
Shadows of Giants

by kaiju and pony fan

Chapter 7: Spending Time with Ponies

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Kenji could not believe this was happening. He had just found out a few minutes Fluttershy was really a pony from an alternate dimension where unicorns, alicorns (or alcorns, alicons whatever Twilight called them), pegasi, talking horses (which Rainbow Dash kept referring to as earth ponies) and all sorts of "mythical" creatures such as dragons replaced humans as the dominant species . Although he really couldn't rule out dragons. King Ghidorah and Manda were dragons in and of themselves and there were some Kaiju that could be deemed "mystical" like Mothra, Battra and King Seesar but giant bears made of stars? Shapeshifting bug ponies? "Breezies"? Those he had a hard time getting his head wrapped around. Right now, he was sitting in the dining room with Fluttershy next to him as well as Spike (whom he named Shinji), Twilight (Tatsuki), Shining (Satsuko), Rarity (Rara), Rainbow (Rei), Pinkie (Pinku) and Applejack (Apapa). It was very awkward getting to this point.

For starters, Kenji had to tell Twilight, Shining, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie to take their shoes off before they entered the house. Well, except for Rarity because she already had her heels in her hand and didn't need to take them off. Then he had to teach them on the spot about assuming the seiza position at the dinner table and after that he had to teach them how to eat with chopsticks. Now, he was listening to his mother conversing with Twilight.

"So, Tatsuki," Aki said, "how long do you intend to stay?"

"Six weeks, give or take." Twilight answered.

"Where do you intend to stay for the time being?"

"That depends, got any guestrooms?"

"Not really, but, I could have my kids make room."

Aki gave her Kenji, Asuka and Kimiko a sly glance off the corner of her eye.

Asuka and Kimiko's eyes popped open.

Asuka went first, "Yeah, about that, Mom, my room's kinda small and it really, really wouldn't help if it was more cramped than it already is."

Kimiko spoke up next, "And my room's a pigsty. I mean, have you seen it recently? There's so much stuff on the floor I can barely see the carpet! Kenji on the other hand..."

Kimiko and Asuka turned their attention to their brother.

"Really? You're actually doing this to me?"

Kimiko shrugged, "Why not, your room has plenty of space for you and your new girlfriend, I'm sure it can accommodate a few more."

Kenji groaned, "Is this just long-planned payback for something I did in the past?"

"No, we're being serious here, our rooms suck." Asuka answered.

Kenji groaned at this before recomposing himself.

Well, it's only going to be six weeks, it can't be that bad. he thought

Kenji was laying on the floor, his bed taken over by Twilight and Spike. Kenji was in his Totoro sleeping bag with Fluttershy tucked in next to him and Ami curled up on top of it, his eyes were wide open. Shining Armor lay on Fluttershy's upper right side, wearing a simple white shirt that exposed his refined, muscular arms and a pair of dark blue sweatpants, his legs just barely covered by a thin blanket. It was his snoring that kept him up. In front of him, wrapped up in a blanket, was Rarity who wore a rather glamorous white and purple nightgown decorated with intricate swirling and diamond-shaped patterns. She wore an indigo sleeping mask while she murmured in her sleep. Applejack slept just next to her wearing an orange tank top and red shorts, her hair was undone and her stetson tipped over her head. She was reclining next to his closet door with her hands tucked behind her head and her legs crossed over each other. Rainbow Dash did something similar, leaning against the side of his futon. She wore a blue t-shirt with a cloud shooting out a red, blue and yellow colored lightning bolt and a pair of rainbow-colored capri-pants. Finally, there was Pinkie Pie who was sleeping just to his left. The girl was wearing a bright yellow t-shirt decorated with blue and pink balloons and pink pajama pants, her blanket covering her right leg while her left was exposed. Like Rarity, Pinkie was saying something in her sleep.

Kenji silently groaned to himself before urging his body to fall asleep. He knew it was going to be a long six weeks ahead but he was going to make it through. However, just as he closed his eyes, he heard Pinkie mutter something about cupcakes before she turned over and placed her hand over his face.

Day 1

Kenji groaned as he walked towards the bathroom, his brown and green bathrobe covering his body, towel draped over his back and back scrubber in hand. However, the very moment he opened the door...

"Can't a lady get some privacy around here!?" Rarity shouted, lowering herself deeper into the tub that was now full of lavender scented soap-laden hot water. Kenji quickly shut the door behind him and blushed.

He then noticed Twilight walk by, still wearing her blue, constellation-decorated pajamas. "Hey, Twilight?"


"How long does Rarity usually take a bath?"

"Oh, I'd say, an hour. She wants to make sure she's as clean as she can be."

"Thanks, just wanted to know."

As soon as Twilight was out of sight, Kenji planted his open palm to his forehead.

Day 3

Kenji, Asuka, Kimiko, Haruko, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight all sat around the living room, the room dark with the TV being the only source of light. They were currently sharing a bowl of popcorn while a giant monster movie unfolded in front of them. Just then Twilight spoke up for what had to be the twentieth time.

