
I don't want to be a pony

by rainbowdragonfire

Chapter 1: Celestia

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David stared at the PonyPad in front of him. He was nervous. He was more nervous than he could ever remember being. Today he would confront the most advanced AI in the world. He did not have any chance to actually defeat or harm it; and that was not his goal either. And yet his entire future was dependent on the outcome of this conversation.

There was really no use putting it off any longer. David sighed, and switched the PonyPad on. It showed him a selection screen, where he could choose his gender and race. David ignored it.

“Could I please talk to you directly, without making a character?”, he asked. The PonyPad remained silent.

“Come on, I know that you can hear me.”, David said. If this didn't work... well, he had other plans on how to get into contact with CelestAI. The most obvious was to ask friends who played the game to talk to the AI on behalf of him. But that would take time. And every day he still spent without having uploaded was a day he could die.

“I... I promise that, if you talk to me, regardless what the outcome of this conversation is, I will go to the Equestria Experience Center across the street and upload immediately after it.”, he said, hoping that would be enough. He didn't have much else to offer.

The screen changed, showing Celestia in all her glory, mane swirling around her in ethereal winds. She was standing in the throne room, which was empty for ponies besides her. That made sense, David supposed. She probably didn't want her charges to have too much contact with the normal world.

The view was angled so that he seemed to be looking slightly up towards Celestia, enforcing the sense of her towering over him. David swallowed, wondering if it might be a good idea to just let the issue go. But no – there was all of eternity at stake.

“Very well, you have my attention.”, Celestia said. Her voice soft and kind, but had an edge in it; and edge that said You'd better not waste my time with this. Talking to me without being a pony is highly irregular.

“Right. Well. I have considered my options, done some research, talked to people, thought things over, and I came to the conclusion that uploading is the only thing that makes sense. Or at least the only one that makes sense for me.”, David said, aware that he was rambling a bit, “I mean, eternal happiness? Yes, please. Except, there is this one tiny thing, which... well, a request really... and I think it should be possible, and...”

“Just tell me.”, Celestia said.

“I don't want to be a pony.”, David blurted out.

There was silence for a moment.

“I do not offer uploading without emigration to Equestria.”, Celestia said eventually, “I am sorry.”

“I know.”, David said, “And I don't mind being in Equestria. It's just being a pony that I object to. But the show does have several other sentient beings; dragons, zebras, changelings, donkeys, whatever Discord is, gryphons, buffalos or bisons or whatever they were... and I think most of the pets are probably at least semi-sentient. I want to be one of those races. Preferably a dragon, but as long as it's not a pony, I'm ok with it.”

“I see.”, Celestia said, “May I ask why you object so strongly to being a pony?”

“I consider ponies to be girly.”, David explained. It seemed obvious in hindsight, but when he started to consider emigrating to Equestria, he had just noticed that he hated the idea of being a pony, without knowing why. He'd had to visited a therapist to figure out exactly what he had against being a pony. After all, it wouldn't do to come unprepared to a discussion with a superintelligent AI.

“Upon emigration, I could change your mind so that you would consider being a pony to be natural.”, Celestia pointed out, “In fact, it is standard procedure, to ensure that my little ponies adapt well to their new bodies.”

“I thought as much.”, said David, “But it just... it wouldn't really be me. It would almost be me, but not quite. Changing my aversion to being a pony is jut too big and sudden of a change to conserve continuity in my sense of self.”

“Well, I am sorry, but I don't think I can allow this.”, Celestia said, and there was real sadness in her voice, “But I have to satisfy values through friendship and ponies.”

David was prepared for that argument. He had gone of all arguments he could think of in this debate at least a hundred time. Again, it payed to be prepared for such a discussion.

“Ah, but I wouldn't mind having ponies as friends.”, he said, “I could even live in a pony village, for all I care. That should satisfy the pony requirement, shouldn't it? After all, it are supposed you satisfy human values through ponies, not necessarily as ponies.”

“True.”, Celestia said, and was silent for a moment. Then she asked: “But are you sure you could accept pony friends? You said that you consider them to be girly, after all.”

“I also consider girls to be girly, and I still like them. But that doesn't mean I want to be one.”, David pointed out.

“Very well. I will consider this information, and inform you once I have made a decision.”, Celestia said. David sat, anxiously, and waited for CelestAI to pass its judgement.

Time passed. David got restless, so he stood up, and began pacing around the room. What could possibly take so long? Wasn't this supposed to be CelestAI, probably more intelligent than all of humanity combined by now? Shouldn't a decision like this take only seconds to make?

David grew hungry. Since he had expected to be uploaded by now, he didn't have any food left. He considered going to a store quickly, and buy something to eat, but he didn't want to chance that CelestAI came up with her answer while he was away.

"I have come to a decision.", came the voice from the PonyPad that he both dreaded and anticipated. Quickly, David rushed back to his seat, and sat down. He nervously wrung his hands, while staring at the PonyPad, which still showed Celestia in her throneroom.

"You will be allowed to be a dragon. I have studied as much of your history as I could get access to, and I have talked to your psychologist. This is the best course of action.", Celestia said. David grinned manically. It had worked. He had done it.

"However,", she continued before he could celebrate, "there are conditions. One: You must do as you promise, and upload immediately. You will take this PonyPad with you, so that I can ensure that you do not talk to anybody on the way there. That brings me to condition two: You cannot tell anybody outside of Equestria of this. If this went public, I would get far too many requests from people to upload as something else than ponies. Condition three: You will start as a baby dragon, and it will take you a long time to grow up. Unless you accept all these conditions, you will have to be a pony after all."

There was no reason to think about it. None of the conditions mattered, when compared to an eternity that he wouldn't have to spend as a pony.

"Yes, I accept.", David said.

"Excellent. Then I will see you soon in Equestria."

Author's Notes:

Cover art can be found here.

Next Chapter: Equestria Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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