections, and supposedly no talents. He'd disappear from the face of the equestria and nopony would care.

They'd all live, but, was being captured by the Diamond Dogs a fate worse than death? Nopony really knew, besides those who were captured and never seen again. Why was she so afraid? Diamond Dogs may have had many numbers, but, they were far from skilled fighters! She should just take the chance! This was real experience, this was where their talents mattered most! To protect one another, to protect each other! To-......

There was nothing but a void of silence.

Sapphire and the rest of the students looked up to their Captain, some of them preparing to unsheathe their swords.

Captain Blossom raised a hoof, looking at Sombra with cold eyes, before stating. "Come on everypony, we're leaving."

He's not worth it Blossom,..... turn and trot away.

The voice snickered. "Good choice."

Captain Blossom then turned, as the rest of her students looked up at her, some in shock as others glanced back at Sombra pitifully, but ultimately followed behind their Captain. Others like Sapphire, sighed with relief as they looked back at Sombra with an angry glint, letting off light. "Tch's!"

Sombra at first couldn't believe, calling out to them. "Captain!....C-Captain!?" He dug at the ground, kicking his hindlegs as he screamed at her. "C-CAPTAIN BLOSSOM!!" He trembled again, fear overwhelming him again as he let off a pathetic soft whimper. "P-Please...." He paused, then screaming. "I'M SORRY FOR BEING SCARED!!"

Tears swelled in Captain Blossom's eyes as she glanced back at the frightened colt, whose fate was now in the Diamond Dog's paws. She then turned away once again, leading the way down the path, trotting on ahead with the rest of her students and disappearing into the ongoing blizzard.

There'll be instances where others will be counting on you to step up to the plate, and make the tough decision.

As they disappeared, Sombra shook his head in disbelief. So that was it? It was that easy for them? Was it because he wasn't one of them? Was it because he'd been scared at the demonstrations? What about all that nonsense about facing fear!? But, how could he blame them, he really was a liability to them. And as half his body was suddenly dragged beneath the snow into a hidden hole, he trembled. "No...no no no no!" And as he felt the diamond dog accidentally loosen it's grip at that point, he bucked wildly beneath the snow.


Sombra pushed himself up as he got to all fours and attempted to trot hurriedly in the direction of the others.

But suddenly descending from a tall unseen peek, were a pack of diamond dogs as they snarled, blocking his exit.

The voice cut in once again. "Don't try it little pup, you won't succeed."

Sombra then used his hoof to unsheathe his sword in a similar fashion to Captain Blossom, catching it in his mouth as he eyed his surroundings, noticing he was surrounded, the only way out being the steep drop on the right side of the path, leading down into uncharted areas of the crystal mountains. But to go off the path was suicide.

The rough feminine voice snickered. "Oh he's feisty, how fun. Why don't you just use telekinesis little pup?"

Sombra turned a little red, due to the fact he knew he wasn't yet skilled enough to fight like the Lunar Guard unicorns.

The rough feminine voice seemed amused. "Oh, how disappointing. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to use that horn of yours....."

Tears swelled within Sombra's eyes as that feeling of fear overwhelmed him again. Fear, why did it even have to exist!? What was the point of it besides to hold somepony back? And here it was, stopping him again! He hated it, he hated the fact it came at the worst possible times, the fact that it held him back, he hated everything about it! He was tired of being underestimated by everypony, being looked down upon, not being taken seriously. And as he thought about Captain Blossom's words, and the fact they'd left him, he gritted his teeth angrily.

You need to stop being afraid and face your fears.

Sombra's expression became suddenly determined as he snarled, wincing. I'M NOT AFRAID!

But as he stood there trembling, he knew fighting wouldn't get him anywhere, no matter how brave he was this time. He glanced to the edge of the path, leading off the supposed cliff, down a horribly steep hill down into the unknown. He steadily stopped his trembling, as the diamond dogs only continued drawing closer and closer to him by the second. And just as they all thought he was finished, the young stallion turned, tossing his sword off the edge of the cliff.

The voice cut in. "Finally surrendering little pup?"

The rest of the diamond dogs cackled.

Then Sombra charged back, straight for the edge of the path.

The voice snapped. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING!?"

The other diamond dogs eyes all widened in shock.

Sombra roared. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" As he pushed up on his hind legs, taking a leap of faith straight off the path and catching his sword in its sheath, as he immediately descended down.

Captain Blossom and the other students who were still making their way hurriedly down the path, attempting to create some distance between them and the diamond dogs, didn't fail to hear that familiar voice. And as they all glanced back, they noticed through the veil of snow, a tiny black figure descending down the mountainside rapidly.

Sombra tossed and tumbled along the mountainside as his descent continued for a good minute, before finally landing on a flat snowy surface at one point down the mountain, on  his belly with his beaten body, gritting his teeth with a look of passive fury. His small red cloak being torn, half of it hanging on the tip of a sharp rock. And as he stood there, barely able to keep consciousness, he hurled blood before motivating himself to stagger to his hooves. And he knocked his sword up with his forehoof, catching it in his mouth.

