
Ascent. Book 1: Twilight

by viwrastupr

Chapter 7: Heart

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Chapter 7: Heart

The amount of blood rising to her cheeks was scientifically impossible, Twilight thought. The heart simply didn’t have that much to provide. She stared. Celestia was dressed up, made over and was that eyeshadow? The Princess wore a light lavender dress with no frills, no ribbons, just six pointed magenta and white stars along the side. Around her neck was a a magenta neckerchief, to match her eyes: to match their eyes. Rarity was a lot of things, but she was not subtle. The Princess’s hair was was also done up in a Fançais style braid and her tail to match, while her face, the object of Twilight’s longest stare, was looking right at the unicorn.

The royal mask and fear of the previous day were nowhere to be seen, just a smile floating across her lips.

Her lips.

“Twilight, I’m sorry,” the lips started, “About yesterday, about everything, I-”

“You’re not supposed to see her yet!” A yell came from inside and Pinkie tackled Twilight before pulling her into her own changing room. She was left alone and perplexed with Fluttershy. The colors in the dress before her were all too familiar: white with a gold trim and decorated with green, cyan and pink ribbons. Not subtle at all.

Shy didn’t say a word, proceeding to dress her as if her being here was the most natural thing in the world. Twilight’s heart was in her throat. She hadn’t had time to analyze the look in Celestia’s eyes, but what she caught made her think of a possibility that had long been buried, but never left her heart. Please, oh please Celestia, don’t be Chrysalis, don’t be a trick, don’t be a joke, give me this night. This one little night let the sorrow be gone from both of us.

It took her a moment to realize the fitting was over and she was being hugged by her friend. She hugged back in a long and soft embrace. Shy beamed, leading her out the room. It was just like Fluttershy to make a pony feel calm and welcome without saying a word. She made a mental note to thank her later.
Twilight stepped into the hall and into what could only be described as a dream. The small ballroom had been redecorated, the lights dimmed, sparse ribbons of yellow lay on walls of blue and the dance floor had been replaced by tables for food, leaving only a small, intimate area lit for dancing. But that wasn’t the dream, the dream stood under the spotlight and less than a hoof away: Princess Celestia, waiting to dance with her.

“Pinkie, what is this?” Twilight asked, shying from the alicorn before her.

Her five friends stood in front of the two, the couple, looking more composed and serious than usual.

“This, is your party! Well, it’s more of a social, but with just you two, so a dance really.”

“It’s our way of saying... thanks...”

“And good luck, sugarcube.”

“And take care... of those dresses, of course.”

“And you! You better take care of our Twilight.”

Having said their peace the five companions left the hall. Rarity tipped the needle on the gramophone on her way out.

* * *

It had been the first full day guided by the Princess of the Night in a long time. What ever could be keeping her sister occupied? Luna asked herself, already thinking of what the answer might be. It had been millenia but Celestia still showed the same signs of having a crush. Her poor sister had always pushed others away the closer they got to her.

“The stars will aid in her escape,” Luna said in secret. “And you wonder why I said that, my sister.” The Princess of the Night thought it was a good time for a stroll and strolling was not in any way snooping.

The grounds were deserted and while Luna was glad for the peace and quiet she often missed the company that watching the night brought. “Hey! Scoot over, I can’t see anything.” There was a rustling of leaves which caused her to look over and see a bright yellow pony butt with pink tail sticking out of the bushes. She recognized the not so hidden forms as those of Twilight’s companions, who looked to be trying to give privacy. Of course they hadn’t left and were merely out of sight. Luna considered playing a prank... Maybe just a small one.

“Move over,” she said.

“Make your own space,” Dash told the newcomer. The newcomer Princess. “Uh. Uh. Girls?” Luna grinned at dash, who looked to be exercising her arm poking the white pony next to her. “We have a visitor.”

Rarity hmphed. “Tell them to buzz off, we’re busy.”

Fluttershy had the curiosity and good sense to see what was happening. “P-p-princess Luna?!”

“May we join you?”

* * *

Twilight once again stared at her princess and the Princess stared back, only this time it wasn’t a contest of wills. It was her wonder and Celestia’s affection. Affection that was more open and free than she had ever seen from her princess.

