
TLPL: The Legend of Everfree

by MaggiesHeartLove

Chapter 9: Revelations of the Heart

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Psalm 84:2~

My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.


Revelations of the heart

It was near sunset, and the stars had just begun to appear in the sky. The counselors were supervising the campers with their lanterns. Rarity was making one alongside Sweetie Belle. "This is a marvelous idea, Sweetie."

"Thanks, Rarity. It may not be any camp fashion show like the one you did when you were here, but you know I'm not as good at making cloths as you are."

"Aww." Rarity wrapped a comforting arm around her younger sister, "Who cares if you can't work a sowing machine. Sweetie Belle, you are a radiant diamond in your own right. Never forget that."

The two sisters shared a loving hug, while Applejack and Apple Bloom smiled happily. Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo's hair for good measure. Even if they weren't related, they always shared a strong sisterly bond, and no doubt it would live on even long after Scootaloo graduated high school.

Pinkie Pie couldn't resist in making her own lantern, being so in touch with her inner child, one which she made with marshmallows styled into a flower.

Rarity rose a brow at this, "Um, Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?"

"Putting marshmallows in my lantern. Then when we light them, mine will be beautiful and delicious!"

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow simply shrugged in amusement. They wouldn't change Pinkie's colorful personality for anything in the world.

Near the half-newly constructed dock, Twilight, Flash, Starlight and Sunset Shimmer stood beside Gloriosa Daisy, who looked even happier and more relaxed than before.

"I can't thank you guys enough." she said, placing both hands over her heart. "You've made this camp experience such a delight, and it was great seeing you all again."

"We were more than happy to help." Twilight said, beaming. "Gave us an excuse to see you guys again."

"That's true."

Suddenly, everyone in the campsite drew their attention towards the forest. The haunting howl from two nights ago returned, stronger and more mesmerizing than before. Several campers began to quake in fear, others appeared stunned, while others appeared rather excited to be hearing the music of nature for themselves. Unfortunately, Gloriosa and Timber were not so pleased.

"Oh, those pesky dogs again!" Gloriosa grunted in anger before rising up her voice to sound chipper again when she addressed to the others, "I guess they just couldn't stay away from the camp. Can't say that I blame them."

"You sure those were dogs?" Flash asked, "Maybe you should call a professional to check it out. I mean, if you guys have a wolf problem-"

"We don't have a wolf problem!" Timber exclaimed, gaining up on Flash and taking him by the collar of his shirt. His green eyes carried the heat of anger within them. "There is nothing wrong with our camp!"

"Timber, down!"

Upon Gloriosa's command, her younger brother immediately released Flash, the blue-haired musician breathed heavily, his heart racing at his friend's sudden aggressive behavior. Twilight rushed to his side, placing her hand over his heart, trying to ease his fear. He had never been threatened like this before, even back when he was brainwashed by the sirens and Avatar Korra pinned him at his own locker for angrily insulting Princess Twilight Sparkle, he still saw mercy in her eyes, even if he didn't at that very moment, when his mind was cleared he could definitely make it out. But this….Timber looked just about ready to rip an arm off with little to no hesitation.

Timber took in a deep breath as Gloriosa placed a hand on his shoulder, "Why don't you go and get some more firewood, little bro? I'll take care of things from here."

With that, the green-haired young man did as she asked and left the camp sight.

"I'm so sorry, Flash." Gloirosa apologized, "I don't know what got into him."

"That makes three of us." Twilight muttered under her breath, narrowing her eyes at Timber who had just disappeared into the forest. First he snaps at her for no good reason, and now he was ready to physically hurt her boyfriend. That was not the Timber Spruce she remembered. Not one bit.

"I'll be sure to talk to him about it. I've-"

"Got this. We know." Starlight finished for her.

"Actually, Gloriosa, we've been meaning to ask you about the camp." Sunset said, which caught the camp director by surprise.

"What about it?"

"Well, we just couldn't help but notice things have been…happening, around here. Like the earthquake, and the boast crashing, the campers have been saying they've been seeing some strange things happening."

Upon hearing this, Gloriosa suddenly became uneasy. Her left eye began to slightly twitch and she started fiddling with the geodes around her neck. It was then, Sunset noticed something.

