
Ponies for President!

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 6: Rarity

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Presidential candidate Rarity to the first glance is one beautiful and sophisticated mare. And that first glance would be absolutely right. Inside and out, Rarity has been poised and diligent to be Canterlot aristocracy; though the cards never had it to her favor. Yet, she persisted and became the star designer of her hometown of Ponyville. If that would not be enough, she gladly gives all she can to whoever she can at the drop of a hat.

Rarity is as beautiful and elegant as she is giving.


If you ask Rarity's own sister, she will tell you she has to BRIBE and TRICK her sister into attending family or friendly events. She has time to be giving to ponies outside of the family but not inside? How can we believe in a pony to care for us when she doesn't even give a flip about her own flesh and blood? Even then, she can't even control three fillies without the help of her soft spoken friend. Is this the kind of mare you want running your school system?


Rising Star of the Underclass?


Horrible Filly Kicker?


Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia, high ruler of Equestria, wants your vote as president. Why not give it to her? You have seen with your own eyes the good she does as a leader. Raising and setting the sun. Leading ponies with subtle ques into the right direction. Leaving you to make your own choices in the guided world she has enlightened you into. This is a mare with over a thousand years of leadership under her name and no complaint to it.

A thousand years of hardened and fair dedication to her kingdom. Not a soul should ever try to belittle that.


Truth is that there are no complaints to her leadership because she is known to BANISH those that speak out against her. Case to that point: Her own SISTER. But more so, why does Celestia want to be president? She's already ruler of Canterlot. Does she just want more titles? What's next? Overlord? Commandant? Führer? Will she not stop until she controls every body of office? THAT'S DICTATORSHIP!

Princess Celestia:

Benevolent Monarch?


Zealous Dictator?


Reactions One: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

"Welcome to Ponies for President, I'm your host, Fox Trot," the crimson mare shot a look to her side away from the camera, timely enough with a broad grin to have a rout of paparazzi to flash pictures of her at the mere mention of her name. When they stopped, she shot her look back to the camera with the return to a more serious expression, "Today, we are following up on candidate Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy to hear their feelings about the recently released commercials about their campaign."

Off to the side of the cameras and Fox Trot were three podiums standing before the three mares in question. None of the three seeming at all happy. Twilight was visibly fuming with rage as her cheeks and snout boiled with red. Rainbow Dash wasn't looking at anyone in the eye and even seemed to be trying to use her podium to hide her face behind. Fluttershy on the other hand seemed stunned with wide eyes and a disbelieving stammer to her lips.

"Welcome to the show ladies. How do you feel?" Fox Trot asked casually.




"Great to hear...!" She completely ignored their answers and skimmed through her card prompts on the desk before her. "We'll start with you, Twilight Sparkle. So, the commercial that was recently put out stated that you are the apprentice of princess Celestia; it also said you enslave dragons. Is this true?"

"The first one is," Twilight huffed, trying to subside her anger, "The second one is completely fabricated. Spike is my close friend and loved one. He's like a son in some ways."

"Heartwarming stuff here. Now, are the claims true that you have had relations with your brother; captain of the Canterlot Royal guard?" Fox Trot pried all the more.

"NO! That's just... UGH!"

"Indeed..." Fox Trot turned her attention to Rainbow Dash, barely able to see her as Rainbow tried to shimmy under the podium. "Rainbow Dash, it's your turn. Lately, I've heard from a reliable source that you never passed elementary school. Is that right?"

"Look..." Rainbow Dash reclaimed her courage it seemed and sprang up to look Fox Trot in the eye, "I didn't pass 'Flight Camp'. I passed elementary school, middle school, even Summer school. And that's not a reliable source, you heard that from that ad!"

"Rainbow Dash: a regular school student. I am welling up at these revelations. Now, maybe you'd like to address the claims that you flush hedgehogs down the toilet?" Fox Trot asked with the most complacent of expressions.

"Who said I did that!?" Rainbow Dash nearly broke her podium in half as she slammed one of her hooves down dead center atop of it.

For the second time, Fox Trot put her eyes to the next guest; Fluttershy, opting to ignore Rainbow Dash's question, "Finally, Fluttershy. Would you like to make any rebuttals about your ad that has been put out?"

"...Wait..." Fluttershy spoke rather softly, a strange note coming to her mind, "...When was it I started running for president?"

"And that's all we have time for today," Fox Trot cut off any further words from the three as security stepped in and grabbed the three mares to drag them away, "Tune in next time to see how other candidates feel about the ads recently put out by the DAPC. On an unrelated note, this program is brought to you by DAPC."

"H-Hey...! You didn't answer my question... M-Ma'am...? Ma'am?" Little by little, Fluttershy's calls for answer fell quiet and she and her friends were 'escorted' out.

Next Chapter: Princess Celestia Estimated time remaining: 4 Minutes
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