A terrible idea entered her head, her eyes squinting shut as she blurted out. “I’m sorry Princess. I should have left by now.”

A bare hoof caressed Twilight’s cheek. “Please don’t leave Twilight, my-” Celestia’s throat caught with a lump. There were so many nicknames she wanted to call Twilight but they all touched her heart in a way that wasn’t enough. Twilight let herself give in to temptation and nuzzle the soft neck in front of her with warm affection. To her glee Celestia didn’t turn away, but leaned in in a heavenly embrace.

“As I was saying.” Celestia continued. “Yesterday was me being a fool.”

Twilight didn’t want to remember. “I’m so sorry, Princess, I-” A hoof to her lips silenced her.

It was Celestia’s turn to interrupt her pupil. “Tia.”

Twilight’s mind raced, hoping so hard it hurt, but still unsure. “A... another rule?”

Celestia shook her head. “My dearest Twilight, it is a humble request. As is this.” She offered Twilight her hoof. “Shall we dance?”

The not quite ruler took the not quite pupil by the hoof and they moved together. It was a slow dance that promised to have all the time in the world to finish. Eyes met, cheeks blushed and they pressed together a little closer. A most heartfelt “awwww” chorus came from outside and out of hearing.

Twilight was leading and it didn’t surprise Celestia at all, unlike it would have before her realization. Twilight didn’t worship her any more than the librarian worshipped a good book. She was ‘perfect’ to her friend including all her flaws.

Her heart was free, the barriers down and she found herself loving it. Celestia let her head rest on Twilight’s neck and allowed her tears to flow freely. She gave her Twilight a nuzzle and they held together closer.

Was there music? Did it matter? They were together, and unresolved issues or not, that was more important than anything.

“Have I ever told you?” Celestia broke the long, comfortable silence with a whisper, coming close to nibbling an ear. “How much I enjoy your company?” Close became too far for temptation and she nibbled with gentle enthusiasm. Her dance partner giggled, an exciting sensation against her neck.

Twilight met her gaze. “You’ve shown me princess. You smile all the time when I’m around.”

Her feathers ruffled, though the cause was more a sudden realization than an uncomfortable one, their eyes still together. “I-I do not... Do I?”

A whispered giggle and a sideways smile was her reply. “Your face could light up a room and often it does Sun Princess.” Twilight succumbed to beautiful analysis. “Your mask is broken Celestia.” They stared into one another. “It’s a good thing you’re so beautiful underneath.”

Celestia leaned in closer. Twilight wasn’t about to take this, it had to be given to her. It had to be free: free of pity, free of remorse or duty and freely desired. Her princess had to come to her own realization.

The lips came ever closer and they shared a kiss.

Celestia’s heart shone.

* * *

“Wahaha!” Rarity squealed.


“Well would ya look at that.” Applejack sniffled, holding onto Pinkie. The party pony had hoped this scheme would work, and it had more than she ever thought possible. “Our little girl is growing up.”

“Shh.” Fluttershy’s whispered pleas were going ignored.

“Te he he,” Rainbow dash giggled. She received some questioning looks, her ears turning red. “... what?”

“We are proud of our sister!” Luna’s royal Canterlot voice boomed into a quiet Spike’s ears.

“SHHHHHH,” Fluttershy’s control flooded over. “Can’t you see those two ponies are having a special moment?!” Her outburst caught everypony’s attention, including a blushing Twilight and Celestia. “Oh. Um I... Darn.”

“I think it is time we entered,” Luna observed. “All of us.” The little ponies followed their Princess inside.

The couple ignored their friends, instead dancing and holding one another. Twilight looked to be on fire with joy, and Celestia’s eyes were watering. In their own little world they continued to move and sway with the music long after it stopped. After what was both forever and no time at all they let themselves separate.

“Please excuse us.” Luna bowed. “But we couldn’t help but notice you are in need of the magic of friendship.” She smirked, having said something she thought was funny but the insinuation of which was lost in the moment.