"Hey, where did you get those?" she asked.

"Get what?"

"Those geodes. When we got here you only had one, and now you have like five."

"Oh, these old things?" Gloriosa chuckled, "Ha, ha! They're just a few trinkets I bought online. And, about the whole "strange things", it's nothing to worry about. Trust me, by the time this week is over the only thing these campers will remember is the time of their lives!"


"I said there's nothing to worry about!" Gloriosa suddenly snapped, making the others reel back in surprise. Gloriosa's eyes widened in realization and she forced another smile. "Sorry, I guess I'm just tired." she stretched her arms and yawned, "I'm gonna hit the hay right after this." she said before stepping a few feet away from them.

Sunset, Starlight, Twilight and Flash all shared the same suspicious looks. Gloirosa and Timber might know more than they want others to believe, but no doubt they would never tell the truth on their own. If they were going to figure out this mystery, they were going to have to get the truth another way.


Kuvira sat alone, tracing fingers onto the wooden surface of the table, a bottle of water stood beside her, nearly half empty. Spike sat beside her. The little dog had grown very found of Kuvira in such a short time. He just reminded him a lot of Twilight, or at least how she used to be. Shy, insecure and alone. His natural dog instincts told him to be there for her. After all, his kind were the best judges of character after all, and she could definitely tell Kuvira had a good heart.

"Hey, Kuvira, why aren't you with everyone else?" he asked.

Kuvira looked down at the dog, his ears lowered sadly and giving her such puppy eyes it made her heart melt. "You heard what the others said. Something at the camp is causing the other girls to get their magic back. And now, I have it too. I can feel it. It's because of it that the boat crashed and that earthquake happened. If I couldn't control magic then, how will I be able to control it now?"

"So, what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know what I can do."

"Okay, everyone!" Gloriosa called out, getting everyone's attention, "It's time to watch your lanterns fly!"

The counselors lip up the candles inside the lanterns one by one. The flames illuminated the lanterns, creating a heavenly glow that made even Kuvira smile. Her smile grew wider as she watched all of the campers release their individually colored lanterns into the night sky, creating a trail of beautiful colors that reached up to the heavens.

When Pinkie Pie released her lantern, it immediately fell to the ground, the marshmallows making it too heavy to lift. "Aw! Oh, well! Now I get to eat it!" Pinkie happily munched on the partly melted sugary treats with satisfaction, "Yep, beautiful and delicious."


Once everyone was asleep in their tents, the Rainbooms snuck out into the mess hall, where Twilight pulled out her portable chemistry lab and placed it on the table. Despite being portable, it was….surprisingly large in scale for something to fit into a small case.

Twilight smiled proudly, only to receive various surprised stares from everyone else.

"What?" she shrugged.

Sunset gave Twilight the water bottle with the sparkly substance, while Spike handed her a plastic sandwich bag with samples of the same material they found on the grass earlier today after the earthquake.

Carefully, Twilight placed both on separate slides and examined them both through mer microscope. Using her tablet, she took notes on the material and was rather surprised by the results.

"That's strange."

"What?" Flash asked curiously, "Is it Equestrian magic?"

"No. In fact, it's just…gem dust. Normal, non-magical gem dust."

"Wait a second." Starlight began, "Didn't Timber say Gaea Everfree left behind a trail of gem dust whenever she went?"

"I knew it!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pounding her fist up in victory, only to be silenced by Rarity covering her mouth.

"Could you please celebrate in a lower volume? We don't want anyone else to know we're here, remember?"

"Oh, right."

"But the dust appeared right after the boat crash and the earthquake." Applejack said.

"So, Gaea Everfree really is real?" Fluttershy asked, already trembling in fear.

"That would explain a lot." Sunset said, "Our stolen magic, the strange happenings, the gem dust."

"What about the wolf?" Spike asked, "I can tell a dog's howl from a wolf's but, that one didn't sound like any howl I've ever heard. There was something different about it."

Flash then gasped, "Twilight, remember when we saw that wolf the other night?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Sunset asked, only to quickly figure it out a short seconds later. "Oooooh." she grinned.

