Of three things Octavia was absolutely certain. One: she liked stallions. Two: her conductor expected grace and perfection from all her players. And three: the fact that she just drunkenly slept with Vinyl Scratch didn't match up with EITHER.
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After losing out on first chair cellist in the Manehattan Philharmonic Orchestra to her biggest rival, Octavia tries to console herself with a healthy bout of moping and a strong drink. One drink soon becomes several, though, and her evening of debauchery leads to a long night of frenzied, sordid passion with her best friend Vinyl Scratch. It isn't until she wakes up in the morning with Vinyl's legs wrapped around her that Octavia remembers two very important things: one, she's straight. And two, if the infamously strict conductor of the Philharmonic finds out how unrefined Octavia's social life has become, she could lose her one and only chance at the only dream she's ever had in her life.

This could get a little bit complicated.

Cover art by CouchCrusader, who I swear to God is like fatting me up for slaughter or something with all the custom stuff he does for me.

Half-heartedly edited by NTSTS #dunked

On Hiatus

8,382 words: Estimated 34 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Chapter 1 [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 3rd, 2013
Published May 3rd, 2013


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