* * *

It was a night full of memories, joy and laughter. Rainbow taught Luna how to dance to the newest music craze, while the Princess taught some of the darker dances from ancient times. The two were more similar than anypony expected. Pinkie meanwhile was stacking muffins on her nose until Applejack challenged her to a contest that left the apple fritters decimated. The noble sisters shared a ‘classic royal dance’, though in their play and exuberance it didn’t look royal at all.

Twilight gave in to temptation and patted Celestia’s flank when she wasn’t looking. There was a nothing on the ceiling that caught Twilight’s attention immediately afterwards. The Princess took revenge by whispering a few choice provocative words, something about waiting and tearing. Twilight thanked her stars that Rarity didn’t hear, but the unicorn was much too busy telling Applejack about how she ‘knew all along’. AJ, for her part, listened, content to be a part of the festivities.

“Um. Twilight.” A quick tug on her dress drew her attention to a little purple dragon looking up at her. “Can you meet me in the garden?” Spike ran outside with purpose before she could make hide or tail of him.

“Please excuse me Princess,” Twilight asked of Luna, who had been telling her and Pinkie about old Canterlot recipes.

Her faithful assistant was rocking back and forth, waiting for her underneath the gazebo.

“What is it?" she asked. "Spike?”’

Spike looked at her. She was glowing with joy on this, the happiest night of her life, and a grin held to her face like the world would be kind forever. It made him feel all the more guilty for what he was about to say.

“I shouldn’t be asking this Twilight. It may be me just being greedy Dragon Spike, but-” He grabbed onto her foreleg and held on for dear life. “Please don’t leave Ponyville Twilight! Please. You have the library there, and all your books, and and your friends and they- we love you and I don’t know what I’d do all on my own and I can’t- I can’t...” Spike sobbed into her dress, somehow she still smiled.

“It’s okay Spike.” Twilight returned his hug. “Things change, and sometimes there are really big changes that are wonderful and terrible at the same time, but as far as Ponyville goes, I’m not going anywhere. Once these two weeks are over I’ll be back. After all,” She laughed, “Canterlot isn’t that far away and I am absolutely certain Celestia and I will work something out.”

The dragon’s fears were comforted, though his eyes remained puffy. “Y-you promise?”

“I promise.” Twilight made Pinkie’s ‘cupcake in her eye’ gesture and tried not to laugh. “After all, I’d be lost without my number one assistant!”

Spike sniffled, but regained his usual composure. “What would you do without me?” he proclaimed with only a little false bravado.

“Come on, I bet Rarity would like a dance.” She made to take him by the hand and lead him back inside but they were stopped by a large white pony in a lavender gown.

“Go on Spike,” Celestia requested. “Twilight and I need to talk.“ Spike’s eyes widened in surprise, but he did as asked. “So...”

“Are we together?” Twilight asked, meeting Celestia’s eyes with hope. Her blunt side was always three steps ahead.

“I desire that, yes, but there are things you must know.” Celestia walked to her friend’s side and stood beside her.

Twilight took shelter under her princess’s wing. “I may know more than you think.”

“You always do.” Celestia nodded, smiling at Twilight’s observation. Though the Princess’s joy remained, her age weighed on her expression and she sighed, giving her gaze to the night sky. “There weren’t stars when Luna began the night,” she said cryptically.

Any other pony would exclaim surprise or disbelief, but Twilight Sparkle nodded, receiving her lesson.

“Luna keeps her memories in them, each star a pony she once knew.” A chill breeze forces the couple together, for warmth they tell themselves, but warmth of what kind? ”One by one, the ponies passed and the sky filled. As the night overflowed with light she made the new stars dimmer and dimmer, so that today most you cannot see on your own, but each she remembers and knows intimately. Look at the stars Twilight.” Twilight did as asked and suddenly felt very small, yet protected by the warmth beside her.

“You would be a single star among millions in my life and one day-” Celestia stuttered, trying to not be overwhelmed by the idea. “One day I will not remember you, though I love you, one day you will be but a passing star in the night sky.” As if for her life, her wing held on to Twilight.

Twilight’s mind analyzed, passing over the admission of love to be filed away for later happiness. “I will still know you and care for you all of my life.” She embraced Celestia closely. “Every day of it. As much as Starswirl loved magic.”