"Sneaking off together, huh?" Pinkie said with a wink and a nudge at Flash's arm, making him blush, "You sly dogs!"

Twilight fiddled with a strand of her hair before clearing her throat, getting back to business. "Anyway. We saw a wolf in the forest right before Timber showed up."

"Wait, the same thing happened to me." Kuvira said, "I saw the wolf too, and he left right after Timber Spruce arrived."

"Speaking of Timber, he hasn't been acting like himself." Flash said, still feeling rather shaken from his early displays of aggression. "His dream was to leave the camp and now he's become overly protective of it. It's like he's become a whole other person."

"You think Gloriosa knows?" Rainbow asked, "What he's hiding something?"

"I saw we find out." Starlight said.

"How?" Twilight asked, "Even if we try to ask he'll just go all crazy asylum again, and there's no way Gloriosa and Timber are going to tell us upfront."

"Who said we had to ask them?" Starlight gave a knowing grin, "Sunset Shimmer's not the only one who's learned a new spell. I found a way to use my levitation magic to make a premonition of myself so I can sneak into any place without being seen."

"Kind of like Jinora's spiritual projection thing?" Sunset asked.

"Sort of. You need to be a very skilled airbending master in order to do that, and this is really just a cheep imitation, but it works. I can use it as my eyes and ears to look around Gloriosa's cabin. If she won't tell us the truth, maybe something of her will."

"That's a great idea!" Sunset said, giving Starlight a high five.


Gloriosa shut off the lights in her cabin office, ready to go to sleep. The window were shut and the door locked. Once all was clear, a ghostly pony figure emerged from the walls. It was a manifestation of Starlight's pony self, her eyes white as pearls and her body transparent, invisible to anyone who would walk in. From back in the mess hall, Starlight sat in a lotus position, her eyes white and her vision seeing everything within the cabin, as well as being able to hear the soft sound of crickets from outside.

"Okay, I'm in." she said as he pony self searched the room, moving from place to place, shifting into a gust of mist and manifesting back into her pony from each time. Her magic opened the drawers, finding papers, pencils, even a few neglected hair accessories. With her magic, she levitated the papers reading them carefully.

"That's strange." Starlight said, her eyes still glowing white as she read the words on the paper.

"What did you find?" Applejack asked.

"These are all bills." Starlight replied, "And by the looks of these dates, Gloriosa seems very, very behind on her payments. And they're all from Gladmane."

"That's why there's hardly any employees here." Twilight said, realizing the sad truth. "The camp is going bankrupt."

"And Gladmane no doubts want to get his greedy hands on the camp for who knows what." Rarity said, feeling sorry for the camp director, "How could Gloriosa not have told us?"

"Wait, there's something else." Starlight said, spotting something underneath the desk. "It looks like some kind of trap door. But, why would it be underneath the desk?"

Using her magic, Starlight managed sink her spiritual projection into it, finding what appeared to be a red colored case with a golden lock.

"I found something! But, it won't open without the key."

Suddenly, the window opened up, allowing for a trail of leaves to fly inside, spiraling in a pattern, catching Starlight's attention. The leaves flew towards a flower pot near hovering over the desk. Starlight flew towards it, dug a bit into the soil and found a golden little key dug inside.


With her magic, she levitated the box and the key and escaped as quickly as she could from the open window, which closed on its own. The spiritual pony figure returned to the mess hall, being sucked into Starlight's forehead and her eyes stopped glowing. The red box and key now rested on the ground, being picked up by Pinkie Pie.

"Great idea, Starlight." Sunset said, patting her friend on the back.

They unlocked the box, which flung open, revealing nothing but a large pile of photographs and letters. Fluttershy pulled one out from inside, seeing it was one of Gloriosa and Timber from when they were younger, alongside their father, happily in front of the Camp's main entrance.

Each member took a photograph in their hands, looking skeptically. "These are just family photos." Kuvira said, "Why would Gloriosa keep these hidden?"

Flash found another picture, which caught him by surprise. "Twilight, look!" his girlfriend gasped.

