
A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 20: Chapter 19

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The next day in the girls' leisure room, there was a dismal feeling as the girls were sitting quietly around the area. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity were together in a corner having tea. Sunset was reading a book, while Applejack sat by the window that gazed toward the direction of Ponyville.

The trio looked at Applejack with hesitation and were trying to see which one of them would dare to ask how she was feeling. Finally it was Rarity that pluck up the courage to do it and slowly went to the country mare before clearing her throat.

"So… how are you this afternoon?"

Applejack faced her with a gloomy expression, "Honestly? Miserable…"

Rarity uneasily said, "Yes… I thought as much… But at least Twilight has the stallion she loves, so she'll be fine."

"How do you know that?" AJ questioned.

"Spike told me. Oh… he didn't tell you they were together?" she was surprised by this.

AJ shook her head.

Rarity quickly said, "Well anyway, I may have not known Twilight long, but I could definitely tell that she is a survivor, very well verse with magic and whatnot. I'm sure wherever they are they'll make it through. Why, I wouldn't hesitate to start a whole new life with the colt I love in a place where it was just the two of us…" she had a dreamy look on her face but it broke the moment Applejack scoffed.

"Please… you wouldn't last a day out there let alone a lifetime…"

Rarity gasped and sputtered indignantly, "I beg your pardon?!"

Applejack crossed her hooves, "You heard me."

The unicorn yelled, "How dare you! I would so make it out there!"

"Yeah, right! You're so fussy and prissy that you could never survive without a spa or some other type of luxury!"

Pinkie uttered out, "She does kind of have a point there…"

Rarity yelled to the pink mare, "Pinkie Pie, that is not helping!"

Fluttershy whimpered and ducked her head aware of the inevitable fight that would come.

Pinkie shrugged, "What? I'm just saying that Applejack is right about you not being able to live out there in the cold, foreboding world."

"Really Miss Pie, you two act like I'm kind of damsel in distress! While I wouldn't mind being rescued once and awhile, I happen to be much stronger than that, thank you very much!"

Applejack pointed, "Even if you were as strong as you say you are, y'all wouldn't know what it would be like to be out there if it came up and bit ya."

Rarity made an amusing scoff, "That doesn't even make any sense."

AJ countered, "Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so, infinity, ha!"

"Does not infinity plus one, heh."

They gave each other an intense stare off before Rarity said.

"What say we go our separate ways before one of us says she says something she will regret?"

"I reckon y'all are gonna say something you'll regret first."

Sunset still looking at her book said, "Sparkle got what she deserved, the tramp."

The girls froze in their place as Fluttershy and Pinkie let out a gasp and stared at Applejack who stood in shock for moment before she scowled deeply and bared her teeth.

Sunset barely saw it coming as the cowgirl pounced at her and the two tumbled onto the floor where they ended up tussling. Applejack was on top as she yelled.


Sunset used her horn and cut Applejack's left cheek giving the unicorn some control as the country mare ended up on her backside. They kept up with the brawl until a magical golden aura pulled them apart and held them up midair. They turned to see Celestia glaring at them with disappointment.

Sunset shouted, "Did you see what she did?! She's totally psychotic! You can so kiss the castle goodbye, I'm going to tell Spike right now!"

Celestia spoke firmly, "No one is seeing Spike right now. I'm sending you two to the hospital wing." with her aura still around them she carried them away.

Spike was in a room with Ember and Garble when a guard rushed to them and bowed to Spike, "Your Highness, two of the Elite have just gotten into a fight."

Spike gasped out, "What? Who?"

"Miss Applejack and Miss Sunset, sir, there was a bit of blood and as such they ended up in the hospital wing."

"What kind of ponies are they?" Garble asked.

The guard replied, "Miss Sunset is a unicorn while Miss Applejack is an earth pony."

Spike said, "Thank you for informing me this, I shall be there to see them soon."

When the guard left, Garble said, "If one of them is an earth pony then she obviously needs to go. You know Uncle Torch will never allow you to marry one since they rival us in strength. Why else do we have aunts who are pegasi and unicorns?"

Spike frowned as he stated, "I decide who my wife will be, it's my Selection not yours."

Garble scoffed, "Good thing too, or else it would have been me who ended up with a weakling pony and not a glorious dragon like the rest us. Still had it been me I would have already chosen at this point with a mare that would obey my every command."

"Well that's your way of choosing, my way is a little different than that." on that note he left the room.

Applejack was in the bed covered in bruises and some cuts, the deepest one was on her cheek but luckily she didn't need any stitches for it. Sunset was across the wing, glaring at her. She too had some bruises and cuts on her body. When the nurses attended to them, one nurse whispered to Applejack.

"We were waiting for something like this to happen…"

"Oh? How so?" the cowgirl whispered back.

"We've heard some terrible things about that one, and she's just so horrible to her maids since she bosses them around and sometimes they have to come in here for ice because she hits them…"

Applejack covered her mouth in shock, asking, "She does?"

"Hm-mm. Needless to say, it's great to see she's finally got some comeuppance."

Just then Spike entered the room with Sunset giving off a sweet voice, "Spike!"

He went to the unicorn first but not before he briefly glance at Applejack who returned the eye contact before he turned to Sunset and inquired.

"How are you feeling?"

Sunset gave a fake moan, "Just awful! She hit me so hard!"

Spike calmly replied, "I'm sure she's just stressed out from losing her best friend… Twilight was a dear friend of mine as well… We sort of knew each other before the Selection so it was very hard to send her away like that."

Sunset seemed to have a look of fear on her face before she said in fake sincerity, "I'm sorry to hear that. Had I known, I never would have called her a tramp."

He raised a brow, "Is that what happen?"

"Yes, no sooner had I said it, she attacked me!"

"Well… while I cannot say Applejack's actions were warranted, I can understand why she did it. I'm letting you off with a warning this time, but if you ever say anything like that again about Twilight or any of the girls, I will not hesitant to send you home."

Sunset then faked crying, "Yes, Spike, I promise I will never do that again."

"Good. We'll talk soon." he left her bedside and headed to Applejack's side of the wing.

"You alright?"

"Depends by what you mean is alright…" Applejack deadpanned.

"I know your emotional state isn't alright but are your injuries healing okay at least?"

"I think so, but my cheek will be swollen for awhile. You do see the large cut she gave me, right?"

"I see it… but to be fair she was defending herself…"

"Are you sending me home then?"

"No. You're stressed out from what's happen and I gave Sunset a warning about calling anybody else a tramp. I believe she's learnt her lesson."

Applejack humphed but didn't say anything.

"All I'm asking from you is that you give me more time… I know things may look bleak for us right now but you need to put a little faith in me, so I can prove to you that things will get better."

Applejack sighed as much as she had her doubts, a small part of her dared to hope his words were right and said, "I guess so."

"Thank you… You won't regret it, I promise."

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