Celestia’s suspicions raised concerning what her sister had let slip of their plans, and the possibility... No, Celestia wouldn’t let her thoughts go down that road. Though Twilight was an amazing student, that was still no guarantee she would figure it out. If the time came.

“What do you know of Starswirl?” Celestia inquired,

Twilight’s ears perked, happy to change conversation to something more steeped in learning possibilities. “That he devoted so much of his life to magic his contributions to magical theory number more than any other pony.”

Relieved that Twilight knew nothing of her and her sister’s plans, Celestia took the ‘let’s learn!’ direction of the conversation and carried it further. While the two became lost in magical theory they sat a little closer together, their tails unconsciously pressing against one another and sharing play. If anypony were to stumble upon them they would be privy to the great lost secrets of Equestria, yet would have no idea what those secrets were and be lost themselves in a cacophony of jargon. To Twilight it was the most romantic moment of her life.

Eventually the conversation trailed to a stop, leaving them without dialogue or communication but with the most important thing, company. Tears came again to Twilight as she realized her great luck. “I love you Celestia,” she whispered. “It’s very selfish of me to ask you to care for me back.” She held her princess tight. “I’ll have my whole life, but you... I’m sorry Celestia.”

A gentle nuzzle from Celestia comforted her. “I was thinking the same thing, dear Twilight. I’m sorry you won’t be here to share it with me, but I will be happy while you are here for me.”

Celestia giggled in a soft song. “Twilight Sparkle. I want to spend my evenings gazing at the stars with you. I want to learn all of magic with you. I want to make you laugh, make you happy. I want to spend quiet days just sipping tea across from you.” Twilight blushed head to hoof, having heard her own speech said back to her. “Will you be my special somepony?”

“Yes, Tia.”

* * *

Though the party lasted late into the evening, all good things must come to an end. At midnight Celestia and Twilight bid farewell to the others and made the fateful walk to rest. The alicorn stopped outside her bedroom.

“Twilight, I want to savor this.” Celestia’s companion nodded and they sat beside one another in comfortable silence, gazing at the stars.

“Everfree,” Celestia said.

“What’s that Tia?”

Celestia blushed red, much more than she should have at just a nickname, but a wonderful joy built within her when Twilight said it. “My last name. Is Everfree.” Her heart went pitter pat, thumping with delight as Twilight leaned on her. It was such a little gesture, but one that meant so much to her that she again fought back tears.

The last few days played through her mind: returning to Canterlot, Twilight by her side, constant tests of will, the argument with her sister, the court and Chrysalis.


Something dawned on Celestia. “She was talking to you,” Celestia said. She would brave the Gates of Tartarus for you. “You asked her to tell the secret... Chrysalis was talking to you about what I would do for you. She had known that I would brave the gates of Tartarus for you Twilight.” The ‘evil’ queen had given her a true gift, though badly wrapped.

Twilight giggled sleepily. “I’m glad.” The young pony was falling asleep on her hooves and in her dreamy state it made perfect sense for a yellow aura to surround her, carry her to bed and tuck her in with care. Celestia had to wonder if the pony had had a full night’s sleep in a long time. She would let her rest this night. Of course, Celestia didn’t want her to be cold, no that just wouldn’t do! Maybe just a wing, she told herself, scooting closer to her Twilight.

* * *

Dear Rarity,

Rarity was startled by the fact that she could read the tea bag she had been dunking in her morning coffee. It was surprising to her to discover it was actually a scroll and then humiliating for her to remember teabags weren’t to be dunked in coffee. She proceeded to unroll the scroll with all the care of a house fire. The train ride back from Canterlot had been delayed for the better part of an hour meaning she had gotten zero sleep and there was always work to do.

Generosity is an easy word to throw around. Being generous with your time is limited to giving a pony your company, a generous gift is any gift at all, and taking time to help somepony else is considered generous. A bit less so when it’s a duty.

Last night, you, all of you, went out of your way to try and give me some happiness and... it worked. I’m having a hard time using magic, a hard time writing, a hard time putting together words and my hooves are shaking. I’m just so happy. You. Every last one of you... you mean the world to me.

