
A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 7: Chapter 6

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The next day, the girls were enjoying their breakfasts and were lively chattering with each other. Applejack and Twilight conversed about their talks with Spike last night though AJ omitted the part about her and Spike having common ground with their sad pasts as that was too soon talk about with her friend. When suddenly there was a bright flash and a voice called out.


The mares gasped at the creature that had appeared above the table and was floating merrily. He had different animal body parts while his head was the only thing that resembled a pony.

Applejack was the only one brave enough to speak, "What in the world of Equestria are you?!"

The creature's ears perked up at the sound and smirked as he bowed, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony. Though currently I'm the Master of Ceremonies for this year's Selection!"

Celestia and Luna rushed into the room then with Luna scolding directly at the draconequus, "Discord! We told you to wait until we prepared the girls about you!"

Celestia addressed them, "Ladies, I do apologize for Discord's abrupt behavior but he just can't help himself sometimes…" she glared at him in which he rolled his eyes. The alicorn turned back to the girls and said, "But he is my and Luna's brother so we try to put up with him as much as we can…" she noticed the confused looks on the girls' faces with Applejack speaking up.

"Pardon me, your highnesses, but how is he related to you?"

The royal sisters giggled with Discord stating in annoyed tone, "I was adopted, obviously."

"Oh. Never mind then." Applejack kept her head down afterwards.

Luna then announced, "So yes, during the last thousands of years, Discord has been the Master of Ceremonies to all of the dragon princes' Selections. With his magic he has the ability to broadcast the events happening in the Selection so everyone can see for themselves of who is likely the prince's choice will be."

Discord grinned as he motioned, "And tonight, all of you will be making your debut! You'll be in the background as I interview our beloved prince of how he's enjoying this so far. But next week I'll be interviewing you lovely ladies so look your best!"

Excitement and anxiety went through the girls. Most of them were thrilled about being in the spotlight while others like Fluttershy dreaded the moment.

The girls gathered on top of the ballroom stage as some were already sitting in the risers provided for them. Ms. Harshwinny was backstage checking to make sure everything will run smoothly during the interview. Applejack started heading over to the risers when she overheard Rarity and Fluttershy.

"I have a dinner invitation from his royal highness for tomorrow evening!"

"Oh, how wonderful! I got an invite from him too for tea the following day!"

Applejack saw Sunset was glaring at them from a distance which made AJ smirk. There's no way she would encourage Spike to pursue Sunset Shimmer so it would be a matter of time till the unicorn leaves.

Harshwinny suddenly shouted out, "Places, ladies! We're about to start soon!"

Applejack quickly grabbed a spot by Twilight and mere minutes the lights began to dim and a voiceover said.

"Welcome to Equestrian Selection! With your host… DISSSCCCORD!"

Discord appeared with the sound of applause making the girls confuse as where it was coming from since there was no pony in the ballroom. Then when Discord shut off a can-applause machine it made sense. He faced the empty ballroom as he held a thin mic and wore a blue flashy suit, saying, "Thank you, thank you. Tonight, Equestria, you will see firsthand how Prince Spike's Bride Selection is going. So far, seven-no-eight mares have been eliminated leaving only this group of beauties to win the prince's heart." he turned to the raisers, "Isn't that right, ladies?" he winked causing most of them to giggle.

He turned back to the ballroom, "Now then, let's meet the very dragon himself who has to make such a hard choice! Please welcome, Prince Spike the Dragon!" he started up the can applause again as the dragon made his way on stage. He gave a timid wave unsure if what he was doing was right.

Discord then started asking him, "Now then, your highness, this is the question everyone wants to know, how do you feel about your present company? Do any of these girls make you excited or joyful?" he pointed up to the raisers.

Spike looked at the twenty-seven mares he kept from yesterday and replied with a smile, "A few of them have."

"Ooh! Do tell!"

"Well, as far as I can tell they're all sweet and kind and it seems I have found something in common with each of them, that I hope that will grow into something more."

"And are they all charming and refined as well?"

"Uh… sort-of…" Spike gave a slight cheesy grin.

Discord lifted his brow in bewilderment, "Sort-of?" then with a mischievous smirk asked the girls, "Is someone over there being naughty?"

Some of the girls tittered while Applejack was glaring at Spike who caught her eye and slightly shrugged as if telling her, Sorry, it just came out.

Discord then went back to Spike, asking, "Care to tell us what happened?"

Spike said, "Well, what happen is that I came across this mare who was having a bout of homesickness and she ended up yelling in my face."

"Well… that's interesting…" Discord kept smirking and turned back to the girls, "And is she still with us?"

"Oh, she is." Spike smiled.

"And why is that? The mare practically yelled in your face and yet you still kept her."

"Well once she calmed down I saw a much softer side to her so I had no reason to throw her out. Besides, I like how she stood up for herself."

Applejack slightly smiled at his words.

"So you like a girl that can fight her own battles, uh?" then Discord jested toward the raisers, "You better take notes on this, ladies!" But Applejack could see on the girls' faces next to her they were taking that statement to heart.

Spike explained, "Well, it just comes natural, dragons stand their ground and protect their territory so I can certainly respect a mare for protecting all that she loves."

There were swoons and sighs from the girls but Applejack felt her heart swelling more every time Spike said something she valued in. It was so surreal.

Discord then declared, "Well then! We'll just have to see next week which mare is capable for such that! As I interview these lovely ladies to get to know them better! And who knows? Maybe we'll even find the mare that yelled at the prince! Until then this is Discord, the spirit of chaos saying… Good night, Equestria!" he snapped his fingers and he disappeared.

