
A Stroke of Insanity

by Doctah WAAwee

Chapter 4: Reactions to Equestria girls.

Previous Chapter

I've noticed that a lot of people have had mixed reactions to Equestria girls. So, I've been 'researching' on the many reactions that I have witnessed.

Reaction #1: Confusion

"Ahh-....I don't even..."


The sound of Anon slamming his head on the table is heard.

"*Sigh*...Okay...just gotta roll with the punches I guess...maybe it will be good."

Reaction #2: Excitement

"Huuuh! Okay, okay I can deal with this! Alright then, i'm pumped!" Said Anon happily.

Fist pump.

Reaction #3: Neutral.

"...Okay." Anon says.

He puts his tablet down and continues to take a crap.

And finally...reaction #4: ...

"..." Anon said nothing.

His eye began to twitch violently. His head began shaking with extreme violence. A sharp inhale of breath was heard, and the final straw was when he saw...'Brad'.

"Fffffffffffffffffffff...." He started.




A bright flash of light erupted from anon's body...

The ground beneath his legs began to shake and thoughout the world, buildings were being torn down by his anger.

Millions of people die because of this.

He started sweating profusely and his hair began to grow.

Clouds began to migrate to him.



Anon transformed into a Super sayin 3.

Anon turned to his computer.



He screamed into the computer so powerfully it created a portal into Equestria.



"Soon Twilight you will know more-" Celestia started, but was interrupted by a harsh sound.


A being with long golden spiky hair blew apart the castle wall.

His face was one of pure, unadulterated anger.


It began to foam at the mouth as it charged for and entered the mirror.

As soon as he was in, he began to viciously murder and defecate on every living thing on the planet.

He ripped all of their appendages off and beat their lifeless bodies with them.

He then began to gather all the hate of the multiverse and formed it into a ghetto spirit bomb.

He launched the spirit bomb, then proceeded to cheer in glee.

The bomb destroyed everything, and anon made a portal back home.


Those are the reactions I have seen. From acceptance to UTTER SUPER SAYIN RAGE MODE!

Which one was your reaction?

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