"It's Timber. This was when he got accepted into his dream school." Twilight examined the photograph. Sure enough, it was Timber Spruce, the happy, go-lucky boy she had befriended long ago, smiling with such happiness it felt contagious. He stood in front of his new school, surrounded by his new fellow artists friends. He did mention in his letters she made a lot of them, and couldn't be happier.

"And look at the date." Twilight traced her finger over the left corner side of the digital photo. "This was only a week after he got in."

"It looks like he was very happy there." Spike said, gesturing his paw to more pictures of Timber in Germany, happy as could be.

There was even a photo of him standing beside a beautiful girl, both making the peace sign to the camera. Her eyes were locked on him. By the looks of it, those two hit it off pretty well. Each picture had the date on the side, all taken in the same year, and each date matched the time Twilight and Flash received an email from his, saying how happy he was and how he missed his friends back home.

"This makes no sense." Flash said sadly, "If Timber was so happy where he was, why is he so obsessed with the camp now?"

Pinkie Pie took the photo of Timber with the girl. "Maybe he and this chick had a fight, she broke his heart and he couldn't go back?"

Spike pulled a piece of paper from the box, which had Timber's hand writing. Flash read the words out loud.

"Dear Gloriosa,

I know it's been a month now and I haven't heard from you. I'm sorry about how we left things, but you need to understand that as much as I love the Camp, and you know I do, I can't spend my entire life there. I know you'll do a great job at taking care of it like just as dad would want, and I promise I'll help you in any way I can, but Camp Everfree is your destiny, not mine. I'm sorry I hurt you, and since you won't return my emails, I decided to write to you instead. Please, give me a call, I'll even take some time off from school if you need the closure. I only want you to be as happy as I am here, and I don't want us to be fighting anymore.

I'll always love you, big sis. Contact me soon.


Flash placed the note down, a wave of sadness overwhelming his chest.

"They had a fight?" Fluttershy said.

"Gloriosa was probably upset that Timber chose to go and study rather than inherit the camp with her." Flash said. "But this letter was written not long after he stopped emailing me and Twilight."

"That would explain why he's here." Twilight said.

"But not why he would suddenly abandon his new life to stay here." Flash said, "Timber was always steadfast on his dreams, and ever since we came back he's been acting like they're not important anymore. It makes no sense."

"Plus, I still don't like him." Spike said, a slight glow escaping his mouth. "He doesn't smell right."

Rainbow spoke next, "Okay, so we know that the camp is going under, Gloriosa and Timber don't want anybody else to know about it, and on top of that there's magic flying around the place causing all sorts of weird problems, but they're acting as if everything is fine. You think they know about it?"

"It wouldn't be the first time a naive individual dealt with uncontrollable magic." Twilight said, speaking from her past experience. "If they do know about the magic, I saw we stop beating around the bush and ask them head on."

"I agree." Sunset nodded.

Spike let out a yawn, "Can we do it tomorrow. I'm already tired."

Twilight gently carried her sleepy dog into her arms. "Spike's right. I think we all deserve from sleep after today. We'll deal with Gloriosa and Timber tomorrow." she took the pictures and letter and placed them back into the box before locking it.


That night, Sunset, Twilight and Starlight awoke to the sound of a window closing. The three looked over to Kuvira's bed, seeing that she was absent.


The three looked out the window to see the earthbender running from the camp, with Spike following behind her.


They quickly changed into their normal camp clothes and rushed after her. Sunset grunted as she finished putting on her left shoe, jumping in place before dashing behind her friends.

"Where is she going?" she asked as she, Starlight and Twilight ran deeper into the forest. For a moment, they lost sight of her, until they heard the sound of a bush rustling.


The woman stopped on her tracks, realizing she had been discovered. She turned around, guilt and fear edged on her face.

"What are you doing out here?" Twilight asked.

"I…I was meeting a cab to take me back to Canterlot High and go back home through the portal." she confessed, not able to find any reason to lie in this situation.

The three girls looked down at Spike, "She thought you'd talk her out of it."

"Because we would." Sunset said bluntly.

"Why are you out here?" Twilight asked.

"I was hoping to talk some sense into her." Spike replied.

Sunset approached the earthbender, "Kuvira, you can't leave." the moment Sunset placed her hand on Kuvira's arm, her eyes glowed a bright white, her spell activating on its own, and she could see into Kuvira's mind, as well as feel what she was feeling. It was emotions Sunset knew perfectly well.