Spike had met with Rarity and Fluttershy for their dates and was please at well he got along with them both that he wanted to surprise Applejack with a gift for giving him great insight on the girls but the problem was he didn't know what to get her. He contemplated this while he sat on his bed.

You know she loves her family enough to stay here so they can be compensated so surprising her with bits isn't going to work. It should be something more meaningful that can tell her that I appreciate her help. But I don't know what she would like…

With a determined look he got off the bed and went straight to Applejack's room.

Applejack was getting for bed when a knock came at her door, she lift a brow in confusion before she opened it to a dragon with a cheesy smile on his face.

"Spike? What are you…?"

"Do you want to go for a walk in the gardens?" he quickly asked.

She looked out the window to see how dark it was, "Isn't that a tad too dark for somethin' like that?"

"Don't worry, I have night vision, so I won't get us lost." he joked with that last bit.

She rolled her eyes playfully then said, "I'm not sure about this, normally I turn in at this time so I can get up early, I hate for that to go away."

"It'll be quick, I promise. Furthermore, you can give another list of mares I should date next."

"Did things go well with Fluttershy and Rarity?"

"Yeah, in fact, it better than I imagine it would be."

"That's great!" but as happy as she was for him, she felt a prick of sadness in her heart.

"Shall we?" he gestured to the open door.

"Alright, but it can't take as long as half an hour."

"Done." he smirked.

When they had entered the gardens, Luna's moon shone bright on the landscape and the duo walking around.

AJ jested, "Guess we won't need your night vision after all."

Spike slightly chuckled, "I guess not, thanks to Luna."

They eventually found a spot in a near the rose bushes as they relaxed in the grass. Spike was debating how he could get her to bring up her favorite things when she instead said.

"The gardens are nice but I sure as hay miss the wide range of my apple orchards."

"Just how wide is the orchard?" he questioned.

"Oh, it goes on for miles and miles! And that's why I have to get up so early, I have to check on them every day to see which tree needs to be bucked so we can pick the best apples to make our products. Sweet Apple Acres makes the best apple cider and apple pie in all of Equestria and we're the only ones who can make zap apple jam."

"Zap apple- what?"

"Oh, it's a rare apple that has colors of the rainbow on it. It even has its own trees to grow on."

"Whoa! Seriously?!"

She gave a proud grin while stating, "Yup. And every zap apple harvest, Granny and Apple Bloom go shopping to find the right ingredients and tools that are needed to make the jam so's its just right for eating."

"That sounds amazing. I must have some of that someday."

"Maybe once I get back to Sweet Apple Acres I can get the jam to be delivered out to Dragonia."

"Great! I'll tell Ember and she can open the borders for the delivery ponies."

There was a pause as they kept on the grass and enjoying the night until Applejack asked, "What's it like where you live?"

Spike sighed, "Honestly? Boring."

"Oh? Why?"

"Dragonia doesn't really have much scenery, it's mostly brown, dry, and has lots of mountains. At least here in Equestria, it has so much beauty, color, and places. Ever since the first time I came here I wanted to keep coming back and explore more of the kingdom but… it will never be…"

She looked on in concern, "Why do you say that?"

"Because after I pick a wife, I won't be able to come back here."

"But why? You're the prince, you can just go wherever you like."

He shook his head, "My father would never allow it and he'll want to make sure that I have my wife stay in her place when she comes to live with us."

Applejack furrowed her brow as she inquired, "'Stay in her place'? What does that mean?"

"My aunts, the mares that were chosen in the last few Selections are treated well but they do not have a say in Dragonia affairs. My uncles do like how they chose them but more or less view them as possessions."

AJ could feel her anger rising as she stated in a hard tone, "They're trophy wives?"

"That's one word to call them, but they are not unsatisfied with their way of life, Applejack. They are happy, it's just not my idea of happiness… I actually want my Selection to be like how my great-great-great-great Uncle Matchstick married his true love, Princess Brambleberry. Ember told them their story and I was inspired by it. I wasn't for the Selection at first but after meeting all of you, I can't help but think this is the best thing that's happened to me. Finally, I can have something that's truly mine and I hope I can be the same way to the mare of my choice whoever she is."

Applejack was awestruck by his words and uttered, "Spike… that's such a beautiful thing to say."

"I now know what I want, and that's love. I want to fall in love with a mare that's after my own heart. You have been a huge help so far, Applejack, I feel as though I am getting close to finding my one true love."

"Aw, shucks… its nothing." she slightly blushed in embarrassment.

"You've been a great friend, the least I can do is learn more about you so I can be just as good friend as you are."

"Well, I do have a certain quirk that you must promise not to reveal to anyone else."

He smiled as he held up his claw, "I promise."

She tilted her head away as she said, "I name my apple trees."

Spike wasn't sure he heard that right so he questioned, "Did you say you name your apple trees?"

"Yeah… silly, ain't it?"

"No!" he declared and used the tip of his long tail to have her face him, "In fact, I think it makes you more interesting! Granted, I've never done that with my gem collection back home but hey, everyone's got their own oddity, so why should it matter?"

She smiled brightly at him with her saying, "That's the sweetest thing any pony or dragon has said to me… You really don't mind?"

"Not at all." he grinned.

She kept smiling until she released a yawn.

"Oops," he said, "I think we're past half an hour now, I'm sorry Applejack."

She got up from her spot, "It's okay, happens to the best of us, besides if I go to bed now I should be able to get enough sleep to wake up by the time Princess Celestia's raises the dawn."

"You do that." he stayed in his spot.

She said goodnight as he waved her off. Once she was gone, Spike thought, Now I know what to get her…

AN: Updates will be slow this week and next since it's almost finals weeks at my school so things are going to get busy. Thanks for understanding.

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