"So, all of this is supposed to be men in rubber suits smashing up cardboard cities?"

Kenji groaned as he responded, "Yes."

"Huh, that's some strange entertainment."

Kenji facepalmed.

Day 6

"What's this?" Pinkie Pie blurted out, pointing at one of Kenji's models on his shelf.

"That's a model of the Type-66 Maser cannon."

Pinkie pointed at a model vehicle that looked like a tadpole missing a tail. "This?"

"A model of the Super X."

The bouncy girl's finger hovered to the a sleeker looking model vehicle that had its front open to reveal what looked like a polygonal mirror.

"That thing?"

"Model of the Super X 2."

"This?" Pinkie asked about the large plane model.

"The Super X 3."

After telling her about his model vehicles, including the '74 model MechaGodzilla, the '93 model MechaGodzilla, the shuttle-like Garuda and the Osprey-like Raptor One, they finally came across something that truly caught Pinkie's eye.

"What's this thing?" she asked, picking it up to examine it.

"That," Kenji told her, taking it out of her hands, "Happens to be the Gotengo, first and only flying submarine built by Jacob Atragon."

"If it's a submarine, why does it have a drill?"

"So it could go underground."

"If that's the case, why would it need to fly?"

Kenji sighed and facepalmed.

Day 10

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth as she tried to open an apple-flavored ramune (and by that she was attempting to twist off the cap). Even though Kenji told her she had to press down on the marble to open it, she stubbornly refused to listen to him until she finally got it right and congratulated herself. Facepalm.

Day 12

Rarity kept Kenji out of the bathroom while she applied her makeup, despite his desperate need to relieve himself until he asked her if she could make an exception due to potty emergency to which she just replied, "Well, why didn't you just say so, Darling?" Facepalm.

Day 13

Kenji sat at the dinner table where his mother took note of the red mark on his forehead. "Honey? Are you coming down with something?"

"No, Mom. I'm not."

Just then Pinkie Pie poked her head next to Kenji. "Hey, Kenji, could you show me how to use these chopsticks?"

"I showed you how to use them three times, Pinku."

Pinkie blushed, "Yeah, I kinda spaced out those three times. Sorry."

Kenji groaned and facepalmed.

That night, Kenji found himself sleeping once again with Fluttershy in his Totoro bag and Ami curled up on top while Twilight and Spike curled up on his futon and Fluttershy's friends all scattered around his room. Only this time, Pinkie slept in a downward position and therefore had her bare foot pressed against his cheek. Well, at least it doesn't smell bad, it actually smells like cotton candy, he thought. Still didn't help the fact he had a cold foot against his skin. Fluttershy seemed to notice his discomfort and rolled over.

"I know they seem like a handful, but that's what friends are at first. Sometimes, they get on each others' nerves and sometimes they connect almost immediately. Give them time." she told him.

Kenji smiled before rolling over, Pinkie's foot now touching his hair. His eyes closed and his mind settled into the world of dreams. He had a big day tomorrow and he wasn't about to let this new series of events get the better of him.

A solitary giant squid patrolled the Marianas Trench. It was a female, seventy-five feet in length from mantle to her whip-like tentacles. Her large eyes, each roughly the size of dinner plates scanned the dark ocean depths for food as well as keeping a lookout for potential predators. Suddenly, the squid spotted movement from a crevasse to her side. She jetted away, letting loose a cloud of ink just before a tentacle three times her size could catch her. The tentacle's owner slithered out of the crevasse. It was a gigantic octopus covered in bioluminescent stripes. This creature, which was referred to by humans as an Oodako, was much larger than any recorded cephalopod on Earth, even able to climb onto dry land to hunt. However, this Oodako was unaware it was being hunted. It didn't notice the unusual rock pattern move behind it, nor did it notice the pair of glowing, fiery eyes. Suddenly, in a flash, the octopus's mantle was caught in a pair of jaws twice its size. The Oodako was thrashed around as the teeth sank deeper into its spongy flesh until the hunter's sword-like teeth pierced its heart, ending its life, ink spilled from its punctured sac and mixed with its blood.

Godzilla began to feast on his freshly caught prey. His body was covered in burns from fuel air bombs that only now were half-healed, despite his cellular regeneration. As he ate, Godzilla began to think about what attracted him and that spiny Kaiju. Whatever it was, its presence felt weak, almost non-existent. Before it felt nagging, almost calling to him in a way he couldn't resist. Right now, he needed time for his regenerative abilities to fully close up the burn wounds and wait for the calling again. And this time, absolutely nothing would stand in his way.

Author's Notes:

The next few chapters are going to be breather "episodes". Trust me though, we're gonna see PLENTY of Godzilla and his fellow city smashers of Toho. Also, sorry, this has been taking me so long, I'm currently taking a Creative Writing class so please bear with me.

Next Chapter: Bonding Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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