My most moving lesson in friendship so far is this: Generosity is friendship. Go out of your way to make your friends smile, to give them gifts, to listen to them, to give them your heart, and to be there for them.

I cannot thank you and the other girls (and Spike!) enough for last night. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

With all my love,

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Please share this letter with the others.

Some stupid coffee still stained the parchment. It kept falling, despite Rarity’s best efforts, one salty drop at a time.

* * *

It was warm.

Twilight had again awoken to be covered in feathers, but this time they were accompanied by limbs, hair, and was that Tia’s heartbeat right on her ear? She melted into the heat of the morning sunlight. Sunlight means Celestia got up, raised the sun, and came back into bed to cuddle, she reasoned. That or Luna is pulling double duty again. Either way, Twilight grinned like a fool.

The day had only just begun, but her trial was over and in the best possible way. Celestia was finally her princess proper. Not a lost friend, apathetic ruler, or strict mentor, but a pony she held close to her. Again and again she nuzzled her companion and it didn’t matter where, just that she was welcome to. It felt much better than a pillow.

“Twilight.” Her cuddle buddy was awake. Quick, she told herself. Think of something clever to say!

“Mmmmmrrrrnnrnnn.” Her greeting was slurred into her companion’s neck. Not exactly clever, but it got the point across. She hoped.

Celestia’s chest tickled her with a giggle .“Good morning to you too.”

The morning light made her ears burn, at least, that’s the reason she told herself she was blushing. “Do you think,” she asked, meeting Celestia’s eyes, “Would it be too far for me to want to... um...” The reality of just how close together they were sunk in to Twilight. She whispered her request into Tia’s ear and blushed fiercely when her princess nodded.

Celestia unfurled a wing and Twilight was given her first lesson on how to preen.

* * *

The week after came and went with a lot and not a lot happening at once. Twilight was introduced to the court as the ‘Confidant to the Sun’ and while normally there would be an official Ceremony, Luna told the two to wait.The Princess was hiding something, but Twilight was content to let it go for the moment. She owed Luna that much. The Night Princess had given up a great deal of her own time to take on some of Celestia’s duties so that the new couple might have time to visit one another.

Of course the pony folk saw the revelation as nothing new and the court saw the world ending. ‘The sun doesn’t take consort’ came the cries from the pulpit. ‘Celestia is not just some mare.’ ‘She’ll be giving this mare favor over us.’ ‘Two mares don’t belong together.’ Celestia was wondering why Luna had let the last group in, as they were normally too disruptive, but their statement raised more than a few eyebrows. It caused many to question their own fears, given that the particular issue had been settled for hundreds of years.

* * *

Upon her return home Twilight snuck in to Ponyville to allow herself to unpack in peace. Pinkie would insist on an immediate party and that would keep her from having things organized for much too long. Out of her saddlebag came some scrolls, a few books, borrowed with permission from Luna, Rarity’s ‘Celestia’ dress, and she took the most care unpacking a burned wooden box. She allowed herself to indulge in her memories for a little. Inside it each assortment met her and she fondly compared the past to the present. A pleasant notion came over her and she hoofed through her journal and looked for a certain page.

“Ah!” There it was: an old checklist.

Learn how to teleport: Check

Find out what’s in the donuts Joe sells: Check

Get Spike to wake up on time: Check. Uncheck. Check. Work in progress.

Make parents proud: Check and Star

Learn everything about magic: Never check this!

Get brother out of the house: Check

Get over Princess:

That was the end of the list, as far as Twilight knew, but the last entry had been crossed out and replaced with a message from Celestia.

‘Never let yourself down’

Twilight smiled. She never would. Her thoughts turned to the secret she had yet to spring on her marefriend and she had just the lesson to tie things together. Quill at the ready and parchment in hoof she set to writing.

Dear Spike,

“Twilight!” The young dragon tripped over his feet getting to her, dropping the cakes he was carrying with reckless abandon. “You’re back! Why didn’t you tell anypony?”

“Spike, take a letter,” she responded.

There was silence as his face dropped. “Really? No, ‘hey Spike, what’s up?’ Or ‘how have you been Spike?’ I have a life too ya know.”

