
Friendship is Serious

by The card holder

Chapter 7: Appleoosa

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Once their thirsts were quenched, the six ponies and one human once again began walking in the direction of the settlement they spotted earlier, Sam cracking his neck.

"Jeez, it felt like we were there for months," he commented.

Ignoring him, Twilight turned to the others. "Dash, can you give us an estimate of how much farther we have to go?"

The pegasus saluted, and flew into the air, where she began to scan the horizon. "It's not much farther, but... I think it's covered in... snow?"

The others paused. "Uh, y'all know we're in the middle of the desert, right, Dash?" Applejack asked, incredulous.

"I know what I said, and it's true!"

"There wasn't anything in that water, was there?" Sam asked, more to himself (and therefore, Netricsa) than to the others.

"Nope, everything's fine there. And there is a drop in temperature some distance ahead."

The group arrived at the top of a dune, and stopped to gape at what they saw. Dash landed next to them, a smug smirk on her face. "See? Told ya so."

Ahead of them was a decently sized town, blanketed in a layer of snow. The transition from desert to below freezing seemed immediate, and there was no logical explanation for why the snow wasn't melting. On top of that, they could see that several buildings had multicolored lights strung up around them.

Sam's response was very well worded. "What."

Netricsa's was slightly more eloquent. "Wait, that doesn't make any sense, even for what we've seen."

Applejack was the first to recover from the shock. "Hey, wait a second, this is Appleoosa!"

"Apple-what now?"

"Appleoosa," Twilight answered. "It seems like the town was emptied during Hearth's Warming..."

Sam was still clueless. "A Hearth's what?"

"Hearth's Warming, a holiday celebrating the unification of the three different pony tribes, thousands of years ago. Poies spend it by being with their families, exchanging gifts, and overall being joyful to one another."

"Er... yeah, what she said."

"Sounds an awful lot like Christmas."

"Either way, it is probably worth checking the town."

Sam nodded. "Alright, let's get going."

He lead the others down the sand, which soon gave way to snow crunching under their steps.

"So mind telling me how the hell the snow isn't melted?" Sam asked.

"Pegasi can control the weather, and-"

Sam cut Twilight's explanation off. "Right, magic, gotcha."

The seven of them proceeded through the abandoned town, the silence giving an ominous air to the place.

"Weird, it's been a whole five minutes without something trying to kill me."

As soon as he said that, Sam whirled around, shotgun at the ready, only for the silent town to answer him. Shrugging, he kept moving on, the ponies right behind him.

Soon, they came to the center of the town, which featured a large tree, decorated with various lights, similar to the buildings around them.

Underneath the tree was a single long, rectangular present. Making sure they were still alone, Sam walked up to it and gave it a small kick. Satisfied that it wasn't a trap, probably, he bent down and opened it up. When he stood back to his full height, the ponies were surprised to see him holding a large mini-gun.

"It's exactly what I wanted! It is just like Christmas!"

Suddenly, a multitude of teleportations were heard around the town, followed by the sounds of creatures of various sizes and headlessness charging towards them. Twilight immediately put up a shield, and Sam turned to face the horde, minigun at the ready.

"Santa Sam's gonna give out lumps of lead to all the bad little monsters and freaks!"

With that, the onslaught began.

The first to fall to Sam's hail of gunfire was, as usual, a group of kamikazes, who helped to paint the town a little bit more red. Behind them, kleers and bulls charged forward, only to fall to Sam's bullets as well.

Behind them, a pair of major biomechs lumbered into view, firing rockets. Sam began to run around the town center, shooting the rockets out of the air and laying into the mechs. Eventually, they both succumbed to his gun, their bodies crushing a couple of kamikazes.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched shriek, and Sam just barely ducked behind a building in time as a large, yellow scorpion-type creature began to fire its own machine gun at him. As soon as the barrage stopped, Sam answered with one of his own, Netricsa letting him kill the arachnoid with unparalleled accuracy.

The horde of enemies kept coming strong, and Sam's rain of lead kept equally strong, supplemented by boxes of bullets that were just lying out in the open.

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends were watching the mayhem with mild boredom.

"How come he gets to have all the fun?" Dash complained.

"Because we wouldn't last a minute out there," Twilight answered.

"She's right, Sam is the only one who could help us, even if his methods are a bit..." At that moment, a kleer's skull bounced off the shield, though Fluttershy managed to only wince at it this time.

"Don't worry girls, I'm sure ol' Sammy will do just fine!" Pinkie said, trying to cheer them up. Just as she said that, Sam ran back into the clearing, cursing a storm as he lugged his now-empty minigun, a horde of kamikazes on his tail.

The others looked at Pinkie, who simply shrugged.

Back with Sam, he was frantically unloading shotgun shells at the crowd behind him, thinning them out slowly but surely. Soon, there were no more kamikazes, but there was still the issue of a pack of kleer behind them, and there were too many of them to use a shotgun effectively.

Also, Sam had just backed into a building, which probably didn't help at all.

Slightly desperate, Sam took out his rocket launcher and fired a rocket at the kleer, shattering a couple and sending the rest flying some distance. Sam took the chance and sprinted through the opening he created, barely escaping their swinging blade arms.

Now with plenty of room to run around in, Sam turned and started to blow away the skeletal foes, scattering bone fragments all over the snow.

Eventually, the flow of monsters slowed to a trickle, and after shattering one last kleer with his hammer, Sam stood still and waited, listening for any more. Other than the wind, the area was now completely silent.

Satisfied with a job well done, Sam started walking back to the ponies, stepping over and around various body parts and blood stains along the way. Back at the center of town, they hadn't moved an inch, and Twilight lowered her shield once she saw that Sam wasn't being pursued.

"You would think that they should have run out of units by now," Rarity commented.

Netty let out a short laugh. "You have no idea just how many of Mental's army we've killed so far."

"Last count, it was definitely in the millions," Sam added.

Ignoring the ponies' shocked expressions, Sam strode on, content with getting to the other side of the town.

"There should be a set of ruins not too far away from here, if my memory serves me right. There, we should find something that may help us."

With a rough plan in mind, Sam and the ponies walked on through the town, the cold starting to get to them.

Author's Notes:

Have a belated Christmas miracle.

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