She saw it all, from the boat crash to earlier today.

"You don't think it was the spirit, do you?!"

"No…it was me."

"Something at the camp is causing the other girls to get their magic back. And now, I have it too. I can feel it. It's because of it that the boat crashed and that earthquake happened. If I couldn't control magic then, how will I be able to control it now?"

Once Sunset removed her hand, her eyes stopped glowing and she looked at Kuvira in a new light. "That's what this is about?" she said, "Kuvira, none of that is your fault."

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

Sunset looked down at her hands, "My spell. It activated when I touched you. I could understand why you were leaving." she dropped her head, "But I should of figured it out beforehand."

Starlight tried to reach out to Kuvira again, "Kuvira, you don't have to run away."

"Yes I do!" Kuvira spatted, "Those accidents were my fault!"

"We don't know that. There's more going on here than just you."

"You don't understand." Kuvira said, turning her head away.

"You keep saying that, why wouldn't we understand?" Sunset said, her voice growing higher with great passion, "You think we don't know how it feels to be haunted by your past every day? To feel such self hatred that you don't know if you should even be allowed to show your face in public? The three of us know that feeling better than anyone, why do you keep insisting we wouldn't be able to help you?"

"Because none of you ever killed anyone!" Kuvira finally confessed, tears streaming down from her eyes. Her heart tore into two and she turned away completely, hugging herself while weeping.

"I was abandoned my own parents. Pushed aside like I was nothing. All I ever wanted was to feel loved, to feel in control of my life for once. To never feel as helpless as I felt growing up. But in my quest for that, I allowed magic to take control of me, and I killed Hiroshi Sato. The only family Asami had left. Don't you see? I always hatted being an orphan and I doomed someone else to the exact same fate."

She finally turned around to face the three girls, "You say you understand what I've been through, and I agree that you do understand a lot, but this….this is something none of you can understand. All of the wrong doings you did, all of your mistakes, they can't comprehend with the fact that I took a life away. The life of a man who wanted to start over, and I took away his chance. He never got to see his only daughter walk down the isle, or see the birth of grandchildren. How can I go on living my life knowing that I can never give back what I took from him? None of you can understand how that feels. And now that I have this new magic inside of me, I'm…I'm scared that I'll loose it again and I'll take someone else's life along with it. I can't do that to any of you."

"You're right." Twilight said, "We can't fully understand how that kind of guilt must feel. But even if we don't, that doesn't mean we don't want to help you."

"How can you even look at me after knowing this?"

"I may not have taken someone's life, but I understand what it feels like to be afraid to go back to who you used to be. And to think the best option is to run because you don't want to hurt anyone."

Starlight spoke next, "And I know how it feels to be left behind and wanting to make up for it by having things be done your way. To lean towards control as crunch."

"And I know how it feels to have ambitions fueled by pride and selfishness." Sunset said, "To want to be at the same level as someone you admire, but…you're also kind of jealous of. Plus, even if I never killed anyone, I came pretty close once."

Kuvira blinked, "Really?"

"Really. We can help you, Kuvira. And the rest of our friends can be there for you, too. But not if you run away."

Kuvira sighed and Sunset wrapped a supporting arm around her. "Maybe you just need to stop being so stubborn and finally accept that there is a better ending for you than what you did. Sometimes, you just have to let go. Like we did."

(Jem and the Hollograms, Back to the Way I was)


I've been there, in that place I've been stuck in dark space Like a ghost that's been missing its life

Twilight: Silent words in my mouth Yeah, they want to scream out Now I've left my old shadow behind

Twilight and Sunset: In my heart and out of my mind Oh-woah Together: No you won't go so easily Go down, but you'll go down fighting Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were You'll show who you are from the inside Gonna take your walk on the wild side Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah

No, you won't go back, back to the way you were

As Kuvira listened to their uplifting song, she started to slowly feel more relaxed. They didn't become angry, or resent her for what she did. Starlight and Sunset already knew, but when Twilight discovered the truth, she didn't get angry at Kuvira at all. She was just as accepting as the other two. Even if they didn't know what it was like to take someone's life, the fact that they were willing to be there for her, regardless of it…

It was so much of what Korra had shown her. Maybe she just needed to stop being so hard headed and openly accept the help that was being offered. Maybe if she had opened her heart more fully before she never would have fallen to begin with.


