
Dashie & Me

by Emerald Flight

Chapter 5: Chapter Eleven - Accident

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Chapter Eleven - Accident

The news came late on Wednesday afternoon. A winged guard of Celestia's came to my door, holding an official red scroll. I had already been worried up to then, because Dashie hadn't come home at three like she usually does after her shift.

     My third-to-worse suspicion had been confirmed: Dashie was at the hospital where I was while my wing was broken. At least she wasn't killed or kidnapped.

     I read the letter on the doorstep, then without a word dropped the document and flew off in the direction of the hospital. I was not yet an accomplished flier, but I flew as fast as my wings could handle. It was pretty frickin' fast.

     It felt like hours before I arrived at the hospital, but when I saw the clock, it had only been twelve minutes. I rushed to the front desk, tripping a bit.

     "Looking for Rainbow Dash?" I said, franticness apparent in my voice.

     "She's in room 28, but... what relationship are you with her?"

     "I'm her father."

     "Oh, okay then, go on in."

     I followed her direction, but I was a bit confused about not having to fill out forms or confirm my relationship or something. I guess security was relaxed in this situation; after all, what reason would I have to lie?

     I calmed myself down as much as I could before entering the room. I unruffled my feathers and smoothed down my mane. I knew it was important to keep a victim calm.

     I entered the room slowly, unsure of what to expect. I hadn't fully read the letter. What I saw forced tears into my eyes. Dashie was in traction, both her right legs suspended by wires. Her entire midsection was wrapped in that cast stuff. I could barely see her anymore.

    I rushed to her bedside, totally ignoring the nine other ponies (and one dragon) there. "Dashie?" I manages to say, still almost about to cry. "Can you - can you hear me?"

    I almost died when I heard her speak. "D..." A cough. "Daddy?" I laughed, tears streaming freely down my cheeks. I bent over her, crying - with happiness that she was alive, and with sadness that she was in such a state.

    "What - what happened?" I turned to the others. They were silent. "Was anyone - anyone there when it happened?" I asked pleadingly.

    Rarity looked up at me. I noticed for the first time she was bruised. "Well, Rainbow Dash was doing a - a cloud-clearing job, when - when there was another Pegasus that came from her right, and - and they crashed -" a small sob - "crashed into the ground in front of me!" She began to lean forwards, sobbing freely now. Applejack and Twilight were able to hold their friend up.

    The doctor walked in around them, his assistant following. [Author's note: see what I did there?] I turned my head to them, questions spilling from my mouth like quicksilver. "Is she gonna be okay? What'll happen to her? Will she be handicapped?" I sobbed.

    The doctor turned to me. "By our assumptions, she should make a full recovery in four to six weeks." He shook his head. "But I can't say the same for the other pony involved."

    Rarity gasped, and Fluttershy began to cry, leaving the room quietly. The Cutie Mark Crusaders left, following Fluttershy. I couldn't comprehend this now: I had to ask, to make sure.

    "What happened to the - the other Pegasus?"

    The doctor remained relatively calm. "Dead on arrival."

    The ponies behind me gasped and I heard lots of faint crying. I'd seen it happen before: I wasn't as shocked. I was a small bit, though: I had been under the impression that everything was all nice and dandy in Equstria. I was wrong.

    I asked the doctor whether I could see the body. I felt a huge knot in my stomach out of hope that it wasn't Ditzy Doo.

    He led me into a white and green tiled room, and there in the middle of the room was a stretcher covered with a white cloth. He pulled the white cloth down, and I tried very hard to keep a solemn face. It wasn't anypony I knew.

    "Thank you, doctor."

    There was a small funeral for the blue Pegasus the following Sunday. I didn't feel obligated to attend, but I did, if only to pay my respects. I was surprised to see Daisy there, along with Sherbet.

    "Was it anypony you knew?" I asked Daisy.

    "My uncle," she replied, stoically. "I didn't know him well, though."

    Sherbet walked up behind me. "Family friend," she said. She wasn't emotional, and neither was Daisy. I didn't know what to say. Next Chapter: Chapter Twelve - Support Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour

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