Twilight giggled and set her own quill to parchment, floating a set to her assistant “Trust me on this one.” Spike shrugged, taking up quill and paper as always.

“Dear Spike,” The young dragon was confused, but continued. “In the last few days I’ve learned many valuable lessons on friendship. I think this is the most important lesson I could learn. Where you are doesn’t make your home and while four walls and a roof are necessary, spending time with good friends, laughing, smiling, thinking, and doing what you love is what makes where you are a home. It’s very important, did you get that Spike? Im-por-tant to be with the ones you care for, especially when choosing those who live with you. Your Faithful Companion, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight finished her copy with a flourish, giving hers to Spike and taking his. “What do you think, Spike?”

There was no response, then a shrug as he tried to dismiss the emotions of the letter he clutched to. “It’s all mushy stuff.”

Twilight smirked. “Whatever you say, my faithful assistant, it’s your letter.”

“I know,” despite his resistance his eyes watered. “There’s one thing I don’t get though. Aren’t you supposed to write these letters to Princess Celestia?”

“Very observant my number one assistant.” She gestured to the pile of scrolls before her. “Which is why I’m going to go upstairs and send her my copies right away. In the interim can I ask you to tell the others I’m back?”

“Inter- wha?”

“Get our friends, Spike.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Right away!” He saluted and set to his task.

Watching him as he left the library was the reminder she needed of home. Canterlot had a welcome home waiting for her, both at the palace and with her parents, but so was here. This was their home, and Celestia’s, Fluttershy’s, Rarity’s, Applejack’s, and Rainbow’s home too. A big important laugh lifted her heart while she climbed to her bedroom, scrolls in tow.

“Twenty-eight minutes,” a voice from her bedroom told her.

“To get here or you were waiting?” Twilight asked her princess who lay casually across her bed.

Celestia laughed, “To get here, and I could use the exercise. Being Princess has it’s lazy disadvantages.”

“Tea?” Twilight asked into a welcoming nuzzle.

“Yes, please,” her princess whispered.

“Dear Princess Celestia- Tia,” Twilight started. Understanding, Celestia lay at attention, tongue literally in cheek and a smile on her face while Twilight prepared a kettle of water. “Before my stay in Canterlot you asked me to continue writing my letters of friendship and despite the flurry that met us when we collided, I did. Every time I learned a lesson in friendship I wrote a pony close to me, but I also made a hoofwritten copy so that I might be able to surprise you with everything I learned by the end of my stay. While the time didn’t end as I expected, there are six letters in total for you to read at your leisure.” Parchment floated softly to Celestia’s hooves. ”Enclosed is what I have learned. Your Dearest Friend, Twilight Sparkle.”

The Princess was happy, surprised, and eager. “Read them to me,” she commanded.

“No.” Twilight stuck her tongue out at princess fluffybutt and offered the ruffled alicorn a cup of tea.

“Let me try that again,” Celestia inhaled the tea’s scent, a sweet chamomile. “Please read them with me?”


The Sun and the Twilight lay together, and amidst affectionate tugs and nuzzles, shared their memories. “Dear Applejack...”

* * *

Memories, so many warm and happy memories came flooding back to her.

How many years had it been? A thousand? Two? It was too many for Celestia to count. Removing the enchanted ring, the glint of a ruby crystal caught her attention. Clever Twilight. Clever, adorkable Twilight. With this she could relive those memories, free from the burden of time and the forgetfulness of forever. She cried: the happiest sad she had ever been. She would never forget how she had fallen in love.

Do lavender wings come to comfort her in an embrace? Does a test passed and new magic made grant an immortal life? Is hard work and study enough to change or are we stuck in the caste we are born to?

Is the world so perfect?

“I love you Twilight.”

Author's Notes:

And that's the end!

Thanks all for reading my fic, I hope you enjoyed it.

All said and done, I'm still looking for editors for the next submission! I'd like to improve my pacing, plot points, jokes, setting... everything really. I want to be a better writer. I am willing to exchange making illustrations in any of the styles present in this fic for editing services.

* * * Special thanks * * *

I'll update this with specific names when I have time, but my heart goes out to all the people who helped make this fic what it is. Thanks for your help!

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