Almost immediately bursting from the mountainside themselves and seemingly out of nowhere were a multitude of diamond dogs, unrelenting in their pursuit.

The students all gasped in horror, as some covered their mouths with their hooves.

Sapphire couldn't believe it, as she stared wide eyed at the colt who'd managed to survive such a drop.

Captain Blossom was speechless herself as she just looked down, unable to say anything. And as she just continued to stare, Sombra still attempting to escape, caught glances with them on the far upper level of the mountain path, and in his eyes she could see masked behind them, a hidden rage which wasn't there before, one of pain and heartache.

Sapphire continued to nudge Captain Blossom softly. "C-Captain! Come on!"

Captain Blossom just couldn't believe it, he'd jumped, that was basically suicide, yet he survived. She spoke softly "S-Sombra...I'm sorry," almost as if her mind were elsewhere before continuing to lead her students away.

And as Sombra gripped his sword in his mouth, wheezing heavily as he did so, his vision blurring every few seconds or so, one diamond dog had finally decided to show herself. She looked like a pale ashen wolf, with fur that blended in perfectly with the snow, her eyes a crystal blue color as she had an X shaped scar marked on her forehead. She had her arms crossed as she smiled. "You're daring little pup, the stubborn ones are always the funnest to break."

Sombra winced as he just charged straight towards the diamond dog with her arms crossed.

And she just looked back at him, an amused smirk planted across her face.

Princess Luna placed Sombra on a pair of stairs as she sighed heavily.

Sombra's expression lit up as he actually seemed genuinely happy. "Graaaaah!.....Staaaaairs..." He sneered as he began just trotting up and down them continuously.

Princess Luna then made her way back over to Princess Celestia with a worried look. "That should keep him occupied for a little while."

Princess Celestia sighed herself as she looked to Sombra trotting up and down the stairs in the distance. "What is it you expect me to do sister? Give him a free pass?"

Princess Luna responded hastily in her defense. "I-I'm not saying that sister!"

Princess Celestia raised a brow. "Then what are you saying dear little sister? Why bring him before me like this? He should be imprisoned, and handed over to Cadence to receive his proper punishment."

Princess Luna's expression sunk as she looked towards the ground. "All I'm suggesting is, perhaps, he can learn. Like Discord?"

Princess Celestia's eyes widened for a moment before she looked to her sister in disbelief. "Sister, Sombra cannot be reformed, we both know this."

Princess Luna winced at her sister, a little frustrated by her response. "Then what about me sister?"

Princess Celestia's nose wrinkled a bit in annoyance. "What're you implying Luna?"

Princess Luna stomped a hoof in protest. "What I'm implying sister is that maybe I shouldn't have received any special treatment for the sole reason being that I'm your sister! You never believed I was beyond saving."

Princess Celestia looked speechless, before placing her forehooves on Luna's cheeks. "Because I know you my sweet sweet sister. I knew that deep inside you were always still there, just locked away, deep within the darkness. And all it took, was a little patience, faith, and now here we are, together again."

Princess Luna peered up at Celestia. "Then perhaps we need to attempt giving him some patience."

Princess Celestia groaned as she turned away from her sister, glancing back at her. "Luna, why're you persistent on this matter? King Sombra is not....." Princess Celestia looked up as she sighed and looked back to her little sister in desperation. "He's not, like you. I do wish you would stop comparing yourself to him."

Princess Luna's expression sunk. "You, have not seen what I have sister. I was skeptical on this matter at first as well, but I was thinking," she looked to Celestia "Perhaps I'm not the only one who's been wandering aimlessly through the darkness."

Princess Celestia raised a brow at her sister before looking towards the ground, lost in thought.

Princess Luna approached her sister, going to her side. "I wouldn't have been able to return without your compassion sister, your love and patience, I've always had you with me." She looked back to Sombra "But, he has-......" And she paused.

Princess Celestia looked to her sister with a raised brow, before her eyes widened and she realized exactly what that look meant, and she turned back towards the now empty stairway.


Princess Celestia placed a hoof over her face.

Sombra dived through a window, breaking the glass and landing in front of the castle masterfully, rolling to all fours and bursting into a sprint.

Some Celestial Guards burst through the castle doors as their fellows looked at them with puzzled looks as one of them who was breathing heavily, attempting to catch his breath, pointed at the retreating Sombra. "Stop that colt!"

Sombra smirked, glancing back. Hmph, fools, those stairs were a good lure. But so is my chance at freedom!


Sombra laid on his back as he had twirly eyes before shaking his head and groaning, then rubbing his head. "Graaah...."

And in front of him, having been knocked to her bottom was a little filly with a white coat and light pink and purple mane, rubbing her head in a similar fashion. "Ooooouch...."

