
Dashie & Me

by Emerald Flight

Chapter 14: Chapter Twenty - Plans

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Chapter Twenty - Plans

Today, I'm gonna start out with a little good news and move on to the great news. Ok, so, today I got called in for an interview for being a weather-pony, and everything went fantastically. At the end of it, the Pegasus across from me got up, and shook my hoof. I would start on Monday!!

    I rushed back home to tell Dashie the good news. When I opened the door, I heard movement from her room, so I flew cheerfully up the stairs. I looked into her room, and my jaw just dropped. There, sitting on Dashie's bed with her, was Ditzy, and both were smiling. I shook my head a bit in disbelief.

    "Yo, uh, Dash- Ditzy? Wh-" I stammered.

    Dashie interrupted, giggling. "Ditzy came over to talk to you, and..."

    "Dash was the only one here," Ditzy finished.

    I nodded, still pretty unsure about what was going on. "So, um... you guys are... friends now?"

    "We sort of made up after talking a while," Dashie said.

    "Wait a second." I looked out the window. "It's, like, four! How did I get home so late?" I looked back at the pair, still relaxing on Dashie's bed. "And how did that happen in an hour?"

    "I guess we just like each other," Ditzy replied, and she and Dashie giggled.

    I groaned. What, now they have inside jokes?

    Then something hit me. I looked across at the two, facing each other and laughing in front the sunlight from the window, and I saw family. I didn't see two individual ponies anymore. I saw family.

    I walked over to them and hugged them, both, for a few seconds. Then I collapsed onto the bed. I started laughing. "What am I gonnna do with you two?" I said, and they started laughing, too. We all fell backwards on the bed together, and that was the first time in so many years that I felt... like I had a family.

    Then, we heard a knock on the door. I got up slowly, not really wanting to leave. I skipped down the stairs, still laughing a bit.

    I pulled open the door, and Fluttershy was floating in front of me. "Oh, hi, Fluttershy!" I said, still a but out-of-breath. "I haven't seen you in two weeks or so..."

    "Um - hello, Mr. Star," she said characteristically shyly. "I'm just here to, um, pick up Rainbow Dash."

    "Oh really?" I said, turning my head. Dashie had followed me down the stairs. "Where are you guys going?" I turned to Fluttershy again.

    "Everybody's going to Pinkie Pie's today," she replied. "It's her sister's birthday." She glanced up at me. "If you want to come, you can..."

    I smiled. "Thanks, Fluttershy, but I have something to do today." Dashie brightened, and flew over to the door. "Don't die, Dashie," I joked.

    "Yeah, got it, Dad," she grinned back at me. They flew away, and Dashie turned back. "Love you, bye!"

    "Love you too!" I shouted back. I don't know whether she heard me.

    I didn't hear Ditzy come up behind me. She sighed. "I can't believe I'll be a mom in a month." She leaned her head on my neck. "I've always wanted to be a mom."

    I leaned back. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked.

    "Yeah," she replied, pulling away slowly. "I wanted to plan the wedding a little today."

    She walked into the living room, and I followed. We sat down on the cloud couch. "I already figured out the living space," she said, "and I think I would rather live here than in that huge house with three people. Plus," she added, "I don't want to tear Dashie away from the house she's lived in her whole life."

    "That's thoughtful," I said, moving in closer. "But you really don't have to."

    "I want to," she said, smiling, "because not only will the extra money from selling the house fund the wedding, it'll over-fund it. We can have the best wedding ever." I smiled. That's what I wanted.

    "What's that?" I queried, motioning to a folder under her wing.

    "That's for later," she said, kissing my cheek. "For now, i want to figure out our wedding plan."

    I was still ecstatic, 'cause, you know, I was actually ABOUT TO MARRY DITZY DOO. My heart was fluttering. Her actually talking about the marriage made it more real than ever.

    "I think whatever you want is best," I said. I really did want her to be happy; after all, it would be her special day. (Mine too, but to a lesser extent.)

    "I've always dreamed of having a wedding with everypony I know," she said dreamily. She looked back at me, her eyes rolling dramatically. "Can we do that?"

    "Only if I can invite everypony I know, too," I replied, smiling widely. She laughed.

    "Of course," she replied, "it'll be the biggest wedding in Equestria!"

    We laughed at the same time. We knew neither of us knew many other ponies. She quieted down first, though. "Can I ask you a question?" she asked, looking up at me.

    "Only if I can ask you a question," I responded.

    "What did you look like before you were a pony?" she asked.

    I thought. Would this violate Princess Celestia's orders? Naah. "Well, I was tall and pinkish," I began. She leaned in closer to me, like I was telling a scary story. "I was about two times as tall as I am now, and I walked on two legs."

    "Always?" She seemed surprised.

    "Yeah," I responded. "I only had fur on the top of my head, and it was a dark brown," I continued, "and instead of flat hooves, I had long tubes on the end of my front legs called fingers." She gasped. (Why??) "On the back legs, on which I walked, there were lots of little fingers called toes that helped me keep my balance. Plus, my nose was squished onto my face and I had fleshy things around my mouth called lips."

    "What else?" she asked.

    Should I? No, I shouldn't. "Nothing else."

    We were now sort of snuggling on the couch, pressed into each other. "My turn!" I said, interrupting the brief silence. "How..." I started, "did your eyes get like that?"

    "Oh, that?" I heard her say. "I fell off the roof when I was two, and landed on my face. My nose didn't break or anything, but my eyes have a tendency to cross and uncross now randomly."

    "I'm glad it's not a more touchy subject, because that question was killing me."

    Dashie got home around ten, and by then Ditzy had left. I had a sandwich out on the counter for her, but I was sound asleep on the couch. I guess she just went upstairs and fell asleep, because the sandwich was still in the counter when I got up in the morning. Next Chapter: Chapter Twenty-One - Broken Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes

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