
A Guardsman in Equestria

by Guardsman_Sparky

Chapter 29: Announcment

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Guardsman Sparky here! I would like to apologize for the long unannounced hiatus, but school was harder than I thought it would be, followed by all sorts of shit that left me unable to actually get onto my account here until recently due to the fact that I no longer have the email account my account here is linked to, and I got a new computer that didn't have the password recorded. Also, I may have lost my notes on my planned story...so yeah. At any rate, expect updates to begin again come May/June. Guardsman Sparky, out!

Announcement - Still Alive

Hello my little bronies! Yes, I am still alive (insert Portal song here). I do sincerely apologize for disappearing, but, life, you know? Also...college has been taking a bit longer than anticipated. That said, I do hope to continue this story at some point, but any updates are unlikely to come before graduation (It took seven years, but by Celestia I am finally graduating.)

Love you all, and thanks for your patience.

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