
From Crown To Halo

by unicorn92243

Chapter 2: 2. Damaged Heart

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Chapter 2

Damaged Heart

“Spit it out Bright Heart!” Apple Bloom exclaimed when he hesitated.

“I have a heart condition. My heart is weak, and I need a transplant. The doctor’s say I have a couple of years before it… gives out.”

“What?” She whispered.

For a moment, it felt like the bottom of her world fell out from underneath her, and she sat there in stunned silence. Then however, she became optimistic.

“W-well you got two whole years, surely a donor will show up in that length of time right?”

“Apple Bloom,” he took her hoof gently with a sad smile.

“There’s plenty of time-”

“Apple Bloom.”


“I’m a very rare type. Finding a match will be near impossible.”

Once again, she was stunned, then she shook her head furiously.

“No… no! You are not going to die Bright Heart!”

“Apple Bloom…”

“I won’t let you!”

“Oh Apple Bloom…”

She felt him pull her into his embrace as she dissolved into sobs.

“It’ll be okay Apple Bloom. You’re so wonderful, you’ll have plenty of suitors.”

“I don’t want them I want you!”

“Shh… my princess, I’ve got you.”

“How can you be so calm?” She sniffled after she’d calmed down a little.

“Because I’ve accepted it.”

“Well I haven’t. How long have you known about this?”

“About six months,” he admitted.

“That long? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want you to hurt. I didn’t want anypony to treat me differently, and in case I was wrong, and a donor did show up after all. I didn’t want to put you through this.”

“Bright Heart I love you. Whatever you are going through, I want to be there for you, even if it hurts.”

“I appreciate that sweet heart.”

Apple Bloom gently rubbed at his chest where he’d been rubbing earlier, over his heart. Her own heart felt just as damaged as his.

“Does it hurt?”

“Sometimes it aches,” he admitted.

“This is why you can’t do heavy work huh? Because it would strain your heart too much?”

“Yeah,” he nodded.

They were silent for awhile as Apple Bloom processed everything.

“Here you are the one sick and you’re the one comforting me.”

“Because I’m not afraid. I’ve dreamed of Heaven Princess, and it’s a wonderful place. The only bad part is that I would miss everyone.”

“Well Heaven can’t have you yet,” she said fiercely. “You’re mine.”

“Apple Bloom I just want to tell you, being with you has been the best time of my life-” Apple Bloom softly put her hoof over his lips.

“Shh… you aren’t leaving me, so no goodbyes.”

Bright Heart smiled a little sadly and gently moved her hoof aside so he could kiss her, and she kissed him back almost desperately, clinging to him as if she hung onto him he wouldn’t be able to leave. A single tear fell down Bright Heart’s cheek.

He prayed there would be no goodbyes.


Author's Notes:

Sorry for the short chapter, but this is how long the scene played out in my head.

Thank you all for the encouragement. I love you guys!

Next Chapter: 3. A Happy Day Estimated time remaining: 15 Minutes
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