

by The Cowardly Christian

Chapter 1: Overpony




Queen Chrysalis smirked, her plan had been flawless! Shining armor was under her control, her army was waiting to seize control, and the only one to have figured it all out- Twilight -had been ostracized and trapped beneath the castle...she'd been a little worried when her banishment spell had gone a little off-course...but she couldn't even sense twilight anymore...she was probably dead then...all the better...

"And do YOU Candace take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health?" Asked Celestia.

Chrysalis smiled sweetly in Candace form, "I d-

Suddenly she bent over in pain screaming, her army! What was happening to her army?! They were all screaming!...and then silence...the HIVEMIND WAS SILENT! HOW!? WHY!?

Everyone looked at 'Candace' concerned. "Sweetie? What's wrong?" Asked a concerned Celestia, before the imposter could respond-


A harpoon stabbed through her stomach from behind! Letting out a burst of energy that not only killed and revealed her true from, but also freed Shining from the mind control.

"Wha- what just happened?" He asked confused. A question, on EVERYONE'S mind.

Everyone turned to see who had thrown the spear...and they all gasped! "THE OVERLORD! THE OVERLORD HAS RETURNED!" They all screamed

Indeed, Celestia felt her insides grow cold as a pony wearing all too familiar armor walked into the room, surrounded by brown imps...and one ancient imp...

"Celestia! So good to see you again! how's the hubby? Still banished and insane? Sorry we were late, my invite must've been misplaced" Greeted Gnarl cordially.

Celestia was at a loss for words. "No! It's not possible! I made my shield around that cursed castle double in power! I CURSED you to never be able to lie, deceive, obscure, manipulate, or bully anypony else into becoming a new overlord! You could only tell the truth to them!"

Gnarl nodded, "Yes, yes you did. I have to give credit where credit is due...after that last fiasco...what 2-3 years ago? I truly despaired of finding a new master...so imagine my surprise when you practically sent one gift-wrapped to my door!"

Celetia's eye's widened, "What? What are you talking about?" She asked baffled.

Ganrl just chuckled and continued, "I mean someone powerful/clever enough to bring down your shield AND desperate enough to not care about the possible side-effects of my 'gifts'? My dear...be honest...do you secretly HATE being a mentor and WANT to see your students fail?" He asked with both genuine curiosity and mirth.

Celestia's eye's widened and heart sank as the meaning of his words hit, "No." She whispered.

"Yep." Said Twilight as she opened up the overlord helmet, revealing her face to everyone...



AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me

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