Suddenly another little filly with a orange coat and purple mane snapped at the colt. "Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Another filly with a pale yellow coat and red mane remained silent as she eyed the colt curiously.

Sombra snarled as he rose to his hooves once again and bolted forward, making his way past the three fillies. "Out of my way imbeciles!!!" And diving under and leaping over the countless objects that blocked his path as he ran off into the distance.

And a multitude of guards made their way past the fillies and in the direction of the colt a few seconds afterwords.

Suddenly rushing out of the store was a mare with a white coat similar to the little filly's and a violet mane. She lowered her frame in front of the filly, rubbing her head, "Sweetie Belle! Darling, are you alright?!" She then looked off into the distance at the retreating colt. "You better run you little brat!"

The filly revealed as Sweetie Belle patted herself off with her hooves before glancing back. "J-Jeez! What a jerk!" She smiled, looking up to the mare. "Yea, I'm okay Rarity," she chuckled.

The orange filly, nodded, scowling a bit. "Yea, I'd sock him in the face if I got another chance." She then looked to the pale yellow filly with an apple red mane. "Hey, Apple Bloom, you alright?"

The pale yellow filly revealed as Apple Bloom, just remained silent as she stared wide eyed off in the direction of the retreating colt.

Sweetie Belle blinked a bit before looking to the orange filly. "Is Apple Bloom alright Scootaloo?"

The orange filly revealed as Scootaloo, shrugged in bewilderment, "I don't know." She placed one of her forehooves in front of Apple Bloom's face, waving it up and down. "Hey, Apple Bloom? What's with you? Hellooooo~ earth to Apple Bloom."

Rarity approached the filly worriedly, glancing down at her. "A-Apple Bloom, are you alright darling? What's the matter?"

Apple Bloom finally spoke up. "Guys...." she fell silent for a few seconds, "That pony didn't have a cutie mark!"

Sombra still sprinting through the city of Canterlot, had finally caught sight of something he could make great use of. And with a flick of his forehoof, he manifested a small black crystal which launched him forward, and onto the roof of the now departing train, landing on the edge of it, then scurrying up onto the top before turning and looking back towards the guards and bursting into laughter. "Hahahahahaha! Fools! Now what will you-" then he paused as he noticed some of the celestial guard pegasi had their forehooves crossed with annoyed expressions, fluttering right behind him. Sombra placed a hoof over his face as he muttered. "R-Right...." And then groaned. "Well then...shall we?"

The Celestial Guards looked to one another, then back to the colt with smiles, nodding in unison.

Sombra smiled himself, closing his eyes, "Well," before standing on his hind legs and raising his forehooves in an offensive stance, then getting bucked back by one of the guards, "OOF!" tumbling and skidding across the roof of the train.

Sitting in one of the seats of the train was a small baby purple dragon as he seemed to be in quite a bit of pain. "Oooooh...."

And near him was a violet alicorn with her crown fastened on her head, surrounded by a multitude of ponies eyeing her in wonder and amazement.

This alicorn being none other than the famed Twilight Sparkle, sighed heavily as she regarded the baby dragon worriedly. "That's why I told you not to eat all those gems the other day."


Twilight raised a brow, before looking up for a moment, then shrugging. She looked back to Spike. "Don't worry Spike, we'll be back in Ponyville soon. I'd fly you myself, but I'm not too good yet, Rainbow is still teaching me." She then made her way next to him, rubbing his head with a hoof. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders will be hanging with Rarity and the others for a few more hours, so I thought it'd probably best we head home early since we've gotta take the train, and you're not feeling too great."

Spike just continued to groan in pain, before looking up at Twilight with a tired look. "T-Thanks Twilight...uuuuugh..."


One of the unicorns reading a newspaper sighed as she looked up with an irritated look. "What is that?...Sheesh..."

As Twilight to sat there in wonderment, she then blinked a bit as she noticed the commotion gathered outside the train as it departed from Canterlot, a large group of ponies looking up towards the roof of the train. She raised her brow.

Sombra wheezed heavily as he remained in his fighting stance, and his stomach grumbled, and the train finally started to pick up the pace, rapidly accelerating forward and taking them down the path towards Ponyville. The little black colt sneered as he regarded his enemies tiredly, as they all were unharmed due to his humorously weak blows. No matter, I don't need to beat any of you. All I need is.....He looked off in the distance towards the tracks at the mountainside, and the steep hill that lead straight into the forests. 60 seconds.


Sombra's eyes snapped wide as he looked to both sides of him, as landing on the train cars alongside their guards, were Princess Luna and Princess Celestia themselves.

Princess Celestia had a serious look as she said plainly, "Sombra."

Princess Luna continued. "You really didn't think it'd be that easy did you?"

Sombra's expression sunk as the exhaustion in his face only seemed to worsen at that point, he raised his forehooves in a defensive stance once again before his horn started glowing a black and green color, while he remained, standing between the two Princesses. He sighed heavily, Graaaaaaaaah, make that a few minutes...... Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Punishment Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour

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