We're all leafs, we're all seeds

That have been waiting for spring

We are girls, reinventing themselves


We might fall, we might rise

We are all butterflies

Breaking free from our jars on the shelf

Finding out the truth for ourselves



No you won't go so easily Go down, but you'll go down fighting Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were You'll show who you are from the inside Gonna take your walk on the wild side Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah

All three girls circled around Kuvira, placing a hand on her shoulders.


No, you can't go easily

Go down, but you'll go down fighting

Could be hurt, could be love

But you won't go back, back to the way you were!


No you won't go so easily Go down, but you'll go down fighting Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were You'll show who you are from the inside Gonna take your walk on the wild side Don't know where, don't know why But you won't go back, back to the way you were

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh

Oh-woah, oh-woah


No, I won't go back, back to the way I was

Kuvira cried out more tears, only this time, they were tears of joy and relief. For the first time since she arrived, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Everyone was doing their part in being her friends, but as it would seem, the one person who really needed to take the first step…

Was Kuvira herself.

She sighed, "Thank you. I still don't think I deserve it but, I appreciate it. I really do."

"Does this mean you'll finally accept our friendship rather than run away at the first sign of trouble?"

"I promise. But I still don't know why I have these powers, and unlike the others, I don't know if they'll be of any good." Kuvira hung her head, and Twilight took both her hands into hers, wiping away a few of her tears.

"You don't have to go through this alone."

"And what if I turn into a monster again?"

"That won't happen. We won't let it."

Kuvira cried out more tears, "You sound just like Korra. She risked everything for me, and you'll all wiling to do the same."

"That's what friendship is." Starlight said, and the tree wrapped their arms around the earthbender. Even Spike joined in the hug.

For the first time since she arrived, Kuvira hugged them back.


The next morning, Sunset Shimmer woke up to the rising sun, stretching her arms, feeling the warmth all around her. Ever since she gained firebending, waking up to the sun had been a habit of hers. Then again, it's always been a habit ever since she was a filly. Guess her parents were right to name her after the sun.

"Well, since I'm up." Sunset decided to make the most of it and do some fire exercises. "One fire squat, two fire squat, three-huh?" she stopped when she spotted Gloriosa suddenly arrive at the foot of her cabin office. She looked at her surroundings before rushing inside.

Curious, Sunset followed. She knocked on the door, which was already partly opened and saw Gloriosa weeping on her desk.


The cam director wiped away her tears once she realized she had company. "Oh, Sunset. You're up early."

"Are you okay?" she asked compassionately.

"Oh, yes. I'm perfectly fine." Gloriosa said, but her fake smile wasn't fooling anyone.

"Come on, Gloriosa. You've been stressed out ever since we got here. You can tell me, we're friends." Sunset placed her hand on Gloriosa's arm, only for her eyes to suddenly glow white, much to Gloriosa's shock.

Sunset saw images in her mind and once she let go, she nearly fell back, rubbing her forehead. Her eyes shimmered in horror as she looked at her old friend.

"Oh, Gloriosa. What have you done?"

"What are you talking about?" Gloriosa said, placing her hand over her geode necklace as she took a few steps back, stopping at her desk.

"You know what I'm talking about." Sunset said, fear and worry evident in her voice, "Please, you need to listen to me, you don't know what you're-AH!"

Sunset fell to the ground when something hit her head. She fell with a thud, the back of her head throbbing and her vision became cloudy. She saw Gloriosa and Timber, with a baseball bat in hand, no doubt him being the one who hit her. Before she lost consciousness, she heard Gloriosa's voice.

"I'm sorry about this, Sunset. You'll understand soon enough."


Man, I was in the ZONE When I wrote this! Okay, so only a few chapters left, and I am excited beyond belief! Can't wait to see what happens met, so let me know what you guys think

God bless, *kiss kiss*

Next Chapter: Embrace the Magic Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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