
Check The Pulse.

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 1: Redheart

"Welcome to St. Celestia's Hospital. I'll be taking care of you to the best of my ability. Which I am very proud to say is top notch." Friendly little wink to the child; hold for a laugh. "Now, I'm your nurse. So, you can call me nurse, nurse-y, old lady, or just call me Redheart. That's my last name. Alright? Just click that little button there anytime you need me." Now, switch to robot-voice. "It will call me to serve you." See the child laugh. Good sign. Always a crowd-pleaser. "Alright. Get well soon. I'll be here all day if you need me." Smile on their face, flushed cheeks, snug in the bed with kicking feet: job well done.

That's how my days usually start around here. First I pay a visit to pediatrics. "The patient has signs minor influenza. Have food services bring up a bowl of soup before I administer any antibiotics." It's always nice and cool down there. What better way to start the day than with kids fidgeting for just a little peace or joy in their day? I really enjoy it; that's why I always try to keep it as the first part of my run. Sure, I've had to pull a few late night shifts and take a few other nurse's hours for them to keep me in pediatrics; but it works out just right for me. I mean -heh- not like I have anyone to come home to, right? Heh-heh-heh... Ehh...

B-But, hey, I'm not complaining for a second. Really. And before you even think it, I'm not one of those spinsters; I'm not a prude; I'm not some crazy feminist; I'm just not taken, alright? And, yes, I am looking for a-- You know what? This doesn't matter, alright? The point I'm making is that: "A" - I'm not married. "B" - I take a lot of extra hours at the hospital. And "C" - I am completely A-OK with that. Are we clear on that now? I hope so. This constant arguing is making my head spin. Ugh.

Where was I... I finished my first trip to pediatrics so... RIGHT! The MSSU; or the short stay. Not much to do there, really. Let's just take a little look in and see what's going on... Hm, one patient, in for 'extreme stomach cramps'. Huh... "This patient -Diana?- what time did she come in?" A little before noon, huh? Alright... I see how it is... "Send her to out patient and read her the legal rights on trying to cheat a hospital for food, please." Dime a dozen. To be honest, I don't blame some people for trying to sneak in here and get some food and sleep from a free place. These are hard times for anyone who can't use magic or fly. But, we all have to make with what we have.

Slow day really... But, that's fine by me. I get paid no matter what. Hah. Ehhhh... So, let's look at this chart here. What's next on the agen--...

The... E.R.. No, no this has to be a mistake, really. I switched with that new girl last week, alright? I can't be working the E.R. today. That girl needs all the training she can get, really. She's a fledgling nurse; she needs the hard training. Maybe I can find her or call someone else in to work it, right? Yeah. Someone else needs the training, obviously. I... I have other things to do. "Rhyme? Have you worked the E.R. at all?" No. No. She said no. Alright. "Mmmm, not much of a good start for a new nurse, huh? Tell you what: you take my shift for today, and I'll save you a muffin in the cafeteria." Wait for it... Alright, she agreed. I'm clear of the E.R. today.

Sorry about that, the E.R. and I don't really get along. Heh. Ehh... Anyway, one thing left to do before I check back at pediatrics and head to lunch. And that would be... Ah! Oooooh... Well, I guess someone has to do it today. Now, you see, janitors are one thing; they clean up the messes in the hospital. The floors, walls, sometimes the dishes; that's them. But, they don't have to 'clean-up' the patients. That's the patient's own job. Except for a few matters: elderly people, newborns, some paraplegics, and -of course- the colonoscopy patients.

...I'll spare you the trip there. Your welcome...

Ugh... Like I said, someone had to do it. It's not the most pretty job in the hospital, and it's not even the most thanked; but... Yeah, a lot of 'but' in that one. Anyway, washed up now and disinfected. It was some dirty work, but it's behind me... Heh... Dirty and behind... Heh, I make myself laugh sometimes. Ehhhh. Anyway, off to pediatrics. I find that paying a regular visit to the little guys and girls periodically helps them settle in and think of this place as safe. If... If you hadn't guessed, I really love kids. They're just so cute and lovable. Heh... Wish I had one.

Now, let's pay a visit to that-- What...? Why's the doctor here? I said I was going to handle the antibiotics myself. And... That beeping... I... I have to look.

"Doctor, is something--" my throat... it's so dry... I can't speak. I thought he only had influenza, how did he...? How is his heart rate sky rocketing? What? What did the doctor just say? Twenty CC's of-- No... No...

No, I'm a nurse... I have to do this. He's... He'es counting on me. Just... Just don't look at it, Redheart. if you don't look at it... There, it's strung up. "B-Blood bag in place, Doctor." Now he just needs to... What...? No... I... I can't put it in by myself. Are you crazy? I... I'm a nurse... For the kid, I need to put the IV in... Here we go...

I-It's like threading a needle... A very, very, very important needle... And... There. We're in, nice and--

N-No... Oh God, no. It's... It's on me... I feel it on my fingers. No... I need to stay calm, I need to put it in all the way or--It's on me--the operation may not go--I feel it-- right. Just take a deep breath, Red. A deep, calming... copper tasting... breath. Please, body, just this once, don't. He's counting on me, I-I can't...

...I'm so, so, so sorry... The looks of pity and horror are burned in these eyes now, aren't they? At least, I would say they were... if the blood from the IV I threw across the room didn't soak me and my clothes in... In... blood... Blood... Blood...

I tried kid... I really did... I'm sorry that, when you were pressing that button to call me, I was curled in your room's corner, drenched in blood and crying like a baby. I'm sorry that I hurt your arm... I'm sorry that I screamed in your room when I panicked... I'm...

I'm sorry... that I'm Hemophobic...

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